Weather ~" Distribution Fair today; high about 70. BED BANK Today Cloudy tonight, low 60. Chance of rain tomorrow; high, 60s. 16,250 MONDAY THROUGH TttlDAY-EST. Wl See weather and tides page 2, 35 C P E E K VOL. 83, NO. 53 Iisucd Dally, Monday through Friday, entered as Second Clasi Matter RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1960 7c PER COPY R Y S, F R PAGE ONE at the Post OHlce at Red Bank. N. J., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Soviet Attack County Is Declared On Dag Poses A Disaster Area In Crisis for UN Wake of Hurricane UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (AP)-.The United Nations faced a major crisis today as a result of a slashing Soviet attack on Secre- tary General Dag Hammarskjold and his Congo policies. Officials Inspect Damage, A wide-open break was threatened virtually on the eve ol Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's appearance here. The Western powers, led by Ethel Plan U.S., State Aid Bills the United States, prepared to rally to Hammarskjold's sup- Three major developments took place yesterday AF Finds in the aftermath of Hurricane Donna. port in another round of Se- •Is. New curity Council meetings begin- Rep. James C. Auchincloss toured scenes of storm ning this morning on the cha- destruction in the Bayshore, and announced that Mon- otic Congo situation. Missing The Soviet attack, more bitter Threat mouth County has been declared a disaster area, along than any ever made by a big with Atlantic, Cape May and Ocean Counties. power against a UN secretary Florida Again Assemblyman Alfred N. Beadleston announced general, came last night from Capsule that he will attempt to get Deputy Foreign Minister Valer- ian A. Zorin, newly arrived from Braces For a special bill through the Moscow. It reflected the intensi- Bobbled 'Catch,' Red Cross legislature providing state ty of the Soviet interest in the Heavy Blow aid for stricken areas. outcome of the power struggle But Recovery And, Rep. Auchinc'.oss In the new African country. PENSACOLA (AP) To Start Zorin's blistering 74-minute Scheduled Today SURVEYING THE SCENE of damage in Keansburg caused by Hurricane Donna are Weakened by colder air, announced that he will at- .empt to get special federal speech against Hammarskjold state and local officials who made a tour of the stricken Bayshore area yesterday. As- Hurricane Ethel headed Relief Work was delivered after the Security legislation through Congress for VANDENBERG AIR FORCE semblyman Alfred N. Beadleston, right, points out some of the damage at the Keans- toward this Florida resort SHREWSBURY — The Ameri- Council failed to grant a Soviet BASE, Calif (AP)-An Air Force can Red Cross announced yester- the same purpose. burg pier to, left to right, Mayor Robert S. McTague, Atlantic Highlands, State Sen. city early today with winds bloc demand that a delegation search plane last night spotted day that applications for rehabili- Assemblyman Beadleston and representing 'leftist Congo Pre- the missing capsule of the Dis- Richard R. Stout and Keansburg Mayor Ja mes J. Gravany. These officials, plus may- estimated at 100 miles per tation aid have already started Slate Sen. Richard R. Stout also mier Patrice Lumumba take part cover XV satellite. toured several Bayshore sites ors of neighboring communities, met with Rep. James C. Auchincloss to discuss hour near the center. to come in from residents in the in the debate. Only Russia, Po- The capsule had been all bu yesterday. means of obtaining state and federal aid for victims of Monday's hurricane. Bayshore area, hard hit in Mon- land and Ceylon voted for a mo-given up for lost when a JC54 The New Orleans day's bout with Hurricane Don- Confer tion to seat Lumumba's delega- plane found it bobbing in the Weather Bureau said Ethel na. tion, while the other eight coun- Both men conferred with sea near Christmas Island. Beep- -the season's fifth hurri- Disaster representatives from cil members abstained. ing and flashing, it was about II Not Successful in I960 Keansburg Mayor James J. cane — was slowed down by the Eastern Area offices of the Gravany and Atlantic Highlands No action was taken on the 1,000 miles southwest of the re- Red Cross yesterday began an in- covery area north of Hawaii colder air moving into the hur Mayor Robert S. McTague during admission of a rival delega- spection of the damage in the a brief meeting in Keansburg. where it should have landed. ricane circulation. area. y tion representing Congo Presi- Mayor Gravany told The Reg- dent Joseph Kasavubu. The Air Force said an amphib- Appeal May Be Dropped At 4 a. m. (CST) the center Brought in to supervise^the re- ister that with the county de- The council members were ious plane will land as soon as was near latitude 29.1 north, habilitation efforts was Miss Gay there is enough light. signated a disaster area, home- aware that a Congo army chief, RED BANK — If this year's been falling in the past three mouth County, Salvation Army longitude 88.5 west or about 100 Guthrie, disaster expert from The sea condition is favorable miles south-southwest of the Mo- Alexandria, Va. owners as well as businessmen Joseph Mobutu, had proclaimed Community Appeal is not a fi- years. and Riverview Hospital. will be eligible to receive fi- for a landing to pick up the cap- bile-Pensacola area. "The job of the Red Cross army rule over the country pend- nancial success, it may be •Calamity' Those included in the appeal nancial help from the Small Busi- sule," an official added. dropped in the future, Robert agree not to conduct individual now," Miss Guthrie explained, ing the outcome of the struggle It would be the third straigh "It would be a calamity if we Ethel was moving toward ness Administration. between Lumumba and Kasavu- Viscount, appeal president, said fund drives within the communi 'ensacola at about 15 m.p.h. and "is to help hurricane victims time the United States has sen were to 'drop the Community Ap- The federal agency will provide yesterday. peal in Red Bank," Edward H. •y- the Weather Bureau said hurri- meet their immediate needs. In bu. This development was not a capsule into orbit and recovered 0 and 20-year loans at 3 per cent mentioned in the debate. He called the 1961 drive a Conway, Sr., president of the Fell Far Short cane force winds would proba- short, food, clothing and shelter. it.. "Rehabilitation work continues interest in the stricken areas. Zorin accused Hammarskjold The capsule of Discoverer XIV 'key" year in the appeal's his- Community . Chamber of Com- James Long of the Family and bly hit the area about 8 a. m. tory. He said the six participat- merce, said. Children's Service, who is serving (CST). until everyone is able to resume The mayor said he will ar- of being a tool of Western im was plucked from the air Aug. 19 normal living procedures." range a meeting with officials of perialists, of conspiring with the as it parachuted into the recov- ing agencies would not stay with The participating agencies in as a consultant for this year's The center of the storm ex appeal, said the 1958 drive had Branch Offices tho agency "as quickly as pos- NATO powers to undermine Lu ery area near the Hawaiian Is- the appeal if the drive fails to the appeal are the YMCA, Boy tended outward 100 miles to the a goal of $40,000, but collected She said that Red Cross branch sible." mumba and of trying to re-im lands. provide sufficient funds. and Girl Scouts, Family and Chil- northeast. and 50 miles to the Revenues from the appeal have dren's Service, Iiic;," of Mon- only $23,000. offices would be maintained in Mr. Gravany also suggested pose colonialism under the blue Discoverer XIII's capsule southwest, the Weather Bureau Highlands, Keansburg and Por that a formal meeting of mayors slipped past air-catch planes but No goals were set in the 1959 and white banners of the United said. Monmouth. of Keyport, Matawan Township, was pulled from the ocean. arid 1960 drives. The amounts Nations, collected were $24,000 in 1959, and One death was indirectly at- Present facilities have been es- Union Beach, Middletown, Chief U.S. delegate James J. "Things looked pretty blacl tributed to the storm. Juste Sa- tablished in the Community Cen- about 10 o'clock last night," a $21,000 for the 1960 ^rive. Keansburg, Highlands and At- Wadsworth, In a statement out- Free Parking Plan Mr. Long said a" "major fac- voie, 68-year-old retired engi- ter, Miller St., Highlands, and in lantic Highlands be held as soon side the council, called the So- Air Force spokesman admitted, neer, died in New Orleans of a the Keansburg borough hall. The 300-pound capsule ha tor" in the low collections las as those towns have completed viet accusations "arrogant and year was "poor residential cov- heart attack while securing at- Applications for disaster aid their surveys of hurricane dam- hypocritical." He planned to popped loose from its rocket car- tic windows preparing for the will bo processed through a cen- rier on schedule on the satellite's erage. They did not have suffi age. throw his full support behind Founders on Rental storm. At first there were indi- tral office at the Broad St. site 17th trip over the Arctic Wednes- cient workers in Red Bank." Mr. Beadleston recommended Hammarskjold during today's RED BANK —"A plan by the planned to supervise the parking This year's drive will star cations.'the hurricane would]here of the Monmouth County that the meeting not be restricted day afternoon.
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