I ^ ^ ; * * SOUTHERN EDITION. Radio Times, Number 8 1020. ■4 THE BROADCAST PROGRAMMES FOR NOVEMBER 10-16. THE V R AD liMiM E S THE JOURNAL OF CORPORATION > m < r NATION SHALL SPLMOEACEUNTO NATION ■j Vol. 25. No 319. fc.eXScr.] - . - • NOVEMBER 8, 1929. Every Friday. TWO PENCE. XT ARMISTICE DAY AT THE CENOTAPH At 10.30 a.m. on Monday the Nation's Memorial Service will be relayed from Whitehall ‘JOURNEY’S END’ TO BE BROADCAST The greatest of modern war-plays will be broadcast, complete, on Monday night THIRD EDITION OF ‘UP TO SCRATCH’ Ronald Franhau and his Cabaret Kittens gambol on Wednesday at 10.20 p.m _ CONCERT FROM THE QUEEN’S HALL On Wednesday evening Sir Thomas Beecham conducts the Fourth B.B.C. Symphony Concert n 1 3S2 RADIO TIMES Novembeh 8, 1929. mm . /. CURRENT THE CASE FOR H.T. BATTERIES Lissen Batteries are the economic source of power for radio—of that there is no doubt. Batteries give pure current—that is so well known that nobody could even think of disputing it. Lissen Battery current is the purest form of current for radio. The case for buying Lissen Batteries is that if you pay 30/- for an eliminator (and you will have to pay more than that if your mains are A.C.), the capital cost of that would provide you with Lissen Batteries sufficient to last for 2 years. All that time you get safe current, pure current, current which will flow smoothly, silently, sustainedly—yielding with certainty clear articulation in speech, sharp definition in instrumental music, and liquid notes in singing voices. In no other battery do you get the Secret Process ana new chemical combination which is used by Lissen exclusively. The Lissen Battery is the battery which has won for itself such a sweeping public preference that hundreds of thousands have publicly shown their appreciation of it by the insistent way they always ask for it and their refusal to take anything else. You’ll certainly be rewarded by naturalness, truth of tone and volume from your loudspeaker if you ask for Lissen New Process Battery and take nothing else. PRICES. 60 volt (reads 66) . • 7/11 100 volt (reeds 108) .... 12/11 120 volt 15/10 36 volt 4/S THERE IS NO 60 volt (Super power) 13/5 100 volt (Super power) 22/- PURER FORM 9 volt Grid Bias 1/6 4} volt Pocket Battery, 5d. each (4/6 a doz.) OF CD Single Cell Torch Battery ~ 4idL LISSEN LIMITED Worple Road, Isleworth, Middlx. Factories also at Richmond and Edmonton. (Managing Director : Thos. N. Cole,) ■■■■ Kovkmuek S,_ 195n. RADIO TIMES »■ J I —IISSEN reiiMMof 4 ¥HE €ME FOR ELIMINATORS You cannot get purer current for radio than the pure current of a Lissen Battery, but if you want to use an H.T, eliminator. use a Lissen Eliminator. First cost is virtually the only cost. Cost of upkeep is small ; Current from Lissen Eliminators is strong and as pure as modern science and vast manufacturing resources can make it. Lissen Eliminators take the place, of ordinary batteries in ordinary sets ; you are utilising the current frpm your mains, which is convenient. Lissen Eliminators are cased in insulating material for safety. The “ cab-tyre ** flex Lissen use for the leads is heavily insulated. And inside the Lissen Elimin­ ators are Lissen condensers—made specially to stand up to high voltages. Thus have Lissen made it safe for you to use the current from your mains for radio. There ore four models of Lissen Eliminators which cover 90% of requirements—one of these is almost sure to suit your set—tell any Lissen dealer, the voltage of your mains supply, whether it is A.C. or D.C. and how many valves you are using and he will at once be able to tell you which is the correct Lissen Eliminator for you, Lissen Eliminators have been developed and tested against the purest form of current known (namely the Lissen Battery) and if you want an eliminator be sure to use a Lissen Eliminator. TYPES AND PRICES. D.C. Model "B.” Employs 3 H.T.+ tap- * D.C. Model “ A.” pings : H.T.+ l and H.T. _ i o u t i . +2 arc continuously Employs 3 H.T.-t- .tap- variable (by means of two pings: H.T.H-1 giving control knobs) and capa­ 80 volts for S.G. valves ; ble of giving any desired H.T.+2 giving 60 volts voltage up to 120/150 at approx. 2 mA. for volts at approx. 2mA. detector valves. H.T.+3 H.T.+ 3 giving 120/150 giving 120/150 volts at volts at 12 12 mA. Pricc 27/6 mA. for power valves. Price 39/6 A.C. Model “ A.” Tappings as in D.C. Model A. LN 576 for A.C. Mains voltg. 200-210 „ 577 „ ft 220-230 .. 578 240-250 there: is .. 639 100-110 PRICE £3 0 0 NOBETTER A.C. Model “B.” Toppings as in D.C. Model B. AJOR LN 579 for A.C. Mains voltg. 200-210 „ 580 .. 9f 220-230 .. 581 .. 240-250 640 „ 100-110 PRICE £3 15 0 LISSEN ELI LISSEN LIMITED Worple Road, Isle worth, Middlx. Factories also at Richmond and Edmonton. (Managing Director t Thos.* N. Cole). :: if- - 354 RADIO TIMES November 8, 1929;^ KB 1616169 r7' :• • - •• r-v *£'. ■ ALL ELECTRIC f •:: RADIO In either of these models price and per­ formance are remarkable. Together they are a triumph. Here truly is K-B—radio reduced to its simplest terms; reproduc­ tion that lives .. that is real; economy that reduces the cost per hour of radio enjoyment. K-B 161 and 169. The KOLSTER-BRANDES All-Mains Three-Valve Receivers, designed for operation off A.C. electric supply mains. INCLUDING VALVES PRICE AND ROYALTY £17 10 K-B 135. The latest KOLSTER-BRANDES cone-speaker, giving a performance closely approximating to that of a good moving-coil instrument. WALNUT OR PRICE °*x £7.7 MAHOGANY £&.* KB 135 Kolster- BRITISH MADE BY All K-B products costing £5 or more may be BRITISH LABOUR obtained on simple Hire Purchase Terms. November 8, 1920. RADIO TIMES 385 LISTENING ? BRANDESET 3A BATTERY MODELS ESS® -A-:; ■ "^wr... Batteries never yet supplied more capable ■■ ------- ..V.V *!?>>' ; sets. Low priced it is true... but once to listen to them is to realise that supreme K-B performance is here • • . the true voice • • • the real music.. available in these models to all who prefer a set driven from inde­ pendent batteries. BRANDESET IIIa. A popular three-valve set arranged for one detector and two low frequency valves. INCLUDING VALVES KB 163 PRICE AND RO YALTY £1 10 K-B 163. The KOLSTER-BRANDES three-valve screened* grid Pentode receiver. (This receiver will also give first-class results when a power valve is used in place of the Pentode). Ask your dealer for a copy of INCLUDING VALVES FREE BOOK the K-B Book, containing the PRICE AND ROYALTY £10 IS full range of K-B radio products, or send the coupon for one, to Kolster-Brandes Ltd., Cray Works, Sidcup, Kent. NAME Brandes ADDRESS - Manufacturers of Radio Apparatus* Cray Works, TOWN COUNTY R:T; 8/11 Sidcup, Kent. 3S0 RADIO TIMES XOVEMBEK S, 1920, Why grumble Programmes ? Turn one dial Only three knobs on the 7930 Cossor Melody Maker — one for and hear tuning, one for volume and one for wavelengths—no coils to change. ALL EUROPE T T TITH the 1930 Cossor Melody Maker you can choose your own wireless programmes! If chamber music does not suit your mood and if talks bore you, there’s no need to grumble—you can change over to Hilversum for an orchestral concert—to Turin for grand opera — to Paris for a cabaret show — the 1930 £ 8 15®. Cossor Melody Maker brings you melody from all Price includes three New Process Cojioi Europe. This remarkable Receiver is simplicity itself— V'olin, (lie handsome one-piece cabinet one knob for* tuning—one knob for volume—no coils to change. and ali the parts necessary for its rapid assembly. Its selectivity is amazing. In London 5 GB can be received com­ pletely free from 2LO background. Anyone can assemble it in an evening—there are only 10 parts and 20 wires. Post the coupon Also All'Electric Model, to-day for free Constructional Chart. works from Elect ric Light £15 / Ihe 1930 FREE ! Constructor Envelopes To Messrs. A. C. Cossor LtJ., Melody Department, Highbury Grove, London, N. 5. Please send me free of charge a Construclpr Envelope which cells me how ro assemble the 1930 Cossor Melody Maker Cossor Name........... Address..... Melody Maker” U70 R A. C. Cossor Lt J., Highbury Qrove, London, N.5. m •v. 4HP-W ", ' V '' Novi:y.u :i; 8, I Hl’O. .?'••• • 387 THE RADIO TIMES r Registered at tile 1 % Vol. 25. No. 319. LG.P.O. as a Nowepaper. J NOVEMBER 8, 1929. Every Friday. Two Pence. DO YOU LIKE BEING READ ALOUD TO? The possibility of reviving by wireless a simple pleasure of our fathers. ICYCLES taken care of here,’ ran There is the sombre night, and the face of Over the wireless a reading can he listened a notice at a popular rowing the Don in the guttering firelight, and in the to without these irrelevant disturbances : meeting. Everyone knew what it offing Sancho, busy with his donkey or his there is no need to be polite to phones, there meant, but its awkward sound shows how master’s riding gear ; and Rosinantc sighing is no temptation to ruh over to Savoy Hill • hard it is for an Englishman’s grammar to be his broken wind out under the stars.
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