WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3. 1»M PRES8-HKRALD D-« PRESS-JOURNAL A HARBOR MAIL AUTO RIPAIRING 1 AUTO REPAIRING ft AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES TRANSMISSIONS TRANSMISSIONS 1S2 NrSafe IfO Fe« Sole 190 For Sal* 190 For Sal* 190 For Sal* 190 For Sal* WHY WAIT? WE DELIVER NOW! AUTOMAT1CS-4-SPEEDS. The RENAUU*UJ meets all Federal safety and Anti-Pollution requirements. We won't have to bring out a 19681 Model in January to conform to federal re­ quiremenh. See us today... TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS 1968 RENAULT IDEAL SECOND CARS!! TRADE-IN BEST BUYS!! 'SSRenautDauphine Gordkii '47 Renault R-10 '63 Monza Spyder '62 Renault 4-DOOR SIDAN SPORT COUPI Now ontlM, wild whito, a)Jk, m m Automatic, radio, htatar. *>«§ f tlf .RUM Wr, rwifh Body. S^IA rtd vinyl Intortar, radio, SC J| C Looks ft rum V I "111*1 tarlor. A rial croam puff. Stock *P7I4 ... ........ I H hMtor. Cood mlloatt. I14al7l wMMwalk. #U7WS .................. UtW nk. MW. 4771-A ......... IVVV Wai lilts. <>tM-A ......... 995 '59 Vauxhall Wagon '63 Renault Dauphine '63 Corvette '63 Peugeot >c«IIOHt otenomr wann. «^ al % Looki and nini Ilka now. STINO RAY 4*4 SEDAN iraon with matchlnt In- Radio, htaltr, run aoM. 91 J|D Rod llnlth, ra4 vinyl In- C BHUtllul HIM IXtachibl. Itartfto*. All 4AAF toHor. TM. car ,, ,,.«- $< ft ~- *»»* ....... ........... I45I lorlor. tfm-A .......... wklto, 01 onilno. l«tra w I XMfi BRAND NEW 1968 snar*. Wat »U»5. *t7*-A I V VV '60 Renault Dauphine '62 Renault Gordini Nlca car. Roal HI MVW. Cof A%aiR Now tnilrto, now motalllc '65 Renault Dauphlne '65 Renault R-B Radio, boator, wWttwalfc. *|Ult PLUS #04-A |3fJ Radio, Malar, 4-mod. Rum ft 4-Door todan. Automatic. treat. 41 mllat awr fallon. 9 Llko MW. T*L 895 1095 *1795 D* H MECHANIC'S SPECIALS Renault 10 gives an honed 35 miles per gallon, four wheel disc brakes, the most comfortable seats in the industry, 5 main bear­ R-8 '64 Renault Caravelle '66 Renault R-8 ings. The best economy import buy on today's market. '64 Renault R-8 '44 Renault NEW INOINE Automatk. Srloht rod. Radla, haator, automatic. ft tatt to*. All $4 A AC Hardtop Now wklto walls. Noodi somo work. !349 ":..." *349 whlto. Raal iharv. V lllM*ft #pa-a ................... F775 IU9V 1295 Just $53.97 Per Mo. for 36 Mos. Inckidm Tan and Ucma a all carryinf cnarm AFTIR Sltf DOWN CASH OR TRADI. Vwr *M car trill r*MMy PENINSULA MOTORS 25308 CWENSHAW BLVD. TORRANCE Tel. 325-7401, LA ToH Free 775-2482 JUST 2 SHORT BLOCKS NORTH OF PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9 A.M. TIL 9 P.M. SATURDAY & SUNDAYS 9 A.M. TIL 6 P.M. Next best thing to a BY REPUTATION THE FINEST SELECTION OF USED CARS Mustang is one almost new! IN THIS AREA Headquarters AT KENNETH, OF COURSE Fastbacks EASY AS Hardtops '63 CHEVROLET '66 CHEVROLET 1, 2, 3 USED CARS IN THE "SOUTH BAY" Impala Sport Sedan. V4, radio A Bel Air 2-Door. V4, radio, heater. WE DONT SELL THE MOST Convertibles heater, Powerglide, power steer- Powerglide, power steering. Lie. TO OWN Ing. Lie. PQU 300. Must go at ULF 471. Won't last at this price. GOOD TRANSPORTATION Bigft this price. "JUST THE FINEST" '60Buick .....$399 4-DMr La Sakra. V-*. awmr «ra»rln», V-8's '1188 $1799 roll* a Malar, autamatlc tranamU- '67 Old-mobile "98" '66 Cadillac Coup. D« VilU »l«t. Lie. OCH HI. Levely IN FACT: Whit* with black vinyl top. Full power.factory air conditioning. kixuary Sedan. Blege with brown vinyl top. Bucket seats. A I MOST ANY COMBINATION OF Fully loaded with Factory air conditioning. OUIPMENT YOU MUSTANe I rare Item in Cedillacll I aUYIRS COULD WISH FOR I '55 Chevrolet ..$299 Beautiful earll Btl Air J Door V «, radio 1 haattr, CHAS. '64 CHEVROLET '66CHEVELLE auramaik trantmistion . Llctnta Malibu SS. 396 V-i, radio, heat.r, OAF Vll. SPECIAL SPECIAL Malibu Super Sport Coup*. Radio $3850 '4450 A heater, Powerglide, Air Cond. 4-speed, power steering, bucket 50DERSTROM Lie. HCM 504. Hard to find modtl. seats, console. Lie. RHC 409. '60 Chevrolet ..$299 l-Dt*r. Radio 4, M*t*r, fully laclorr '66 Chevrolet Impala Coup* '65 Buick Skylark FORD '1599 $2299 MUtoMd. Uc*nu JTM 4M. Radio * hoator, automatic transmission, power Gran Sport. White with black top. power steer. 15th TO 16th STREETS steering »A brakes, Factory air conditioning. Ing A brakes, factory air conditioning. Other ON PACIFIC AVE. '61 Chevrolet ..$499 All whit* llnlthl! Lo*t than 21 .000 actual extras. See It today 11 I SAN PEDRO TR 25315 ImMla Sport COUM. V-l, radio *nd miles. Extra nlcoll Malar, automatic tranjnrnilon. Lie. '66 MUSTANG '67 CHEVROLET FTK 171. , '2150 Coup*. V-B, radio and heater, Sports Sedan. V4, radio, heater, '2450 power steering, pow­ '63 Comet.....$499 automatic transmission, power Powerglid*, 1 Door Custom. Radio and Mater, steering. Lie. SZC 597. Low er brakes, factory air. Lie. TVS- automatic traiumitiioft . Llconta For mileage. 674. New car warranty. OOH 115. Delta '67 Cadillac Sedan DoVilU '66 Oldtmobile Sierra Gold with black padded top and interior Full power. Factory air conditioning, You to match. This car is loaded. Less than 11,000 '59 Ford ......$199 any nlcerl Greatest $1999 $2699 4-Door Stdan. VI, radio ond huttr, won't find miles. automatic tranimliiion . Llcanta LYA ill. $2850 '5850 Coverage '60 Ford ......$299 '65 CHEYELLE '64MONZA 2 Door Hardtop Sunlliwr VI, radio Coupe. Radio * heater, 4-speed. * hoaltr, aulomalk trantmlttlon. 4-Door. V-l, radio & h*at*r, Pow- IRH 111. '66 Buick Electro 225 '65 Cadillac Sedan DeVille In The orglide. Lie. PCN 022. Extra Lie. PFW 409. Really a fin* car. Custom 4-Doer Hardtop. Loaded with extras- Beautiful blue matching interior. Full power clean. plus Factory air conditioning. Sparkling white '61 Ford ......$399 and factory air. Ixtra nicell $999 Convartlfela. V-l. radio and ho«t*r, with black vinyl top. A real showpiece. South Bay automatic traRtmlul** . Lleoma $1388 OPC 4». $3450 $3550 Area '67 Buick Riviera Gran Sport '66 Oldtmobile 98 2-Dr. Hardtop Use Full power, factory air conditioning. Beautiful Full power, factory air conditioning. A low with matching white vinyl top. Less one 11 CHEVROLET red finish mileage beauty. Hurry for this KENNETH than 7,000 aetval miles. PRESS-HERALD Where ever you drive . this help- Hawthorne Blvd. at 120th St. $3250 AND Ing hand to near­ $4550 by ... HAWTHORNE SP 2-2405 OS 9-3313 NEW CAR DEPT. 8. USED CAR DEPT. MIC Motora eUura IF YOU Haven't STOPPED at KENNETH 607 PACIFIC COAST HWY. PRESS-JOURHAl Corn LEASING DEPT. Srwclalliti i HIRMOSA IIACH - Ft 4-3478 Automoolla Phy 25 PACIFIC COAST HWY. Oamaat You Haven't SHOPPED at All 4 locks North of Now Car Department Want Ads HIRMOSA HACK - PR 4-343* k.
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