Foreword One person cannot change a nation. But, one person with talented lieutenants and ultimately a lar ge and committed staf f - can open the door to nation-wide change. When that person and his team also read the desires and capacities of a whole people to achieve a better life, then miracles can truly happen. Mechai V iravaidya and the changes wrought by the Population and Community Development Association (PDA)over the past 31 years is the history of such a miracle. One of the characteristics of a change-making or ganization is that it no sooner accomplishes one task than it looks for the next challenge. PDA has never stopped long enough to write its own history , and we are all very grateful to Mita Mukerjee for her comprehensive account of PDA’s first 31 years. Every project PDA ever undertook was focussed and well managed, but overall three key themes stand out making PDA one of the most innovative, interesting and important NGOs in the world. First Mechai promoted what he called “fertility led development”. Beginning with the community-based family planning program in which the program included subsidized sale of contraceptives at a village level in the early 1970s, PDA built on the skills of village family planning distributors to introduce new agricultural practices, such as intensive chicken rearing and micro-loans. Those of us privileged to watch the work of P D A from the outside, for the past 31 years of consistent PDA ef fort and innovation have seen some communities changed beyond all recognition. Second as this history shows so well, PDA and its ingenious network of not-for profit and for-profit entities has always surfed ahead of the wave of financial assistance for development. In the early 1970s, PDA was dependent on external funding from sources, such as the International Planned Parenthood Federation and some American Foundations, but from the first day of operation the or ganization set its sights on some level of cost- recovery, however modest. One of Mechai’s aphorisms was that, “The poor get nothing free, not even their funerals”. A s P D A’s work grew so it drew in more and more support from international agencies and from developed country governments and foundations. But Mechai saw more clearly than the leaders in other countries both that donors can be fickle and also that as Thailand grew richer it would have to generate more of its own money. Thailand’s economy has indeed taken of f, at least in part facilitated by the rapid, voluntary drop in family size, PDA, in collaboration with the remarkable Thai National Family Planning Program helped accomplish in the past 31 years, but great inequalities persist in wealth in some parts of the country , such as the north east. PDA has spun of f a group of well run, profitable businesses, beginning with the well known Cabbages and Condoms restaurants, which cross subsidize development activities helping poor and vulnerable groups. 1 The Role of PDA during the last 31 years in Thailand Third, Mechai, in his role as Minister in the Prime Minister ’s of fice in the early 1990’ s played a remarkable and essential- probably the central role-in Thailand’s relative success in curbing the spread of HIV/AIDS. Multiple agencies of government under Mechai’s direction, together with the good humoured PDA approach to contraception and especially condoms, that PDA had fostered for over two decades made it easier for Thais to respond to the AIDS epidemic. Mechai’s life-long drive to follow the best evidence, rather than the politically correct or easy path-as he always done confronting the dif ficult but important topic of safe abortion-meant that PDA’s strategies were aimed at of fering practical help to vulnerable groups at high risk of infection. The remarkable graph on page 87 undersc ores the success of this combination of good humor , openness about sexuality and fearless pursuit of life-saving strategies. When Mechai was selling his first proposal for funding to the IPPF in London, a senior committee member said, “Well young man, these seems as excellent proposal but it all seems to depend on you. What if you are run over by a bus?” “ Would that be a single decker or double decker bus,” quipped Mechai. The committee laughed and the young man got the money. Perhaps the ultimate success of Mechai V iravaidya is that the next gyration of staf f and volunteers, including Mechai’ s own daughter , show every evidence of carrying PDA forward over the next 31 years. And they are certain to be needed. In health, socio-economic development, equality for women, or battling AIDS, problems are never totally solved. Currently , Mechai is worried that Thailand may be losing its focus on HIV prevention, perhaps ushering in another wave of infections. Fortunately , P D A is tireless, it will confront and overcome new challenges and it will continue to surf ahead of the wave. Lastly we would like to congratulate the editor for the excellent documentation of PDA’s evolution and experience over the past 31 years. Also we extend our heartful thanks and admiration to Khun Mechai V iravaidya- who the book is dedicated to- for all the assistance, inspiration and support he has provided to us over the years. He gave us our first opportunity to work in International Health in Asia 1978, and continues to engage us in activities and programs that PDA is spearheading in Thailand, V ietnam and Laos. His generosity and genuine friendship are deeply appreciated and cherished. Malcolm Potts, MD, PHD Allan Rosenfield, MD Bixby Pr ofessor of Population Delamar Professor and Dean School of Public Health Mailman School of Public Health University of California, Columbia University Berkeley Leona and Thomas D’Agnes International Public Policy & Management Program University of Southern California 2 The Role of PDA during the last 31 years in Thailand Editor ’s Note Thailand is popularly known as the land of smiles. I am indeed proud to be in touch with this amazing country , its fascinating culture and getting an opportunity to interact with its ever smiling people who are mostly very gentle, polite and loving nature. Founded in 1974, the Population and Community Development Association (PDA) is one of Thailand’s most w ell established and diverse non-government or ganizations, the headquarter being based in Bangkok with eighteen regional centers and branch of fices. PDA’s programs are based on its immense faith on the capability of the community people in shaping and sustaining their own development. PDA pioneered activities at the grass root level, marked by extensive involvement of villagers, not only as beneficiaries, but also as planners, managers and leaders. Throughout the last 31 years of activities, PDA focussed its primary objective in improving the quality of life of the rural people in terms of health, education, economy , human resource development, environment, as reflected in PDA’s dif ferent projects on family planning and reproductive health, primary health care, vocational training, income generation, water resource development, sanitation, business initiative in rural development, forestry and environmental conservation etc. T o ensure wider coverage, PDA mostly worked in collaboration with the public sector to fulfil its primary objective. PDA always encouraged community participation in all its programs and activities with especial emphasis on the empowerment of women. Besides conducting dif ferent development oriented programs, PDA centers are often promoted for exchanging ideas and opinions on dif ferent issues like population control, health, corruption, democracy and development. PDA promotes democracy by means of encouraging youths, women leaders and common people to participate in local politics and the electoral system in Tambon Administration Or ganization and municipal councils, so as to make them conscious about their duties and role as Thai citizens and to act in conformity with the constitution of Thailand, 1997. T o create interest in political matters, democracy and the electoral system of the country , PDA introduced its innovative Mobile Democracy Bus with in-built audio-visual devices and computers, the only vehicle for this type of mission in the entire country , which creates a lot of attraction among people in the community and the school children as well.W ith the 31 years of experience, PDA looks forward responding to the current social and economic crises with renewed commitment, similar innovation and ingenuity, that have marked its achievements through the years. My contact with PDA and its multi-faceted activities tempted me to take this opportunity to document it. This book is rather an outcome of compilation of dif ferent data, information, unique approaches related to PDA activities with analysis and elaborations. Its dif ferent innovative approaches amazed me, prompted me to unravel their diversified role in dif ferent development related works. I highlighted the PDA’s monumental activities in dif ferent fields through appreciation and analysis. I would like to share this experience 3 The Role of PDA during the last 31 years in Thailand with other people working in the same area, transcending the geographical barriers. In this context I would like to convey my heartiest gratitude to Professor Muhammad Y unus of Grameen Bank, Bangladesh, who inspired me to write something meaningful and worth writing, for the benefit of people and contributing to development. I dedicate this endeavour to Mr . Mechai V iravaidya, the Senator and the Chairman of PDA with deep respect. He is the agglomeration of three indispensable virtues: outstanding talent and capability , profound compassion and extraordinary commitment. These virtues are essential to make any mammoth task a success.
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