■ _ wwwm affliralUilley.corii ^ 7 5 5 ? 0)2 2 12/13/1998 y£STERN MI ICROGRAPHICSI( ____ - *555 S :onf DR STE 2 0 0 SALT LACE CITr( UT 3A1C7 Se\m - f l t : 50 c c nIts ts aho/93rd year, No. 28281 —__ i________Thursday, Octobcr( 8. 1998 i G o O D M O R fW v I N G n m House toI WliATHER ^ T o d a y : PaPartly ^ote todayy c lo u ^’ aiand cool* 3 Dn Clinton>n P a ^ dcloudy c tonight, low 42. ha WasliiapcB Port___________ _ PPage A2 |H H \ jj |E |P WASHINGTON — Presideiid cn t :iinton said Wednesday thih; a t .EY V ^^AGlc Valle D)ano<Tat5 e should vote theirr co:con- cience when the Housese (of lep resen tativ es dccidcs coda:oday A ^ i^ H vhelher 10 launch an impcadeach- nent inquiry ||||Ui md the [H^g: V g H wVhite House ntunised not i B j l o punish BP; IV )a rty m em - | | g ’ 'i; m >erswhosup- . ii. ^J l _ Christmas In Octoberb e r : ........ p>ort o th e ' ipen-ended ■ 7 Magic Valley merchal:hantsare | p•roceedings n W je S ^ . , ^ starting early on thehe shop- >roposed by i ping season. thehe Republi- ^ -----1 cor SR3 Page C l a n majority. BOI COrton ^ ‘ V - ._ 'W ith ap- pnw n al of the first impeachmeiunent Section preview: MeMeet the he;learings since Watergaie allU bbi u t ceirertain, the White Houses e iin candidates for TWininFalls 1 __________ t _______________-------------------------------- 1 eff^ f e a gave p ermission to w a « County commissioneiner. ingng House Democrats to badeJcthe rf Qoii-e without fear of retributicrution Page C l Id Nancy M«yer check OVM thdr a<{u{paMAt«{ui ontha Ufa RKbt NOcoicoptar It Ma£lc Vdtoy RatlonilI MMaAcal Caotar ea W atesday.T.AfaportracenDands A ^ f they f e d they need ro in ortliortler -ttwhotptUlponpnsiM poulbie BfRSattons wMi 0rtbartt»i beaplt^ aucb a Salat Alpboibosses Rational Madkal Cantar,«r.whlclitnitifaFatM' to0 protectI themsel\*es in the: NNoot -. S po r t s lelectioos. “I think e>-erybody shouldi castca Huh? A freakish callallatthe I '% 1 vote on principle and coi American League dence,” dinton said portniyiraying Championship Serie limself as somewhat removeloved ries in I ^ rom the process that will dedc^ d e New York Wednesdajdayis ' S U gg anel! ^ests char[Ige ilis fate. O >“ sure to leave basebalball fans But privatdy CUnton refusefused talking for years to0 come.C' „ . _ ____ }___ tee.yriih.stvstudying w h e th e c jh e ______ ,...PleaseseaClIf(TOIi.PaeeA®eA2.---------; ^ P ag e B T “ R e p b rt-MVRMC— t p fRegonalcUpboanl county hojpospital should change • ^ A diadiaft report and recom- > The zoo: The surginging Bruins sh o u W3 !affiliate or ‘vihVM dim'A report 16 ftm niiw Hanih ms,EkMi^od. m endatioosios were the result L 3 De not tal Mi0e Vaky R a ^ ' i'-r'TenfCloj^• . ' ’ .’^.1^ At a We.Wednesday meeting, JLPost office meet.thestrtiggling'igTigers be lea^e^ed to keep “J QMinMQrtainHaaahCaR.!it,SiKtJt« membersi Slsuggested adding or . on the Jerome H i^ : jl of service Ul t-W - • removingg (only a few words ^ football field Rid^^^ quality. 3 GMi«a M ,, before thee nrep o n is forwanJed to ^call provesS ' k n MD’ona tw mMa om M iliik iiifcneei ■ • theb o q ritallcal board B y P ltM acmtook) i^ ..S ... Tbccomnmminee didn’t recom- C 2**22iS9£5i?^'^S : • mcndatlm< Une to accomplish T f iiw u tia ----------- _ ■ i f f i i c a l C ^ .. false alarm1 _0.m:Dcx)Rs. fuggested, but Schultz - T W IN fAA L L L S - M agic Vftaey. -said some^lething should happen . ^^UarkHdnz withinooeyieyear. ^ to the Regional Met■fedical C enter should ■ fteaiHwnwfttar______________ an-affiliatioD or.be -- ___ _ . , ."Ibisisat a (danger. As we speak, h Valley • - - ; w e a r e losi:dsing market share.” I. Tttucjr leased to mamaintain thc l^ el of F a lls . committeeee Co-chairman Doug TWIN FALLS - Twin Fai Imay heoltbcaretc; to regional residents, '* - MUce mobilized to stampp oio ut ; goofy, a hospital1 ccommittee recom- Whlf«M «ik»«aaltlM W V ^ a iaid d earlier Wednesday. ^ F o r examample, the hospital’s ?“o n e bad guys Wednesday mormom- t h e y a r e m ^ e d Wediednesday. -QOiSOMMtatnkioM ng, when a repon came int ththat neoonend*. s h a re o f biibirths in its regional TTic conumimittee also suggested fesj ‘ - Tha 9eartf «(B than make nc ^veral armed men dressede d in he vray the hospital is QNc Vcamtosiofr m arket wasras 54 percent In 1990, i chaoging the ^ ^ • ticBgtelW n Fans Coun» a uimouflage had gone into0 tlth e ;e it m ore cofflp^tive, _ J 3 ® ' ■' bat downI to 47 p erccn rin 1996. ruirtomaket >03t o ffice on Second A vem•enue ownership Should not of a fi h u n t e r s b ut county ov > (0 . By aflDiati^ doasnljnTie«*aa Its share of i iVesL L Uadkm^MMMdpiaMi'->IM - mlefthet was 44 percercent in 1983, but 35 look: foolish.fo be changed. pubNe«ote:A1ea»doasal Police with weapons drawraw n xes>tbatls, percentmlS 0 itus quo is m aintained, lU k ; undirtMtain drcmstaosi " 1 5 * “ „nipproached the office at aboiabout PsF A ni U ^ lealth-care access and *J™ itthalMvttaltriaatadloitoanMptoflt T h e wrst-case s t - scenario is that however, hea 1035 aJL , said Twin FaQs PoliiPoUce uld deteriorate, com- a Caftole (kin WWNr. W . iwm ' oiaotiMahtM’sbaaaineaatadin the hospitalital oo longer would be ^ • quality could [)epaitment spokesman Sgt.L D(Don 'o-chairman Terry ' I** accordaim aith w Matooeoda. R able to suppuppon its^ and would ^ O pin io n m itte e Co- FlalL med As it is, the Twin — ■ " * have to use a county subsidy. , __ _ Schultt watiw But the **bad guiV turnedk1 oout .p a n d s off: 1 ( ^ 0 vpt« aty-ownedhospitalis. arejiTmflringaway>. which coulduld spur i n ^ a t i o n .j o p ters . Paitt County said. _ . :o be th ere on sanctioned bu:busi-' s m a rk e t s h a re of “We’ll just make changes;to ti Last spring, tbe boq should ignore Utahaihans’ losing its i less. •'We found out they w ere:ffe a n md operating P«irgin« twain'laintain tbe level of service," hihe charged the 2Smemb< 3se see HOSPTTAl, Page A2 n e 6£fbrts to restrict wilwildlife patients, and hownor guard for the new p ost^a^nas- management initiati ST.* Hall said. today’s editorial says New Postmaster Steven HuiH urd ivas sw orn in at th e post offnofficc G o^)vemmeijnt sues top1 crecdit-cardI firms ^bVednesday. A color g u ^d iis s a crustomary u pan of swearingg in a N atio n TmwlaWaiMntfwreit___________ irorics, which means that nlew e postmaster, said Twin FaJFalls — Siiirrlaim<;^s M s a , _____ fr not-enjoyed-tbe-iono------- PoPott Offira Stariftn Minag*w g * r ----------- For college: Presideiw CredN WASHINGTON — Tlie Justia at competitioa brings.** Fl<Flome Amngtoo. Clinton signs an edu Xtfare data lor cracB and Department e p i filed an antitrus“ Mastercardi don’t( '^offi^irils at Visa and •'We* couldn’t get any Bo>- ScoScout ducation u.s.m8rt(rttf io<vs out of s ^ o o l for the: Cdccrc- bill that provides lov purehasesoi goods and suitlit againsti credit card giant: ird said they would fight tro iolJun»30,l99a.R9jm vinisa USA Inc. and MasterCarc compete,.thus tl md argued that anjrone meziony, so w e called a color gua;guard dent loan rates. donaindudo advances or Uemational Inc. Wednesda;<_‘y harming consisumers loilbox knows that the frtfrom th e N ational G uard,” slshe • ------------------P\ age-A 3------- - - .............-allesilleging that the compatueahan ■d industry is a m c ^ tbe saia i d tnmcrniwrnm hannanned consumets and rivals b:by most compeapetiti\*e in the worid A‘ irin ^o n said the czisscrosstrossed rommunications lines weiw ere Section BY SECe c t i o n operating Instead of competinjing and M asterC^ haveive an agree- Alan Heueiuer. president of the co ith e a * other. ment with th d r menbinberbai^to MasterCardard's U.S. operations, unjntangled before any poli<lolice Section A • JUJJustice contended that Visii u .lim it consum er d>oic(lice by refus- pointed outu t thatt 3 ^T<inn solidtft- cajam e charging in, guns in handm d a nnd d !M a s te r e d which ti^ thber e ‘ ing to offer th e pcodwd u o s of com- tions for carfT>ri <5 QjQ q w f tnnuaBy HaU1 said th e reU eved poUi>oUce Weatte ....2 “0*1“I K ..........5 ^ I accoccount for 7 5 j>ercent of alall petiiors, indudinglg Americant to Americanran consumeTS, m ailed ofiafficers quickly stood down1 ononce Nation . A 5 irAbby...5 m M ' -charliarge>card .c ^ n d in g .in thithe K»p r> « Tfamver-it, , by Bwiiwriilrial instim tions striving thtiw truth was found OUL Opinion ...6 -7 Mu™*'ey •••'.6-7 Uniti'n itu States^ teve no iDcentiviive "America’s consunsumers have to offer lowower interest rates and *1* never saw any police duriiluring OatxMt ^ set- lost out," said Attonxmey General bettersemoT ice. thithe ceremony,** AiringtonI saisaid, W oiM ............8 . to»develop d e new products and set n —' vicesices because tbiey have the samime Janet Reno at a news«ncnnfefence .
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