THIS GAME IS... MURDER! ! MURDER IBM “Thank goodness you’re here - something dreadful has happened1 One of the guests ADDENDUM hss been found - here in the house - and it looks like Murder!” Murder is the most appalling crime, and yet it exerts a fascination over all of us. We all enjoy playing amateur sleuths, trying to spot the clues that point to the guilty party. You may even think you’re pretty good at it. In US Gold’s MURDER, you get HARD DISK INSTALLATION the chance to find out. A terrible murder has been committed by someone staying in the house. The police 1. From the hard drive prompt (C: or D:, etc) make a subdirectory have been called, but who knows if the murderer will still be here when they arrive? Only you can unravel the threads of the dark deeds that have happened here? The called MURDER by typing MD MURDER <Enter> (MD is the situation calls for a detective withvision, keen observation and a deep insight into command for the make directory; please note the space between MD the mind of a killer. You have just two hours to expose the guilty party before the and MURDER). authorities arrive. 2. Type CD MURDER <Enter> (CD is the command for change LOADING INSTRUCTIONS directory, which will change your computer into the new MURDER AMIGA subdirectory just created). Switch off your computer. Insert the disk into Drive DFO:, and switch on. 3. Insert the floppy disk of Murder! into your A or B drive. PC From Floppy: Insert the Murder disk into drive A or B (then type A: or B: <Enter> to log the drive). 4. Type COPY A:*.* <Enter> (substitute B: if the disk is in the B Type MURDER <Enter> to start the game. drive). Fmm Hard Drive: Murder for the IBM PC/Compatible computer uses off-disk copy protection. You can 5. When the files have copied, the installation is complete. run the game from a hard drive by copying the disk files into a subdirectory on your hard drive and then loading the game. LOADING FROM THE HARD DISK COPY PROTECTION 1. From the hard drive prompt (C: or D:, etc.) type CD MURDER Following the loading screen, a question will appear which you must answer to <Enter> (this will change your computer to the proper subdirectory continue the game. The question will appear as follows: “What is word . on line . of page . ?" where Murder! has been installed). Refer to the appropriate page of this booklet, and count down the appropriate number of lines (headings and sub-headings count, but not any text within the 2. Once in the MURDER subdirectory, type MURDER <Enter> and the illustrations). Type in the appropriate word fmm that line, and the game will game will load. continue to lord. For example: Enter the word on page 8, line 4, word 6: shoddy <Enter>. TURBO MODE CONTROLS If you are running Murder! on a fast PC you may find the game too The mouse will control the movement of the cursor and your Sleuth. The left mouse fast to handle. In such a case, you should reboot your machine and button will function as the action/option button while the right mouse button will serve as the mode button. Point to a doorway and press the left mouse button and the turn "TURBO" mode off either using the button on the font of the PC sleuth will go in that direction; point to an option icon and select it by pressing the or by using the equivalent DOS command before running the game left button- pressing the right button will clear the selection from the screen; the again (consult your system user manual). right button will also change the cursor into a magnifying glass. You can toggle between Move and Examine with the right button. Move mode is SELECTING A MURDER indicated by arrows pointing towards the exits fmm the mom. Examine is indicated US Gold’s MURDER is cunningly contrived to present almost 3 million different by the cursor being replaced with a magnifying glass. Equipped with the most cases for you to solve. You select your murder from the next screen to appear: important tool of your trade, you can begin to examine the evidence. INTERROGATION To get information about a person or to examine and object, place the magnifying glass over the person or object in question and press the left mouse button. The person or obiect will appear in the portrait in the upper right section of the screen. information about the person (along with the name of any item they are carrying) or object will be displayed below the portrait. There are four variables you can change: The date of the newspaper; The name of the house; The type of house; The difficulty level. Each of these variables shape the events you will investigate. Leaving them identical Person A / Person B / Places / Object / Relationship / Clear/Erase / Make Notes / Ask / to a previous game will result in the same crime being investigated. There are four Scroll Arrows difficulty levels-Novice, Average, Experienced or Super-Sleuth. It’s best to start off as a Novice for your first game, while you are getting used to the controls. After getting information about a person, you can interrogate them by aiming the You can even change the name and appearance of your detective. Click on his nose, cursor at the question mark icon in the upper-right hand corner of the screen and eyes, hair, etc to change his appearance; his name is altered automatically. pressing the left mouse button. You may then select the options at the top of the To change one of the variables or the appearance of the detective, move the pencil screen to build up questions. To ask that Person about the People, Places and Objects cursor over the feature you wish to alter and press the left button. Continue to press connected with the case, select the appropriate icon and press the left button and then the left button to scroll through the list. When you are ready to start playing, press the select a name or object. For information, point and click on the ask question icon. For right button. example, you can ask your suspect where they have been during the day of the crime; select Person A with the left button, and find your suspect’s name on the list (you may need to use the Scroll Arrows to access different parts of the list). Click the left SLEUTHING button on their name, and the question you are asking appears. Now click on the Ask In general, the left button selects an option, and the right button either Quits, Returns icon, and you will get that person’s account of what is going cm. to the Main Game Screen or toggles between Move and Examine. To get more detailed information, you cm link people, objects and places together. Your detective starts the game in the same room as the victim. This is as good a place For example, you might want to know when your suspect was in the mom where the as any to start your investigations. body was discovered. Select the suspect’s name from the Person A list, and the scene of the crime from the Places list. The question now links them together. Click on Ask to find out if your suspicions are confirmed... You can also add to your Question by checking out how People felt about each other. Select a name from the Person A list, and another fmm Person B. Now click on the Relationship icon. You can build up a profile of who loves/bates who, and who might have a motive for Murder... Use the Erase/Clear icon to clear all the names, places etc from the question you are building. Useful answers can be recorded by clicking on the Make Notes icon; this will store the information in your notebook. Suspects will only volunteer information once. Oh, and before we forget, the Murderer will not offer information which incriminates them... you must trap them through the information you gather fmm the others. Interrogate /Map I Examine Notebook/ Take Fingerprints I Compare Fingerprints I (Note: to cancel actions, simply press the right mouse button.) Wipe Clean / Take Exhibit / Arrest OTHER EVIDENCE More clues can be gathered from the many Objects you can find in this game. If you Examine an Object, a picture appears in the portrait frame to the right of the screen. It can then be examined for fingerprints by clicking on the Take Fingerprints icon. Not every Object can provide fingerprints-sane are porous, or impossible to examine - and some fingerprints can be smudged. However, if you get a good print, you can record it by clicking on one of the storage cells which will appear (point to an empty cell and press the left button). Then, to provide proof for your suspicions, you need a print from your suspect(s). When you have an object in the frame, click on the Wipe Clean icon, then wait for someone to pick it up. When they put the object down again, you can check it to obtain their prints (as shown above). To compare prints you have taken fmm two different places, select Compare Fingerprints. Click on the large Box A, then one of the storage cells; then click on Box Band select a cell containing a print you want to compare. Do they look similar? Could be you’ve just found a vital clue..
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