Karate expert Local writers The dangers of marks 20 years get their due drug addiction See Page 3 See Page 9 See Page 7 Friday, September 26, 2008 Vol. 7 No. 23 8301 E. Florence Ave., Suite 100, Downey, CA 90240 Downey Chapter of City shifts to fines UNICO for code violations disbands Fines could reach $500 Under the Administrative Campos said. Citation Program, first-time viola- Citizens would also have an for repeat offenders. tors of the code will receive a $100 MARY FORNEY, STAFF WRITER opportunity to appeal a citation BY ERIC PIERCE, CITY EDITOR fine. The fine increases to $200 for n 1952, a small group of busi- through a hearing officer. DOWNEY – An unkempt, second violations within one year, nessmen established the “The implementation of an weed-ridden lawn or an illegal and up to $500 for a third violation. Downey Chapter of UNICO – a Administrative Citation Program I sidewalk advertisement may now “Because the goal of service organization whose mem- offers the city the potential to save get negligent residents and busi- the…Administrative Citation bers were of Italian descent. Now, fees associated with code enforce- ness owners more than a simple process is to gain compliance 56 years later, the Downey chapter ment cases referred to the city warning from a code enforcement rather than the imposition of a fine has disbanded. prosecutor for resolution, while officer. or penalty, for a first violation the “Due to the age of its members, concurrently generating revenue It may now get them fined. fine is only imposed when the they will no longer be active in associated with the imposition and The City Council this week responsible party fails to take cor- raising the funds for the many collection of fines,” Campos wrote approved the introduction of an rective action within the compli- causes they contributed to….Some in a staff report. “Administrative Citation ance period,” said Police Chief have moved away and some have “Other cities that have imple- Program,” a new method of enforc- Roy Campos, whose police depart- passed away…..,” said UNICO mented such programs have seen a ing the Downey Municipal Code. ment oversees code enforcement. member Daniel Antonelli in a letter drop in the number of case referrals The Municipal Code is a col- Violators previously received to The Downey Patriot. to the city prosecutor. This pro- lection of the city’s laws and ordi- verbal and written warnings from The name UNICO means gram would create a strong incen- nances, covering everything from code enforcement officers. In some “unique” in Italian and in the tive to correct violations within the outdoor signs and banners that con- cases, offenders were prosecuted in national organization’s later years, specified period, thus saving valu- tribute to the “downgrading of aes- court. UNICO became an acronym for able staff time to handle other thetic and property values,” to the The city still holds the option of Unity, Neighborliness, Integrity, cases.” proper storage of trash containers. taking code offenders to court, Charity, and Opportunity to serve others. Tod Corrin, right, president of Downey Unified School District Board “Their purpose was raising of Education, welcomes Horacio Freijo as the newly appointed vice funds in support of community Broker arrested for loan fraud principal at Downey High School. Freijo started in DUSD on Aug. 1. organizations and to support the national effort to preserve their BY MARY FORNEY, STAFF WRITER Marisela Alvarez, 34, of Glendora; the DMV which began in 2005 national heritage and show their SACRAMENTO – Former and Leticia Medrano, 34, of after victims reported their identi- pride in being American citizens,” employees and associates of Moreno Valley were booked into ties had been stolen. The car deal- Antonelli said. Downey Motorcars and South Gate the Los Angeles County Jail on ership closed its doors in January City, police agree The original members included Motorcars were arrested Sept. 16 in arrest warrants issued by the Los 2006, and the ensuing investigation Downey residents Al a California Department of Motor Angeles Superior Court. The by the DMV revealed numerous D’Alessandro, Dominic DiMario, Vehicle loan fraud and real estate charges include felony counts of violations and that auto and real Sal Lorenzetti, Harry Taormina, scam which allegedly netted more grand theft, identity theft, and fil- estate loan proceeds were procured on new contract and Sleme Tesoriero. than $5 million. ing false financial statements. fraudulently. Downey Motorcars operated at Rodriguez is a Downey real See UNICO, page 8 “At the DMV, we take these Contract calls for raises cent of the amount of unused sick 7440 Firestone Blvd. in Downey estate and mortgage broker who kinds of cases very seriously,” leave time an employee has when and South Gate Motorcars was also “utilized his businesses to get in salary and benefits. Wheaton said. they retire. The money will be located at 3019 Firestone Blvd. in fraudulent real estate loans,” said Rodriguez, Alvarez, and BY ERIC PIERCE, CITY EDITOR deposited into a retiree health PD modifies South Gate. Commander Stephanie Wheaton, Medrano remain in custody with DOWNEY – The Downey account to pay for medical expens- The suspects allegedly supervising investigator at DMV’s bond set between $1 million and $3 Police Officers’ Association, repre- es and insurance premiums. processed fraudulent loan applica- Artesia Investigations Office. work week million. senting 99 employees, has reached Other amendments to the con- tions using stolen identities and “They schemed and designed The DMV investigation a deal with the city of Downey on a tract: DOWNEY – The Downey double or triple financed many of these fraudulent acts based on remains ongoing and more arrests new three-year contract that calls •The minimum number of Police Department will shift to a the same vehicles. According to the greed. It was all for financial gain,” are expected to be made in connec- for yearly salary increases and hours paid when an officer is new work schedule next month, DMV, 21 financial institutions Wheaton said. tion with this case. boosts in other benefits. recalled to duty is increased from with officers working three 12.5- were defrauded. The arrests were the result of According to a “memorandum three hours to four hours. hour shifts per week. Joel Rodriguez, 43, of Downey; consumer complaints received by The move will help the depart- of understanding” signed off on by •Field Training Officer pay is ment “maximize the number of the City Council this week, police increased from 2.75 to 3.5 percent. new and lateral police applicants department employees will receive •The number of comp hours and bring the department to full a 5 percent pay increase effective earned when assigned to stand-by staffing,” said Police Chief Roy June 30, 2008. Salaries will jump duty over the weekend is increased Campos. another 4.25 percent June 29, 2009, from 10 to 15 hours. The department will also add and another 4.25 percent June 28, •Sergeants acting as watch one lieutenant position and elimi- 2010. commanders will receive out-of- nate a police officer position. Education incentives will rank pay of 5.5 percent. Campos said the addition of a lieu- increase from 8.5 to 10 percent The new contract, which runs tenant was necessary to “maintain over three years, and the sick leave through June 30, 2011, also proper supervision and manage- pay-off maximum cap has been includes language modifications ment within the new system.” increased from 1,650 to 1,900 “in order to clarify benefits and The changes are expected to hours. provisions.” cost the city an additional $52,907 The city will also pay 100 per- per year. Town hall Home invasion robbery meeting set reported on Bellman Thursday This year’s Stroke Walk at Rancho was themed “Roll Around the Ranch.” Photo by Jean-Paul Mann $2,000 in cash and bound with zip ties and blankets were thrown over their heads, DOWNEY – Mayor Pro Tem jewelry stolen. Calhoun said. Mario Guerra has scheduled a town Rancho Stroke Walk gives hope Police did not identify the vic- hall meeting for this Thursday from BY ERIC PIERCE, CITY EDITOR DOWNEY – Thieves made off tims, but confirmed they were local 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Barbara J. BY MARY FORNEY, STAFF WRITER occur when there is decreased Stroke and Health and Wellness with about $2,000 in cash and jew- business owners. Riley Community & Senior Center. DOWNEY – Jean-Paul Mann, blood flow and lack of oxygen to Fair last Saturday. elry Sept. 18 after a home invasion One of the thieves reportedly The meeting will inform resi- 60, woke up a few weeks ago feel- the brain. This year’s theme was “Roll robbery at the residence of a local brandished a handgun in side the dents on “what is taking place in ing ill. He was experiencing verti- According to “Understanding Around the Ranch,” which is what business owner. home, Calhoun said. They left after the city of Downey and what is on go so he tried to rest. As the day Changes,” a publication from the many people did during the Stroke The robbery took place last five minutes with about $2,000 in the horizon.” progressed, his right leg and arm American Stroke Association, Walk. Thursday at about 9:55 a.m. on the cash and jewelry. “These are exciting times for felt paralyzed and when he called right-side paralysis means left- “Some of the people in wheel- 10500 block of Bellman Avenue, The elderly victim suffered Downey and our citizens should his friend to take him to the hospi- brain injury and the slurred words chairs are actually inpatients – this said Sgt.
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