- The Clinton 54th Year—No. 20. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1909. Whole No. 2773. VARIOUS TOPICS. WILL WATERS ANOTHER PIONEER MURDER III VICTOR. A committee of I-anaing ladles have SID DEATH OF CHILDNArrested at Owosso on Charge of Sim­ ELECTRICAL STORMSbMrs Hugh Merrihew of Olive Died IH^POMOIIA RALLY Issued an appeal, asking a thousand ple Larceny. M -------- Thursday. friends to contribute one dollar each Held at Fair Grounds at St. John Haker, Aged 81, Killed toward the Lansing hospital. Bean Lodges in Throat of Destroyed Barns and Killed A week ago last Friday, a young man # Mrs. Hugh Merrihew. a resident of Johns Yesterday. Friday by Wife, Aged 44. The marriage of Louis J. Voislnet NJ Leola Martin. by the name of Will Waters was em­ Live Stock. Olive township since 1856, died last of HaWlffDeWitt andon/I \flcoMiss IdaTHo M.\f FavlerParlor of - ployed by Elmer Stoweli of Ovid on Thursday. Olive is announced for August 17th, some concrete work ln Riley township. Mrs. Merrihew was born May 12. ABOUT 250 PRESENT. SHOT HIM IN BACK and will be solemnized at St. Joseph's TAKEN TO ANN ARBOR. On July "23d, at noon Mr. Stoweli dis­ IN COUNTY AND STATE 1830, ln Ulster county, New York, Catholic church in this city. charged the boy. residing there until a few pears after -------- NT Breathed Only By Tub* in Windpip< That night when Mr. Stoweli went to her marriage to Mr. Merrihew, March Hon. D. E. McClure of Muskegon Gave Couple Were Divorced a Few Week* js, his tent which was pitched near his Big Cloudburst at Ionia Yesterday— 27th, 1850. In October, 1855, they came Orville Wright last Friday attained Operated on by Dr*. Dodge, Address — Readings Were Ago—He Had Told Her to Leave work he found his pocketbook and $18 to Oakland county, where they lived a the aenith of hardearned success with gone and had every reason to believe Shiawassee Farmers Nearly year, then going to Olive township his flying machine at Washington, ' Gate and Scott Tuesday. Also Given. Monday, August Second. that the boy took it. Burn to Death. where she had since resided. The farm making 10 miles Id 14 minutes and 42 ! Mr. Stoweli notified Sheriff Schavey was mostly a wilderness and they seconds. He was accompanied by Leola, the three-year-old daughter of that evening and the lad was located at spent years of toil, fllnally making it a Lieutenant Foulols of the U. S. army. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin, who re­ The Cinton County Pomona Grange John Haker of Victor township was Fowler. The deputy at Fowler found During last week’s storms several fine cleaned farm of 80 acres. held their annual rally at the fair killed by his wife last Friday evening It was the most difficult and daring side on the Elmer Jury farm six miles him but the fellow told the deputy that barn3 were burned and some live stock Mrs. Merrihew was a member of the flight ever planned for a heavier-than- north of St. Johns, met with a fatal ac­ he had the wrong man and that he was ground at St. Johns yesterday after­ at the farm home near Merritt’s Cross­ killed and injured. M. E. church but on account of poor noon. A picnic dinner was enjoyed in ing. she having shot him in the back air flying machine. Wright Bros., the cident Tuesday afternoon. some one else, so he let him go. health has not been able to attend builders, will receive a reward of The granary at the farm had been C. H. Kennedy of Bath township had the dining hall beneath the grand with a 32-calibre revolver. Last week Wednesday Mr. Schavey a barn burned July 28th. The loss was regularly of late years. She was the stand by quite a number. $35,000 from the U. S. government. cleaned out and the children had found found that he had been in Owosso but mother of three children, one passing Were Divorced. V some large kidney beans and were they could not locate him. Monday he adjusted at $458.44 on both barn and The rally was called to order at 1:30 contents. away ln early childhood. The other by Jerome Dills, Master of Pomona, af­ A few weeks ago Haker had secur^J The oldest piece of railroad in the playing checkers with them beneath came to Owosso again and the officers two are Allison, who lives at home, ed a divorce on the grounds that his United States west of Schenectady, the trees at the farm nome. The lit­ there questioned him and he tried to Frank Parr of Essex lost a hog and ter which the worthy lecturer, Mrs. C. and Mrs. John Trimble of Gratiot coun ­ L. Pearce of DeWitt had the meeting wife had conducted herself improper ­ N. Y., is the 39 imiles of the main tle girl came running into the house work the same game he had at Fowler, William C. Payne of Lebanon lost two ty. ly with other men. On May 17th he line of the Lake Shore between Le­ and told her mother that she had a saying his name was King and that he sheep. Funeral services were held Sunday in charge. ■‘America" was sung after had given her $850 and she was to nawee Junction, a few milest east of bean in her throat. Mr. Martin was lived in Detroit . On searching him August Frlcke of Olive had two at the home. Interment ln DeWitt which Mr. Dills gave the address of have left the place within ten days threshing but he left his work immed­ they found a letter of recommendation teams of horses shocked. They are welcome. Ihe meeting was held in Adrian, and Toledo, and it is the only cemetery. the grand stand and about 250 were after she had received the money, for part of the Lake Shore ’s main line iately and with his wife hastened the bearing his true name. On account of alive but somewhat injured. she had signed an agreement to do little one to St. Johns, taking her to the absence of Sheriff Schavey, Deputy present. that the company doesn ’t own and D. P. Smith near St. Louis had his Mrs. Dwight Morrison of Greenbush so But she still stayed thene and hasn ’t beeh able to buy. The company the office of Dr. J. B. Dodge. The Sheriff Dutton went to Owosso Monday house struck by lightning. It was In ­ \\ INCOME TAX. numerous quarrels ensued. Friday child kept choking and was just alive and brought Wa*ers to St. Johns. recited "The 4th of July Picnic, ” after holds it under a perpetual lease. The sured ln the Farmer’s Mutual and the which Mrs. G. F. Ottmar of Riley sang night they had another one and he little corporation is the Erie & Kala­ when they reached hone. He was taken before Justice Wood ­ loss was adjusted at $60. Michigan Will Vote on Changing told her she must leave the house by a solo. "Far Away.” The address of mazoo Railroad company. It is a Dr. Dodge, assisted by Drs. W. H. ruff Tuesday, plead guilty and sentenc ­ During the storm between six and Monday. August 2d. This she con ­ Gale and W. A. Scott at once perform ­ ed to the Detroit House of Correction Federal Constitution. the afternoon was given by Hon. D. E. Michigan corporation that probably seven o ’clock Saturday evening. Well­ McClure of Muskegon. Mr. McClure sented to do, telling him she hated to not one person in 10,000 now living ed a tracheotomy —the operation of for 90 days. Waters is 19 years of age. go as long as she had been there so ington Irwin of South Lebanon had his is an interesting speaker and inter ­ ever heard of. It is not on the tax making an opening into the windpipe barn struck by lightning. It was burn ­ long and had worked as hard as she and worked over the little one for four A communication has been received spersed his address with several short rolls because it is taxed as an asset ed to the ground Including a large by Governor Warner from Philander stories. His Subject was “The Power had. of the IJike Shore. But its stockhold ­ hours, trying to locate the bean. It The Shooting. quantity of hay. Mr. Irwin had only C. Knox, seoretary of state ln Presi­ and Weakness of Organization. ” ers draw annually in rental from the had lodged in a difficult place and the a few minutes before turned the horses child could not breath through either dent Taft’s cabinet, asking the gover ­ Mr. McClure brought out many good Early in the evening Mrs. Haker got Lake Shore the equivalent of 10 per EOT THE WORST OF IT in the field and was eating supper nor to submit at the next session of points for each. Ohe power toward I nose or mouth, only by means of tft\l a revolver that she had purchased cent on their holdings, and tnelr stock when the building was struck. He the legislature, the joint resolution to organization is for man to do the best i three weeks ago and hid it in her dress. is quoted at about 200. The stock of opening made, neither could she utter a rushed out and succeeded In removing sound. Some pieces of apple were re­ amend the constitution of the United he can, raise the good ideal3 and en ­ Later she and her husband had their the Erie & Kalamazoo has in some MATHIAS BELEN OF WESTPHALIA a drill and his harness.
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