Entry 595. The foundation of the Mormon religion, published by the editor of the Palmyra, New York, Wayne Sentinel between August 1829 and March 1830. From the Brigham Young University collection. BABBITT,ALMON W. 240. Babbitt, Almon W. To the citizens of Pottawotamie CSmH, CtY, CU-B, DLC, MH, NjP, NN, TxDaM- County, Iowa. [St. Louis?, 1850]. D, UHi, ULA, UPB, USl, USlC, UU, WHi Broadside. 27 x 21cm. Concerning a libelous letter over the signature of 245. ———. (same) Boston and New York, Houghton, Daniel F. Miller printed in the Frontier Guardian. Mifflin and Company, 1899. Signed: St. Louis. August 24, 1850. 2p.l., 171p. 18cm. front. UPB, USlC USlC, UU 241. Babbitt,Charles Henry. Early days at Council Bluffs. 246. Bailey, Melville Knox. The Right Reverend Daniel . Washington, D.C., Press of Byron S. Adams, 1916. Sylvester Tuttle, missionary bishop of Montana, Idaho, and 1p.l., [3]–96p. 24cm. illus., maps. Utah, missionary bishop of Utah, bishop of Missouri, and pre- The Mormon era, p. 77–96. siding bishop of the American Church. By the Rev. Melville K. Howes B4. Balley. Hartford, Conn., Church Missions Publ. Co., AzU, CSmH, CtY, CU, DLC, NjP, UHi, UPB, 1923. USlC, UU 39p. 23cm. illus., plates. (“Soldier and Servant series,” Publication No. 133, November 1923) 242. Bacheler, Origen. Mormonism exposed, internally and In purple printed wrappers. externally. New York, 1838. Brief statement concerning his missionary efforts 48p. 17cm. 1 plate. among the Mormons, p. 8–10. Civilly treated by A work against the Book of Mormon written to Brigham Young and aided in missionary work, p. 18–20. combat the missionary work of Parley P. Pratt. CtY, DLC, NN, UPB, UU Howes B13. CtY, DLC, MH, MoK, NN, UPB, USlC, UU, WHi 247. Bailey, Washington. A trip to California in 1853. Recollections of a gold seeking trip by ox train across the plains Backenstos, Jacob B. See Hancock Co., Ill. Sheriff. and mountains by an old Illinois pioneer. [Leroy, Ill.], Leroy Journal Printing Co., 1915. 243. Badger, Joseph E. Sweet William the trapper detective; 1p.l., 50p. 23cm. port. or, the chief of the crimson clan. New York, Beadle & In brown printed wrappers. Adams, 1882. He takes the upper route to avoid being killed by 29p. 22cm. (Beadle’s Dime Library. January 25, Danites and Brigham Young. 1882. Vol. 14, no. 170) Reference to Mormons at Cainsville, p. 7. The Prophet, Joseph Smith, in Missouri, and a Howes B35. hooded vigilance committee. CoD, CU-B, DLC, ICN, NjP, UPB DLC, NN 248. Bailey, William Francis. The story of the first trans- 243a. Baedeker, Karl, editor. The United States with an continental railroad; its projectors, construction and history . excursion into Mexico. Handbook for travellers. With 19 maps Compiled . by W. F. Bailey. [Fair Oaks, Calif.], W. F. and 24 plates. Second revised edition. Leipsic, Karl Baedeker, Bailey, c1906. publisher, 1899. 164p. 20cm. c, 579p. 16cm. illus., col. maps (part fold.) Includes Mormon participation on the construc- Other editions: 3rd ed. rev., 1904, DLC, MH, NN, tion of the transcontinental railroad, p. 86–88. MiU, OrU, USlC; 4th ed. rev. DLC, OCU, PU, UHi, UU. CoD, CSmH, CU, DLC, ICJ, ICU, LU, PPLUC, Brief history of Mormonism in its section on Salt UHi Lake City, p. 478–81. DLC, ICJ, UHi, UPB, WyU 249. Bair, Fred. Visits among the Mormons. Gerard, Kan., Haldeman-Julius Publications, c1928. 244. Bailey, Florence Augusta (Merriam). My summer 32p. 13cm. (Little blue books, 1270) in a Mormon village. By Florence A. Merriam. Boston and In blue and gray printed wrappers. New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, The Contains: Visits among the Mormons, by Fred Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1894. Bair; Ebenezer Hansen, Polygamist and patriarch, by 2p.l., 171p. 18cm. front. Don Lewis; An intellectual Christian, by Gaylord Visited Utah after 1890. DuBois. —32— BAKER,JAMES L. UPB, USlC, WHi 408p. 24cm. Illus. (some col.), music, plates. The Mormons not well received in Prussia, p. 125. 250. Baird, Gertrude Luck. Genealogisches Augebenbuch DLC, MB, MWA, PPT, USlC und die Deutschen Familiennamen. Aus dem Englischen ueber- setzt von Mrs. Gertrude L. Baird. [Salt Lake City?, 1917?]. 254. Baker, Amenzo White. The Baker genealogy and col- 92p. 21cm. lateral branches. By Amenzo White Baker of Mendon, Utah. Title in English: Genealogical handbook and Revised and published by Merlin J. Stone. Ogden, Utah, A. T. German family names. Hestmark printer, [1910?]. Translated for the German Mission. 3p.l., 226p. 26cm. UPB, USlC, UU Biographies of many Utah families, with a great deal of historical material. 252. Baird, Robert. Religion in America; or, an account of UPB, USlC the origin, progress, relation to the state, and present condition of the evangelical churches in the United States. With notices of the 255. Baker, Harry Edgar. The word of the Lord to His unevangelical denominations. New York, Published by church in the wilderness; and to all the nations of the gentiles; Harper & Brothers, 1844. being the words of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to the sheep of xii, [9]–343p. 24cm. Israel, who are not in the fold; and to all the present generation of Other editions: 1845 UPB, USl; 1856 CtY, DLC, the earth. Chicago, R. C. Baker, publisher, [1917]. ULA, USlC, WyU. 4p.l., [9]–62p. 20cm. Mormons, p. 285–86. Publication of his revelations in 1916. CtY, CU, DNC, MiU, MH, NjP, NN, OCl, OO, Revelations for the Church of Christ. TxLT, UPB, ViU DLC, UPB, USlC 252a. ———. Religion in the United States of America; or, 256. ———. The word of the Lord to His church of the lat- An account of the origin, progress, relations to the state, and ter-days and to all the nations of the gentiles; being the words of present condition of the evangelical churches in the United States. Jesus Christ, the Son of God to the scattered sheep of the house With notices of unevangelical denominations. By the Rev. Robert of Israel in all the world. Chicago, R. C. Baker, c1918. Baird. Glasgow and Edinburgh, Blackie and Son; 3p.l., 9–68p. 20cm. [etc., etc.], 1844. On cover: “The word of the Lord, second mes- 736p. 24cm. 2 maps (front.) sage.” Section on Mormons, or Latter-day Saints, UPB, USlC p. 647–49. Dutch edition: Kerkelijke geschiedenis, kerkelijke 257. Baker, Hozial H. Overland journey to Carson Valley, statistiek en gogsdienstig le ven der Vereenigde Staten Utah; through Kansas, Nebraska and Utah; also, return trip van Noord-America. Schoonhoven, S. E. van Nooten, from San Francisco to Seneca Falls; via the Isthmus. Seneca 1846–49. CU-B, DLC. French edition: De-la Religion Falls, N.Y., Published by F. M. Baker, 1861. aux Etats-Unis d’Amerique. Paris, L. R. Delay, 1844. [3]–38p. 21cm. illus., port. ICN, IPB, NjP, UPB, USlC. Added engraved title page. CtY, DLC, NN, UPB, USlC, UU Traveled via Great Salt Lake City in 1859. Howes B49, Wagner-Camp 367a. 253. ———. State and prospects of religion in America; CtY, ICN being a report made at the Conference of the Evangelical Alliance, in Paris, August 25th, 1855. New York, Robert 258. Baker, James L. Men and things; or, short essays on Carter & Brothers, 1856. various subjects, including free trade. Boston, Crosby, Nichols 58p. 21cm. and Company, 1858. Mormonism a desperate wickedness, p. 41–42. 3p.l., [7]–287p. 20cm. DLC, NjP, UPB, USlC “The Mormons,” p. 131–34. “Mormonism is no 253a. Baker, A. R. The happy home, richly embellished with more strange than Shakerism, nor is it hardly more dis- numerous cuts and plates. Rev. A. R. Baker, editor. Boston, gusting.” C. Stone & Co., 1855. DLC, NN, UPB, USlC, UU —33— BAKER,SARAH SCHOONMAKER (TUTHILL) with the results of the census of 1850, and population and sta- 258a. Baker, Sarah Schoonmaker (Tuthill). The chil- tistics in many cases to 1853 by Thomas Baldwin and J. dren on the plains. A story of travel and adventure from the Thomas. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1854. Missouri to the Rocky Mountains. London, T. Nelson and 1344p. 23cm. map. Sons; Edinburgh, and New York, 1864. Brief material on Utah and the Mormons, 121p. 16cm. illus. 1196–1199. Other editions: 1865 CtY, MiU, UPB; 1867 CtY, At head of title: Lippincott, Grambo & Co.’s UPB; 1871 ICU, NN; 1872 CoD; 1875 INU. Gazetteer. Descriptions of Fort Kearny, Fort Laramie, and CU, DLC, ICN, NN, UHi, ULA, UPB, USlC Salt Lake City, p. [107]–12. UPB 263. Ball, Nicholas. The pioneers of ’49. A history of the excursion of the Society of California Pioneers of New England 258c. Baldwin, Nathan. An open letter from Nathan from Boston to the leading cities of the Golden State, April Baldwin, Jr. to the authorities of the Church in general and 10–May 17, 1890. With reminiscences and descriptions by Heber J. Grant in particular. [Salt Lake City, ca. 1925]. Nicholas Ball, a director of the Society. Illustrated with over one Broadside. 21 x 13cm. hundred fine engravings. Boston, Lee and Shepard, 1891. A diatribe against the general authorities of the xv, [1]–288p. 24cm. illus., plates, ports. church. Description of Salt Lake City with historical notes USlC and a résumé of Mormon doctrine, p. 214–26. Howes B67. 259. Baldwin, Nathaniel. Law of tithing; the law of conse- CU-B, DLC, NjP, ICN, ULA, UPB, USlC cration; a discussion with scriptural references. [Salt Lake City?, 1921?]. 264. Ballantine, William. The old world and the new, by Mr. [1], 52p. 15cm. Serjeant [pseud.] Ballantine, being a continuation of his “expe- Cover title. riences.” London, Richard Bentley & Son, 1884. In brown printed wrappers. xvi, 259p. 23cm. port. IWW, UHi, UPB, USlC, UU Utah and the Mormons, p.
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