Trade Quebec LETHBRIDQE CoMMUNny COUEQE for Hawaii, says Rliino By Rich Qoesen The Rhinoceros party is alive and wdl and living in Fon Macleod. Thursday, October 28, 1982 Soot "Mad Dog" Madcai\, 23, is runn­ ing as an "Independent Rhtno'' candidate in Ihe Ppit Macleod riding diuing the cur­ rent provincial eleaion campaign. Maclean bills himself as an "Independent Rhino" because he wasn't entirely pleased with the Rhinoceros par­ Trust Fund issue at Forum ty's proposal to level the Rockies. He does some skiing, and besides he couldn't make By Nancy McLeod contact with the official party, he says. Nonethdess, hb policies and campaign Use of the Albena Hsitage Savings style are very much in keeping with the Trust Fund was a favored topic in Rhinoceros way of doingitdngs. ' speeches nude by non-Tory candidates The party made its mark'on the Cana­ from Lethbridge's east and west consti­ dian poliiKal scene during the last fedaal tuencies at an election forum Monday ai election with its progressive policies and LCC. ability to cut through buieaocratic red Abuui 70 attended the fonim in which tape They never quibbled abo^ the finer nine of the 10 candidates spoke. The event poinis or waffled on the controversial was held to acquaint students with the issues. candidates and iheir platforms in prepara­ During the lasl campaign, for instance, tion for the Nov. 2 provindal electkin. they proposed to aid ni.iural gas and oil Liberal candidate John Boras from exploration in Albena by repealing the Lethbridge East spoke loudly about the law of gravity. They promised to ease trust- fund and said Progressive Conser­ unempioymeni and inflation by vatives "are spending it lilcc dmnkoi abolishing Siaiisiics Canada. The pany sailors." would have stimulated the economy by "The Heritage Trusi Fund should b« making marijuana a cash crop and used to encourage diversified industry to distributing it ihrou^ the Albena Weed come to Alberta." said Glen Fengstad. Pool. Western Canada Concept( WCCi One of thdr better publicized plans was representative for Lethbndge West He to revolutionize the transponation system said this was promised by the Conser­ in Canada by switching to the British vative pany ui 1971 and again in I97S system of driving on the left-hand side of The provindal govemment said ihe the road. To cushion the shock of such a bulk of money from the trust fund would change, ihc plan was lb have b^en phased stay in Albena and this has noi been true, in gradually and for the first year applied he said. only to large trucks. He suggested that free land and lower Thdr campaign literature says thar taxes be offered to local and out-of- policy of casing unemployment is by giv­ provinceiodustnes to help broaden Alber­ ing all those who don't have jobs the task ta's economy. of building "The Road to Recovery" "The amount from tbe Heritage Trust which is more practk:al than a straight Fund would be minimal and it would cash giveaway. make up For h with j(*s," he said. To change ths government's practice of NDP candidate lan Whishaw from always taxing the same items like Lethbridge West said if funds from the alchohol, cigarettes, and gasoline. Heritage Trust Fund could be lent to otho Maclean proposes to tax toilet paper, provinces and industry at 10 per cent in­ "because that b one item thai affects terest then the tieasury board could lend ev^^e equally." money to students, farmers and ^^He would end bilingualism by having businesses at the same rale. '^i^cryonc^^eommunicate, not in either He said he believes unemployment is a French or Englbh, but with a series of direci result of high interest rales and that grunts and gestures and he would lobby a lower rate would be the solution to the fedaal govcnment to trade Quebec PhetB (y Kan KioaKch economic problems in Alberta. straight across for the state of Hawaii. Backing Into a problem Two candidates noted PC Dick With the acquisition .of Hawaii, every The sign seems to contradict the fact people are parkilig in the Cousins buUding Johnston, MLA for East Lethbridge fail­ Albertan would receiv^j^^one complimen­ parking lot. I ed to attend the forum. tary ticket per year oii' Aloha Albena "Where's Dick today?" asked NDP Ed Airlines (formerly PWA) to fly south on McRae. "How can he represent when he their vacations. doesn't live here?" Maclean is that rarity in Albo-ta these LCC residence thefts McRae said Johnston has been ineffec­ days, a modest and unassuming politician. tual in hb role as Ml^ and that he had no When a number of his buddies talked knowledge of plans for a S43-miUion pro­ about putting up a Rhino candidate in the Initiate watch program vindal building until K was announced. electnn he never really took it too serious­ Boras said Johnston ignored the ly, he says. He became the candidate . \ hospital issue untfl it came to nominalk>n himself only as "a matter of not saying no Several reponed thefts at LCC the thefts to the police for investigation. time. quick enough. Then they went down and residences have prompted the housing Duffus said she expects neighborhood Gerry Waklern. a Socred candidate got dection stuff and I thought. 'Oh supervisor to consider a ndghborhood watch to begin withiii the next inonth. from Lethbridge West took Lethbridge's no'." wa'ich program. Sgt. Marcel St. Oiige,,coordinator of two MLAs, Johnston and John Gogo to He describes Ihe poup of friends who Cathie Duffus admits there is a problem crime prevention for the atiT^olke, said task for not doing their jobs. He laid put up $10 eacfa to get his nanae on the and has asked city police to help set up the neighborhood watch stresses theii^por- ma&y^esidentt wanted to k«ep the two ex­ ballot as "10 foob" who picked him program. lance of marked property which can isting ueatmoit oenties and did not vwnt because he graduated from the University be identified by the owner. She said the incidents involved an item a new regional hospital. of British Columbia and "tbey figured stolen from inside a locked vehicle and He said simple prooedures sudi as leav­ Waldcm said becauae of a lack of they wanted an educated fool in there." two accounts of items stolen off vehicles. ing a light on. using locks and not letting representation taxes will go up by one Maclean works for Alberta Tranporta­ Duffus said she is not at liberty to name the mail pile up ^hile a person is away third for Lethbridge residents who have to tion "painting all tliose nice crooked lines exact articles in the thefts nor the studenis gives the impression the home is occupied. foot iheS3.28-niillion tax bill for the new on your highway," and has done his cam­ involved. There is no full-time rcurity guard facilily. paigning on the weekends. Unlike nany patoUing the residences but thefu can be Duffus said city police suppon a •ee "fly by night" paga 3 of the other candldaiei. hu dection cam­ neighborhood watch program on campus reponed to the resident assistants. paign hasn't cost bim anything, be says. and are willing to come out to the college Cheryl Cook, a resident assistant, said. Thus far he has coooentrated on ludi to give tips on what to watdi for and how "I think the crime going on in res b terri­ venues as the Queen's Bar and the Legion IO deal with the situation. ble and something must be done to stop This Week in Fort Madeod and carried out a "main She said students have indicated their it." street bliU" in Claresholm. Picture Butte, interest in the program. She said a truck was jackedup and the and Shaughnessy. He's been md with "There needs to bc increased awareness two front tires were stolen. There was also "didiehef onainly" and curiosity. Only of who b around and who is doing what." a tool box taken from a vehicle that was Wildlife 6 one pCTson.has reacted negativdy, he After living in residence for awhile apparently kicked. says. students become familiar who drives Cook said she has also heard rumors of Yodeller 9 Maclean's politkal ambition is simply which vehicles and can easily recognize gas siphoning ^ residence. not to finish last. The original idea, he some faces, Duffus said. '' I lived in r(Masl year and nothing like says, WIS to beat the Liberab. He doesn't "We hope students are lesponsable thb ever went on." Stress test 10 feel he'll take votes away from any serious enough to repori something. It could be Duffus lsaid shc^-^an't confirm rumors oppostion candidates but "those who that students don't know whQjoKim to." of other thefts because ihey haven'i been Shoe-In 12 might not vote otherwise might get a She said it is up to the students to report reported to.the housing office. laugh out of it." 1 THE ENDEAVOK -Thiniasr. Get. It. tm Albums bought for private collections Rent a record no threat to retailers Record rentals are not a big threat to Blair said die has not noticed any about 2S per cent over latt ycarl figures. them ever replacing record retail stores. record stares in Lelhbridge according to decrease in sales since Omqi Record Ren­ Anglo Stereo and Photo manager, It cosu S25 a year for a membership store managen.
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