Xavier University Exhibit Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper Proceedings 1960-12-14 Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper Edgecliff olC lege - Cincinnati Follow this and additional works at: http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper Recommended Citation Edgecliff oC llege - Cincinnati, "Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper" (1960). Edgecliff College Newspaper. Book 151. http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper/151 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Proceedings at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Jubilee Yuletide For1nal Advent Program Sparl{s Holiday Season Captures Spirit Of Holy Season Yuletide Ball committees, under Georgeanne F rank is in charge Diane Bard, gene ral chairma n, are of programs. Judith Miller is secur­ Advent hymns, reading of the making final a rrangements for the ing the chaperones for th~ event. "Great O Antiphons" and the pres­ formal to be held in t he Marie Publicity chairman is Lucy Russell. entation of gifts for needy families Antoinette Ballroom of the Hotel Carol Trauth and he r decora­ marked the Advent Assembly at Alms D ec. 26 from 9 p.m. to l a .m. tions committee a re carrying o ut Our Lady of Cincinnati College, The Buddy Roge rs Orchestra will the C hristmas theme. M er:1bers of Wednesday. play. The re will be no admission this committee a re Barbara Bee­ The Choral club sang the pro­ charge. sten, Mary Sue Brueneman, Elaine cessional, " Veni, Veni Emmanuel" The invitation committee unde r Byrne, Betsy Carroll , KarC'n Cuni, while the students entered the the direction of Joan Denneman Patricia Dalton, Gail Duwe], Kat h­ auditorium to present their gifts. and Marilyn Mauer has sent out leen Hughes, Carol Kunsemiller Diane Bard, Student Council individual invitations to the fac­ and Patricia Selzer. president, announced the lighting ulty and chaperones, as well as a of the Advent Wreath. Kathleen general invitation to the e ntire stu­ Byrne, senior class pres ident, lit dent body. Assisting Joan and Mar­ Making decorations for the the three candles while all present ilyn are Carol Brogan, Gail Cutter, Yuletide Ball are Patricia joined in the prayer for the third Rosemary Eduardo, Mary L ee Selzer, Karen Cuni, Mary Sue week. Howes, Diane Lawless, S a l l y Brueneman, Barbara Beesten The entire student body then Schuler and Rose Ann Stadtmille r. and Patricia Dalton. joined in the singing of the "Alma Redemptoris Mater." The significance of the Anti­ phons were explained by Diane Driedame, Elizabeth Damrnarell, Joan Dennemann, Mary Lynn Lueke, Dolores Donnellon, Barbara Otto, Ann Kloberg and Norah The Edgecliff Edelmann. Each student received an explanation of these Antiphons Volume XXVI Our Lady of Cincinnati College, Cincinnati, Ohio, December 14, 1960 No. 4 and an illustration of one of them, printed in the art department by members of the Liturgy Committee. The design for the antiphons was Pope John Confers Honor made by Elaine Huninghake, class of '60, as her thesis. Other hymns during the program Upon Edgecliff Graduate were: "Creator of the Stars of Night," "Mary the Dawn" and Pope John XXIII has honored of the Catholic Association for In­ "Rorati Coeli." Miss Eleanor Waters, a graduate ternational Peace, an organization The assembly closed with the of Our Lady of Cincinnati College, promoting Christian peace prin­ chanting of the Martyrology for with the Benemerenti Medal for ciples. Christmas Eve by Mr. James Ken­ distinguished service to the Church. She will receive the award from nedy, faculty member. "This mag­ Miss Waters has served the Na­ the Apostolic Delegate to the nificent proclamation of the Birth tional Catholic W elfare Conference United States, Archbishop Egidio of Christ is a poignant reminder since 1954 as committee secretary Vagnozzi, at a dinner at the Na­ of the deep meaning of the holiday tional Press Club, Dec. 19, along season," said Diane Bard. with 30 other members of the T r i - T e b s Trio, left, and NCWC who have been named for dancers, below, are a m o n g papal honors. many acts rehearsing for the Born in Baltimore. Md.. Miss Annual Staff upcoming ''High Time" variety Waters received her Bachelor of show. Arts degree in 1947. She was ac­ Compiles Copy tive on campus, being president of the Student Council as well as Editorial board members of The president of the International R e­ Edgecliff Literary Annual met with lations Club in her senior year. Sara Thompson Watson last Fri­ Novelty Acts Before assuming her present day to discuss the 1961 edition. position, she served with the Cath­ Mrs. Watson, English professor Are Features olic Students Mission Crusade in and faculty advisor of the student Cincinnati, and at the NCWC publication, welcomed the three Of 'High Time' office for United Nations Affairs new freshman members: Elaine in N ew York. Ball, Jayne Ann Woods, and Ver­ Bright lights, happy music and The Benem erenti m edal has been onica Wuest. the hustling and bustling of busy given for almost two centuries by The other staff members in­ people - all will blend together to the popes to reward special serv­ clude: Diane Bard, Norah Edel­ create " High Time," a variety show ice. Miss Wate rs' bears the pic­ mann, B etty Wilton, Elizabeth sponsored by the Edgecliff Music ture and name of Pope J ohn Dammarell, Georgeanne Frank and Club, Feb. 3. XXIII and on the reverse side, a Chardelle Sanders. The annual, to be presented to Written by Ronald Goyette and crown of laurel. students in May, is a compilation Teresa Froehle, the show will fea­ Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James of student writings and includes ture the music of such Broadway Waters, Miss Waters lives at 1504 short stories, essays, one-act plays, hits as, Oklnhoma, West Side Dogwood Drive, Alexandria, Va. narrative writing, scholarly re­ Story, The Sound of Music, Bells search and poetry of all types. Are Ringing, Gypsy and Flower Drum Song. D eadline for copy is early Feb­ ruary. Any student who wishes to The setting of the show will be a Panel Discusses submit material may give it either theatrical boarding house for girls to Mrs. Watson or to a member of in New York City. Show director is Marital Aspects the board. Teresa Froehle, junior. Members of Sister Mary Con­ Mrs. Watson also asked for art Special attractions featured will stance's class, Sociology of the students to illustrate the cover and be an appearance of the Tri-Tebs, Family, have been preparing a articles. a trio organized last year by Jun­ symposium on marriage which 1s iors Teresa Froehle, E laine Lud­ to be presented Jan. 11 in honor ences), Sally Schuler and Mariann wig and Betty Punghorst, who will of the feast of the Holy Family. Kuebler. sing "76 Trombones." Freshmen New Development Council The entire class will participate Panelist Jane Knecht will report Sharon Albonetti, Sandee Behrin­ in some way, Norah Edelmann, on the liturgy of the marriage cere­ ger, Carolyn Brink, Nancy Herweh general chairman, announced. She mony. Her assistants are Judith and Bonnie Homan are preparing Coordinates Group Activities was assisted by Carol Brogan and Kipp, Gail Cutter and Susan Feist. a melodrama. Brenda Brooks, jun­ The new Development Council Association and a student repre­ Joan Dennemann in choosing the ior, will contribute her own orig­ of Our Lady of Cincinnati College sentative. Its purpose will be to topics for discussion and the gen­ Marilyn Feiler, Marian De­ inal Eloise monologue. A total of was announced Dec. 12 at a joint coordinate the activities of these eral arrangement of the program. Francesco and Diane Lawless are 20-25 acts is expected for this ven­ meeting of the Science Council and groups for the development of the Shirley Joseph, acting as chair­ helping Patricia Manley with her ture. the Lay Advisory Board. Members college. Sister Mary Virginia, pres­ man of the panel, will introduce speech on the economical, psycho­ Committee chairmen for the of both groups were guests of the ident of the college, has named the speakers and will guide the logical and sociological aspects of how are: publicity, Lucy Russell; college at a buffet dinner. Mrs. Seidenfaden head of the audience participation period that the working mother. ushers, Mary Jo Neiheisel; tickets, Mrs. William R. Seidenfad n, Council. will follow the formal presentation. Mary Ader has chosen to speak Barbara Otto and Betty Punghorst; head of Edgecliff's recently estab­ At the Dec. 12 meeting Mrs. Immediate preparation for mar­ on current views of the discipline program ch airmen. Maureen lished Development Office, said S~idenfaden also reported on the riage will be the subject of the talk of children. Caroline Howard, Bar­ O'Connor and Jan Hoetker; stage that the Development Council will alumnae campaign for funds. given by Jeanne Rolfes who will bara Anderson and Jo Ann Kremer crew, Joyce Deane assisted by Ann include representatives of all Edge­ The Science Council has been speak on the engagement period, have been doing research on this Hirschberg, Grace Moss and Rita cliff groups- its Lay Advisory working with the college's science pre-marital instructions and the problem. Posinski. Board, the Science Council, the taff and the architect in the plan­ importance of the Pre-Cana con­ The three artists of the class: Students who have not as yet newly formed Father ' Club, the ning of Grace Science Hall, on ferences. She is being assisted by Patricia DiPuccio, Judith Lynch auditioned for the show may still Mothers' Club, the Edgecliff Hus­ which construction will hegin early Saundra Lady (who presently is and Gertrude Stefanko are design­ try out for the chorus.
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