Lakehead University Knowledge Commons, Electronic Theses and Dissertations Retrospective theses 1994 Chicago reprise in the Champagne Years' of Canadian sociology, 1935-1964 / by Thomas Palantzas. Palantzas, Thomas Downloaded from Lakehead University, KnowledgeCommons National Library Bibliothèque nationale 1^1 of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Direction des acquisitions et Bibliographic Services Branch des services bibliographiques 395 \Wellington Street 395, tue Wellington Ottawa. Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0N4 K1A 0N 4 NOTICE AVIS The quality of this microform is La qualité de cette microforme heavily dependent upon the dépend grandement de la qualité quality of the original thesis de la thèse soumise au submitted for microfilming. microfilmage. Nous avons tout Every effort has been made to fait pour assurer une qualité ensure the highest quality of supérieure de reproduction. reproduction possible. 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A CHICAGO REPRISE IN THE CHAMPAGNE YEARS OF CANADIAN SOCIOLOGY, 1935-1964 Thomas Palantzas © Department of Sociology Lakehead University Thunder Bay, Ontario Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for a Master's degree in Sociology at Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario: May 1994. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. National Library Bibliothèque nationale of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Direction des acquisitions et Bibliographic Services Branch des services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395, tue Wellington Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) K1A0N4 K1A0N4 rev tiie Votte Out We Notre réte*erK0 THE AUTHOR HAS GRANTED AN L’AUTEUR A ACCORDE UNE LICENCE IRREVOCABLE NON-EXCLUSIVE IRREVOCABLE ET NON EXCLUSIVE LICENCE ALLOWING THE NATIONAL PERMETTANT A LA BIBLIOTHEQUE LIBRARY OF CANADA TO NATIONALE DU CANADA DE REPRODUCE, LOAN, DISTRIBUTE OR REPRODUIRE. 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N a m e __________________________PA u A ivA____TZA'S______________ ____ _______________________ DissertaHon Abftrads International is arranged by broad, general subject categories. Please select tbe one subject which most nearly describes the content of your dissertation. Enter the corresponding four-digit code in the spaces provided. 3 UMI SUBJEaTERM SUBJECT CODE Subject Categories THE HUM ANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMUNICATIONS AND THE ARTS Psychology..................................0525 PHILOSOPHY, REUGION AND Ancient........................0579 Architocturo................................0729 Reoding ........................0535 THEOLOGY Medicvol .......,....,..0581 Art Histofy.................................. 0377 Religious.....................................0527 Philosophy...................................0422 M odem.......................0582 Cinetno.......................................0900 ScierKOS ........ , , .0714 Religion B lp:k...........................0328 Donee.........................................0378 Secondary.................................. 0533 General.................................0318 A h c o n .........................0331 FÎOÔ Art» .............................. 0357 Sociul Sciences...........................0534 Asia. Austrolia and Oceanio 0332 Sociology o f ............................... 0340 Biblicol Studies......................0321 InfomwHon Sciance.................... 0723 Clergy .............................. 0319 Canadian............................. 0334 Special........................................ 0529 Joumoliim.................................. 0391 History o f.............................. 0320 European.............................. 0335 Library Scrancô.......................... 0399 Teochor Training.........................0530 Philosophy o f ........................0322 Latin American......................0336 Mas» Communications................0706 Technology..................................0710 Theology.....................................0469 Middle Eastern......................0333 Music..........................................0413 Test» onci MoosurerrrcnH.............0288 United Stotcs......................... 0337 Vocalioncl...................................0747 Speech Comm unicolion..............0459 SOQAlSaENCES History of Science.......................0585 Tnooter.......................................0465 American Studies........................0323 low ..............................................0398 UNGUAGE, LITERATURE AND Anthropology Politico! Science EDUCATION LINGUISTICS Archaeology.........................0324 Generol.................................0615 Gerwrol ..................................... 0515 Longuoge Intc-motionaf low and Administrolion............................0514 Cullurol.................................0326 L^nerol............... ,.,.0679 Relotions............................ 0616 Adult and Continuing.................0516 Physical ............................. 0327 Ancient................................. 0289 Business Administration Public Administration............0617 Agricullufol................................0517 linguistics............................. 0290 Recreation................................ .0814 A rt.............................................. 0273 General .........................0310 Modern................................ 0291 Sociof W ork................................0452 Bilingual end Multiculturol 0262 Accounting........................... 0272 literature Banking.................................0770 Sociology Businoss......................................0608 General................................ 0401 Management ........................0454 Generol.................................0626 Community Col logo.................... 0275 Classical............................... 0294 Criminology and Penology .,.0627 Curriculum and Instruction 0727 Marketing ................. 0338 Comparative.........................0295 Canadian Studies.......................0385 Dcmogroptw......................... 0936 Early Childhcxxi......................... 0518 Modfcvol.............................. 0297 Ethnic and f<ociol Studies 0631 Elomentary................................. 0524 Economics Modern.................................0298 Individuel and Family Finance.......................................0277 Generol................................ 0501 African..................................0316 Agricultural........................... 0503 Studies...............................0628 Guidonco ond Counsoling 0519 American.............................. 0591 Commerce-Business..............0505 Industrial and Labor Hoolih.................................. 0680 Asian....................................0305 Finance........................... ...0508 Relations............................ 0629 H igher........................................0745 Conodian jEnglish]...............0352 History...................................0509 Public ond Social W olforc.... 0630 Histofy o f ................................ 0520 Canadian (French) ...............0355 Labor .........................0510 Social Structure and Homo Economics....................... 0278 English..................................0593 Theory...................................0511 Development.................... 0700 Industriol...................................0521 GorcTKinic.............................03 U Theory and Methods.............0344* lonouogo ond Litoraluro.............0279 folklore.......................................0358 lolln Americon..................... 0312 Gcogrophy..................................0366 Tronsporlotion............................ 0709 Motnomalic» ...................... 0200 Middle Eastern ..........0315 Gerontology................................0351 Urban
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