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This file is fully searchable (read search tips page) Archive CD Books Australia exists to make reproductions of old books, documents and maps available on CD to genealogists and historians, and to co-operate with family history societies, libraries, museums and record offices to scan and digitise their collections for free, and to assist with renovation of old books in their collection. The Victorian Government Gazette 1863 Ref. AU7100-1863 This book was kindly loaned to Archive CD Books Australia by the Richmond and Burnley Historical Society Navigating this CD To view the contents of this CD use Acrobat Reader’s forward and back buttons to browse through the pages, alternatively use the INDEX bookmark to search for specific information and then use the bookmarks and Acrobat’s page buttons (or slide bar) to go to the relevant page. Use Acrobat Reader’s bookmark functions to jump to highlighted sections. To activate bookmarks click on “Window” and then “Show bookmarks” (or press F5) Searching this CD This book has been formatted to be searchable using Adobe Acrobat Reader. • Adobe Reader 6 or later is recommended for more advanced searching capability within a file or across multiple files. • Generally 95% - 99% of the words can be searched. Where the original type was poor the words may not be recognized for searching. • For more detailed explanation and tips to get the best search results click here The technical advancements that allow this searching bring a wonderful finding aid but there is still no substitute for reading the book! Copyright ©2005 Archive CD Books Australia Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved For more books on CD from Archive CD Books Australia, see the web pages at www.archivecdbooks.com.au THE VICTORIA GOVERNMENT GAZETTE; pV6lisryentgautryorifg OF HIS EXCELLENCY SIR CHARLES HENRY DARLING, K.C.B. VOL.XXVI. ,FROM1sr JULYTO 31sTDECEMBER, F-1111-ur 3p autbovitp JOHN FERRES, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOITRNE. 104 VICTORIA GOV1RNMENT GAZETTE. In the Insolvent Estate of THOMASRig, of Geelong, in the colony of Victoria, auctioneer. SUBSCRI TON,9,c- The subscription, including Postage, is at Geelong Circuit District. the rate of £3 8s. 8d. per annum. NOTICE is hereby given that an account and plan of distri- SubscripSonsrra commence at the beginning of any month, but bution of available assets in the above estate now lies at the aie required 'tb terminate with the quarters ending March, June, office of the Commissioner of Insolvent Estates for the Circuit September, or December ; a less period than three months cannot District of Geelong, in the colony of Victoria, at the Insolvent be subscribed for. Court, Myers street, Geelong, for the inspection of the creditors thereof; and that any creditors or other person interested ADVERTISEMENTS are charged at the rate of One Shilling for therein objecting to the same must lodge a caveat, stating the each of the fist six lines, and Sixpence for every additional line; grounds of such objection, at the office of the said Commissioner and must be legibly written on, one side of the paper only. of Insolvent Estates, within sixteen days from the date hereof. Dated at Geelong, this 8th day of January, A.D. 1863. The GOVERNMENT GAZETTE is published on TUESDAY and GEORGE WEBSTER, FRIDAY in each week, and Notices for insertion must be received No. 49 Official Assignee. by the Government Printer, at or before Ten o'clock of the day preceding the day of publication. In the Insolvent Estate of EDWIN WOOD, of Geelong, in the POSTAGE STAMPS cannot in any case be received in payment colony of Victoria, general agent. from any place at which Post Office Orders are issued, and under Geelong Circuit District. ARE SUBJECT TO A DEDUCTION AT THE RATE NOTICE is hereby given that an account and plan of dis- anycircumstances tribution of available assets in the above estate now lies OF ONE SHILLING IN THE POUND. at the office of the Commissioner of Insolvent Estates for the Single copies of the GOVERNMENT GAZETTE are 2s. each, and Circuit District of Geelong, in the colony of Victoria, at the are subject to postage 1d. each. Insolvent Court, Myers street, Geelong, for the inspection of the creditors thereof; and that any creditors or other person % * All payments are required in advance, and Letters and interested therein objecting to the same must lodge a caveat, Remittances should be addressed to " The Government Printer, stating the grounds of such objection, at the office of the said Melbourne." Commissioner of Insolvent Estates, within sixteen days from the date hereof. Dated at Geelong, this 8th day of January, A.D. 1863. 13rtbate Lbbertioemento. GEORGE WEBSTER, 1 No. 50 Official Assignee. INSOLVENCY. In the Insolvent Estate of EDWIN WOOD and THOMAS Rix, In the Insolvent Estate of GEORGE SMITH, of Linton's, in the of Geelong, in the colony of Victoria, traders. colony of Victoria, butcher. Geelong Circuit District. Geelong Circuit District. NOTICE is hereby given that an account and plan of distri- OTICE is hereby given that an account and plan of dis- bution of available assets in the above estate now lies at A-l tribution of available assets in the above estate now lies the office of the Commissioner of Insolvent Estates for the at the office of the Commissioner of Insolvent Estates for the Circuit District of Geelong, in the colony of Victoria, at the Circuit District of Geelong, in the colony of Victoria, at the Insolvent Court, Myers street, Geelong, for the inspection of Insolvent Court, Myers street, Geelong, for the inspection of the creditors thereof; and that any creditors or other person the creditors thereof ; and that any creditors or other person interested therein objecting to the same must lodge a caveat, interested therein objecting to the same must lodge a caveat, stating the grounds of such objection, at the office of the said stating the grounds of such objection, at the office of the said Commissioner of Insolvent Estates, within sixteen days from the Commissioner of Insolvent Estates, within sixteen days from date hereof. the date hereof. Dated at Geelong, this 8th day of January, A.D. 1863, Dated at Geelong, this 8th day of January, A.D. 1863. GEORGE WEBSTER, GEORGE WEBSTER, No. 51 Official Assignee. No. 45 Official Assignee. In the Insolvent Estate of JAMES TUCKER, of Mortlake, in In the Insolvent Estate of RICHARD MAJOR HUNT, of Golden the colony of Victoria, storekeeper. Point, Ballaarat, in the colony of Victoria, slaughterman. Geelong Circuit District. Geelong Circuit District. OTICE is hereby given that an account and plan of distri- NOTICE is hereby given that an account and plan of dis- N bution of available assets in the above estate now lies at tribution of available assets in the above estate now lies at the office of the Commissioner of Insolvent Estates for the the office of the Commissioner of Insolvent Estates for the Circuit District of Geelong, in the colony of Victoria, at the Circuit District of Geelong, in the colony of Victoria, at the Insolvent Court, Myers street, Geelong, for the inspection of Insolvent Court, Myers street, Geelong, for the inspection of the creditors thereof ; and that any creditors or other person interested therein objecting to the same must lodge a caveat, the creditors thereof i and that any creditors or other person interested therein objecting to the same must lodge a caveat, stating the grounds of such objection, at the office of the said stating the grounds of such objection, at the office of the said Commissioner of Insolvent Estates, within sixteen days from Commissioner of Insolvent Estates, within sixteen days from the date hereof. the date hereof. Dated at Geelong, this 8th day of January, A.D. 1863. GEORGE WEBSTER, Dated at Geelong, this 8th day of January, A.D. 1863. No. 52 Official Assignee. GEORGE WEBSTER, No. 46 Official Assignee. In the Insolvent Estate of JAMES IIIVING, of Geelong, in the colony of Victoria, gentleman. In the Insolvent Estate of ANDREW
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