THEOFFICIAL U I H APPRECIATIONSOCIETY trssue3 EDITORIAL Lat€EtnEw5, TDIIB OFTEs lorh Hrrle rrsJ S'ho're rrrh LhennlrzxJUs Def Einherr r rrh Dresde sa.hs llusic halr llrh H!nno!crCaPitor E ldrk l5rh Erlansei'Ihear.e r6ih uichel la'rrL lTrh St!Lrsarr r,nenorn 13rh Urmcon i PJrr r rfh frtnf I I M!\i' [dr 2o.h llerro.d Ro.h h'aven 22nd fanbura Crosse Fr€ibe1r zrrd Obshau'enHsi' hrG 24Lh Du\scld.fr or ) riir. e.a- 0,".-. t"'r" 'l 23Lh Fesa'sh!r! Lri-'o - lgir Esce i.ld.n PrLLelr1'ai1 lsi chremr! 5i' I o'c'ino lifr rerp t#olt'onot L"riiij$.$3c E- -*,- lRtTlllEN d, '*"...." auDttllc,,,,...."'"' Craz, Austria. Live in 6]i€L&slobesl'D3Fdsl3t oDheumrcdosbeg€3b6' b€!ud! wb sich oedreleie, ztnn - &r jinqEbnzeiudsEhodei dLe &misshawso€JciaBidMck UdahH6!r'*alnchlb6mdhi' l5ndgue|en'e.leqlsWsdaui 6€fusoli'Koleda'Phitan. sbhi6insmxbngldppicnzb* dgl0glansichhamonsdns Me Baxlnd sdtsd B@b Stuv k h.stet spdbw A16'Hd6nw.h$ll6nimXon ohrcnbeliuband'alii]dlerdd. ir;hen sen muB."E6y Lvd", "sroari-, mri'l ch "cy!s/, ,bdy inBacrundwarsmJuyMoF e- Fo.i.Hsz am idod lft sin. siiharbsunden w 6d€r juns *ur warg4ngM.gd| Uriah Heep-iEar€ver yqr4c Th€y w..€ not soa€body to thc foulrdc. m€mb.r was noi c.y rbout out, like win., old just loud, h. put tn somc and v€ry good. I'nr telking wofld€rful solos, Kcybor.d about rh€ U.ieh H€€p show on playc. Phil Lanzon pur o...nts Moodry .vcning tn th€ on th. dusic witlrout killiog lt Orpheum, Grsz, Austria wh..e with a soudd .arDct .nd th€ Cuys could nrspi.. the d.uum€r L.c Ke.slekt qlth audlcn.e th.ough th. wlrole brssm{n Tr€v Boldt. round€d cv€rything harnrodiously. If w. eould ne.d to see lhe Old and ,re* sof,es built a diff..Gb.. h€tw.e. Bood old p.rf..t Nix. Uri{h H€3p .ock 'n' roll rnd m.trl lronr showed thrt Dow€rful is not youns€. b.nds, th.s€ 5 mcn th€ 3.m. as just vert roDd, old cro show us whrt rerl good doesn't !r..n th. sam. .s uscd mosi. .nd d pc.f€ct show is, end populrr hust not bc .ffccred. Ersy Llvtn', Stcdlio', You .ould nor iusr h.r. rhe Gyp.y of coursG, L.dy In Black rnd mo6i of.ll Ju,y Moffling und.rsland th€ ly.ics lrom guo.aflt.€d thet many old .ock B..ri€ Shew, ih.i. b.illiart h.fts trc.6mc yourg rgain Ior vocalist. Guitr.ist Mick Box, on€ rnd onc lr&lf trou.s. 113-$!GoathDtPll s (tlll! ba tnstrt llug anbt B lXe t ut ir 8n ExdusivEintervlew im. oorosou ai;il:m or rt* Fritsri\c L!(3 DISCOGRAPHY No.3 LOOK AT YOURSELF r9?1 AND 1'AS THE OF THE PREVIOUS BY EX CRESSiDA FAUL NE\'JTONGAVE UP THE {USIC BUSITESS MOVING ON TO -TRAC(S SUCH LOO( AT YOURSELF STAYSTN THE CAT NO.ILPS 9169 WITH ITS AI"JARDWINNING SLEEVE DESIGNED THOUGHTTHE BEST {AY FULL OF OIHER SLEEVES 'AS DESTGNVARIED SLIGHTLY SLEEVE HAS ITS <.1) TFOLPT 5/AA TUIN WITII V 5/3€ TIJrN wrlH v LOOI(AT YOURSELF/SIMO LOOK AT YOURSELF/I'HAT SIIOUI,D GERMANY/HOLLAND/FRANCE f,OVE MACHINE/EASY LIVTNC JULY I{ORNTNG]S OF THE MORE SONGS,DID YOU ? LET US d 5 r!o <o ddr 0_ LIJ rUJ 6 I II l I F The Lawton vears : A muslcal locus. As mGl ol vou will know d ncw Hc.P war stagc of mclamoPhic changc h wa3 a iomcd all.i ihc dcpsrlur. ol DavidByron Divotal abm in lhal torc sc.ds ol and John Wcllon in 1976,Thc lin€ up ol dis.oni.d nad bccn :own boih in lhc slvlc John Lawton T.cvor Boldd, 1.. Kcrslal., Ken Hcnsl.y and Mrck Box prodlccd thr€. elblns duris lhc 1977-7speiord and a poslhumouslyr.lcascd liv. album Thcsc dbum lollow.d. lo my mind,an elbum ori.ntaiion. Th€ inlcclious Rollin On r.9r.sls lh! mosl cohcr.nl Picccwh.r. lhc banrhch.histry scem! lo gclbcsl post prodlclion cll.cls, Ficily was shelcd lo lollow thc rclaliv.ly siquc but badly r€.Evcd Hqh AndMqhly dndn didth! bv culinq down lhe oPcralionwnh k$ divcts. inslruhcnlEli.n end cvcn l.ss p.odrcl@n worl. Th. album was chara.ictiscd by i Byroncould producc whcn requncd- had bccn pJaccdil wotld havc b€.n al odds dth th. r.sl, Olherhiqhlil.s irom lhisalbum back arc "F.c. M." - an i.roslibLy.alchy acolslic on balarcc Fncflywas a slrongcom. "Thc albumand cach liack i! r.comcnd.d lislcdnq lono and Danc.' _ an Ehosphenc wfh lh. .xc.plion ol lhe garblcd Do You nm-bd wilh a rare hall I m. Ic.l whichdraws Kn w" and the conlusedlille Itack Fnellv lhelislcner inlo ils hearl, sharcdwilh HighAnd Mighiy lh. domnan.c oi KcnH.mlcys wriiing{hi.h wasenlering a tfu lnnoccnt Viclim" had, tm rold, massiv. Hcnslcywas d.spcralclyt.ying lo lpdal. th. commcf.dl succ.ssjn romc parls ol lhc .lcmcnrs ol Uiah Hccp which|ft. mosl h.avy world wilh ils tghr,boppy, n.lodc Ec@siic bandscan b. t.ac€d back 1o ihe Woodslock bascd songs, crplrsiv. drmming lrom L.e, ..a and althoughil's irportart lo applaudhis llnky rm-ru iypc basslincs lroh Tr.vor, nobl. clJorls,onc has to rccognis.lhat thc occasronal.lcctric gutar blrsls lrom Micky s.ll - consciousnc$ol lh. changc ol dd 1as1.lulbut, rdcNcd kcyb@rdslrom hurical dn cftn and possibly a lack ol Kcn, Pc.son.lly,I lound il a dEappointingconsosli wilhin ihc band was nol always aibum- .avinqlhat 3om€songt can b. s.cn cxprcsscdin lhe mssi. in e posiiivc way. I as a posilivcdiccti@ .hangechardcl.ris.d c.rtainly think thal lhis pdiod do.s nol mrk by cont.adiclions.ribil.d bolh w hin and as orc of He.p'sb.sl bll what do H.cp's A y.a. lala lhc bandrccordcd "Fallcn Angcl" havc pres.ntcda lanlasy "Bcsl an albw which saw lhc ircr.as.d lor lhe pc,io.dand I lhink youl nvolvcm.nl ol clcckic guita. and John w.rc il .cl.ascd,would sound vcry Lawln as lh.lcadingwril.r ol hcavytoncs, A n'cc balad crcdrr.d ro Le and iokd heavylracks - rctablyliln Alivc"fcdecm this conclusionlo lh. Lawronsudio .ccordinqs. "FallcnAng.l" was a l.ss dvcrsc dbm bul, rrlhct cvid.nccol a sl.ugglingHc.p wilh an unsclllcdh.ail, A ycar lalcr John larlon was rcmovcd from lh. band but, clcarly shouldnol hav. bc.n scap.goal.dlor llE Sidc2 .vid.nl p.oblcmsolhin thc band. Admittcdly thc.e s a h.avier cdge lo 'Fallcn Angel" whchc,calcd lhe oddgf.a1 treck, bul alsoa s.nc. ol l.nsionand comprdise 1orwhich mostoi lh. musicullimar.ly sullcrs, I ihirk is clcar lhal lhc La{ron ycah wcr. h Jad lhc Hcnslcyy.ars, y.ars dominalcd by Kcns dcsnc lo changeUriah Hccps muscaldncc on, I bcli.velhal Ken wanl.d lo dmntrh lhc h.a!y .ide ol H.ep, lihil thc usc ol produclioncll.cls andaio ih. songs al a wd.. aud.ncc. I aho b.licv. lhal K.n B lrodulrr5 lifs i5 not ea5u| | An exclusive interview with Trsvor Botder ( Coflttnued from lsiue 2 ) r,rr. rhar do corpred to RaAincsirence? tl'eir bii s hefa ^nd soundanyrhinq Like ihe.-a! I !ahted rhar n,rr or rtr{lish atbun, btrr yotr Fa{inq silen.e nachine,hcre l-"e]. That s I ire irs brs!. sl !\ r^nt ro {! hrck io ,lrtrn hh.hine, I ranted to oL^y Nith rcp and eye.yone elsr in we r3cd to do in tl'P 70's, rhe.e ihe hand lotrld q. in riLh an Pight t.rick rnd erefroie rould 0Lat li!e, a(d it rPnr norn in one so Rr*i.A silence rasn r, ddne m1.h ne 'hen rl,- RicharJ Dodd, santed ro 'ld ii qui.k "it's A.rl. rhen ydr say done rith s - iL'3 not ' dnr Dschine rou hea. the,lr1m mchin,", it's a reall' qui.k Lar or re.ordinq did ihe albur kke 3o rePd to do it t,ke art€. ta*e, rhe T.3. oh reLl, the jrst Dlry on top ol ir, the druns .an "ere in nnd out ol the srtrdio all be rrr on Last ,nd ii qives the rine, re did rto rnd ' haLf 'eeks l dn,mr--. bofe did th€ b$s trac*s! he d.e3n't have to get to 'aet naf.ied in Drllas {e t)rcuehl it pe.fsct Lere .nd th€n dd he.!n ilo soDe guL!d' he d..pped iD and vocaL r.acks, not rhe.ld s.hool YaY hd be€n done and or doing thinqs, htrt ii's quicL. ni s..a ed ir aLl. I tPnr nt ro Hull this :lbrn, l and did sone rocat ho' I f.memher ota!inq *hen I has i h-"n bacl Lo chapre snd Nerb.a.ds, re had iu.L abour gor s.trie, we did .olIio! again ntrd he re.e ott doins rh.ee lak€s on neekrnds here 3nd neekend3 LhPre, re Honry Do.y, The ea.ly fleep albrns rere outlinq ser.
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