February 10, 2019 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time HOLY FAMILY PARISH ST. JOSEPH CHURCH Fort Madison, IA 52627 Montrose, IA 52639 Sacred Heart Ss. Mary and Joseph 508 Cedar Street 2217 Avenue I 410 11th Street PASTORAL & OFFICE CONTACT INFORMATION HOLY FAMILY MISSION STATEMENT Rev. Joseph P.V. Phung, Pastor, [email protected] To celebrate, live, nurture Rev. Mark Spring, Parochial Vicar, [email protected] and pass on the Catholic faith. Rev. Mr. Robert Gengenbacher, Deacon Rev. Dr. Ronald Stein, Deacon Rev. Mr. David Sallen, Deacon Sr. Peggy Duffy, Min. of Care, Faith Form., (319) 372-2068 Alicia Lundstrom, Youth Coordinator Anita Helling, Business Manager Danelle Peitz, Secretary Mass Times: Saturday, 4:00 p.m. @ Sacred Heart 5:30 p.m. @ St. Joseph in Montrose Sunday, 8:30 a.m. @ Sacred Heart 10:30 a.m. @ Ss. Mary and Joseph 5:30 p.m. @ Sacred Heart, 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays of the month Daily, Monday @ 5:30 p.m. Tuesday - Friday @ 8:00 a.m. Daily Masses alternate locations, please see inside for location Wednesday, @ 5:30 p.m. @ St. Joseph, Montrose Reconciliation: Saturday: 3:15 p.m. @ Sacred Heart Sunday: 7:45 a.m. @ Sacred Heart 9:45 a.m. @ Ss. Mary and Joseph or by appointment with a priest Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs.: 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m. – Noon Office Phone: (319) 372-2127 Office E-Mail: [email protected] Office Web Page: www.fortmadisoncatholiccommunity.com Flocknote: Flocknote.com/fmcatholic Facebook: Fort Madison Holy Family Parish FORMED: formed.org; Parish Access Code: RAXJWJ . Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 February 10, 2019 As the Catholic Church celebrates World Marriage Day this weekend, here is some advice from Pope Francis: A Message from Father Joseph: 3 Secrets to a Successful Marriage by Pope Francis Share Jesus’ Mission One couple sent a question to Pope Francis, which he ad- dressed during the audience: Dear Friends, “Many feel that the challenge of living together forever is beautiful, enchanting, but very demanding, almost impossi- This Sunday’s scripture reading presents us Isaiah, ble. We ask your word to enlighten us on this.” The Holy Paul, and Peter. All three are called and chosen by Father advised the couples that the secret for a successful mar- riage can be boiled down to three simple concepts: permission, God. Each regrets that he is too human, and too sinful to thanks and forgiveness. fulfill God’s choice. But God makes up for what they ONE: ASK PERMISSION - PLEASE. “Please – May I? We must lack. Isaiah says, “Woe is me, I am doomed! For I am a learn to ask: May I do this? Would you like that we do this? We man of unclean lips; living among a people of unclean take this initiative, and that we bring up our children like this. lips." Paul adds that he was called even though he had Would you like to go out tonight? … In short, to ask for agree- ment is to enter the lives of others with courtesy. But keep this in persecuted the Church. He is the very least of the apos- mind: to be able to enter into the lives of others with courtesy. It tles, but by the grace of God, still an apostle. Peter is is not easy, it is not easy. Sometimes instead, the manners can quite aware of his humanity. He is a fisherman without be a bit heavy, like hiking boots!” Quoting St. Francis, the Pope any education. He is stubborn and lacks courage, but said, “‘Know that courtesy is one of the properties of God … and courtesy is the sister of charity, which extinguishes hate and God still calls him and gives him the ability to be the protects love.’ Yes, courtesy protects love. And today in our fam- greatest and first of the apostles. Each of them had ful- ilies, in our world, which is often violent and arrogant, we need much more courtesy. And this can begin at home.” filled their mission wonderfully. God wonderfully made and called each of us to follow TWO: GIVE THANKS - THANK YOU. “It seems easy to say the word, but we know that is not always so … But it’s important! We him and build his kingdom on earth. He calls us, each of teach it to the children, but then we forget it ourselves! Gratitude us, to be wife, husband, father, mother, grandparent, is an important quality. An old woman once said to me in Bue- son, daughter, priest, sister, deacon, teacher, farmer, nos Aires: ‘Gratitude is a flower that grows in the noble land.’ etc. He gives us the grace and power to love and serve. Nobility of the soul is necessary to grow this flower. “Remember the Gospel of Luke?” He continued. “Jesus heals ten who are Following the Initiative of Vision 20/20 of the Diocese sick with leprosy, and then only one returns to say thanks to of Davenport, we are working in deepening our call, our Jesus. The Lord says, and the other nine, where are they? This vocation, to best serve God and his people. Indeed, the is also true for us: do we know how to say thanks? In your rela- tionship, and then tomorrow in married life, it is important to building of God’s kingdom needs the participation of each keep alive the awareness that the other person is a gift of God, member. In that direction, our parish is forming a Voca- and for the gifts of God to say thank you! And in this inner atti- tion Committee to help promote vocations at our faith tude say thanks to each other for everything. It is not a kind word to use just with strangers, to show you are educated. It is neces- community. I ask you to pray for this endeavor and con- sary to know how to say thank you, in order to get along well sider to take part in this ministry. In the coming bulle- together in married life.” tins, you will hear more about this ministry. Stay tuned! THREE: ASK FORGIVENESS - I AM SORRY, or excuse me. “In life we make so many errors, many mistakes…We learn to rec- In Christ’s Peace, Joy, and Service ognize our mistakes and apologize. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 . Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 3 February 10, 2019 Day/Date Mass Time/Location Mass Intention Saint of the Day Scripture Readings Saturday 4:00 PM @ SH For the Parishioners Vigil of the Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 February 9 5:30 PM @ SJ-M Marcella Rabe Fifth Sunday in 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Ordinary Time Luke 5:1-11 8:30 AM @ SH Harold & Rosella Wagner Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 Sunday Fifth Sunday in 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 February 10 10:30 AM @ SsMJ Dorothy Delaney Ordinary Time Luke 5:1-11 5:30 PM@ SM-WP Monday Our Lady of Genesis 1:1-19 February 11 5:30 PM @ SH Bill Koellner Lourdes Mark 6:53-56 Tuesday Genesis 1:20 - 2:4a Weekday February 12 8:00 AM @ SH Mike Wellman Mark 7:1-13 8:00 AM @ SH Audrey Clingman Genesis 2:4b-9, 15-17 Wednesday 5:30 PM @ SJ-M Private Intention Weekday Mark 7:14-23 February 13 7:00 PM @ SsMJ Religious Education Mass Thursday 8:00 AM @ SH Gloria Lampe Ss. Cyril and Genesis 2:18-25 Mark 7:24-30 February 14 11:00 AM @ K Frances “Ann” Baxter Methodius Friday 8:00 AM @ SH Genesis 3:1-8 Milo Prado Weekday February 15 Eucharistic Adoration Mark 7:31-37 Saturday 4:00 PM @ SH Louis Larsen Vigil of the Jeremiah 17:5-8 February 16 5:30 PM @ SJ-M For the Parishioners Sixth Sunday in 1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20 Ordinary Time Luke 6:17, 20-26 8:30 AM @ SH Gerry Gross Jeremiah 17:5-8 Sunday Sixth Sunday 10:30 AM @ SsMJ Paul Pohlpeter 1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20 February 17 in Ordinary Time Luke 6:17, 20-26 5:30 PM@ SH Fred Klesner MASS DATE February 16 February 17 February 17 February 17 TIME 4:00 P.M. 8:30 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 5:30 P.M. LOCATION KEY MINISTRY NAME NAME NAME NAME SH Sacred Heart Euch. Min Host Judy Stuecker Floyd Krogmeier Evelyn Wenke Dianna Holmes SsMJ Ss. Mary & Joseph Euch. Min. Host Dick Pieper Judy Krogmeier Cathy Wilkens SJ-M St. Joseph-Montrose K The Kensington Euch. Min. Host Karen Pieper Teresa Panther Wyatt Hellman TM The Madison Care Center Euch. Min. Cup Anita Hunold Gloria Rives Mike Panther Sacristan SM-WP St. Mary, West Point Euch. Min. Cup Kay McGushin Deacon Ron Linda Panther Donna Gengenbacher Lectors Dick Pieper Paulette Schrepfer Glenda Jackson Dianna Holmes CARE OF THE SICK Lectors Kristi Roach February 17, 2019 Servers Frank Durand Kay Quittem Anna Schroeder Pat Hollister FMHC/FMCH/SB - Servers Cole Quittem Edward Schroeder Michael Hollister Joyce Kutscher Gift Bearers Denny & Kathy Mike & Bonnie Howard Matt Abel Family Osipowicz HOMEBOUND - MOH Denny & Kathy Ted & Rita Schneider Larry & Connie Kim Albers Donna Gengenbacher Osipowicz Cindy Adkins Kelch MOH Mike Wilkens John & Kathy McKillip Rich Kokjohn Charlene Sallen KENSINGTON - Jesse Dorman Dennis Pollpeter Paul & Betty Mohrfeld Scrip Workers Jack Powers Mike & Kathy Pence Dianne Huddleson . Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4 February 10, 2019 ST. JOSEPH’S CORNER STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE LAY MINISTRY SCHEDULE 5:30 p.m., February 16, 2019 SUNDAY, February 3, 2019 Eucharistic Deb Holtkamp Regular Envelopes ............$17,203.00 Ministers Diane Burgess Electronic Giving ...................$865.00 Chris Galle Offertory ................................$373.02 Lector Diane Rempe Children’s Envelopes ...............$10.00 Rosary Mary Pezley Restricted Gifts ......................$180.00 HTC Schools ..........................$845.98 STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE TOTAL PARISH GIFTS ..$19,477.00 February 2, 2019 Envelopes...........................
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