Promotional Items Catalogue

Promotional Items Catalogue

JULY 2015 Condé offers everything needed to get into the personalized photo gift business including: • DYE-SUB TRANSFER SYSTEMS • HEAT TRANSFER SYSTEMS PHOTO GIFTS • HEAT PRESSES • BLANK IMPRINTABLE PRODUCTS • PRODUCTION SOFTWARE • DYE-SUB INK, PAPER & SUPPLIES & AWARDS • EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS TM ! Order online at " Order toll free at 800-826-6332 Ceramic Tiles TM Decorative Tiles IronClad™ Our glass floor tiles are a dynamic Ceramic Tiles alternative to ordinary floor coverings! Available in 3”x6”, 4.25”x4.25”, 6”x6”, 6”x8”, 8”x8”, 8”x10”, and 12”x12” sizes! FE36G 3”x6”x.25” NO Lugs, Gloss. FE36S 3”x6”x.25” NO Lugs, Satin. FE36M 3”x6”x.25” NO Lugs, Matte. FE44G 4.29”x4.29”x.315” w/Lugs, Gloss. FE44S 4.29”x4.29”x.315” w/Lugs, Satin. FE44M 4.29”x4.29”x.315” w/Lugs, Matte. Glows in the dark! FE66G 6”.0625x6”.0625x.315” w/Lugs, Gloss. FE66S 6”.0625x6”.0625x.315” w/Lugs, Satin. ™ ™ FE66M 6”.0625x6”.0625x.315” w/Lugs, Matte. Premiere Ceramic Glow Tiles Bison Tuscan Porcelain Tiles FE68G 6.0313”x7.875”x.25” NO Lugs, Gloss. Offers a unique way to display a special image or design in Non-porous tiles that can be used for interior water applications such as FE68S 6.0313”x7.875”x.25” NO Lugs, Satin. the dark! Once energized by light, glows for 8-10 hours. fountains. Not recommended for floor, countertop, or exterior applications. FE68M 6.0313”x7.875”x.25” NO Lugs, Matte. TILE4S-GLOW 4.3125” Square x.25”, Satin. Unsanded grout required when producing murals. Tuscan tiles do not fit our FE88G 7.8125”x7.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Gloss. TILE6S-GLOW 6.03125” Square x.25”, Satin. line of wrought iron products. FE88S 7.8125”x7.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Satin. TP4X4DS 3.875”x3.875”, Satin Cream. FE88M 7.8125”x7.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Matte. TP6X6DS 5.875”x5.875”, Satin White. FE810G 7.875”x9.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Gloss. FE810S 7.875”x9.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Satin. FE810M 7.875”x9.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Matte. FE1212G 11.8125”x11.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Gloss. FE1212S 11.8125”x11.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Satin. FE1212M 11.8125”x11.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Matte. Create beautiful, photographic-quality murals for bathrooms, kitchens, museums, foyers, restaurants & office lobbies! Tumbled Stone Tiles Bison™ Wall Tiles Bison™ Glass Floor Tiles Presents images in an old-world style. Each tile is individually cut, causing Textured ceramic wall tile with a rustic, matte finish and unique near-stone texture. Suitable for high-traffic residential and commercial applications such as variations in color, texture, size & thickness. TXT6X6SHC Bison 5.75”x5.75”, Matte. kitchens, hallways, foyers, business lobbies, executive suites & boardrooms. Not for wet environments. ™ ™ ™ ™ TS4X4SHC Bison 3.9375”x3.9375”, Matte. DyeTrans Ceramic Value Tiles Premiere Ceramic Tiles Bison Ceramic Tiles Bison Mosaic Tiles TS6X6SHC Bison 5.9375”x5.9375”, Matte. TWG6X6 6”x6”x.25”, Non-Tempered. Value tiles are less expensive & feature a soft coating. Provide beautiful art & photo reproduction that’s Provide a brilliant canvas for the best artwork & photo The glossy finish provides a brilliant canvas for best TWG12X12NT 12”x12”x.25”, Non-Tempered. Value tiles do not have built-in spacers, known as lugs. suitable for use w/our line of distinctive wood products. reproduction. The matte ceramic tiles are highly resilient artwork & photo reproduction. Best for decorative use TWG12X12 12”x12”x.25”, Tempered. BT22A 1.875”x1.875”x.2”, Gloss. TILER6 6” round x.25”, Gloss. and scratch resistant. only - in tile stands or framed pieces. The Dura Satin finish has the resilience & scratch resistance of a matte tile, but BT44 4.25”x4.25”x.2”, Gloss. TILER6M 6” round x.25”, Matte. CE3X6GLO 3”x6”x.25” NO Lugs, Gloss. TILER6S 6” round x.25”, Satin. CE3X6SHC 3”x6”x.25” NO Lugs, Matte. with a semi-gloss finish similar to the color reproduction BT66 6”x6”x.2”, Gloss. and texture of a glossy tile. The matte finish is highly TILE02M 1.875”x1.875”x.25” NO Lugs, Matte. NS4X4GLO 4.25”x4.25”x.25” NO Lugs, Gloss. resilient and scratch resistant & is recommended for vivid BT68 5.865”x7.825”x.287”, Gloss. TILE36 3”x6”x.25” NO Lugs, Gloss. NS4X4SHC 4.25”x4.25”x.25” NO Lugs, Matte. photo & art reproduction. The Dura Satin & matte finish BT88 7.8125”x7.8125”x.275”, Gloss. TILE36M 3”x6”x.25” NO Lugs, Matte. NS4X4DS 4.25”x4.25”x.25” NO Lugs, Satin. tiles may be used in backsplashes, showers, or wall BT810 7.8125”x9.75”x.3”, Gloss. TILE36S 3”x6”x.25” NO Lugs, Satin. CE4X4GLO 4.3125”x4.3125”x.25” w/Lugs, Gloss. murals. Mosaic tiles are not recommended for floor, countertop, or exterior applications. BT812 7.875”x11.875”x.3”, Gloss. TILE4 4.3125”x4.3125”x.25” w/Lugs, Gloss. CE4X4SHC 4.3125”x4.3125”x.25” w/Lugs, Matte. CE4X4DS 4.3125”x4.3125”x.25” w/Lugs, Satin. MS1X1SHC 6”x6” Sheet: (36) 1”x1” Tiles, Matte. BT1212 11.875”x11.875”x.363”, Gloss. TILE4M 4.3125”x4.3125”x.25” w/Lugs, Matte. TILE4S 4.3125”x4.3125”x.25” w/Lugs, Satin. NS6X6GLO 6”x6”x.25” NO Lugs, Gloss. MS1X1SHCSF 12”x12” Sheet: (144) 1”x1” Tiles, Matte. TILE6 6.03125”x6.03125”x.25” w/Lugs, Gloss. NS6X6SHC 6”x6”x.25” NO Lugs, Matte. MS2X2GLO 6”x6” Sheet: (9) 2”x2” Tiles, Glossy. TILE6M 6.03125”x6.03125”x.25” w/Lugs, Matte. NS6X6DS 6”x6”x.25” NO Lugs, Satin. MS2X2GLOSF 12”x12” Sheet: (36) 2”x2” Tiles, Glossy. TILE6S 6.03125”x6.03125”x.25” w/Lugs, Satin. CE6X6GLO 6.03125”x6.03125”x.25” w/Lugs, Gloss. MS2X2DS 6”x6” Sheet: (9) 2”x2” Tiles, Dura Satin. CE6X6SHC 6.03125”x6.03125”x.25” w/Lugs, Matte. MS2X2DSSF 12”x12” Sheet: (36) 2”x2” Tiles, Dura Satin. TILE68 6.03125”x7.875”x.25” NO Lugs, Gloss. CE6X6DS 6.03125”x6.03125”x.25” w/Lugs, Satin. TILE68M 6.03125”x7.875”x.25” NO Lugs, Matte. MS2X2SHC 6”x6” Sheet: (9) 2”x2” Tiles, Matte. TILE68S 6.03125”x7.875”x.25” NO Lugs, Satin. CE6X8GLO 6.03125”x7.875”x.25” NO Lugs, Gloss. MS2X2SHCSF 12”x12” Sheet: (36) 2”x2” Tiles, Matte. CE6X8SHC 6.03125”x7.875”x.25” NO Lugs, Matte. MS3X3GLO 6”x6” Sheet: (4) 3”x3” Tiles, Glossy. TILE88 7.8125”x7.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Gloss. CE6X8DS 6.03125”x7.875”x.25” NO Lugs, Satin. TILE88M 7.8125”x7.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Matte. MS3X3GLOSF 12”x12” Sheet: (16) 3”x3” Tiles, Glossy. New TILE88S 7.8125”x7.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Satin. CE8X8GLO 7.8125”x7.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Gloss. MS3X3DS 6”x6” Sheet: (4) 3”x3” Tiles, Dura Satin. Item CE8X8SHC 7.8125”x7.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Matte. MS3X3DSSF 12”x12” Sheet: (16) 3”x3” Tiles, Dura Satin. ™ Tile Easels TILE12 11.8125”x11.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Gloss. CE8X8DS 7.8125”x7.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Satin. MS3X3SHC 6”x6” Sheet: (4) 3”x3” Tiles, Matte. Hardboard Tiles Premiere Decorative Glass Tiles ColorLyte Photo Glass TILE12M 11.8125”x11.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Matte. MS3X3SHCSF 12”x12” Sheet: (16) 3”x3” Tiles, Matte. Hardboard tiles are a beautiful alternative to ceramic tiles and are 66% lighter! Smooth, untextured front-side & opaque white back-side A unique option to traditional photographs and picture frames, the pieces vividly A lovely and inexpensive way to display unframed tiles. TILE12S 11.8125”x11.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Satin. CE8X10GLO 7.875”x9.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Gloss. for imaging. display images of weddings, graduations, and favorite portraits at home or the office. CE8X10SHC 7.875”x9.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Matte. Not suitable for outdoor applications. WTA140 4.25”x4.25”, No Hook On Back. GT4X4-WHITE 4.25”x4.25”x.25” Glass Tile. **COLORLYTE ORNAMENTS ARE ONLY FOR USE WITH DYE-SUB PRINTERS THAT WTA141 6”x6”, 1 Hook For Hanging. CE8X10DS 7.875”x9.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Satin. U5708 2”x2”x.25”. UC612 6.0625”x12.0625”x.125”. CAN RUN HIGH RELEASE PAPER U5682 4.25”x4.25”x.25”. U5697 8”x8”x.25”. GT6X6-WHITE 6”x6”x.25” Glass Tile. WTA142 6”x8”, 2 Hooks For Horiz./Vert. Hanging. CE12X12GLO 11.8125”x11.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Gloss. GT6X8-WHITE 6”x8”x.25” Glass Tile. YZ100S 5”x7”x.2” ColorLyte Photo Glass w/.5” Beveled Edge. WTA143 8”x8”, 1 Hook For Hanging. CE12X12SHC 11.8125”x11.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Matte. U5702 4”x6”x.25”. UC88 8”x8”x.125”. U5683 6”x6”x.25”. U5750 8”x10”x.25”. GT8X8-WHITE 8”x8”x.25” Glass Tile. YZ111S 8”x10”x.2” ColorLyte Photo Glass w/.5” Beveled Edge. WTA144 8”x10”, 2 Hooks For Horiz./Vert. Hanging. CE12X12DS 11.8125”x11.8125”x.25” NO Lugs, Satin. YZ144S 11”x14”x.2” ColorLyte Photo Glass w/.5” Beveled Edge. WTA145 12”x12”, 1 Hook For Hanging. U5684 6”x7.875”x.25”. U5698 12”x12”x.25”. KS013 3.6”x13.43”x.125”. UC1218 12.0625”x18”x.125”.

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