Land East of Lynn Road, Weeting Longhurst Group July 2020 LAND EAST OF LYNN ROAD, WEETING STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Statement of Community Involvement Quality Assurance Site name: Land East of Lynn Road, Weeting Client name: Longhurst Group Type of report: Statement of Community Involvement Prepared by: Jake Lambert MPlan (Hons) MRTPI Signed Date July 2020 Reviewed by: Iain Hill BSc Hons DipTP MRTPI Signed Date July 2020 Page i Statement of Community Involvement Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Weeting Parish Council 2 3.0 Breckland District Council 3 4.0 Other Statutory Consultees 5 5.0 Public Consultation 6 6.0 Response to Consultation 10 7.0 Conclusion 11 Appendix 1 PRE -APPLICATION RESPONSE – BRECKLAND DISTRICT COUNCIL Appendix 2 PRE-APPLICATION RESPONSE – COUNTY COUNCIL INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS (OCTOBER 2019) Appendix 3 PUBLIC CONSULTATION FLYER Appendix 4 PUBLIC CONSULTATION BOARDS Page ii Statement of Community Involvement 1.0 Introduction 1.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), published in February 2019, recognises the significance of pre-application engagement, in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the planning application system. The Breckland District Council Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) (2013) encourages developers to consult neighbours, Parish Councils and other local community bodies before submitting their application. 1.2 The Longhurst Group recognise the importance of community involvement within the planning process, and this document outlines, in accordance with Breckland District Council’s SCI, that appropriate steps have been taken. A variety of consultations have been undertaken prior to the submission of the formal planning application, and the responses received are documented within this Statement. Page 1 Statement of Community Involvement 2.0 Weeting Parish Council 2.1 Representatives from Longhurst Group, Jeffersons Heard and Bidwells presented the proposed development to both Members and the public at a Parish Council Meeting on 19th September, 19. 2.2 In response to the presentation, the Parish Council recognised that the principle of development on the site was established by the extant planning permission and (at the time of the meeting) the soon to be Adopted Development Plan. 2.3 Members of the Parish Council also advised that, in principle, they were supportive of the provision of affordable housing, recognising that there was need within the village / locality for affordable housing. However, Members raised questions relating to the management and retention of the units as affordable housing in perpetuity. Representatives from Longhurst Group addressed this matter by advising that the properties would be managed by Longhurst Group, an experienced Housing Association, and that the legal agreement attached to the planning permission would ensure that the units remained affordable. 2.4 Whilst the plans presented were only indicative at the time of the presentation, the Parish did not raise concerns in relation to the design / layout of the proposed development and were generally comfortable in relation to parking and open space. However, the Parish Council did make a number of points, that they were keen to ensure were considered and addressed as part of a planning application. These included: ● The need for the enhancement of the footpath between the site and Angerstein Close; ● The desire for the 40mph zone on Lynn Road to be relocated north of the proposed access; ● The energy efficiency measures to be incorporated into the development; and ● The need to demonstrate as part of an application that the proposed development would not place undue pressure on local amenities. 2.5 In addition, the Parish Council made it clear that should the decision be taken to progress an application, the recommendation that a public consultation event should be held to enable local residents to comment on the proposed development prior to submission. Page 2 Statement of Community Involvement 3.0 Breckland District Council 3.1 Comprehensive pre-application discussions have been held between representatives of Breckland District Council (BDC), the Longhurst Group, Jefferson Sheard Architects and Bidwells. Pre-Application Meetings 3.2 The first pre-application meeting was held in August 2018 with Chris Hobson (Principal Planner, Breckland District Council), based on a 72-dwelling layout. At the meeting Chris Hobson confirmed that, as the site falls within the Settlement Boundary in the Emerging Local Plan (now the Adopted Local Plan), the principle of development on the site is considered to be established. Design 3.3 In regard to design, BDC recognised how Weeting has a varied architectural style. As a result, BDC suggested that this provides the opportunity to design something modern on the site, if desired. 3.4 In terms of density, BDC confirmed that 72 dwellings was, in principle, an appropriate density on the site. 3.5 Pre-application discussions confirmed that all new dwellings should accord with Nationally Described Space Standards. 3.6 Regarding the central open space, BDC requested that the layout be amended to provide additional overlooking of the central open space/green space. In addition, it was requested that plots 31, 32 and 65 were amended to better relate to the public open spaces. 3.7 BDC confirmed that there are no Supplementary Planning Documents which required certain garden sizes. Parking 3.8 BDC were supportive of a mixture of parking treatments, as well as provision in accordance with NCC standards. Ecology 3.9 BDC confirmed that a Shadow Habitats Regulation Assessment would be required as part of a planning application for the site. Written Pre-Application Feedback 3.10 Formal pre-application feedback was received from BDC in September 2019 (Appendix 1), which confirmed that, as discussed, the principle of residential development is considered to be established on the site. 3.11 The written feedback confirmed that BDC felt the mix of affordable dwellings to be weighted in favour of 3-bedroom shared ownership houses. It was suggested that the mix be revised to respond to comments provided by James Heaton (Housing Enabling Officer). Page 3 Statement of Community Involvement 3.12 In regard to the increase in dwellings proposed on the site from the previous planning consents, the Council’s formal written advice suggested that the provision of 72 dwellings (23dph) is likely to be considered acceptable. 3.13 A number of comments were made in relation to the layout. These included: ● The hedgerows running along the sides of Plots 31 and 65 should finish at the rear elevations, to ensure that greater natural surveillance is achieved, alongside having a greater presence from the public open spaces. ● The need to ensure that all parking spaces, turning heads and private drives comply with NCC Highway’s standards. More specifically, the need to provide adequate space for cars to manoeuvre around the site, notably to turn and leave in a forward gear. 3.14 In relation to ecology, the Council confirmed that the site falls within the Breckland Farm SSSI and is close to the Weeting Heath SSSI, alongside parts of the Breckland SPA and SAC. Accordingly, an application for the site needs to be accompanied by enough information to make an Appropriate Assessment under the Habitat Regulations. The Council recommended that for assessing the impacts on Stone Curlew, Natural England’s new model should be used. 3.15 The advice also confirmed the validation requirements, which are as follows: ● Planning Statement; ● Design and Access Statement; ● Ecology Report including Appropriate Assessment / Shadow Assessment; ● Transport Statement; ● Tree Survey and Impact Assessment; ● Phase 1 Site Investigation Report; and ● FRA and Outline Drainage Strategy. 3.16 A further two pre-application meetings were held with the Council in November, 19 and February, 20. The principal purpose of the meeting was to update Chris Hobson on the amendments which had been made to the proposed development, in advance of the public consultation event on 21st November, 19. The changes related to the layout and increased number of dwellings and sought to address comments raised in the formal pre-application response in September, 19. At this meeting, the potential for a financial contribution towards the provision of children’s play space was also raised. It was agreed that this was likely to be considered acceptable given the provision of existing children’s play facilities within Weeting. 3.17 At the pre-application meeting in February, details of the changes that had been made to the scheme, in light of both the public consultation event and the receipt of technical work prepared to inform the planning application. The principal change related to the diversion of the public footpath to the south of the site, in order to ensure the impact of the proposed development on adjacent properties was limited. Chris Hobson advised that he was generally supportive of the revisions to the layout. In addition, Chris Hobson was advised of the need to remove trees that were subject to Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs). Chris Hobson advised that he would need to consult the Council’s Tree Officer on the significance of the trees and have due regard to their loss when considering the proposed development. Page 4 Statement of Community Involvement 4.0 Other Statutory Consultees NCC Obligations 4.1 Pre-Application advice was provided by NCC Obligations on 30th October 2019 (see Appendix 2). 4.2 In relation to education contributions, the advice confirms that there is spare capacity within the Early Education, Primary and High School sectors in Weeting. Accordingly, NCC would not seek any educational contributions. 4.3 1 fire hydrant will be required, at a cost of £824. This will need to be provided around the 50th dwelling. 4.4 Library contributions total £75 per dwelling, equating to £5,400. Page 5 Statement of Community Involvement 5.0 Public Consultation 5.1 On Thursday 21st November, a public consultation event was held in Weeting Village Hall (between 3.30 – 6.30pm), where representatives of Longhurst Group, Jefferson Sheard and Bidwells presented the initial proposals to the local community.
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