E1948 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2006 HONORING JUSTIN-SIENA HIGH them. We cannot allow these survivors to fade White CARE Act and have supported its reau- SCHOOL OF NAPA into history without the closure that would thorization in the past. These programs pro- come from official recognition, which is why vide lifesaving medical care, drug treatment, HON. MIKE THOMPSON my colleague, the Honorable CHRISTOPHER and support services to over 535,000 low-in- OF CALIFORNIA SMITH, and I introduced H. Res. 759, calling come people living with HIV/AIDS throughout IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on the Japanese government to formally ac- the nation. knowledge and take responsibility for its in- Westchester County, in my congressional Friday, September 29, 2006 volvement in this unspeakable atrocity. district has the highest number of persons liv- Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, Our resolution has broad Congressional ing with HIV or AIDS of any New York State I rise today to mark the 40th anniversary of support with 55 bipartisan cosponsors, includ- county outside of New York City. The services the establishment of Justin-Siena High School ing a substantial number of Members from the provided under the Ryan White CARE Act lit- in Napa, California. Thousands of young men International Relations Committee, and the erally mean the difference between life and and women from Napa, Sonoma and Solano Congressional Human Rights, Women’s death for my constituents living with this dev- counties have benefited from the school’s rig- Rights, Asian Pacific American, and Korea astating disease. orous curriculum and commitment to devel- Caucuses. Additionally, on September 13, Unfortunately, the bill before us today will oping outstanding citizenship in its students. 2006, the resolution was marked up in the jeopardize these services for my constituents Justin-Siena High School was created in International Relations committee by unani- and countless other Americans in states that 1972 from the merger of Justin High School mous consent, and subsequently sent to the are at the epicenter of this crisis. and Siena High School. Both schools were Speaker with an official request that it be con- Under this bill, New York State stands to founded in 1966, Justin High School by the sidered on the floor under suspension of the lose more than $78 million over four years. Christian Brothers and Siena High School by rules. We have also seen an overwhelming re- Despite what some say, the AIDS epidemic the Dominican Sisters. Justin-Siena has bene- sponse from the Korean American, Chinese has not shifted—it has expanded. It simply fited from the spirit and guidance of both or- American, Filipino American and Vietnamese makes no sense to pit regions of the country ders in the decades since it was created, and American communities to the Speaker asking against each other by providing vitally needed the ideals under which each school was for the resolution to come before the entire services to one region at the expense of an- founded have guided its faculty and students. House of Representatives. Amnesty Inter- other. A strong tradition of academic excellence national, as well as prominent Japanese- My colleagues, rushing a bill through the has been the foundation of Justin-Siena’s sta- American Congressman and my close friend, House that will negatively impact the lives of tus as a preeminent high school in Northern MIKE HONDA, also strongly and vocally support so many individuals living with HIV and AIDS California. This has translated into success for H. Res. 759 makes no sense. I am a cosponsor of legisla- the remarkable numbers of Justin-Siena’s Mr. Speaker, it is beyond my understanding tion, H.R. 6191, that would temporarily reau- graduates who continue their educations at why H. Res. 759 has not been scheduled for thorize the program for one year to allow Con- colleges all over the United States. Addition- floor consideration. There has been no visible gress to continue to negotiate a compromise ally, the school has made a notable effort to controversy about the bill from Members of that would not unfairly result in drastically re- ensure that its students learn the value of Congress. duced funds for any state. service to others as part of their education, Moreover, many of the bills also marked up I urge the House leadership to immediately and this has been of great benefit to the Napa in the September 13 International Relations consider H.R. 6191 and urge my colleagues to Valley. The back-to-back section football Committee hearing have made it to floor and vote against the bill before us. passed by voice vote. It is deeply disturbing championships Justin-Siena High School won f in 2004 and 2005 remind us that athletics are that the leadership of this House is not inter- not being neglected either. ested in supporting human rights or reiterating S. 2562, THE VETERANS’ COM- Justin-Siena High School has made an im- the role of the Congress to oppose human PENSATION COST-OF-LIVING AD- portant commitment to opening the opportuni- trafficking and other similar atrocities that have JUSTMENT ACT OF 2006 ties afforded by the school to students of all occurred throughout the world. This is not a backgrounds. This determination to ensure an Japanese issue, this is not a Korean issue, HON. SILVESTRE REYES this is not an American issue; this is an issue accessible and affordable education is an im- OF TEXAS about human dignity. And it is a slap in the portant indicator of the role this school plays IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES face to those who have worked so hard to in our community. Friday, September 29, 2006 Mr. Speaker, it is appropriate at this time bring the Comfort Women issue to light on the that we recognize the 40th anniversary of Jus- international stage and especially to those Mr. REYES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in tin-Siena Catholic High School in Napa, Cali- who have been directly or indirectly affected strong support of S. 2562, the Veterans’ Com- fornia, and I congratulate the staff and stu- by sexual slavery for this resolution to die at pensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of dents there. Justin-Siena has been a great the hands of the Speaker after it successfully 2006. asset to the Napa Valley and surrounding completed all the necessary procedural steps S. 2562 would raise the rates of compensa- areas, and I expect it will continue educating and demonstrated broad bipartisan support. tion for veterans with service-connected dis- I urge the Speaker in the strongest terms fine young women and men for many genera- abilities and would increase dependency and possible to allow H. Res. 759 to come before tions to come. indemnity compensation for survivors of cer- the full House under suspension of the rules f tain disabled veterans. Surviving spouses and before the end of the 109th Congress, so that children aged under 18 would be among those CALLING ON THE SPEAKER TO we may once and for all put this issue to rest, who would benefit from the compensation rate BRING H. RES. 759 TO THE FLOOR and leave this Congress having made a strong increase that would become effective on De- FOR IMMEDIATE CONSIDERATION statement in support of human dignity. cember 1, 2006. The increase in rates would f be equal to the increase provided to Social HON. LANE EVANS RYAN WHITE HIV/AIDS TREAT- Security recipients and is projected to be ap- OF ILLINOIS MENT MODERNIZATION ACT OF proximately 2.9 percent. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2006 As a co-sponsor of H.R. 4843, the Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act Friday, September 29, 2006 SPEECH OF of 2006, which passed the House of Rep- Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, the sexual en- resentatives on June 27, 2006, I also strongly slavement of more than 200,000 young HON. NITA M. LOWEY support the Senate version of the bill. women and girls by the Japanese Imperial OF NEW YORK In recognizing the contributions that vet- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Army before and during World War II is one of erans have made to our country, it is vital that the most ignored and overlooked violations of Thursday, September 28, 2006 we provide compensation that reflects today’s human rights and international law in the 20th Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise in reluc- rising cost-of-living. Many of the approximately Century. These women, euphemistically tant opposition to the Ryan White Treatment 60,000 veterans who reside in El Paso, Texas known as ‘‘Comfort Women,’’ are now elderly Modernization Act. depend largely on government compensation and living their last years without a formal Like many of my colleagues in the New for supporting their families. Increasing the apology from the government that enslaved York delegation, I strongly support the Ryan compensation rates for veterans and their October 6, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1949 families allows us to demonstrate our im- Emily Perez was a trailblazer and a star in consumer (DTC) advertising; and eliminating mense gratitude for those who have coura- every sense of the word. conflict-of-interests involving members of FDA geously served our country. She rose to the top of her class at Oxon Hill advisory committees. Mr. Speaker, nation’s veterans and their High School. She became the first minority fe- This report provides independent verification service to our appreciation for their service to male command sergeant in the history of the that Congress must act to implement the our country. I ask all my colleagues to join me U.S.
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