THE· JANUARY· 1939 ALUMNI· MAGAZINE .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A HOOSIER ALMANAC JANUARY THIRTY-ONE DAYS ~ W~ can't always come out with its cabaret dance and floor ~ right smack dab on the first show in Alumni Hall tonight at 9. of the month. what with Christmas Minor sports fans will like this: vacation and all, but it's not too swimming. I.U. vs. DePauw, in the late to wish you all a HAPPY men's pool at Bloomington; and NEW YEAR! If you haven't yet wrestling, I.U. vs. Michigan, at Ann broken all your resolutions, or are Arbor. in the mood for some new ones, 14-vVhat better than a Saturday read "In Closing" on page 32. night spent watching Indiana and I-Tune in today, and every Wisconsin play basketball in the January Sunday, on Professors Fieldhouse. Harper and Mueller discussing "So- IS-Max Lerner, some time edi­ ciety Today and Tomorrow" over tor of The Nation and now a vVil- WIRE. 9 :30 a.m. on your clock Iiams College professor, is the guest ~ and [400 on your dial. ~peaker of the Indiana Union Open Forum this ~ ~ 3-Now if you were a student and had an 8 afternoon at 3 in the Union Building. Subject: ~ ~ o'clocl-- today, )'ou'd go, for this is the end of the "American Foreign Policy." ~ ~ Christmas. vacation. "Any student absent irom class Another Sunday afternoon recital in the School of ~ ~ ... will be sllbJ'ect to a penalty ...." Remember? Music auditorium, 4:[5· ~ ~ ~ ~ 5-Drs. Sanders and Collins. both of the English 16-Those Purdue boys down here again. Basket- ~ ~ department. present a Fireside Bookshop book re- ball this time, at Fieldhouse. ~ ~ view over WmE today (and every Thursday) at Just four years ago tonight Catherine Feltus, '36, ~ ~ 4 p.m. helped direct the campus production. Heloise and ~ ~ Other radiO activities for the month include lec- Abelard, written by Bill Hodapp, PG'37. Since then ~ ~ tures by Linton Wells, RCA Magic Key traveling Mi ss Feltus has gone to the Pasadena Playhouse and ~ ~ reporter, and Keith Tyler, O.S.U. professor of CBS. Hodapp to scripting for NBC. ~ ~ radio education. Both talks on the campus. 17-.'\ .A.U .W. dinner, 6 p.m., Union, second Aoor. ~ ~ 6-Swimming, LU. vs. Butler, at the Butler 18-For that campus flavor try the "University ~ I Fieldhouse pool. Questionnaire" program coming to you from the I ~ Also last chance for a Union-A.W.S. dance until Commons at 4 today and every Wednesday over ~ the 27th. In Alumni Hall. WIRE. No script. just an asking student reporter 7-The iVIcCracken men branch out to Columbus and answering undergraduates. tonight. where they meet Ohio State in basketball. 19-H ang up the crepe-final exams begin today! On the campus, mt'mbers of the Collegiate Cham­ ber of Commerce dance in Alumni Hall. 20-Wrestling. Iowa State at Bloomington, to­ 8-0ne year ago this day J. Dwight Peterson, '[9, night. was elected to the l.Tniversity Board of Trustees. 23- Professor Bert Young announced, eleven years ago today. that the French department would 9-The bright, new Phi Beta Kappans dine to- open "La Maison Fran<;aise" where coeds would live, night preceding a lecture (open to the pub.lic) .by move. have their being, and speak only French. Professor Fay-Cowper Cole, head of the Ul1Iverslty ~ of Chicago's division of anthropology, who speaks 26- LaPorte County alumni meetll1g today in La- ~ on ",\n Anthropologist's Interpretation of Race." Porte. Dan Bernoske, '26. MD'29, in charge. Meanwhile, LU. vs. Illinois at Champaign in the 27-The first semester is today a thing of history, Big Ten basketball scramble. to go where the wind listeth. 10-Each Tuesday at 4 p.m. Raymond Beights, 28-And today the University's six thousand en­ '39, and his string ensemble play semi- roll in classes for the new term. classical music over WIRE on the Univer- 30-At South Bend. an indoor track sity's radio series. meet with Notre Dame. On the campus, ll-Glen R. Hillis, LLB'25, alumni second semester classes start today. and at councilor and Kokomo attorney, speaks night there is an interfraternity Council at Blue Key convocation this day. dance. % ~ ~ ~ 12- The Indianapolis Symphony Or- 31-Yesterday and today two Purdue ~ ~ chestra presents the third number of the men are conducting the district Rural ~ ~ Music Series ton 19ht at 8: [5 in the Men's Youth Recreational Institute on the cam- ~ c ~%I~%%~ Gymnasium. 75 and up. pus, bringing the youth (rom the farills of I%~~~%~ ~ 13-This is Friday, the 13th, but Theta ;J.dJacent counties to the campus for tips ~ Alpha Phi (dramatics) is going ahead on leisure time activities. ~ ~ ~ ~ L E T T E R s SIRs-Small remittances from this SIRs-One of my Christmas pres­ We are end are a nuisance. How about making ents was a copy of Dr. Bryan's Fare­ it three years' [subscription] ... im­ wells. I consider it one of the finest mediately upon receipt of this card? books in my library. [For the Standard-Vacuum Oil MERRILL S. DAVIS, '12, MD'I4. appreciative Company] I have done short tricks in :Marion. N ew York; Hong Kong; W uchow, Kwangsi, China; Fort Bayard, Kou­ ang-Tcheou-\iVan (French), and SIRS-I received the second issue of of your patronage Saigon, Indo-China. Have been sta­ THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE and noticed tioned here as marketing assistant in the announcement of the possibility charge of Cambodia. A pretty terri­ of my writing a story with regard to tory with Angkor Wat et al., but don't life at a Scottish university. I have during 1938 let the title fool you, I'm still just a been giving this some thought, and traveling salesman. will attempt the same, as soon as I get W. C. PALMER III, '37. through some of my examinations.... and Pnompenh, Cambodge, Indochine Fran<;aise. I am quite pleased with this new magazine, and am always awaiting the new issue. It's quite a good feeling wish to extend SIRS-... impressed with your new reading about the old place, and it magazine. I think you are doing a does make quite a hit with my local beautiful job and pointing the way for friends. Many of the boys cherish the the alumni magazines this year. HOWARD P. HUDSON, idea of attending an American college Our Best Wishes Associate Editor, ... and it seems that this magazine University of Chicago Magazine. brings things just that much closer. Chicago. JULIUS SCHNEIDERMAN, '36. for a Great Coming from one of the best alumni Glasgow, Scotland. magazines in the busine'ss, this is gratifying "Hank" Schneiderman, "1" man in swim­ praise indeed.-Eo. ming and track, is currently attending - medical school in Glasgow, where he holds the local records for the shot put, discus, 1939 SIRs-I hope it will be your policy and javelin. Last summer at London, in the to feature sports and other interests Universities Championships, he placed first connected with the V niversity which in the discus and shot put, second in the we in the field can get little of through javelin, and sixth in the hammer throw.­ any other medium. It seems to me ED. that it would be interesting to have each department prepare an article SIRS-THE INDIANA ALUMNI dealing with the lives and the achieve­ MAGAZINE is great! Each issue is a »« ments of graduates from their depart­ source of pleasure to me-it really takes ments who have become more or less me back to the scenes of the place prominent. where my four happiest years were CHARLES E. BOOTH, 'IS, ArvI'I6, spent. I am teaching commercial sub­ Dean of Men, jects in French Lick High School. ... Northern Normal and My greatest pride here is the Plutocrat, Industrial School. a mimeographed high school publica­ Aberdeen, S.D. tion which last year was given a first Sports are now featured, and the edi­ class rating in national competition .... torial board will ponder well Dean Booth's If you print my letter, please include other suggestion.-Eo. my street address, f9r I'd enjoy hear­ ing from more of my friends and class­ Graham mates. SIRS-... high class, thoroughly de­ AUDRA FLICK, '36. H OYE L lightful reading matter. Conspicuously 414 College St., French Lick. placed it [THE INDIANA ALUMNI P. C. GILLIATT, Proprietor The MAGAZINE is glad to oblige, and ex­ MAGAZINE] perhaps has accomplished tends best wishes to Alumna Flick and her more genuinely good advertising for publication venture.-Eo. dear old LV. than I could ever hope to accomplish verbally! Bloomington SIRs-I believe the new magazine ADELLE COREY, PG'36. Indiana New Orleans, La. represents a great step in the direction of intelligent university publication. Other alumni are urged to display con­ spicuously their copies of the MAGAZINE, FRANCIS S. NIPP, '37. await results.-ED. East Lansing, Mich. eJV1E M 0 The Cover Extra-curricular There has been no conspiracy on the "Over- organized," "extra - curricu­ part of the editors of the INDIANA lar," "curricular," "country club col­ ALUMNI jV[AGAZINE to neglect so im­ lege," "higher standards," "merit sys­ portant a person as the dean of women. tem,"-these and similar phrases have been bandied about at the University It has, somehow, worked out in previ­ more this winter than ever before. OilS issues that the spectacular, up-to­ At the beginning of the present se­ the-minute news of football, the in­ mester the faculty of the School of auguration, and keeping up with the Law adopted a rule prohibiting stu­ building program overshadowed the dents regularly enrolled in the School calm, day-to-day, worthwhile service from participation in extra-curricular of the dean's office.
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