WEDNESDAY, February 1, 1871. Met according to adjournment. Prayer was offered by the Chaplain of the Senate. Mr. Putnam of Boston, presented the petition of Jordan, opening Marsh and Company and 110 of their clerks and employes; ry on Sun- Macullar, Williams and Parker and 53 of their employes, days' and Dio Lewis and others, severally for a law authorizing the opening of the Public Library in Boston on Sundays ; which were severally laid upon the table. Mr. Boomer of Fall River, the petition of Nathan S. Davis Free railroad and others of Somerset, in relation to free railroad fares, fares' &c.; which was referred to the committee on Railways. ,Mr. Prescott of Carlisle, the petition of George W. Robin- Cheap rail- SOn and others of Lexington, for cheap railroad trains; road tnun8' which was referred to the same committee. Mr. Baird of Lee, the petitions of George E. Callender ^"roti and others, Isaac PI. Pixley and others, and William P. Co. Hamlin and others of Lee, and N. A. Waters and others of Stockbridge, severally in aid of the petition for the incor- poration of the Lee and Hudson Railroad Company ; which were severally referred to the same committee. Mr. Ruffin of Boston, the remonstrance of E. R. Morse Massacim- and others, against the extension of the Massachusetts Cen- BaSroaS!4™ tral Railroad across Charles River; which was referred to the same committee. Mr. Folsom of Lowell, the petition of C. H. Latham and others, in aid of the petition for a railroad from Tyngs- borough to borough to Brookline, N. H.; which was referred to the NroHWme' same committee. pe ratiTe Mr. Barrett of Lynn, the petition of W. P. Andrews and ^°;?n s others of Lynn, in aid of the petition of Josiah Quincy for banks, cooperative savings banks; which was referred to the com- mittee on Banks and Banking. Severally sent up for concurrence. Mr. Arnold of Northampton presented the petition of Charles Delano and others, a committee of that town, for ton. authority to raise $25,000 to enable the town to avail itself of the provisions of the will of the late Sophia Smith; which was referred to the committee on the Judiciary. On motion of Mr. Boomer of Fall River,— Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider sheriffs'ju- the expediency of abolishing sheriffs' juries. whitman Mr. Goodrich of Fitchburg, 011 leave, introduced a bill to SaSotur- authorize the Whitman and Miles Manufacturing Company ingCo- to increase its capital stock, and to hold real estate ; which was read and referred to the committee on Manufactures and sent up for concurrence. O11 motion of Mr. Chisholm of New Bedford,— Undebat- Ordered, That in the future, in the consideration of the able matters. ^^ q£. the ^ matters Ilot giving rise to debate shall be first considered. Papers f rom the Senate. inland fish- The Report of the Commissioners on Inland Fisheries was erie8' referred in concurrence to the committee 011 the Fisheries, woman suf- The memorial of the Massachusetts Woman's Suffrage frage' Association, for an amendment of the constitution placing women on an equality with men in respect to the exercise of the right of Suffrage, was referred in concurrence to the committee 011 Constitutional Amendments. Women's The petition of Jennie Collins and others, for the incor- Association. poration of the Women's Apprentice Association, was re- ferred in concurrence to the committee on Labor. Brock & The remonstrance of Welcome W. Johnson and others of Swift' Naliant, against the petition of Brock and Swift, for leave to build a wharf, was referred in concurrence to the commit- tee on Harbors. Railroad rpjie petition of William Hammond and others, in aid ol to°Marb?e- petition of Henry F. Pitman and others, was referred in head' concurrence to the committee on Railways, snow and Ordered, In concurrence, that the committee 011 Roads sidewalks, and Bridges consider the expediency of further legislation in relation to the removal of snow and ice from sidewalks, amendatory of chapter 45, section 9 of the General Statutes, or otherwise ; applying such provisions to towns. partition of ]\{r. Train of Boston, from the committee 011 the Judici- lanJS' ary, reported that the bill relating to the partition of lauds ought to pass. O11 motion of Mr. Train the bill was laid upon the table, police court Mr. Train, from the same committee, to whom was re- tfrfetc.ces~ ferred the petition of Stillman Rice and others of Glouces- ter, that the police court of that town may be abolished, and that there may be legislation to prevent frauds by sea- men in getting advances, reported leave to withdraw. Placed in the orders of the day for to-morrow. casesBastard. y Mr. Train, from the same committee, also reported that Senate bill relating to bail in bastardy cases ought to pass in a new draft, entitled bill relating to bonds in bastardy cases. Read and ordered to a second reading. Mr. Woodbury of Boston, from the same committee, to Enieofevi- whom was referred the bill declaring the rule of evidence corpora-'0 as to the existence of corporations organized prior to 1870, tkras- reported that it ought not to pass. I'laced in the orders of the day for to-morrow. Mr. Yibbert of Rockport, from the committee on Educa- Evening tion, to whom was recommitted the bill concerning the sck00ls- establishment of evening schools, reported it in a new draft. Read and ordered to a second reading. Mr. Cogswell of Salem, from the committee on the Judi- Election of ciary, to whom was referred the petition of Francis M. ll"tSo0r!" Thompson and others of Greenfield, in relation to the election of assessors, reported leave to withdraw. Placed in the orders of the day for to-morrow. Mr. Pew of Gloucester, from the committee on Banks and 5w«iy Banking, to whom was referred the petition of Milton M. Bank?3 Fisher and others, reported a bill to incorporate the Medway Savings Bank. Read and ordered to a second reading. Mr. Harris of Charlestown, from the same committee, to Benjamin whom was referred the petition of Charles W. Stewart and savings others, reported a bill to incorporate the Benjamin Franklin Banlt' Savings Bank. Read and ordered to a second reading. Mr. Harris, of Chicopee, from the committee on Finance, Eliza i>. reported that the resolve in favor of Eliza L. Freeland ought to pass. Ordered to a second reading. Mr. Beard of Brookline, from the same committee, to T™porary whom was referred the resolve in aid of the Temporary Discharged Asylum for Discharged Female Prisoners at Dedham, re- onSsatPn8' ported that it ought to pass. Ordered to a second reading. Dedham. Mr. Gardner of Nantucket, from the same committee, to whom was referred the resolve in favor of the New England tluor \vo'" Hospital for Women and Children, reported that it ought to children, pass. Ordered to a second reading. Mr. Phillips of Salem, from the committee on Railways, New Bedford to whom was referred the petition of the New Bedford and Railroad. Taunton Railroad Corporation, reported a bill authorizing the New Bedford and Taunton Railroad Corporation to extend its road. Read and ordered to a second reading. Mr. Kellogg of Pittsfield, from the committee on Public Charitable Institutions, to whom was referred the petition cLU. of the trustees of the lunatic hospital at Worcester, reported a bill in aid of that institution. Read and ordered to a second reading. Free fares Mr. Sanford of Taunton, from the committee on Rail- P rail ro a°dS. " ways, to whom was referred an order on the subject of free passes upon railroads, reported, recommending that the sub- ject be referred to the next General Court. Placed in the orders of the day for to-morrow, chariemont Mr. Cogswell of Salem, from the committee on Towns, to aud Kowe. whom wag referred the petition of Roger H. Leavitt and others of Chariemont, for a change of the town line, re- ported leave to withdraw. Placed in the orders of the day for to-morrow. Granite Ran- Mr. Merriam of Leominster, from the committee on the way Co. Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill in relation to the Granite Railway Company, reported it in a new draft. Read and ordered to a second reading. Appropria- Mr. Kimball of Boston, from the committee on Finance, tion bill. reported a bill in further addition to an act making appro- priations for the maintenance of the government during the present year. Appropria- Also a bill making appropriations for expenses of the tion bill. State almshouses, the State prison, the Reform School at Westborough, the Massachusetts Nautical School, the Indus- trial School for Girls, and for other purposes. Read and ordered to a second reading. Mileage. Mr. Wright of Boston, from the committee on the Pay Roll, reported the schedule of mileage, with an order for payment. Placed in the orders of the day for to-morrow. orders of the The orders of the day were taken up. day. J Report of the committee on Rules and Orders, on the sub- ject of a rule requiring committees to accompany their reports with statements of reasons ; And report (leave to withdraw) on the petition of John Williams and others, for a gas light company in Hyde Park; Were severally accepted and sent up for concurrence. Report (inexpedient) on an order of January 13, relating to the trial of juvenile offenders, was accepted. Bill to incorporate the Boston Turnverein was read and passed to be engrossed in concurrence.
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