A pAIn psyCholoGy prImer for physICIAns Christa Coleman, PsyD, BCB* Clinical Psychologist LG Health Physicians Neuropsychology Editor’s Note: This article complements the one about evaluations were used to select appropriate patients for non-opioid treatment of back pain in our Winter 2016 issue by surgery vs. conservative care, resulting in savings of $859 Dr. Tony Ton-That, medical director of the Spine and Low Back million in one year, and shorter periods of disability.4 Pain Program at LGH.1 That article focused on the many effec- The American Hospital Association found that tive modalities of physical therapy for back pain, and pointed among individuals with medical conditions, comorbid out the importance of addressing its psychological and social psychological disorders are associated with increased aspects, without providing specific recommendations. This health care utilization and readmissions, decreased article provides a detailed and comprehensive discussion of that adherence to treatment, and lost productivity.5 Despite crucial aspect of pain management. the dichotomy between biomedical and psychosocial treatments in how health care is provided and covered THE Problem OF PAIN by insurance, pain is both a sensory and an emotional Chronic pain comes with a great cost to individuals experience, and it requires interdisciplinary treatment. and society. In the United States alone, the Institute of Chronic pain commonly has comorbidities such as Medicine estimates that 100 million adults are affected depression, anxiety, PTSD, sleep disorders, alcohol use by chronic pain, at an estimated cost of up to $635 billion disorders, and/or opioid misuse. annually.2 Over the past decade, both the rates of pre- In addition, the way a person thinks about pain can scribing opioid medication, and the amount prescribed, impact how they react to it. Pain catastrophizing and have dramatically increased. These trends have resulted fear avoidance are examples of attitudes that can impact in an increase in opioid-related deaths, which has resulted behavior (i.e. functioning) and affect the pain experience. in a national imperative to decrease the number and size Pain catastrophizing is a tendency to worry about and feel of opioid prescriptions. This tendency has left many pro- helpless to cope with pain that may result in negativis- viders and patients searching for alternative treatments tic anticipation of a perceived painful event, such as an for chronic pain. Unfortunately, many providers have injection or surgery, or an exaggerated reaction to it. Fear received minimal or no formal training in pain manage- avoidance is a reduction in activity due to fear of exacer- ment, and have few options to offer patients. On the bating pain, which can lead to disuse, depression, and other side, patients who relied solely on medication may disability as well as to increased pain with less activity. experience greater suffering and dissatisfaction with their Both of these factors can impact pain, and both psycho- care. logical and physical function.6 Certain psychological risk factors, such as personality THE CASE FOR Behavioral MEDICINE disorders, impulsivity, poor coping, and unrealistic expec- Although behavioral services often pay for them- tations have also been shown to negatively impact the selves in health care cost savings, they are frequently outcome of various medical procedures, including spine underutilized. In the context of the current discussion, surgery and implantation of pain devices.7 Environmental targeted behavioral services such as pain psychology tend factors, such as reduced social support; pain-related issues to produce even greater cost savings than general out- of litigation and worker’s compensation; and a history patient counseling.3 Colorado has looked at the results of abuse, can also affect the outcome of pain treatment. of integrating psychological services into pain treat- Thus, to successfully treat an individual with pain, one ment, and has adopted a biopsychosocial approach to must treat the whole person, including their cognitive, treating injured workers. In a 2012 study, psychological emotional, social, and behavioral needs. This approach *Board Certified in Biofeedback 84 The Journal of Lancaster General Hospital • Fall 2017 • Vol. 12 – No. 3 JLGH12_3_Fall 2017 090617.indd 84 9/6/17 6:24 PM A pain psyCholoGy prImer to managing pain is where behavioral interventions can of different issues. Goals may also focus on improving the be most helpful, and is one reason there has been an patient’s autonomy, motivation in treatment, and commu- increase in the demand for behavioral health providers in nication with providers. Treatment can address unhealthy medical practices over the past few years. beliefs or thoughts about pain, which can affect the out- Overall, research has demonstrated that interdis- come of pain treatment. Training in coping skills may ciplinary chronic pain management is beneficial and involve diaphragmatic breathing, progressive relaxation, cost effective, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) pain suppression imagery, or hypnosis. Other common is a central feature of these programs.8 Integrated care interventions focus on training in problem-solving skills, involving both physical and behavioral health treatments stress management, and activity-rest cycling. Treatment improves the quality of care while decreasing cost and could also include addressing medication-related issues health care utilization.9 Turk (2002) concluded that pain such as adherence, as well as preventing relapses and rehabilitation programs were more cost-effective than advance planning for setbacks when appropriate. implantable pain devices, conservative care, or surgery, despite comparable pain reduction.10 COGNITIVE Behavioral THERAPY AND Chronic PAIN Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a term that is What IS A PAIN PSYCHOLOGIST? often used, yet many physicians may not fully understand A pain psychologist is typically a licensed clinical all the techniques it encompasses that facilitate actively psychologist or health psychologist who has specialized coping with chronic pain (CP). These may include address- education and training in pain management. They may ing problematic thinking, coping with difficult emotional have completed internship and/or fellowship rotations or sensory experiences, learning new techniques such as in pain management and may be involved in conducting goal-setting or relaxation strategies, and preparing for set- research. Psychologists who specialize in pain manage- backs. CBT has been the gold standard in behavioral pain ment are unfortunately scarce in certain parts of the management treatments for good reason, because it can country, as they tend to be employed through academic address a variety of issues such as pain catastrophizing, medical centers and specialized pain management clin- acceptance, kinesiophobia, coping, pain behaviors, and ics or programs. Consequently, many hospitals and social functioning.11 One study of patients with subacute Veterans Affairs facilities across the country have now and chronic low back pain found that improvements in developed internship and fellowship training programs, physical symptoms and pain self-efficacy, and reduction as the demand for psychologists to treat individuals with of fear avoidance, were sustained at one year. The cost of chronic pain has increased. CBT was less than half that of other interventions in the study.12 In addition, CBT with exercise has been found What DOES A PSYCHOLOGIST DO to HELP more effective than exercise alone for chronic low back MY Patients COPE WITH PAIN? pain.13 The focus of psychological interventions for chronic pain is to change the relationship patients have with Acceptance AND COMMITMENT THERAPY (ACT) pain. Pain can be demoralizing. Individuals experienc- Although CBT has been widely accepted and imple- ing chronic pain have tried multiple interventions and mented into pain treatment programs for many years, a numerous medications, some of which may cause hyper- newer therapeutic technique has been gaining traction. algesia, constipation, sedation, weight gain, or worse. Too Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and other often, the focus has been on finding an external source mindfulness-based therapies are promising alternatives that can “fix” the pain problem, even though for chronic to CBT. Whereas CBT focuses on changing unhealthy pain there is often no way to completely eliminate pain. thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, ACT focuses on accept- The focus of treatment should be to empower patients to ing thoughts, feelings, and sensations. ACT “is based on actively manage their pain and to function better with it, the idea that psychological rigidity is a root cause” of suf- which involves enhancing internal resources and skills. fering and focuses on increasing psychological flexibility This strategy may involve gradually increasing physical and value-based living.14 In layman’s terms, this involves activity, improving diet or sleep, confronting catastroph- acknowledging that it may not be possible to eliminate izing thoughts, dealing with anxiety or depression, or pain, and placing one’s energy into behaviors that pro- — more likely — some combination of these tactics. mote positive experiences or improved functioning in Pain psychologists may work with patients on a variety another area of one’s life. One study that used ACT The Journal of Lancaster General Hospital • Fall 2017 • Vol. 12
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