Newsletter Page 5 Pages 6-8 Page 9 Fall 2016 Alumni Profi le New Faculty Student Research MAEJohn A. Mellowes Nelly Andarawis-Puri Tim Lannin, Ph.D. Greg Bewley Guy Hoff man BREAKING THE RULES TO ENGINEER ROBOTS Page ₄ MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR MAE administration, a new and improved Surgery (HSS) in New York. Guy Hoff man Upson Lounge (which we could never do designs new robots to collaborate with without), and a few classrooms. The second people. Greg Bewley is an expert in ex- fl oor will house the MAE teaching labs, in- perimental fl uid dynamics, and will work cluding the Taylor Design Studio. Overall, with a variety of experiments including the we are immensely excited about the new Warhaft wind tunnel. Moreover, speaking space, and what it means for the students of the latt er, Professor Zellman Warhaft re- and faculty and future of the Sibley School. tired this year after 39 years on the faculty. You’ll fi nd a few pictures and details on Zellman provided passion about a wide pages 17-19. Please stop by as you can to variety of topics, from fl uids to energy to see our progress or keep tabs through this climate to peace studies; we look forward link: htt p://www.engineering.cornell.edu/ to his continued work with us. And fi nally, about/upson-hall-renovation.cfm we are sorry to report that Professor Tob de While our world-class faculty excel at Boer passed away. Tob led an amazingly research in many ways, they also continue balanced life between research, education, Dear Sibley School Alumni and Friends: to strive to be the best educators. This past family, and activities such as cross-country elcome to the (al- year, we have seen many faculty continue skiing and triathlons. We will miss him. most complete) new to innovate with their teaching. A group of We also highlight Rob Shepherd and home of the Sibley faculty re-thought the Solid Mechanics se- his unique Organic Robotics Laboratory School! After sever- ries to both integrate experiential learning (ORL), which is growing and making broad al years of planning, and use modern teaching methodologies; impact in multiple communities; Rob was construction started the highlight is the revamped ENGR 2020 also a recent recipient of an AFOSR Young onW Upson Hall fl oors 3-5 in May of 2015, course, based partially on the fl ipped class- Investigator award. Similarly, Ankur Singh and we have been living in the zone since room concept by Meredith Silberstein and won an NSF CAREER award. Olivier Des- then. I must say this was not without chal- Hadas Ritz . Mason Peck, Dmitry Savran- jardins led a team that won a new $7.5M lenges, since most of the construction was sky, and Dani Selva created a new two- ONR MURI project on multiphysics con- in the fl oors over our head and some days course space systems sequence. Mason also trol of spray formation and dispersion. You the dust, fumes or fi nal piping installation announced at the White House Astrono- will fi nd a list of other notable faculty ac- led faculty and staff to work elsewhere. We my night with President Obama, a new complishments later in the newslett er. even had our windows boarded up all year. CubeSat program for high school students. Our alumni spotlight this year is John Finally, in August of 2016, most faculty, A number of faculty worked with Engineer- A. Mellowes, ’60, B.M.E. ’61, who followed their research labs, Ph.D. students, M.Eng. ing Communications to create a novel pilot both his father and grandfather in studying students, and a few staff members moved class which partners with our sophomore at Cornell. John worked most of his life in- to the upper fl oors. While there is still work design course; the same concepts are then cluding as CEO, for Charter Manufactur- to be done, the new space is tremendous. re-emphasized in courses later in the junior ing, a fourth generation, family-owned and Not only are the research labs state-of-the and senior years to improve students’ abil- operated producer of steel bar, rod, wire, art, but there is a lot of common space at ity to take communications directly into and wire parts in Milwaukee. John and the corner “bump outs” which students are their next steps. Rebecca Barthelmie creat- his wife Linda created an endowment for already using for collaborative discussions ed and delivered a new, hands-on course the John A. Mellowes ’60 Professorship in or simply a coff ee. at the Black Oak Wind Farm Community Mechanical Engineering, which I am im- We have one year left on the project. using an Engaged Cornell award. Rajesh mensely honored to have been named as The MAE administration has moved to the Bhaskaran delivered a MOOC based on the the fi rst. fi rst fl oor of Rhodes, which will be our tem- simulation work he leads with the Swan- The newslett er includes updates from porary headquarters until our fi nal move son Lab. With over 25,000 participants, it reunion, project teams and a profi le of one in August 2017. The construction team is was the largest MOOC from Cornell. More of our Ph.D. students, Tim Lannin. Please currently cleaning out the lower fl oors; details on the MOOC and Rajesh are on keep in touch with us about your news and luckily, most of the electrical and ductwork page 3. successes through the Alumni link off our was installed in its fi nal position and thus On the faculty front, we welcomed website or simply a quick email to mae_ this phase should be quicker. In the end, three new professors. Their profi les are on [email protected]. We look forward the basement will house the project teams pages 6-8. Nelly Andarawis-Puri works to hearing from you. Warm regards,......... with expanded space, the expanded Rap- on the biomechanics of tendons and liga- id Prototyping Lab, and the Emerson Ma- ments, and she will help enhance our col- chine Shop. The fi rst fl oor will house the laborations with the Hospital of Special Mark Campbell....... 2 | MAE Magazine MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSE ON ENGINEERING SIMULATIONS n June 2016 the Sibley School of- with commercial FEA/CFD software use fered its fi rst Massive Open Online and industry know-how. This helps stu- Course, or MOOC. This free online dents move beyond mere butt on pushing course was developed and taught and connects what they do in the software by Dr. Rajesh Bhaskaran, senior to fundamental math and physics.” The lecturer and Swanson Director of course was six-weeks long and drew con- IEngineering Simulation. It was entitled tent from fi ve MAE courses, presenting a “A hands-on introduction to engineering uniform approach across solid mechanics, Rajesh Bhaskaran, Sr. Lecturer and Swanson Director of Engineering Simulation simulations” and was off ered at edX.org, a fl uid dynamics and heat transfer. popular MOOC platform. The course did Video lectures covered the math and sation with Dr. Bhaskaran, Mr. Sadhwani not off er Cornell credit but interested par- physics background as well as steps in the described how he developed the ANSYS ticipants can obtain a verifi ed certifi cate of ANSYS interface. Most videos were around model from the real application by making 5 minutes long and assumptions and simplifi cations and how were recorded in a to interpret the ANSYS results. The stu- self-recording studio dents greatly appreciated hearing directly which consisted of a from an industry expert as they were work- computer att ached to ing with the tool. a camera and tablet. Over 25,000 people from 167 countries The camera record- registered for the course. Of these, around ed Dr. Bhaskaran 9,000 people were active with nearly 1,600 speaking or writing. completing the course. The education- The tablet served as al background of the participants varied an electronic chalk- from a high school degree or less to a Ph.D. board with which Due to popular demand, the MOOC will Dr. Bhaskaran was relaunch on edX in the latt er part of 2016 able to write freehand as a self-paced course which students can Using a tablet and stylus, Dr. Bhaskaran writes on over PowerPoint® and start and end at any time. Dr. Bhaskaran is a virtual blackboard in a video lecture. ANSYS. This set-up excited about the future prospects of this completion for a nominal fee. The MOOC overlays the “chalkboard” PowerPoint and initiative. “This will change my teaching was an initiative of the Swanson Engineer- ANSYS so that one can seamlessly com- by helping me fl ip the classroom. With lec- ing Simulation program which supports bine these modalities of instruction. The tures online, I can use class time to help stu- the integration of simulation tools into online lectures were rated as exceeding dents complete homework and apply their MAE courses. The Swanson program was expectations by nearly 80% of the students. knowledge. I see this as an opportunity to established through a gift from Dr. John A. Assessment consisted of “check your un- move from lecturing to mentoring in the Swanson, B.S. ’61, M.Eng. ’63, ME. derstanding” questions (which followed classroom.” The course taught students the big selected lecture videos) ideas in fi nite-element analysis (FEA) and and homework assignments computational fl uid dynamics (CFD) as where students solved new well as how to apply them to solve prac- problems using ANSYS.
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