A SURVEY OF JAPANESE INFORMATION ON WWW (WORLD WIDE WEB): FOCUS ON SOCIAL SCIENCE RESOURCES∗ ยุพิน คลายมนต∗∗ (Yoopin Claymone) บทคัดยอ งานวิจัยเรื่อง “การสํารวจทรัพยากรขอมูลญี่ปุนบนระบบเครือขายอินเตอรเนต: กรณีศึกษา งานวิชาการดานสังคมศาสตร” มีวัตถุประสงคเพื่อสํารวจ สถานภาพในการเผยแพรขอมูลญี่ปุนมาสู ประเทศไทยและประเทศอื่นๆในโลก เก็บ รวบรวม วิเคราะหและตรวจสอบแหลงขอมูลญี่ปุนวามีการ เขาถึงการใหบริการอยางไร พรอมทั้งสรางโฮมเพจเพื่อใหบริการขอมูลญี่ปุนที่เกี่ยวกับงานทาง วิชาการบนระบบเครือขายอินเตอรเนต โดยยึดหลักในการจัดหมูหมวดตามระบบหอสมุดรัฐสภา อเมริกัน งานวิจัยนี้ไดทําการศึกษาและเชื่อมโยงระบบขอมูลญี่ปุนเพื่อใหบริการบนระบบเครือขาย อินเตอรเนต ผลสรุปงานวิจัยนํามาซึ่งประโยชนในการศึกษาและคนควาชองทางในการรับขอมูล การ ใช การเผยแพร และพัฒนาในการเขาถึงทรัพยากรขอมูลญี่ปุนในระดับลุมลึกตอไป คําสําคัญ: การสํารวจ /ทรัพยากรขอมูลญี่ปุน/งานวิชาการทางสังคมศาสตร ∗ A report submitted to Sumitto Foundation by Narit Nimsomboon, Assistant Professor of Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University and Yoopin Claymone, Reseacher of East Asian Studies, Thammasat University. ∗∗ นักวิจัยชํานาญการ สถาบันเอเชียตะวันออกศึกษาฯ มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร วารสารเอเชียตะวันออกศึกษา Journal of East Asian Studies Abstract The purposes of the research on “A Survey of Japanese Information on WWW ( World Wide Web ): Focus on Social Science Resources ” are as follows: (1) to survey the status of Japanese information dissemination to Thailand and the world; (2) to analyze and gather information about Japan; (3) to examine the information delivery channels and academic information resources of Japan; (4) to create a homepage of Japanese information resources and their linking on www. In conducting the research, the webpage survey form comprising of a comprehension lists of url details, were developed. The researchers reviewed all related literature. According to the library of Congress Classification Scheme and Thammasat University’s Courses , Japanese information resources homepages were analyzed and the linkage among these resources were constructed. The research results would bring the following benefits: (1) the knowledge of information delivery channels of Japan; (2) the way to promote the Japanese information using in Thailand; (3) the improvement of research efficiency in the field of Social Science; (4) the dissemination of Japanese academic information resources and etc. Keywords: Survey/Japanese information/ Social Science Resources 78 A SURVEY OF JAPANESE INFORMATION ON WWW (WORLD WIDE WEB): FOCUS ON SOCIAL SCIENCE RESOURCES ยุพิน คลายมนต Introduction to Thai instructors twice. The trail service Project Background and Significance was available in Thailand at Thammasat The emerging of internet changes University, Chulalongkorn University and not only the information delivery channels Japan Foundation. The events mentioned but also the researchers’ methods for above show that Japanese information is information retrieval. The information can disseminated to Thailand via new channel be accessed within a second and with no so it can be exploited more extensively. location limitation. The tremendous Some Japanese homepages were written numbers of homepage were created to both in Japanese and in English especially disseminate a great quantity of useful government sector homepages. Although information worldwide. In addition, the online databases are mainly provided in Program for advanced Information Thailand by STKS (Science and Infrastructure established by Japan, Technology Knowledge Service) which is Ministry of International Trade and Industry, from USA, it doesn’t mean that Japanese shows that the bibliographic information information is not important for Thai released by the government to the public researchers. Actually, the Asian information would be extensively compiled into and Asian vision are crucial for the databases and supply via networks. research activities in Thailand as it could Furthermore, the library networks are create another new vision to Thai connected to the National Center for researchers. However, one of the problems Science Information Systems (NACSIS). In of Japanese studies in Thailand surveyed late 1995, the Internet connection between by Institute of East Asian Studies is the Thailand and Japan was inaugurated under insufficiency of Japanese information. From the sponsorship of NACSIS. The research WWW survey, there are many WebPages network, ThaiSarn and SINET (Science about Japanese studies but most of them Information Network) was connected as are not classified and integrated. It is well as NACSIS. Thai Project was urgent to create new resource of Japanese conducted. In 1997, the training programs: studies on Internet so that the information NACSIS-IR and Trail service were provided could be accessible to all researchers. 79 วารสารเอเชียตะวันออกศึกษา Journal of East Asian Studies The project will give the Project Objectives following information: The objectives of the project on A • delivery channels of Japanese Survey of Japanese Information on WWW studies (World Wide Web): Focus on Social • Homepage linkage of Japanese Science Resources are as follows: information resources • to survey the status of Japanese • the Japanese academic information information dissemination to resources Thailand and the world • to analyze and gather information Project Plan about Japan The project plan outline is the • to examine the information delivery followings: channels and academic information • Feasibility Study : define the resources of Japan subject, scope and objectives • to create a homepage of Japanese • Survey and Collect General information resources and their Information linking on WWW • Analysis and conclusions (World Wide Web) • Proposed the project report Methodology Literature Review Documentary and Internet Survey Japanese Information on WWW are the methods of the study. Japan is one of the most important countries in the world as it is the center of Scope of Project world innovation, industry and economy so The project is conducted and the information about Japan is needed by focused on social science resources of the users both within and outside the country. Japanese Information and WebPages Unfortunately, Japan has been previously written in English language. pointed out to be an uninformative society Benefits as its information resources are tightly 80 A SURVEY OF JAPANESE INFORMATION ON WWW (WORLD WIDE WEB): FOCUS ON SOCIAL SCIENCE RESOURCES ยุพิน คลายมนต accessible by public. Because of the 3. Nearly all of Japan’s public policy dramatic changes in information technology documents are “grey literature” - and policies for information dissemination, materials with limited publication Japan will inevitably become more open runs and distribution. with its information resources together with 4. Information access is limited to a its public policy. selected few. In Japan, this lack of transparency prompts private National Characteristics of Japanese companies to employ retired Information upper-echelon government officials The national characteristics of to coordinate their information Japanese information that might affect collection with the government. public accessibility can be concluded as 5. Japanese information is derived the followings (Morita, Ichiko : http:// from Japan’s tradition of vertical www.nmjc.org/jiap/jdc/ cyberjapan/morita): social linkage. The Japanese 1. Most information stays within the group that depends on a highly government and the Government developed sense of trust and agencies sanction fund for social, loyalty is narrow defined and economic, technical, and industrial surprisingly rigid. Information is research. shared only within a specific 2. The information from most of major ministry, agency, department, trade associations, nonprofit subsidiary, academic department, organizations, professional societies learned society, and research and think tanks is also difficult to specialty. obtain because these organi- 6. Because of an intense rivalry exists zations have strong ties to between governmental ministries, government agencies. Most as well as among the research information lacks of non-existence communities, which are corpora- bibliographic control and non- tions, laboratories or trade retention of documents. association. There is little impetus 81 วารสารเอเชียตะวันออกศึกษา Journal of East Asian Studies to share information between 1. The most important factor has organizations or groups, and those been the rapid development of outside of these established technologies and policies for cliques are excluded from access. information dissemination. Both the Ministry of International Trade and The other barriers excluding the Industry (MITI) and the Ministry of language barrier which might affect the Posts and Telecommunications accessibility of Japanese information are have produced extensive reports, there are no good guiding information white papers and policy state- systems to let the public know the ments promoting the “informa- existence of government information and tionalization” of Japanese Society the way to access them. Library systems (Japan. Ministry of Post and are poor and there are few professionals Telecommunications. Telecommu- who are trained for reference efficient nications Council : 1994) Efforts to services. The Internet may certainly be a deregulate Japan’s telecommu- solution to some of these problems nications infrastructure, expand because the documents can be put on the fiber optic networks, support Internet as WebPages or as databases, machine translation, and increase
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