by Thomas O’Neil volved” in possible raids this year of McCandless Hall as potentially Mary’s could develop more honor­ editor-in-chief if any student tries to trespass on dangerous. “The women some­ able traditions,” Kathleen Rice, dormitory property. times throw water from the win­ dean of student affairs at St. Students trespassing during pan- dows. Somebody could fall and get “No trespassing signs have re­ M ary’s, commented. “ I would like hurt,” he explained. n ___ ty raids this year will be subject to cently been installed on resident our students to develop a willing r? n O 0 n i 6 r disciplinary action, according to a dorms at the St. Mary’s campus. “The practice of male students ness to develop social relations statement released today by James visiting female residence halls in Roemer refused to comment the with Notre Dame men that doesn’t Roemer, Notre Dame dean of large groups to ask for panties is extent of possible disciplinary ac­ smack of these raids.” students. not worthy of Notre Dame men,” Rice expects the hall staffs, the tion he may use agsainst students the statement from Roemer’s office campus rectresses, herself and het Trespassing involves breaking who violate the “No Trespassing” explains read. “If Notre Dame students assistants to be present in the halls into women’s dorms either at St. regulation. trespass on or in women's resi­ should a raid occur this year. Mary’s or Notre Dame, Roemer Disciplinary action against tres­ dence halls on this campus or on “ We will be there to help explained. “We consider trespas­ passers at raids on the Notre Dame the St. Mary’s campus, they will be discourage our women from en sing a criminal offense,” he said. panty women’s dorms will also be subject to disciplinary action by the couraging the men to break in the “We expect to treat it as such.” sought, he added. Dean of Students.” dormitories,” she said. “These raids are a fifty-fifty Roemer explained that he at­ “We are concerned about peo­ Roemer described the traditional tends each panty raid as an ple, not property,” Poemer said. panty raid as “degrading” and “a responsibility between St. Mary’s and Notre Dame,” she continued. policy onlooker. Notre Dame Security “I attend the raids to insure the crude form of serenade.” “Part of our responsibility is to usually calls Roemer when a panty safety of students.” “ It is not a worthwhile tradition insure the safety of the students, raid begins. Roemer cited the example of in my opinion,” he added. and to take action against those Roemer said he will “ get in­ students climbing the outside walls “I hope that Notre Dame-St. ^ho^iolate^th^regulations/’^ Vol. XI. No. 7,;:The ▼ Observeruniversity ofnoire dome - collegeWednesday, Septembera, 1976 Huddle renovation delayed insufficient funds cited as major cause by Don Refiner the facility, displayed last year,menu than sandwiches.” He noted Copy Editor showed a setting with heavy oak that there would not be a “21” bar furniture and barrel-back chairs. because the restaurant wilf be open Plans to renovate the Huddle are The menu of the restaurant will to all students. presently being held in abeyance offer a wide variety of food ranging Paczesny asked for patience on until sufficient funds can be raised, from steaks to pizza and hambur­ the part of the students. "I am Vice-President for Student Affiars, gers. The new restaurant will also sure we can all be a bit patient with Bro. Just Paczesny said yesterday. have extended hours to meet the the generous people who willingly varying customer demands. support activities for the welfare of “The benefactors are still very Paczesny explained that the pur­ students,” he said. “Some things much interested in this project.” pose of the new facility is to provide take more time than others-even said Paczesny. “They are very an “interesting and attractive eat­ Crossroads Park was several years positive and I think we are going to ing place with a more substantial on the drawing board.” get it (the money).” Paczesny said that he would announce the details of the project when they became available. Inside• • • In an Observer story last March Paczesny estimated the total cost of Find out what's happening at the Notre Dame and Campus View the project at $300,000. Presently apartments. the University has approximately ... P age 3 $60,000 remaining from the $190,000 used in the LaFortune renovations last year. This money The recent SLC survey came up with some interesting results. will be held until the additional ... P age 7 funds can be raised, according to Paczesny. Plans discussed last spring call­ Joe Yonto, ND's defensive line coach, is featured in today's ed for an expansion of the Huddle Sports. into a Barnaby-style restaurant. ... Page 12 The construction of such a res­ Huddle renovation aimed at converting present facilities into a taurant would necessitate extend­ restaurant is being held up due to a shortage of funds. ing the Huddle over the roof of the ... the Observer poolroom. An artist’s conception of Given current information Carter says he would h by Harry Rosenthal FBI workmen built drapery val­ balancing influence on the Con­ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Associated Press W riter ances in his apartment. But he said gress.” he was not aware the work was The measure provides $240 mill­ being done, and he has since ion in federal funds for child care Jimmy Carter said yesterday asreimbursed the government $355. services through September next CAMPAIGN president he would have fired FBI The President rejected recom­ year and postpones federal stan­ Director Clarence Kelley on the mendations that he fire or repri­ dards for how those services are to basis of what Carter knows from mand Kelley for the valances and be run until October 1977. news accounts. for accepting gifts worth up to $105 The President also signed legis­ “ Knowing what I know now, yes, on special occasions from FBI lation authorizing compensation for I would have fired him,” Carter subordinates. death, injury or loss of property as told reporters as he campaigned in Carter had a busy campaign a result of the Teton Dam collapse the Northeast. “ From what I have schedule, touring a New York June in southeastern Idaho. learned that has been released, I subway, answering questions At Brooklyn College, Carter told would replace Mr. Kelley.” the cities from students at Brooklyn the students he thinks former Army But Carter did not call outright College, and touring a submarine Lt. William L. Calley Jr., “was a for the FBI chiefs ouster, saying, plant at Groton, Conn. disgrace to the Army and the “I don’t have the information Ford, meanwhile, stayed in the country” and “was a scapegoat for President Ford had.” White House. He signed a child his superiors.” ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ The director of the FBI “ should care bill, saying it was a “new and Carter said he still is distrurbed be purer than Caesar’s wife,” the better” version of a similar bill he that Calley and no one else was When the young lieutenant was Democratic presidential candidate vetoed last April. convicted for crimes at the South convicted of killing no less than 22 Carter said he took the action in said. “He shouldn’t have federal He alluded to the 55 m easures he Vietnamese village of My Lai. unarmed men, women and child­ an effort to diffuse a pro-Calley funds being given to decorate his has vetoed since he took office and Calley was on trial at Ft. Hen­ ren, Carter proclaimed an “ Ameri­ resolution in the state legislature. house.” said the child care bill is an ning, Ga., when Carter was sworn can Fighting Man’s Day” in his Carter oficially opened his cam­ Kelley has acknowledged that example of how vetoes “exerted a in as governor of Georgia in 1971. state. paign Monday. 2 the observer Wednesday, September 8. 1976 Of Volunteer Services News Briefs Beattie, Reid n by M ary Mungo van International “Finally, social action groups Senior Staff Reporter credit for taking an urban studies CAPETOWN South Africa — Police clashed with like InPirg, CILA, the World Hun­ training course. rioters yesterday in white, black, and colored sections ger Coalition, the Non-Violence According to Reid, the office is of Cape Town. Two persons were reported killed and Sr. Judith Ann Beattie and Tom Program and the Year-Off Program working on the possibility that scores were injured, and in Johannesburg’s black Reid will head the Office of are attempting to raise questions future volunteers will be able to township of Soweto, police killed one black and Volunteer Services for the up­ about life-styles and values by receive a certificate at graduation wounded another who they said were trying to cut a rail coming year, according to the increasing public awareness of testifying to their involvement in a line. Student Affairs Office. Bro. Just social injustice,” Reid added. volunteer project. Paczesny appointed the new direc­ “We see the role of our office as One of the major problems HAMBURG West Germany — Secretary of State tors last June to replace Fr. Tom four-fold,” Beattie remarked. Henry A. Kisinger said yesterday Tanzanian President encountered in the past was “the Stella, who is currently at Berkeley “ We hope to act as a clearinghouse duplication of services” , Beattie Julius Nyerere had invited him to come to Africa as University in California. of information, to train leaders in soon as possible to begin efforts to head off a race war.
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