A 1/ Tryer Journa1 Al- LH9.U6 S46 SeMper fioreat. I. 6 / 1998 I' ^ Jw JB. wRII UP LIB iPil^ ipf i'^ f "nr j|[^u V;^'-^ifei^Sr=^: ^S^^ ' ^S 'v >' -'-'^^-^l 4 5 :^ F/Cover 18 19 20 21 • ,- t 4:. ' ^^Br ^^^*^ "^ B/Cover 26 27 |28. 29 ,^ ^ Inside 34--"^„i:( ' 35 36 'V:^-/ 37 J] F/Cover //, * fecv-^: ^•'1 : :• If^ Hi r[i 'i:\ IA >^\ "•. •6 „l |/tf» -^•^-.s Inside 44 45 i B/Cover ; 1 i. ' -'k i,. s / semper Is published by the UQ student union Q this page the page before the two pages after 14 16 17 01 ^^ U/!f <0 4. Kempian Film Festival Sean Dwyer 1 Z'A ^'M>l Tom Roche & Brendan fVlclntyre 5 e. Fear of Hacked Plane! !1 5/H^, r - ) ^ Tim Mansfield & Ted Phelps •f^"U. J^ \ • '• to. H u m a n Genome Project s; Larry Croft & Francis Clarfc 24 25 f 2. G r a 11 i I i £v ea. :a U.GSl 0) Matt Carter National Environment fi/lark Horstman >.. 0} tff. Landing tfie mine Andrew Duguid / 30 1 31 18.B laxploitation \ 1 Andrew Leavoid • • ' > 22.lnterview - Paul Grabowsky \ 1 M/Ve/r Cunningham • *' 1 1 24. Not Only Jil M Smithurst 40 41 26. Pos'.card Ircm Sodomy Simon Dralte ^ ^ 1 28. Making woo pie Nick Leys • Y0 J r.g Turks Be Free ' Nick Leys ir.!#. Ftlm--Cds 54.Women in Comedy 46 IVIeilssa Western 3 6. Leading Culls Nicole t^athison Editors: 38. Powder Her Face Jane Daniels Patricia Keify Margaret Smithurst Semper is designed by 48. Cass Selwood Margaret Smilhursl lite gclicfdlly docj^ti't get any better th&tt thiji ;io take that oti bodrd Dear Sir/ Madam, I must object Editors, Dear Editors, In response to Tony Blain's in tlie strongest I'm speechless. I can only possible terms to Dear Semper, 'obvious solution': (see semper 4) hope that the letter written by Tony Blain and pub­ the editorial 1 wish to Betore I begin, I should let you lished in Semper 4 is his direction your object to the know that I shall try to refrain idea of a joke! His accusa­ magazine has last letter. It from explicitly belittling tion that women graduates recently taken. was obviously you...Nope. I can't do it. I have to "throw their careers away" know - are you a misogynist creep to disappear into "maternal We have seen five not written by or just plain stupid?'Cause it is lines ttelp nhlivinn" afar rRceiving a issues and vei so ;t rpnl ppi-<;f)n rather hard to tel! given your job is pure tripe! How dare 'obvious solution'. 'Obvious' far \'ou have not and merely this man advocate more uni alright. Obviously bloody stupid. once discussed of places to men to counter sent in by Yes, I am a woman, And proud the "problem". Ron Clark's someone who of it. And yes, chances are that at He takes us back to the award winning wanted a few some Stage in my career I will beginning of the century 100 yard sprint leave and have children. However, cheap laughs. when educating women in the 1956 Sincerely I don't see it as 'throwing [my] was considered a waste of career away' as you so eloquently time. The real issue here is Olympics, let etc., o put it. On the contrary, in my pro­ that not enough fathers are alone mention a Charles BUM- fession (secondary teaching), rais­ taking time off from work way I can stop ing children will be an 'obvious' BUM be to help raise their children. these pains in my advantage. I for one won't be My husband has 2 small (Mrs)Dear going into 'maternal oblivion'. children who live far away, head. Oh, and by But so what it I did? This is a and upon trying to take four the way, wh>' is it choice that I alone will make and days off to be with them, that these new not have some government he was treated like a joke lycra dancing bureaucrat dictate to me. We girls by his male colleagues. have fought hard to be allowed tights go baggy at And as far as Blain's pre­ access to equal education. Each tentious notion that women the knees after one o! us has also had to work have a "curious habit" of just a couple of twice as hard to prove that we are enrolling in courses like at least half as good as our male nights of fun? Humanities with no job peers at school. I worked my ass Bring back the prospects, I can assure him off to get where I am today and I'll that as a Masters student in old canvas ones 1 be damned 11 your 'obvious solu­ English I love my work and say! Anyway, 1 tion' letter sends women back fifty don't believe money or a 9- years. seem to have to-5 job is the main aim of Keep your right arm, Tony, and education. Humanities wandered off a grow up. The more time you bit but the mes­ 40 opens up a world of possi­ spend feeling bitter about your lot bilities and horizons. sage is - pick up in life, the less time you have to Something the narrow- your act. fight for real causes. minded Mr Blain could use. Get over it Get back in your box! Yours sin­ Yours faithfully. Kylie cerely. s Veronica Alcorn Brigadier Alistar Winchester Knickers a mumbie more why doti't you "it's J>n too pdintui tor me DISCLAIMER To the editors of Semper, MargaretJaneMa Re: The "Women's Edition" of Semper. We, the undersigned women students wish to deny that ihe abovementioned edition of Semper was, as stated in the editorial, a col­ laborative, or, in fact a women's edition. rgaretJaneMarga We would like to make it known that a large proportion of the articles which were approved for inclusion during the collaborative editorial process were in lad NOT INCLUDED. These articles covered a broad ranges of women's issues, which we feel have effectively silenced retJaneMargaret by the editors. In their place the editors substi tuted a sizeable amount of their own work, as 9 well as limp attempts at humour that can only U be interpreted as "page tillers". We believe that the editors have no justifi­ cation for using Semper (and in particular, the JaneMargaretJa Women's edition) as a vehicle for promoting their own work. in light of the difficulties women face in accessing lorums for their expression - a diffi­ culty which Ihe women's edition of Semper neMargaretJane purports to address - it is unfortunate that the two female editors have so blatantly silenced the voices of other women students, by inap­ propriately assuming ultimate editorial con­ trol. We feel that the 1998 Women's Edition of MargaretJaneMa Semper is NOT representative of the issues relevant to women students at UQ, and is very glib and of poor quality. WE have also had specific from women who complained that 'ail the images of women were distorted or grotesque', and that the edition was very 'dis­ rgaretJaneMarga missive of women's issues'. We are greatly angered and offended by its content. s., ir,..-".:.-.<>i' Si;'.iii;ii... , i •.•A./.l..-.,»-,^vr.-<v^ 1 ' ' ' ,' I. i K 1 c;.-^ retJaneMargaret /i^ . .1 i j.'f.- JaneMargaretJa I^pss'^pi^'?' 'e've all heard the word market economy (someone from us all how the government ought to with Information Technology, com­ W "uncertainty" too often Banker's Trust perhaps, or a journal­ be run by Him (as in fact it now is), puters and that terrifying bogey-per­ recently. The justification for ist from the Australian Financial corporate management is largely son of every hierarch's nightmares - the Federal government's Review?) in a mock interview with a riddled with incompetent fools. The Net. Nothing gives a suit quite offempf to extinguish native mock journalist sitting at a mock Idiots, dickheads, fuckups: the kind the near-perverse level of terror and newsdesk: of moron who you knew at school quasi-sexual thrill that 'puters do. title rights for indigenous Journalist - "So how are the markets and deeply felt justified the legalisa­ This little set of articles gives you an Australians was the perceived feeling, Mark?" tion of retrospective abortion. overview of three topics guaranteed uncertainty suffered by 'busi­ Hierophant - "The Markets were a This is an over-analysed aspect of to cause spinal spasm in any card- ness' - specifically mining and little skittish yesterday Marie, late corporate behaviour, but it's worth carrying hive-drone of corporate CO pastoral 'business'. capitalism: the Year 2000 Bug, c yesterday afternoon that started gig­ recapping. Large organisations tend This air of uncertainly that surrounds gling like a schoolgirl, but today they to promote people until they reach Internet Security and the Free and permeates the 'business sector' seem to have settled into a mood of the level of their own incompetence: Software Movement. leads us to suspect that these 'busi­ s relaxed contentment with a slightly you go up the hierarchy until you These are all button-pushers in the ness people' lead lives of constant uncertain edge." start fucking up (the so-called 'Peter Mass Media precisely because they terror, ameliorated only by tho rcas- There it is again, Ihat 'uncertainty' Principle' coined by Laurence J. Peter terrify 'business people', in fact sunng hum of continuous profit. This there's little here that should cause CO thing.
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