Hallandale Beach Design Guidelines public streetscape Suggested Plant List (Groundcovers & Shrubs) Common Name Botanical Name Groundcovers: Asparagus Fern Asparagus densiflorus Aztec Grass Liriope muscari "Variegata" *Beach Sunflower Helianthus debilis Blue Daze Evolvulus spp. Boston/Sword Fern Nephrolepsis spp. *Coontie Zamia floridana *Daylily Hemerocallis spp. Dwarf Yaupon Ilex vomitoria "Nana Schellings" Firecracker Plant Russelia equisetiformis Indian Hawthorn Rhaphiolepsis indica Juniper Juniperus spp. *Lantana Lantana spp. Liriope Liriope spp. Mexican Bluebell Ruellia brittoniana Periwinkle Catharanthus roseus Sensitive Plant Mimoso strijillosa "Neloptrope" Spider Lily Hymenocallis latifolia Wart Fern Polypodium scolopendria Wedelia Wedelia trilobata Zephyr/Rain Lily Zephyranthes spp. Shrubs: Cardboard Palm Zamia furfuracia *Cocoplum Chrysobalanus icaco Crinum Lily Crinum ammericanum Dwarf Carissa Carissa macrocarpa Dwarf Pittosporum Pittosporum tobira "wheeleri" *Jamaica Caper Capparis cynophallophora Jasmine Jasminium spp. Lady of the Night Brunsfelsia americana *Muhly Grass Muhlenbergia spp. *Myrsine Myrsine guianensis Orange Jasmine Murraya paniculata Plumbago Plumbago auriculata Tree Philodendron Phillodendron selloum Walters Viburnum Viburnum obovatum *Wild Coffee Psychotria nervosa * native plants 16 Hallandale Beach Design Guidelines public streetscape Suggested Plant List (Trees & Vines) Common Name Botanical Name Small Trees: Crepe Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica Dwarf Poinciana Caesalpinnia spp. Frangipani Plumeria rubra *Orange Geiger Cordia sebestena *Silver Buttonwood Conocarpus erectus var. sericeus *Stoppers Eugenia spp. Tree Jatropha Jatropha spp. Tree Ligustrum Ligustrum spp. White Geiger/Texas Olive Cordia boissieri Yellow Elder Tecoma stans Medium Trees: *Black Ironwood Krugiodendron ferreum *Dahoon Holly Ilex cassine Orchid Tree Bauhinia spp. *Pigeon Plum Coccoloba diversifolia *Pitch Apple Clusia rosea Pink Tabebuia Tabebuia heterophylla Sabicu Lysiloma latisilique *Seagrape Coccoloba uvifera Yellow Tabebuia Tabebuia caraiba Large Trees: Calophyllum/Beauty Leaf Calophyllum spp. *Green Buttonwood Conocarpus erectus *Gumbo Limbo Bursera simaruba *Live Oak Quercus virginiana *Paradise Tree Simarouba glauca *Queen's Crepe Myrtle Lagerstromia speciosa *Satin Leaf Chrysophyllum oliviforme *West Indian Mahogany Swietenia mahogani *Wild Tamarind Lysiloma bahamensis Vines: Bouganvillea Bouganvillea spectabilis Creeping Fig Ficus pumila Yellow Allamanda Allamanda cathartica * native plants 17 Hallandale Beach Design Guidelines public streetscape Suggested Plant List Common Name Botanical Name Credit Count Palms must meet minimum landscape requirements and shall be credited as follows: Large Palms: Alexander Palm Ptychosperma elegans 2 to 1 *Cabbage/Sabal Palm Sabal palmetto 3 to 1 Canary Island Date Phoenix canariensis 1 to 1 Coconut Palm Cocos nucifera 1 to 1 Foxtail Palm Wodyetia bifurcatia 2 to 1 Medjool Date Palm Phoenix dactylifera "Medjool" 1 to 1 *Queen Palm Syagrus romanzoffiana 2 to 1 *Royal Palm Roystonea regia 1 to 1 Washington Palm Washingtonia robusta 3 to 1 * native plants 18 Hallandale Beach Design Guidelines public streetscape Prohibited and Non-Credit Species The City of Hallandale Code of Ordinances, refers to the types of trees which are exempt from provisions of Section 32. The following identifies trees and plants, which are either prohibited in the City of Hallandale Beach or non-credit species. Prohibited Species The following trees shall not be planted within the City Limits of Hallandale Beach: Common Name Botanical Name African Tulip Tree Spathodea campanulata Australian Pine Casurina equisetifolia/lepedophloia Bischoffia Bischoffia javanica Brazilian Pepper/Florida Holly Schinus terebinthifolius Cajeput Tree Melaleuca leucandendra Carrotwood Cupaniopsis anacardiodes Chinese Tallow Tree Sapium sebiferum Downy Rose Myrtle Phodomyrtus tomentosa Earleaf Acacia Acacia auriculaeformis Eucalyptus Ficus Species (permitted as a hedge material) Guava Psidium quajava Indian Rosewood Dalbergia sissoo Java Plum Syzygium cumini Lead Tree Leucaena leucocephala Mahoe Hibiscus viliaceus Norfolk Island Pine Araucaria heterophylla Paperback Tree Melaleuca quinquenervia Poison Wood Metopium toxiferum Rose Apple Syzygium jambos Schefflera Brassala actinophylla Silk Oak Grevillea robusta Surinum Cherry Eugenia Uniflora Tropical Almond Terminalia catappa Women's Tongue Albizia lebbeck 19 Hallandale Beach Design Guidelines public streetscape Non-Credit Species The following plants may be planted within the City Limits of Hallandale Beach, but shall not be considered for purposes of meeting the minimum requirements of Article IV, Landscaping Requirements of the Zoning and Land Development Code: Common Name Botanical Name Sweet Acacia Acacia Non-Salt tolerant species planted east of the Intracoastal Waterway or 200 feet from a slat water body. Non-Credit Palms Blue Latania Latania loddigesii Chinese Fan Palm Livistonia chinensis European Fan Palm Chamaerops humilis Fiji Island Fan Palm Pritchardia pacifica Hurricane Palm Dictyosperma album Macarthur Palm Ptychosperma macarthuri Palmyra Palm Borassus flabellifer Pigmy Date Palm Phoenix roebellini Pindo Palm Butia capitata *Saw Palmetto Seona repens *Silver Palm Coccothrynax argentata Solitaire/Alexander Ptychosperma elegans Spindle Palm Mascarena verchafee Tailpot Palm Corypha spa *Thatch Palm Thrynax spp. Thurston Palm Pritchardia thurstonii Triangle Palm Neodypsis decaryi Windmill Palm Trachycarpus fortunei 20.
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