15, 1940 ~ rts Dodgers Win Generally Fair BrooklYD OIubbe... DrIve Ducky II IOWA: GeDeral.,. r&lr Ioday: Walters From Mound ~morr_ loc:a' lIho_n, See Story on Pare , I ratller warm.. --- -' .allu I lou. Ci~y', Mornin, FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 1940 ~&. 11 ...... VOLUME XL NUMBER 220 n l!Jinoll e Ur,iver. ng which s tn8truc. r at the 'y. It to New sold fOOd. se broker ~s In the ld French ~ nt (0 SI AFTER*** THE BOM~ING*** WAS OVER *** *** *** *** u's in th; ek t 0 De' Plunge Against Maginot Line; 18 he es. vz usiness in S was t l as r j oa ver .r arlS Other Units Reach Chaumont Iowa City ,8 lecture Senate Approves Relief Bill Loaded French Fight Back With Fury of ' fen In [lloYed as Nazi Vanguard Oc~upies City, ' Anguish' as Government Me is To ~g in the With Provisions for National Defense JortilwllIIl. Consider Plea to U. 1ston alld Main Army Is Expected Soon WASHINGTON, June 15 (AP) also inserted a $100,000,000 fund in corn. -A relief bill, loaded with pro- for removal ot surplus ~icul­ (Editor's Note: The movement of the French gov­ ~ove their visions tor national defense and a tural products that neither the ern~ent and communications facilities to the Bordeaux n through 'Before Some of the City's War Memorials president nor the senate appro­ Were Standi,ng Old Women-Older varied assortment of other mat- priation committee had recom- region has cut the news from France to a mere trickle. In London it is stated authoritatively that little military -- Women Were Sobbing' tel's, slid through the senate to- mended. day on a voice vote after five Unchanged was the house totul news from France may be expected until this tran it is , days' debate. of $975,650,000 tor the works effected. The following story, however, has been received BY LPUIS P. LOCHN ER The measure was returned to projects adminlstratioD, bialest by wireless from Associated Press men in Bordeaux): PLACE DE ~ L'OPERA, PARIS, BY COURIER P~ANE the house tor consideration of nu- item in the bill, although the •tBhine merous senate changes and addl-lsenate imposed various new con­ TO BERLIN, June 15 '(AP)-The swastika banners of Nazi lions that boosted its total to ditions for spendina this money, BY THE ASSO JATED PRE rJB . Germany floated over Paris today from atop practically every $1,224,791,357 in appropriations. Although the relief funds are BORDEAUX, June 15-Germany's armies threw a bat­ prominent and' historic structure in this German-captured The house had approved a $1,- for the fiscal year opening July tenng ram across the Rhine IVId into A1sace tonight in lll,OOO,OOO measure. 1, the senate agreed with the French capital. President Roosevelt's request house in granting the president the face of the guns of the Magrnot line. I find myself in Paris as the guest of the German army, for a $50,000,000 war refugee fund authority to spend the entlre Deep behind the Maginot other nazi columns-more 'before the main forces of that ar1l1)r have arrived. to be spent In this country for WPA fund in eight months it than 100 miles due west of the crossing of the Rhine­ agricultural or medical supplies needed. This would provide an Only a vanguard is her~. The main army is expected before and distributed to European retu- average WPA employment of plunged over the Seine and touched the heights of Chau­ this cable gets under way. gees by the Red Cross or any 2,032,000 persons for an e i g h t - mont some 135 miles southeast of German-engulfed Paris. We arrived last night In this city that seems dead. I jU!!t othel' agency designated by the month period. The French fought back with the fury of men In president was approved. An ad- The senate earmarked $ 2 5 , - do not recognize Paris again. Seventy per cent of its popula­ anguish. ministration plan for noncombat- 000,000 of these funds to help tion has fled. ant training of 300,000 cec pay costs of national defense proj- The government met "somewhere in France." President From the Hotel Crillon, where once President Wilson of youths also was sanctioned. eets approved by the war or navy I LRtm.U\, Prtmiet Reynaud, (;enerali iml) Wey?;~t\d, Ad· the United States addressed By a 58 to 16 vote, the senate department. I miral Jean Dar/an, the navy chief, and General Joseph Vuillemin, the air chief, were ~renc? crowds, the SWaStikafRUSSia Sends there. IS flymg. -tentr.! Press R.diophoto In their grave po ition th y Shells are scattered everYwhere , uti and down a railroad track " The banner also. is flying Red Troops dealt with the result of "80mewhere in France" ,l\fter a German air squadron had success· from atop the Qual D'Orsay, Reynaud's "final" plea for "illy bombed a French ammunition train. This picture was llown to the United Statea by Clipper plane. (the French foreign ,office); Into Lithuania American help, for "cloud of from the Arc De Tnomphe, airplane ," 'under which lies buried France's . RlO DE JANEIRO, J u n e 15 Spoke man The semi offfcial Havas Proml-se To Alll-es kId' f th W Id (AP)-A demonstration on the • D • .. 's Aid un nown so ler o . e or R Th steps of I the municipal theater. agency said there would be F R umors Circulate at That There no separate French peace with ~ar; '.' from the historic city hall; Soviet Is Concerned which authorities had authorized To Stop HiUer. rts dispatch was !rom Seen hy British as 'Generous' .and from the,Eiffel tower. on the grounds it would be purely London. I It all seems uhreal, like an Ara- a pro-United States manifestation, Over Nazi Expansion ne 15 (AP)- The • • • . ------------- ' ~ian nights tala QOOJe to li1e. Wa:3 interrupted by police toc\ay tamou f011.i I and cita­ OW Jill repor the only OMII Roosevelt Will Herp This liisp'ah;h is being ~ent trom S'l'OCKHOLM. June 15 (AP)-I when It 1UTned in 0 'IIpro-alJied NBW YOnK, June IS (AP)­ French Lose . manifestatlon. del of Verdun, reduced to virtual available, Bold "a, few detach­ As Long as Powers here at 9 a. m. (2 a. m., CST). The march of the red army mtu Brazil has remained neutl'al in Under cover Df the exciting events ment." oro d the RhIne after ruins in one 01 the bloodiest in Europe, a change occurred this the mOlt violent ot bombard­ Will Continue Resistance Ship in Attack On tirst entering Paris last Lithuania today under a forced Ithe war and as a neutral nas pro­ battle ot the last war yet never night, we drove to the tomb at tbe grant of "free passage" may be hibited public manifestations for week h1 business and speculative ments. taken by the Imperial German psychology which may mark a The MBoglnot Une, however, LONDON, June 15 (AP) - On Italian City unknown soldier in the twilight. the forerunner of a Russian move one side or the other. army. (ell today before the smash was not broken at "Che point of British authorities expressed "si n­ A b k nd t the Ar De to establish a half-million troops . (Two prevlo~s dispatches, heav­ of AdoU Hitler's armies, the Ger­ turning point In the American restsu,nce," tonight's communi­ cere gratitude" tonight for Presi- J ROME, June 15 (AP)-A dawn . s a ac grou 0.. c . lly censored, said that a group car­ TrlOmphe, the sky was dISfigured. , ~ear the Ger~an border, a foreign rying American flags arrived in man high command announced to­ chapter of the economic history Que Insisted. dent Roosevelt's promise of aid naval attack on Genoa in which night. of the world struggle. • • • to the allies as long as they by an ehol'mous ugly cloud of i Informant said today. tront of the United State:!! embassy There was growing evidence "continue to resist" while reports the French lost a destroyer, and South of Saarbrucken, the high This was at Neul Breisach, some smo)te emanating from the region I This informant, for several years to deliver a message to Ambas­ command also declared, the nazi that Wall stre t and the Industri al were published in this capital that the occupation or Frencb terri­ around St. Germaih. resident of Latvia, said the Rus- sador Jefferson Caffrey but that 40 miles south of Strasbourg. war machine has broken through community had turned their pri­ The armies ot Fu,\!! {en nllek Sunday might decide the fight 101' tory on the Alpine frorltier were That suburl> apparently was in sians intended to garrison- the the c~ntents of the .message were the Maginot line on "a broad marY thoughts and energy to the "in the b Bt of order." France. reported today by the Italian high flames from artillery fire. not disclosed immediately. home front, where a $5,000,000,000 It was about 9 p, m.-and the strength of the red army m Llth- (The first dispatch also to I d front" in its drive westward to­ The German armies ot Cham­ It was said that the allled com- command. ward the conquered city ot Paris. arms program domlnat d the pagne, seeking to engul! the )RKS mandel'S in the field had made a The Italian advance aCI'oss the arc was bathed in a mellow, red~ uania, Estonia and LatVia, three of shooting in dispersing a group Verdun, too, stands within the scene.
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