UGC- Major Research Project Title: Growth of Kannada Journalism in Pre & Post Independent Period Principal Investigator: Prof. N.Usha Rani Professor Department of Studies in Communication & Journalism Manasagangotri, University of Mysore Mysore-570006 Research Fellow: Sowmya K.B. Grant: Rs.8,22,100 Project Duration: 2 Years (January 2013 – January 2015) Partial Documentation of the history of Kannada Journalism in Pre- Independent Period covering present districts of Mangalore, Mysore, Bangalore, Dharwar, Shimoga, Mandya, Udupi, Chamarajanagar, Kodagu and Hassan Sl. No. Name of the Newspaper Starting District Publishing Name of the Publisher Status of Year Place Publication 1. Mangalore samachara 1843-44 Mangalore Mangalore Hermann Mogling Stopped Kamanada Varthika 1857-57 Mangalore Mangalore Hermann Mogling Stopped 2. (Canarese Messenger) Kannada jananodakvu (The 1861-63 Dharwad Dharwad Venkatarango katti Stopped 3. Canarese Magazine) India mattu anyadeshada 1862-63 Mangalore Mangalore F. Kittle, Basel Mission Stopped 4. varthika (Bi-lingual) (The Canarese Information) Vichitra vartamana sangraha 1862-69 Mangalore Mangalore F. Kittle, Basel Mission Stopped 5. (Illustrated Canarese Journal) (Bi-lingual) Mata patrike 1865 Hubli Hubli Basel Mission Stopped 6. (From Belguam) 7. Karnakata Prakashika 1865-1898 Mysore Mysore Bhashyam Tirumalacharya Stopped 8. Mysore Gazette 1866 Bangalore Bangalore Mysore Government Working 9. Christa sabha patra 1867-1910 Mangalore Mangalore Basel Mission Stopped 10. Nyaya sangraha 1868-69 Mangalore Mangalore Ubhaya gopalakrishnaiah Stopped 11. Subhodini 1871 Mangalore Mangalore Basel Mission Stopped 12. Shodhaka 1875-78 Hubli Hubli V.R. Katti Stopped 13. Chandrodaya 1876-1921 Dharwad Dharwad Huchchaiah vibhooti matt Stopped Nyayadhikarana 1877 Mangalore Mangalore Mangalore Subba rao Stopped 14. (Law Recorder) Lokha bandhu 1880-1924 Dharwad Dharwad Gururava raghavendra Stooped 15. mamadaapoora 16. Mysore Star 1881-1928 Mysore Mysore Yajamaana Veravasappa Stopped 17. Hindoomata prakashike 1883-84 Melukote Mandya Ramanuja Iyyangar Stopped 18. Kodagu chandrike 1883-85 Madikeri Madikeri Mysore Rangarao Stopped Hithabodini (Shifted to 1884-1929 Mysore Mysore M. Venkatakrishnaiah Stopped 19. Banagalore) 20. Sudarshana 1884-96 Udupi Udupi Kumbale krishna rayaru Stopped 21. Hindu matabhimani 1885-1889 Bangalore Bangalore Venkata Krishna saraswathi Stopped Vtuttantha Chinthamani 1885-1912 Mysore Mysore M. Venkatakrishnaiah Stopped 22. (Shifted to Bangalore) 23. Mysore Police Gazette 1886-1908 Bangalore Bangalore Police Inspector General Stopped 24. Police Gazette 1886-1909 Bangalore Bangalore IGP Bangalore Stopped 25. Vruttanata Pakrike 1886-1940 Mysore Mysore Henry Hegg Stopped 26. Vaagbhooshana 1887-1973 Dharwad Dharwad R.H. Deshpande Stopped 27. Sarvodaya prakashika 1888 Mangalore Mangalore B.Narasingarao 28. Karnataka Vaanivilasa 1888 Mysore Mysore Lakkooru Subbarayaru Stopped 29. Suryodaya prakashike 1888-1908 Mysore Mysore B. Narasinga Rao Stopped 30. Loka shikshaka 1888-1916 Dharwad Dharwad Bandangowda sankana goeda Stopped 31. Mysore Vruttanata Partrike 1888-1942 Mysore Mysore Henry Hegg Stopped 32. Aaryamatha Sanjeeveni 1889-99 Mysore Mysore M. Ramanuja Ayyangar Stopped 33. Budhajana Manoranjini 1890-94 Tovinakere Hassan B. Padmaraja Panditha Stopped 34. Rajahamsa 1891 Dharwad Dharwad Hosakeri Annacharya Working Veerashyva matha prakashike 1891-92 Mysore Mysore PV. Rudrappa Stopped 35. Karnataka Kavya manjari 1892-1908 Mysore Mysore S.G. Narasimhachaar Stopped Karnakata vrutta mattu 1892-1910 Dharwad Dharwad Anada chennabasappa Stopped 36. dhananjaya 37. Vijanana deepike 1892-895 Bangalore Bangalore -------- Stopped 38. Karnataka Grantha maale 1893-1919 Mysore Mysore Baapoo Subbarao Stopped 39. Vidyadaayini 1893-1954 Mysore Mysore M. Shamarao Stopped 40. Hubli Patra 1893-95 Hubli Hubli Hubli priniting Work Stopped 41. Kaavyamubhudi 1894-95 Mysore Mysore B. Padmaraja Panditha Stopped 42. Viveka Deepika 1894-95 Mysore Mysore K.T. Srinivasa Deshikacharlu Stopped 43. Kannada nadegannadi 1895-1908 Bangalore Bangalore M. Gopala iyyangar Stopped 44. Kannada nudi 1895-96 Mysore Mysore Venkatasubbacharya Stopped 45. Surabhi 1896 Mysore Mysore M.L. Srikanteshwaraowda Stopped 46. Satya deepike 1896-1917 Mangalore Mangalore Basel Mission Stopped 47. Jnanodaya 1896-98 Bangalore Shimoga Sheshagiri rao Stopped Kaavya kalpa drumam 1897 Bangalore Bangalore Kommanduru Srinivasa Stopped 48. Iyyangar 49. Shimoga Vrutthanta manjari 1898 Shimoga Shimoga Byadagi sheshagiriyappa Stopped 50. Jinamathadarsha 1898 Mysore Mysore Raamanna Vaagmi Stopped 51. Vivekananda 1898 Mysore Mysore R.S. Venkatakrishnaah Stopped 52. Savinudi 1898-1908 Bangalore Bangalore S. R. Bharathi Stopped 53. Deshabbhimana 1898-1908 Mysore Mysore B. Srinivasa Iyyangar Stopped Saadhvi 1899 Mysore Mysore M .Venkatakrishnaiah Working 54. (Thathaiah) Nadegannadi (Shifted to 1899-1908 Mysore Mysore M. Srinivasa Iyyangar Stopped 55. Bangalore) 56. Vaarada mitra 1900 Mysore Mysore R. Shib=vashankara Swamy Working 57. Krushi kalaanidhi 1900-1915 Mysore Mysore R. Krishnarao Stopped 58. Suvaasini 1900-47 Mangalore Mangalore Bolara babu rao Stopped 59. Rathna malike 1901 Mangalore Mangalore Rathna malika prakashna Stopped 60. Swadeshabhimani 1905 Mangalore Mangalore Srinivasa Kamath Stopped 61. Hitavaadi 1905 Bangalore Bangalore Deshabhyudaya sangha Stopped 62. Vaagdevi 1905 Dharwad Dharwad Gadigeiah huchchiah vibhooti Stopped 63. Vivekodaya 1905 Mandya Mandya S.V. Venkataramaiah Stopped 64. Bodhaka bodhini 1905-27 Bangalore Bangalore Bangalore Books Society Stopped 65. Samachara sangraha 1906 Bangalore Bangalore D.V. Gundappa Stopped 66. Sathsampradaya Deepikaaa 1906 Hassan Hassan M. Ramaswamayyangar Stopped 67. Mysore standard 1906-08 Bangalore Bangalore Srinivasa iyyangar Stopped Mysore Revenue and 1906-14 Bangalore Bangalore Mysore Book Depot Stopped 68. Agriculture Gazette 69. Bhakti sandesha 1906-20 Mangalore Mangalore Dattatreya Krishna bharadwaja Stopped 70. Avakasha Toshini 1906-25 Mysore Mysore B. Venkatacharya Stopped 71. Law gazette 1907 Mandya Mandya B. Narasinga Rao Stopped 72. Bharathi 1907-08 Bangalore Bangalore D.V. Gundappa Stopped 73. Hindostan samachara 1907-08 Dharwad Dharwad Narayana rao Stopped 74. Brahmananda 1907-08 Mysore Mysore ---------- Stopped 75. Sachitra chaturay 1907-17 Bangalore Bangalore B. Janrdhana rao Stopped 76. Okkaligara patrike 1907-71 Bangalore Bangalore M.K. Tippesha prabhu Stopped 77. Law report 1908 Bangalore Bangalore M. Mallaradhya Stopped 78. Kannada Law Report 1908 Mysore Mysore M. Mallaaradhya Stopped 79. Vijanana Vybhava 1908 Mysore Mysore A. V. Gunda Shasthry Stopped 80. Vishistadwaithi 1908 Mysore Mysore ----------- Stopped Srikrishnaraja Vijnana 1908 Mysore Mysore A. V. gudaashasthry 81. Vybhava Stopped 82. Sarvajana hitopakarini 1908 Mysore Mysore N. Bhattaiah Stopped 83. Hithavaadi 1908 Mysore Mysore Venkataraja Iyyangar Stopped 84. Jyothishya vidya sagara 1908-09 Bangalore Bangalore D. Rama joyis Stopped Vayshaykula vardhini 1908-09 Bangalore Bangalore B.C.S. Gopala sharma Stopped 85. (Shifted to Mysore) 86. Kannada kesari 1908-09 Hubli Hubli Kerooru vaasudevachrya Stopped 87. Karnataka Kavya kalanidhi 1908-16 Mysore Mysore Ramanuja Ayyangar Stopped 88. Vaidhya sindhu 1908-20 Bangalore Bangalore V.D. Pandit Stopped 89. Bharathi II 1908-24 Bangalore Bangalore Kaarupalli Shivaramadas Stopped 90. Karnataka times 1908-35 Dharwad Dharwad H.S. Shivalinga Shastry Stopped 91. Jnaananjana 1908-47 Bangalore Bangalore Aananda chandrike kaaryalaya Stopped 92. Chathurya 1909 Bangalore Bangalore B. Janardhana rao Stopped 93. Vidyananda 1909 Bangalore Bangalore Banavaadi Adhinaraya shatry Stopped 94. Sumthi 1909 Bangalore Bangalore D.V. Gundappa Stopped 95. Jaina hithyshini 1909 Mandya Mandya N.S. Dharneendra Stopped 96. Vyavasaaya Darpana 1909 Mysore Mysore ----------- Stopped 97. Sadbhakti chandrike 1909 Mysore Mysore Sachchidaanantha Joysa Stopped 98. Bharateeya Vilasa 1909-09 Mysore Mysore Aanamatti Ramarayaru Stopped 99. Bhakta Vijaya 1909-16 Mysore Mysore M. Seetharama Shsthry Stopped 100. Katnataka janjeeveana 1909-23 Bangalore Bangalore ----------- Stopped 101. Artha saadhaka 1909-23 Bangalore Bangalore ----------- Stopped Sharada 1910 Bangalore Bangalore Motagaana halli ramashesha Stopped 102. shastry 103. Sachtra Bharatha 1910 Hubli Hubli Kerooru vaasudevacharaya Stopped 104. Aathmananda 1910 Mysore Mysore K. Narasimhaiah Stopped 105. Vaydika mitra 1910-13 Mangalore Mangalore Basel Mission Stopped Madikeri Central High School 1910-34 Madiekeri Madikeri B.S. Kushalappa Stopped 106. Paper 107. Dhananjaya 1910-39 Dharwad Dharwad Gururao Vaalavekara Stopped 108. Veerashayva vijaya 1910-46 Hubli Hubli Manjappa Hardekar Stopped 109. Vedavaahini 1911 Bangalore Bangalore R. Venkatarama shastry Stopped 110. Sharira vyayama 1911 Bangalore Bangalore M.V. Krishna rao Stopped 111. Sri sharadha 1911 Bangalore Bangalore Doddabele narayana shastry Stopped 112. Okkaligara Bhandhu 1911 Mysore Mysore S. Venkataramaiah Stopped 113. Supantha 1911 Mysore Mysore Mahadevashastry Stopped 114. Okkaligaru okkalutanavoo 1911-30 Dharwad Dharwad Desayi honnaapoor matt Stopped 115. Dhrma tarangini 1911-36 Dharwad Dharwad H.S. Shivalinga shasthry Stopped 116. Kodagu Vruttantha 1912 Madikeri Madikeri P.M. Poonachcha Stopped Jnanodhaya 1912 Mysore Mysore Shanthraja Shasthry Stopped 117. Paramaartha 1912-17 Dharwad Dharwad Hosakere chidamdaraiah Stopped 118. Madhuravaaani 1912-19 Mysore Mysore Hanumaaa Stopped 119. Sampadabhyudaya 1912-29
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