Curriculum Committee Proposes Calendars by Maureen Healy exams whereas calendar (B) in- cludes only a two day reading [C] Next year's calendar is current- [A] [B] period. Calendar (C) has the Have 1 Week ly under consideration by the Now Approved Start Later Curriculum Committee. The three advantage of a 5 day open period Open Period options are detailed in the attached and 12 (instead of 11) "unbroken" Freshmen arrive Aug. 28 Sept. 3 Aug. 28 chart. weeks to accommodate lab Registration Aug. 30-31 Sept. 5-6 Aug. 30-31 Calendar (A) for next year was sequences better. Classes begin Sept. 1 Sept. 7 Sept. 1 approved by the Curriculum Com- There is a possibility that the Open Period Oct. 12-14 Oct. 19-21 Oct. 17-21 mittee last fall. However, versions calendar which is now approved, Thanksgiving vacation begins (B) and (C) have recently been (A), will be changed. Therefore, after last class on Nov. 23 Nov. 23 Nov. 23 proposed. the Curriculum Committee would Classes resume Nov. 28 Nov. 28 Nov. 28 Calendar (B) has the advantage appreciate student input. Please Last day of classes Dec. 7 Dec. 13 Dec. 9 of beginning later, but exams are contact your student representa- Readingdays Dec. 8-9 Dec. 14-15 Dee. 12-13 scheduled closer to Christmas. tives: Susan Tananbaum (Box 364), Final Examinations Dec. 12-17 Dec. 16-22 Dec. 14-21 Calendars (A) and (C) have both Peter Crosby (Box 706), Steve (excluding 18) (excluding 17, 18) two reading days and a weekend Roberts (Box 851) or Maureen Note: Labor Day is Sept. 5. between the end of classes and Healy (Box 964). Volume 76 THE TRINITY issue 9 TRIPOD November 9,1976 Defending The Record MBOG Claims Success by Nancy Nies the necessary experience to be a faced with the post-party clean-up truly valuable asset, he graduates, quit without working at all, Lee David Lee. director of student Lee said. said. services, and Ken Feinswog. chair- MBOG "is a subcommittee of Feinswog said he felt part of the man of Mather Board of Governors SGA which is to provide a responsibility for the broken win- (MBOG), responded in separate well-rounded schedule of pro- dows lay with the Master Calen- interviews.to charges that MBOG grammed events to meet the dar's office "who we contracted operations have been inefficient diversified needs of students on with in order to hold the dance in and ineffective. campus. There should be some- the Washington Room. In the past, According to. Ken Feinswog, thing for every member, of the they have been responsible of chairman of MBOG, "I think we've Trinity community including facul- obtaining two security guards," trated, and then want to quit," he ty and students," Lee said. Feinswog said, "but this time they events we have planned. The board "They're not coming close to never appeared." has its problems." Feinswog con- this," Lee said, "but they do There were problems with the ceded, "but most of our problems provide a variety of entertainment print sale as well, Lee pointed out. arc a result of a lack of student and expose people to a number of "The room wasn't reserved, no one support, inadequate funding, and different learning experiences." met the salesmen, and no forms a lack of available facilities." Also, Lee pointed out that the in- had been filled out authorizing the Pholo by Rich Sager David Lee, director of student dividual board members "learn sale of prints on campus," he said. The Marching Kazoo Band performs their annual concert during services, agreed with Feinswog, a great deal from handling money, "Mistakes do happen," Feinswog half-time at the Homecoming Weekend Trinity-Amherst game. "The biggest problem that the delegating responsibility, working said referring to the room reserva- board has is that students on this with people, and dealing with tion. "We were never made aware campus want planned events social criticism." of the authorization forms," Feins- handed to them on a silver platter, Feinswog pointed to the recent wog added. "But the important and they're not willing to work for successes of MBOG. "The Nils thing is that the school made $120 them." Lcc cited a short-handed Lofgren concert was the first on the print sale," Feinswog said. Photo Club Receives Funds staff as the major cause of MBOG's scll-put at Trinity in 2 or 3 years," "Whether people realize it or not, by Alan Levine Levan pointed out that the difficulties. Feinswog said. "Over 300 students the reason people chose to be on Photography Club has never re- and 300 outsiders attended the the board is because they wanted to MBOG, which is presently In an uncharacteristically short ported the theft to the committee. concert. It was one of the most do a good job," Lee said. "The comprised of 20 members, needs at meeting, the Budget Committee When Joan Berger made a motion successful events that we have problem is that many people on the 'cast 30 people in order to run all centered its discussion on a request to allocate $77 from the commit- had," he added. "We were board are involved in many differ- campus events efficiently, Feins- by the Photography Club last week. tee's contingency fund, Levan budgeted to lose about S2500 and ent groups on campus. Their time wog said. "With 30 people willing In the absence of chairman Jeff suggested that the theft should we lost less than $1000, so we is spread too thin and they cannot to put in a lot of time, the dis- Meltzer, Jane Beddall chaired the first be investigated further as well have a $1500 excess in our budget do their best job for each organiza- tribution of work would be spread meeting and directed the discus- as ways of preventing future thefts. °ut," Feinswog said, "but right now after the concert." tion," Lee said. Lee encouraged After more discussion, the motion more student involvement as a sion among the ten committee now there's just too much work for "The Eldridge Cleaver lecture members present. Beddall an- passed with only Levan voting too few people." Feinswog cited is the first major lecture that we solution for the alleviation of this against it. Nevertheless, the mem- problem. • nounced that the Nils Lofgren board members' irresponsibility as have had in 3 years," Feinswog concert and Halloween dance; both bers of the committee made it clear another major factor in reducing continued. "Over S00 people at- Lack of adequate funding re- to Becherer that they wanted him stricts MBOG as well. "Our sponsored by the Mather Board of 'he efficiency of MBOG. "Right tended; it was extremely popular," Governors, were great successes. to find out about possible future now there are about 10 really active he said. Feinswog also pointed to $23,000 budget is definitely limit- security precautions and report ing," Feinswog said, "considering Rich Levan withdrew his members out of 20 on the board," the success of the Halloween dance motion to reallocate $400 in the back. Feinswog said. "These people get which drew 778 people and of we are planning events for 100% of the campus." Lee agreed and said budget of the Trinity Coalition of overloaded with work, get frus- Casino night which drew over 500 Blacks (TCB). He said that he was trated, and then want to quit." people. The midnight movie festi- that SGA expects.MBOG to plan a wide array of events but does not recommending this course of action Reminder: Leeconcured, "When you need val, which featured four nights of give them sufficient funds to do so. because no members of the • TCB 30 people, you have only 10. The movies including horror, comedy, showed up at a subcommittee's "Another thing which hinders Student Government Association cartoons, and Bogart, was packed meeting to discuss the matter. TCB : c us is lack of facilities," Feinswog °mes down on MBOG when the every night, Feinswog said. had wanted to take $400 out of the Fre registration continued. "Austin Arts only seats real problem is that they're so However, MBOG has had its section of their budget designated 300 people, so it would be short-handed. People have no idea problems, Lee admitted. "There for political activities and spend it impossible to bring a major play how much time is involved in were quite a few difficulties with on a trip to a Broadway show. lor Trinity here even if we wanted to," he planning events." Lee said. "For the Halloween dance from an In the only major discussion of j^Je Nils Lofgren concert alone,. organizational standpoint," Lee said. "Also, it is extremely difficult to get the theater at all. There is the meeting, Bob Becherer, repre- MBOG worked approximately said. "Fifty dollars worth of senting the Photography Club, semester 150-200 man hours." he said. windows were broken, and there only one,day in all of November that is available to us," he said. asked for $77 to'purchase a .new Everyone wants to choose an was $185 worth of janitoral v enlarger lens. The lens on one of event, but no one is around when overtime after the dance." "It is However, despite these prob- courses is lems, Feinswog said he was the club's two enlargers was stolen " s time to really work on it," he MBOG's responsibility to control either late last year or during this added. what happens at an event, but "generally pleased with how things r have gone so far." "We have a past summer.
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