JI fl) lti ~ l\\/ c• 113 ll? 1,c II\ E 11:2 OHIO STATE B . A.'16, LL. B.'20 REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR For His Alma Mater For His State Catcher, Var ity Baseball Team Practicing Attorney ince 1920 President, Varsity O A ociation As i tant Attorney General four years Captain, Varsity Debating Team Member Public Utilities Coriuui - Pre ident of hi cla ion of Ohio Thr e Years. Pre ident of Y. M. C. A. Chairman, Boy Scout Court of Honor WINNER~ must have STAMINA! The ability to Member of Sphinx stand up ~n~ deliver, no matter how tough the going, proves Elected ttorney General in 1932 the superiority of a team - or a product. Member of lumni A ociation Reelected Attorney General in Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires proved their stamina blowout protection and safety by actual performance - o~ Member of Delta Chi Fraternity 1934 !he winning cars at Indianapolis for 17 consecutive years - m tests made by a leading University which show they stop Married Harriet A. Day, Ohio State '19, former vice-president of Ohio up to 25% quicker - in being first choice of the Greyhound State niversity Alumni A ociation. Bus Lines and other big tire users who know tires. These are the reasons why Firestone Gum-Dipped Member of Board of Tru tees of Defiance College and Franklin Tires are "The Masterpiece of Tire Construction." And Univer ity. these are the reasons why your car will be safer to drive with this performance proved tire equipment. ' Listen to the Voice of Firestone, Monday Evenings, over N. B. C.-WEAF Network OHIO STATE BRICKER FOR GOVERNOR COMMITTEE Campbell J. (Honu ) Graf, '15 Chairman Robert . (Bobby) Watts, '25 James F. Lincoln, '07 Tirt$tone©1936,F.T.&R.Co. 1 FOR YOUR INFORMATION TODAY'S COVER THE D RINKI G OF I TOXICATING• LIQUOR will not be tolerated in the Stadium. Drinking or drunkenness wili cau e your ejection from the game. Patrons disturbed will ass ist in olving this problem if they will call an officer at the first annoyance. • A LOST AND FOUND DEPARTME T has been e tab­ lished on the first floor in the outhwest Tower of the tadium. Articles found shou ld be turJJ ed over to the ushers or left at the office. • 0 . LY ONE CO 1 CESS10N, that covering the sale of refresh­ ments, is licens ed by the Athletic Boa rd and thereby privi­ leged to sell within the Stadium . • DOCTORS may leave their seat numbers with the clerk sta­ ti oned in the outheast tower and will be notified by mes­ senger in case a call is registered for them . • THI PROGRAM IS PUBLISHED under the direction of the Athletic Department. Address inquiries concerning info r­ The Official Program mation or space to the Director of Programs, Athletic Dept., Ohio State University. • COMFORT STATIONS are located on each floor level. • New York University - Ohio State A FTR ST Al D STATION with regi tered nurses in attend­ ance is located on the second fl oo r l evel of the northwest towe r. Oscar L. Thomas-Director of Programs • rial Adviser A REST ROOM FOR WOMEN with a maid in attendance James L. Renick- Edito is located on th e second floor of th e northwest tower. • Artists: Fred MachetanJ:, Arnold Isenberg, ALL GAMES START promptly at 2 :00 P. M ., Eastern Charles Tiffin, Robert Kelley King Football from his Stadium throne, smiles a generous welcome to Ohio Stater.:; and friends who arc Sta ndard Time. • All-Ohio Football Team ............................................ 11 participating in this, the opening game of the 1936 Ohio 1 State football season. EIGIIT PAY TELEPHO E TATIONS are located on the The cover desig n is the work of Fred K. Machetanz, ground floor, four on each side o f the Stadium. Brown, Paul, Ohio High School Athletics .................... 10 Arts '30, M. A., '35, w ho is well k11own t h roughout the Buckeye Battle Cry..... ............................................. 46, 47 world of art for this type of cartooning. Following h is graduation from the Univers ity he attended t he Studio Conference Champions of 1935 ................................ 45 of Art Institute and American Academy of Art, Chi­ cago. Came a period when he did illustrations for the INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Eckleberry, George W . ............................................ 5 St. Nicho;as magazine and bus ied h!mself with portraits --------------------------------- 4 8 of well known persons. Then he returned to t he Uni­ Aitken Pharmacy --- Information ............................................................ 2 versity for his post graduate deg r ee. Baker Art Gallery----------------------- ------------ 36 In the s ummer of J 935 he packed h is brushes and Bricker, John w··------------··----------------------- 1 Lineups for today's game ........................................26, 27 oils and set s ail for Alaska. There he located at Una­ Buckeye Stages, lnC.------------------------- 50 MachetanJ:, Fred, Today's Cover .............................. 2 lakleet, 200 miles from Nome by water, and has spent ack Cover much time painting the natives of that territory, H e Camel Ciga retteS------------------------------B New Rules .............................................................. 41 lays claim to being a veteran Arctic man now. Says he, Carroll Press -------------------------------------- 50 '"1 have been seal J.unting. I've s lept on the ice, and Central Ohio Paper Company_________________ _______ +S New York University Players' Art............ ................ 17, 21, 35 once completed a three weeks' hunting trip by dog sled Che terfield Cigarettes _________ _____________________ 26, 27 in the mountains with an eskimo as my only companion. New York University Players' Numbers .................... 24 I a lao made a storm tossed trip in the Arctic ocean in Coca-Cola Bottling Co. ------------------------------- 3+ an 80-foot mail boat." Columbu Milk Council____ ___________________________ 4.l New York University Roster .................................... 22 H e is a m ember of Phi K appa P s i and Scarlet Mask. Deshler-Wallick Hotel ------------------------------- 2+ Ills home is in Kenton, Ohio. Officials for today's game ........................................ 26 Dutch Tavern --- ---------------------------------- 32 Ohio Coaches .......................................................... 1 8 E. E lford and Sons----------------------------------- +2 Fi re stone ------------------------------Inside Front Co Yer Ohio Field to Ohio Stadium ...................................... 16 Ford Dealers of Ohio_____ ________________________ ___ 23 Fort Hayes Hotel___________________________________ +2 Ohio Players' Art.................................................... 15, 19, 33 Franklin American LaundrY------------------------- 42 Ohio Players' Art. ..................................................... 37, 49, 51 ____________________________ 29 Furnas Ice Cream______ Ohio Players' Numbers......... ..................................... 29 Goldsmith Sports Equipment-------------------------- 20 ....... :l 1 Goodyear ------------------------------------------ 25 Ohio Roster ..................................................... Hermes-Knuge Company ----------------------------- ++ Renick, James L., The Race is On .............................. 52 Hill Tailoring Company______ ________________________ +S Hiss Stamp Company_________________________________ 3+ Schiebler, George L., What is New York Universi~y .... 39 Industrial L oan Company___________________________ 32 Schmidt, Francis A., Ohio's Coach ............................ 9 Kauffman-Lattimer Company ------------------------ 3S State Champions .................................................... 12, 13, 14 Kool Cigarette ----------------------------------- 32 Kroge r Grocery and Baking Company________________ _ 20 Stevens, Marvin A. "Mal," N. Y. U. Cocc~----·-······ 4 Marble Cliff Quarries Company______________________ 38 St. John, L. W., Ohio's Director ................................ 8 McClure- 1esbitt Motor Company______________________ ZS Stradley, Bland L. , Ohio State Univ. and O:iio H. S. .... 7 Mills Buffet----------------------------------------- +O Minister-Auld Crafters, J nc. -------------------------- ;6 Neil llouse HoteL ______ ____________________________ 20, 36 Ohio Fuel Gas Company___________________ ______ _____ 20 Ohio Oil Company _____________________ __ Jnside Back Co ver Old Gold Cigarettes----------------------- ----------- 40 0. M . Scott and Sons Company __________ -------------- 30 National Advert ising Repr~entatlves: O' hea Knitting Good ------------------------------- 3+ Football P ublications Ratner Company ----------------------------------- ,,.. 3 70 L exington A ve nue Robinso n's ------_____ -----------_____ --------_ ____ _ 32 New Y ork City Spalding Bros., A. G. -------------------------------- U Tellings Ice Cream---------------------------------­ Tracy Wells Company-------------------------------- ~ \.Vilke, R. ------------------------------------------- 3 2 COACH N. MARVIN A. "MAL" Y. STEVENS U. c111c 111 1925 and was graduated in June of 1929 following which he -;crved as in tructor in orthopedics, urge ry, and CoA 11 MARYL A. STEVEN gynecology at Yale. GEO. \ V. ECKELBERRY H e wa president of the .-\mcrican Assistant to the President (The Ohio tate University ) M ...\RVI A . "l\1al" teven, M.D., Te w York College Football Coaches As ociation 111 1932 and ha served niver ity's head football co:lch, wa born 1n tock­ as chairman of thi A ociation' commit­ ton, Kansa , in 1900. H e received hi econdary tee to tudy injurie and fatalitie in football. Dr. On behalf of Pre ident Rightmire,
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