MEETING CABINET DATE AND TIME MONDAY, 23 JANUARY 2006 AT 7.00 PM VENUE THE TOWN HALL, THE BURROUGHS, HENDON, NW4 4BG Please note Draft Local Implementation Plan (agenda item 6): Because of the size of the draft plan (347 pages) o Cabinet Members are asked to retain their copies of this document; o Members of the Cabinet Overview & Scrutiny Committee only will receive hard copies; o Copies will be placed in the Group Rooms; o The document will be published with the papers for this meeting on the Council’s web site at http://committeepapers.barnet.gov.uk/democracy ; o Hard copies can also be inspected by contacting Nick Musgrove on 020 8359 2024. TO: MEMBERS OF THE CABINET (Quorum 5) Chairman: Councillor Brian Salinger Councillors: Fiona Bulmer Mike Freer John Marshall Melvin Cohen Christopher Harris Matthew Offord Anthony Finn Lynne Hillan You are requested to attend the above meeting for which an agenda is attached. John Marr Democratic Services Manager Democratic Services contact Nick Musgrove 020 8359 2024 FACILITIES FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES The Town Hall has access for wheelchair users including lifts and toilets. If you wish to let us know in advance that you will be attending the meeting please telephone Nick Musgrove on 020 8359 2024. People with hearing difficulties who have a text phone, may telephone our minicom number on 020 8203 8942. All our Committee Rooms also have induction loops. Town Hall Hendon NW4 4BG ii ORDER OF BUSINESS Item No. Title of Report Page Nos. 1. MINUTES OF MEETING HELD 5 DECEMBER 2005 - 2. ABSENCE OF MEMBERS - 3. DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ PERSONAL AND - PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS Report of the Leader of the Council 4. “Barnet: A First Class Suburb” – a sustainable Community 1 – 12 Strategy for Barnet, 2006 – 2016 Report of the Cabinet Member for Resources 5. Human Resources Employee Relations Policies 13 – 16 Report of the Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport 6. Local Implementation Plan (LIP) (Transport) 17 – 27 Reports of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Licensing Services 7. Unitary Development Plan – Direction from Secretary of State 28 – 45 Report of the Cabinet Member for Community Services 8. Annual Performance Review of the Council’s Adult Social 46 – 60 Services Report of the Cabinet Member for Children 9. Annual Performance Review of the Council’s Social Services 61 – 85 (Children & Families) 10. ITEMS REFERRED FROM OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY - COMMITTEES No items have been referred. - 11. ANY OTHER ITEMS THAT THE CHAIRMAN DECIDES ARE - URGENT iii Fire/Emergency Evacuation Procedure If the fire alarm sounds continuously, or if you are instructed to do so, you must leave the building by the nearest available exit. You will be directed to the nearest exit by Committee staff or by uniformed porters. It is vital you follow their instructions. You should proceed calmly; do not run and do not use the lifts. Do not stop to collect personal belongings. Once you are outside, please do not wait immediately next to the building, but move some distance away and await further instructions. Do not re-enter the building until told to do so. iv AGENDA ITEM: 4 Page nos. 1 – 12 Meeting Cabinet Date 23 January 2006 Subject Barnet: A First Class Suburb – A Sustainable Community Strategy for Barnet 2006-2016 Report of Leader of the Council Summary This report summarises the public consultation responses to Barnet’s draft Community Strategy, suggests changes as a consequence, and recommends Council to approve the final Strategy. Officer Contributors Head of Corporate Performance Office Policy & Performance Manager Community Partnerships Manager Status (public or exempt) Public Wards affected All Enclosures Barnet: A First Class Suburb: A Sustainable Community Strategy for Barnet, 2006-2016 (enclosure to follow shortly) Developing a new Community Strategy for Barnet – summary of consultation For decision by Council Function of Council Reason for urgency / Not applicable exemption from call-in (if appropriate) Contact for further information: Hester Fairgrieve, Policy & Performance Manager 020 8359 7011. 1 1. RECOMMENDATIONS 1.1 That Cabinet recommend Council to approve the Sustainable Community Strategy for Barnet in the light of the response to consultation outlined in this report. 2. RELEVANT PREVIOUS DECISIONS 2.1 None 3. CORPORATE PRIORITIES AND POLICY CONSIDERATIONS 3.1 This Community Strategy fulfils the Council’s requirements under the Local Government Act 2000 to prepare a plan for improving the economic, environmental and social well-being of the area. Local authorities must prepare this in partnership with local organisations and agencies as well as consult and seek participation and involvement from local communities. 3.2 The new ten year Strategy has been developed through extensive consultation with partners represented on Barnet’s Local Strategic Partnership (LSP), community groups, local businesses and residents to ensure that it meets the Council’s core objective of ‘Putting the Community First’. 3.3 The following Council priorities are reflected in the Strategy: • A First Class Education Service • Tackling Crime • Supporting the Vulnerable in our Community • A Cleaner Greener Barnet. 4. RISK MANAGEMENT ISSUES 4.1 The principal risk is failure to deliver the ambitions in the Strategy. A detailed action plan which sets out how the Local Strategic Partnership will deliver the strategy is currently being developed. This will include partnership projects and key targets by which success against the Community Strategy will be measured. A rigorous performance management framework will be implemented to monitor and challenge performance against the strategy on a regular basis. 5. FINANCIAL, STAFFING, ICT AND PROPERTY IMPLICATIONS 5.1 The Strategy is not accompanied by additional resources, and the activities which underpin delivery of the strategy will be delivered within existing budgets of the Council and partner organisations. 5.2 The printing and promotion of the strategy will be met through an annual payment to the LSP from the Learning and Skills Council. The ongoing costs of performance managing the strategy will be met within existing CPO budgets. 6. LEGAL ISSUES 6.1 None, other than what is contained in the body of the report. 2 7 CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS 7.1 The Community Strategy is part of the policy framework, and its approval is reserved to full Council on recommendation from Cabinet. 8 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 8.1 Under the Local Government Act 2000, all authorities are required to develop a strategy for promoting the economic, environmental and social well-being of their community. Barnet’s second Community Plan, ‘Barnet First Class’, was produced by Barnet’s LSP and adopted in 2003. The Plan covered the period from 2003-2006. As the current Community Plan expires in March 2006, a new longer term Community Strategy, ‘Barnet: A First Class Suburb’ has been developed to cover the period 2006-2016. The strategy will be reviewed every three years. 8.2 A draft of the Community Strategy was produced in August 2005 following detailed discussions around joint priorities with members of Barnet’s LSP, which is chaired by Tom Nathan, Commercial Director of Brent Cross Shopping Centre, on which the Leader represents Barnet Council. The draft strategy was also produced following an analysis of residents’ priorities (as identified through the Best Value Review Survey 2003/04 and Annual Residents’ Survey 2004/05) and a review of key challenges facing the borough now and in the future. 8.3 The draft strategy has been discussed with Cabinet Members to ensure that the document accurately reflected the Council’s commitments. Feedback from this was incorporated into the Strategy that went out to public consultation. 8.4 The draft Strategy went out to consultation during October-December 2005. Every household in the borough received a copy of Barnet First which highlighted the contents of the draft strategy and asked residents to express their views. The strategy was also available in public places and on various partner websites. The strategy and questionnaire was sent to all members of Barnet’s Citizen’s Panel and presentations were given at various events including the Civic Network and the area forums. There were also focused workshops with older people, young people, people with disabilities, faith groups and Black Minority Ethnic (BME) communities. In total 738 people responded to the consultation, whether through a formal questionnaire or being involved in a focus group/workshop. 8.5 Summary of changes to the Community Strategy following consultation A detailed summary of the consultation findings is available in the appendix. Views expressed during consultation understandably varied depending on the individuals or groups consulted. However, there were some re-occurring themes. These and the responses proposed as a result are highlighted below: • The overwhelming majority of respondents shared the vision for Barnet in 2016 (82% of those surveyed). Suggested response – the vision will be kept as it is but more explicit reference will be made to ‘affordable and decent homes’, as this, despite being an ambition, was not specifically referred to in the vision 3 • The themes expressed in order of importance were ‘Safer, Stronger & Cleaner’, ‘Investing in Children & Young People’ ‘Healthier Barnet’ and ‘Growing Successfully’ • There is too little on older people and how their needs will be addressed over the next ten years. Suggested response - make older people a sub-theme of ‘Healthier Barnet’ and make explicit reference to older people in the ‘health and care is targeted at the most vulnerable’ ambition. Add another ambition specifically focused on older people - ‘maximising choice and independence for older people’. • There is not enough information on how the vision will be achieved. Suggested response – the final strategy will include key measures of success and examples of partnership projects which will help to deliver the ambitions. Explicit reference will also be made to the specific strategies that support each ambition.
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