February 29, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 158, Pt. 2 2421 SENATE—Wednesday, February 29, 2012 The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was SCHEDULE ENERGY POLICY called to order by the Honorable Mr. REID. Madam President, fol- Mr. THUNE. Madam President, back KIRSTEN E. GILLIBRAND, a Senator from lowing leader remarks, the Senate will in 2008 then-Senator Obama said that the State of New York. be in a period of morning business for under his policies energy costs would 1 hour. The Republicans will control necessarily ‘‘skyrocket’’ and that he PRAYER the first half and the majority will con- would ‘‘have preferred a gradual ad- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- trol the second half. justment to higher gasoline prices.’’ He fered the following prayer: Following morning business, the Sen- indicated at the time that under his Let us pray. ate will resume consideration of the policies energy prices were going to go Eternal God, our comfort and guide, highway bill. We continue to work on a up. He mentioned that he would like a as we begin this day in the forward process to complete action on this bill. more gradual adjustment, but when he march of history, we acknowledge Your We are going to have to do that. If we talked about those policies, he said en- sovereignty. Your unfailing love and can’t get an agreement to move for- ergy costs would necessarily ‘‘sky- mercy continue to sustain us, and we ward on this bill, I have no alternative rocket.’’ put our hope in You. but to try to stop the filibuster that is I think we now know which of the Today, fill our lawmakers with Your taking place. I hope we don’t have to campaign promises the President has wisdom, enabling them to shoulder the do that. We have agreed to work on kept because we have seen energy demands of decisions, the strain of con- amendments that are relevant and ger- prices skyrocket for most Americans. flict, and the uncertainties about to- mane. Senator DURBIN, the whip, has In fact, gasoline prices have doubled morrow. Let Your justice guide their worked on side-by-sides and other under President Obama’s watch. If you thoughts and Your righteousness direct amendments, so we are ready to move look at January 2009, the price per gal- their steps. Fill them with Your joy forward, but we can’t do it unless we lon of gasoline was $1.85. Today it is and use them for Your glory. get some basic cooperation, and it will $3.73, and some analysts are predicting Make each of us a blessing and not a be a shame if we can’t move forward on $5-a-gallon gasoline by May of this burden, a lift and not a load, a delight this bipartisan bill. year. Today marks the 24th straight and not a drag. day of gasoline price increases. f We pray in the Name of our Lord and The problem with all this is that the Savior. Amen. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME President rhetorically, when he goes out and talks about energy, says that f The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- he wants an all-of-the-above strategy. pore. Under the previous order, the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE We always say that imitation is the leadership time is reserved. The Honorable KIRSTEN E. GILLI- sincerest form of flattery, and obvi- BRAND led the Pledge of Allegiance, as f ously that is a phrase many of us as follows: MORNING BUSINESS Republicans have been using for some I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the time. We talk about an all-of-the-above The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- United States of America, and to the Repub- strategy that includes oil and gas and lic for which it stands, one nation under God, pore. Under the previous order, the clean coal and nuclear and biofuels and indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Senate will be in a period of morning solar and wind—all of those. The prob- f business for 1 hour, with Senators per- lem with what the President says is mitted to speak therein for up to 10 that his actions say he really means APPOINTMENT OF ACTING minutes each, with the time equally di- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE ‘‘none of the above.’’ He says ‘‘all of vided and controlled between the two the above,’’ but he means ‘‘none of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The leaders or their designees, with the Re- above’’ because the President has clerk will please read a communication publicans controlling the first half and taken unprecedented steps to restrict to the Senate from the President pro the majority controlling the second access to America’s affordable and reli- tempore (Mr. INOUYE). half. able sources of oil and natural gas. The assistant legislative clerk read The Senator from Illinois. President Obama’s energy policies the following letter: f are increasing the cost of gasoline in U.S. SENATE, this country. His administration is ORDER OF BUSINESS PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, pursuing new regulations that will in- Washington, DC, February 29, 2012. Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, will crease the cost of domestic energy pro- To the Senate: the time be running on the minority duction and destroy jobs. More domes- Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, party’s first half hour? of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby tic production of energy in this coun- appoint the Honorable KIRSTEN E. GILLI- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- try equals lower prices at the pump BRAND, a Senator from the State of New pore. The Senator is correct. and more American jobs. York, to perform the duties of the Chair. Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, I The President’s statements have DANIEL K. INOUYE, suggest the absence of a quorum until been punctuated or reinforced by mem- President pro tempore. a member of the minority appears. bers of his administration. I go back to Mrs. GILLIBRAND thereupon as- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- 2008, Dr. Steven Chu, who is now Presi- sumed the chair as Acting President pore. The clerk will call the roll. dent Obama’s Energy Secretary, who pro tempore. The assistant legislative clerk pro- said at the time: f ceeded to call the roll. Somehow, we have to figure out how to Mr. THUNE. Madam President, I ask boost the price of gasoline to the levels in RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY unanimous consent that the order for Europe. LEADER the quorum call be rescinded. Think about that: that somehow we The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- have to figure out how to boost the pore. The majority leader is recog- pore. Without objection, it is so or- price of gasoline to the levels in Eu- nized. dered. rope. If we look at the levels in Europe, ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:26 Mar 22, 2017 Jkt 019102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR12\S29FE2.000 S29FE2 rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 2422 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 158, Pt. 2 February 29, 2012 I think even at that time we are talk- Think about that. When he says he supports an ‘‘all-of- ing about $9 to $10-per-gallon gasoline. We have an energy strategy and a policy the-above’’ energy plan, his policies So we have members of this very ad- that we have been working on from day one, tell a very different story because his ministration suggesting, even back and we believe it continues to show good re- policies have discouraged increased then, that part of the strategy, the en- sults. production of oil, and high oil costs are ergy strategy, was to increase prices. I don’t know how you can argue that indeed a key driver of gasoline costs. Think about that, having an energy doubling the price for a gallon of gaso- Republicans support a real all-of-the- strategy that is actually going to drive line is a good result. And literally tak- above strategy, and that includes pro- up the cost of energy to people in this ing areas out of production in this duction in all sources of energy. It in- country. country that could be yielding energy, cludes support of projects such as the Yesterday, in testimony before the that would help reduce the dependence Keystone XL Pipeline that will House Appropriations Committee, now- we have on foreign sources of energy, strengthen America’s energy security, Secretary Chu, who said back in 2008, drive down the price at the pump and and we have to have a robust energy ‘‘Somehow we have to figure out how create American jobs is a good result? plan focused on increasing those areas to boost the price of gasoline to the I don’t know how you can argue that of domestic production that will send a levels in Europe,’’ was asked: But is what has happened during this admin- strong signal to energy markets the overall goal to get our price of gas- istration’s time in office has been any- around the world to make America less oline down? That was asked by a Mem- thing but disastrous for the American vulnerable to skyrocketing gasoline ber of the House of Representatives, people, for American business, and for prices. again, as Secretary Chu was testifying the continued dependency we have on It is interesting the response on Cap- in front of the House Appropriations foreign sources of energy.
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