THE SPORTINGLIFECOFYHIOHT, 1884, BY TEE 3PORTINO LIPB FVB. OO. ENTERED AT PHILA. P. O. AS SECOND CLASS MATTER. VOLUME 22, NO. 23. PHILADELPHIA, PA., MARCH 3, 1894. PRICE, TEN CENTS. the League. Everything points that remember after we rode out to the way. They have an imaginary griev­ grounds at Agricultural Park, when THE SPORTING LIFE. ance against the Southern League, sim­ A DODBTMMOYE. EASTERNAFFAIRS, we walked down the track somebody A WEEKLY JOURNAL ply because the League exercised its in the crowd shouted, 'Look at the mur­ M'NABB'S CRIME. prerogative arid installed Macou, in­ derers. Devoted to stead of giving the place to Mont­ AN OPPOSITION "Richmond was pitching that day, gomery. The idea is prevalent that LEAGUE TALKED OF THE RECENT SDCCESSFDL MEETING AWFDL RESULTS OF ILLICIT CON­ BASE BALL, BICYCLING AND and a win for the Worcesters was Macou was taken into the League as a IN looked for. He had come here on a GENERAL SPORTS AND compromise, with the understanding THE SOOTH. OF THE LEAGUE REVIEWED. special train. But we won, 11 to NECTION WITH AN ACTRESS. that they would 10. PASTIMES. immediately withdraw We just broke Richmond's heart, mak­ their case. This may have had some­ ing twenty-one base hits. We had to thing to do with it, but tho principal Birmingham and Montgomery, the! The Value ol Holding the Meeting make that number, as he would not let The Well-Known Base Ball Player Published by reason was that the situation of Maeon us steal a base. How well I remember prevented long jumps that would other­ Excluded Cities, at the Head ol a in the Metropolis-The Substitu­ how Stovey chased the ball over the Fatally Shoots THE SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING CO. wise exist. And then, too, Macon is a track beyond the right field," he added, the Woman and good ball town, a very much better with a smile. Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. one than Montgomery. Further than Movement to Organize an Inter- tion of Syracuse For Albany- Commits Suicide-Details ol the this, Macon supported its high-priced FRANCIS C RICHTER team of last season much better than State League in the South. General Mention. WI3IAN IN TROUBLE. Shocking Tragedy. FRANK A. EGAN Editors. did Montgomery, and paid their play­ ers, and treated them considerately and The Ex-Base Ball Magnate Charged justly. Did Montgomery do this? Ask Birmingham, Ala., Feb. 20. Since Troy; N. Y., Feb. 27.-Editor "Sp->rt- With Serious Offenses. Pittsburs, Feb. 28. A probable mur­ CONTENTS: Hassamer! He will tell yon that char­ Birmingham and Montgomery have both ing Life:" The Eastern League of Pro- Erastns Wiman, the well-known capi­ der and suicide occurred to-night at the Jlnse Tl;iH Nows................. ...... Pages 1 *° ity enabled him and his wife to get to been left out of the Southern Base Ball fessi>nal B.ise Pall Clubs made no mis- talist and promoter, was arrested at his Hot^ Kiffel, on Smithtield street, when, Bicycling News ....................... Pages 9 lo St. Louis. Ask Harry Uaymond! He League a movement has been set. ou t.ike when at its mid-winter session office, at No. 1 Broadway, in New York 10. J. McNabb, a base ball player, shot Athletic, IfmitBall, Aquatic, wil' tell yon that he was compelled to foot to organize an Interstate League, in this city a few months since it de­ Citv, on Wednesday February 1, by De­ Mrs. Louise Uoekwell, an actress, and Turf, Kennel........................ Page 7 pass the winter in Montgomery, work­ to be composed of the following cities: cided to hold all future meetings in tective Phil Reilley, of the District Attor­ then killed himself. The two were Ring, HilliardB, Trigger, ing out the board bill for himself and Birmingham, Montgomery, Selina and New York City. This fact was con- ney's office. Two indictments were found lovers, and passing at the hotel as man Cricket and Skating. .......... Page 8 family. Ask Devinney; ask McCann; Troy, in Alabama; Pensacola, in Flori­ clusivcly proven last week at its meet­ against Mr. Wiman by the Grand Jury. and wife. What caused the crime is not Queatious Answered.............. Page 7 ask Clarke. Ask any of their players! da, and Columbus, in Georgia. The sala­ ing at the Fifth Avenue Hotel.. Not They are for forgery and for uttering known. They will tell you of promises unful­ ry limit will not exceed $800. The moye- since the days of the old American As­ checks. Each indictment contains two McNabb was a pitcher for the Balti­ SrUSCRIPTION BATES: filled, and treatment that is only vouch­ mtnt is being taken up in the cities sociation has so much interest been counts. The total amount involved in more Club last season, but had signed One Vm\f. ................ ............................. S4.OO safed to slaves or common cattle. It named, and promises to be successful. taken in the deliberations of a minor Mr. Wiman's alleged forgeries is $220,- with the Grand Uapids, Mich., Club Six Months...... ................. .................... 2.35 is doubtful whether Montgomery could league as thoss which attended the 000. for this year. Mrs. Uoekwell is a sou- Three Mouths..................... .................. 1.2S get together a team, even had they been The wisdom of such a move as that two-days' session of the Eastern League The complainant against him is R. G. brette, and has been playing with the Single Copy........................................... lOc. given Augusta's place. I hardly think outlined in the above dispatch is doubt­ last week. And the excellent record Dun, president of the Mercantile Agency Alvin Joslyn Company of Charles L. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. there is a manager of any standing who ful, as one Leagi'e is almost as much ns made by this organization last year Association, of 314 BroadSvay. One of Davis. Her stage name is Louise Kel­ Foreign Postage, K1.04 Extra pur Annum. would take the responsibility of engag­ the South can support. Birmingham may will no doubt be duplicated again the the charges against Wiman is for forg­ logg. ing players, relying solely upon hoped- be able to hold up her end in a cheap coming season. ing an indorsement of E. W. Bullinger McNabb and Mrs. Rockwell arrived in for contributions from Montgomery league, but she has never shown her EXIT ALBANY ENTER SYRACUSE. to a check for $5000, which was drawn Pittsburg Tuesday night about 9 o'clock, #3&-Th ose readers of THK SPORTING LIFE "fans;" strength in the Southern Leagae. K>'en This year the complexion of the East­ to Bullinger's order by R. G. Dun & coming here from New York. They who have not facilities for reaching What I have stated above is no secret. when tho town had the magnilicent team ern League will be changed somewhat Co. The other charge is for forging the went to the Eiffel Hotel, where they newsdealers, or do not care to be depend­ It is part of the Southern League records which Goldsby bad organized, the pa­ by the withdrawal of our old-time foe, indorsement of Ogden Brower to a check registered as E. .1. McNabb and wife, ent upon delivery by carriers or news of 1898, and is based upon voluntary tronage was wretch >dly small, and ex- Albany, and the substitution of Syracuse also drawn by R. G. Dun & Co. for of Columbus, Ohio. statements both in writing in its stead. Trojans will regret the $5580. The checks were forged respec­ Mrs. Itockwell went to-day to agente, should by all means subscribe, and verbally, Pros iiient Wilson and a few others had tively on January 20, 1893, and Febru­ Brad- thus insuring themselves regular from players, citizens of Montgomery; to go down into their pockets for retirement of Albany from the game, dock, where her father, P. J. Lewis, and but as the failure of the League to ary G, 1S93. prompt delivery by mail direct from and the columns of the Montgomery money to keep the club going. Tln-y On Saturday last resides. She returned in the evening "Advertiser" was full of it last season. never got enough from the receipts to place Troy and Albany in separate Mr. Wiman was re­ shortly after 8 o'clock. In the mean­ this office. would jeopardize the Senators' chanoes leased from jail. Charles H. Deen, of time McNabb spent the time about town. A HUGH BLUFF. pay half of their expenses. Every sea­ Moline, III., father-in-law of Mr. Wi­ Taking all things into consideration, son Birmingham has gotten on the rag­ for success again this year with Troy He met L. Gilliland, a friend, who was Adv«rttn1' y Rate Upon Application. playing at home upon the same days and man's eldest son, going his bail. Mr. a former ball player, and they made an. how was it possible for the members of ged edge in a couple of months until ;'i. Wiman's counsel, General Tracy, *"THE SroKTiN'G LIFE goes to press at the Southern the other towns had become heartily sick with a team still strong as that which says: engagement to go to the theatre. League Executive Com­ represented Troy last season, Albany's "I am entirely satisfied, after examining 2 P. M. every Thursday. mittee to do otherwise than they did. of the Magic City. Tha Southern League the indictments, that Mr. NO Qt'AHItEL Al'PAKEXT. Presuming is well rid of Birmingham. Montgomery retirement, it will be seen, was Wiman has McNabb and Gilliland met at the hotel Advertisers to insure insertion should that Montgomery is not bluff­ quite proper, and experts in base ball committed no crime and, unless I am not fail to forward their favors so as to ing, and has already, or purposes, insti­ is plucky and had a good team last sea- greatly misinformed, this evening.
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