{6ar- 3a9).o /rlc- r..uj M'nLl-b5'* o#ro vruvaruv cn ontstott RELEASED Atfdrli. ol tE plilimircr 8t54 D,0[tlrd d @!rdi.r I REGION X- NORTHERN MINDANAO DIVISION OF MALAYBALAY CITY DI}'ISION MEMORANDUM No' 1'1t' s.2O2l TO A$listrnt Schools Diyision Superitrterdent ChiefEducation Supervisors and Staff, CID and SGOD School Eeads All Oth€rs Concertred This Division FROM vlcr v. GAZO, PhD, CESO V ti Schools Di on Superintendentf DATE May 19,2021 SUBJECT AMMENDMENT TO DII'ISION MEMORANDUM NO. 462 s. 2020 RE: IMPLEMENTATION OT STAR CI,I\SSROOM IN TEE NEW NORMAL 1. As regards Drvisron Memomndum No. 462, s. 2020 re lmplemertation of Star Classroom Structuring in the New Normal, attached hergwith is lhe Revis€d Star Classroom Checklist for the SY 2021-2022 See Enclosure No. 1 for refercnce. 2. ln view of this, the Curriculum Instruction Drvrsron (CID), School Covernance and Operation Division (SCTOD) with the Health Section personnel shall conduct an onsite monitoring and evaluation of thc classrooms on July 2021. Refer to Enclosure No. 2 for the schedule of activities. 3 The DepEd VisiorL Mission and Core Values shall be memorized and recited every Flag Ceremony aad displayed at the Principal's Office and in a conspicuous place within the school yard. 4 Futher, the field is hereby informed of the following items 4.l. There will be no BEIS Bulletin and Subject Area Bullefin. Updated BEIS Data will be placed in a folder. Subject Bulletin will be replaced with Leamer's Bulletm. 4.2. All IM's are plac€d in the designated place-shelveVcabineVdivider and lMs for the day may be placed in a comer ofa room or hung/leaned on the chalkboard. 4.3. Playhouse rs for Kindergarten only Purk 6, Cas'sans MalaybalayCity T.lehx (088) 314{094 \t:l Email: lhalayb3lay.city@dep€d.goy.ph /'Ei'\. iU'' a4luirott.?liliEircr D,0!rEtd ot Oudilr REGION X- NORTHERN MINDANAO DIVISION OF MALAYBALAY CITY 4.4 Result of the Dlvision Evaluation of Star Classroom can be used to supf,ort for IPCR Rating, Rankmg and Transfer pu4,oses of the reacher. 4.5. List of National Heroes and Values ofthe month is hereby suggested and to be integated in Aftling Parlipunan and Edul€syon sa Pagpapahalaga lessors. LIST OF NATIONAL IIEROES BY MONTH MONTH HERO Jatruary Emilio Aguinsldo February Sultro Dipaturr Kud.rrt March L.Du-Lopu Apnl Emilio Jacinto May Grcgorio H, del Pihr Jlme Juan Luns July Apolimrio Mabitri August Melchore Aquino September Grbri€li Sileng Oc{ober Mrrcclo H. Del PiLr VALL,'ES OF THE MONTH Motrth Ethical Values January Psglrmrtrtsg (R.3ilicncy) February Prgmrmrbal (Lovc) March Psg-.!a (Hope) April Pagpapatrwad (f,'orZiveness) May Prgkskrwanggswa (Ch.rity) June Psgprprh.l.g. s. Srrili (Sclf-hteem) July Kslintuad (Cl..nlin6s) August Pagkal(aiss (Unit) Septernber PoglErmslrsrkit (Empathy) October Pegk mrgrhng (R€.p.ct) November Pegkrdrt pst(Hod6ty) De€ernber Paqk mrsunurin (Obedience) 5. Shall there be queries , cortact l,ou-Anrt J. Cultwa, Edvation Progftm Supervisor at 0917 5391405 copJ F[nhlxdr CID/R@ ! TO BE POSTED IN TIIE Wf,BSITE Purk 5, Gsls nt, Mal.ybalay City Telehr (088) 314{094 Email: malaybalay.city@dep€d.8ov.ph Eaclosare No. I STAR - CLASSROOM CflECKLIST School Year 2020-2021 TEACEER: GRADI, LEVEL: DISTRICT scHooL: SCEOOL H[AD: DATE EVALUATED PSDS: INDICATORS/CRITf,RIA z of f fsr..r r!**$.., (l I Phycicrl Over-rll App,earrne of FRONT WAI,L Cledn md neat, trafited i\th interior bege colot base on the stondo J c,obr *hene for DepErl School Building, shotes color tu rlnony, depicts F I calnntrs m the leoming enironncnt ond pleas'ng o Nstional llero Picture et the center, x (FrudcaMounted, Readahle, Covered & prcperly r dltpldyed) 7b he changed Monthly pftlerubly herues vilh impona celehralion e.g. Featunng w Dt. Jose A Ri.ol fot December since Rizal lrry fults t, L . Prmbrmsng Awit at the left sidc, Prnunumpr Sr Wstew.t Chlrt rt the right side wheD facing the chrlkbosrd FrdmedMounted, Readable, Covered & pmpe y dtsplqted . V.lues ofthe Molth- to b€ chrlged monthly (FrunvdMouhted, Readable, Cowrcd & 3 Chslkboards/White Bosrds /Attendance of kamers wntt€n ar the upp€r nght sde of the chdkbosrd, *Cuttain (Optiqwl) -plan ot with linle Uint, cthl color ot @J colot clb.wn by ,ttltJoritr of th. lea ers and poperD instolled aalphdbet (elene, ary ohbt) +prese,Ee of nMket'clnlk ledse 4 PhFicrl Over-rll Apperraace of BACK\ryALL Cleon qnd neot, Ninred wth Dlenot beige colot bose on rhe starulard eokr schene lor DepEd a School BuiLling, shoy)s colot harmon!, depicts A cabhntss in the lcamn{ cnvtrcnment ond pled hg c to lhe eyelt, nol otgrctuwded- r 5 Eealth & Sefety Borrd lr . DRRM-EIC Postets,Msterials . NDEP & RKD I'ostercl A Matetidl! L . WNS & Health tunhale4 . COqD Heahh Protocol! L . 6 WHAT'S UP Board . LIPDAIES'A ,xruncene ts . HoMI:ROOM PlA Ofrcets . NGHTS @kl RESI'ONSIRIU nLt oJ tl,e Leaners 7 LEARNER'S Bdrd . Ledmet's wo* O Wt t In betw€en the bulletitr Borrd3 (optionrl) Beouttll Pointings ot besuttfiily pnnkd at-out INDICATORVCRIIERIA z (3**f'rl!) @**"^t (r*shn ( 0 Slrr) 9 Physical Over-ell Appe-erance of SIDE WALLS (..leoh ahd neol, pafited with inletior beige color bose oh the s@ndard color schene lor Dep&l 3 Sclunl Building, shovs colot hannony, deprc:ts I calfiness in the leamng ehntunmekt atul D plensing 10 the eyes, not overctuvded I t0 Right SideW.ll: "one ofthe three klentiied Bulletin boadt at the t backyrdll in case lhe space can'l occonnodate 3 A L + just L beaut{ul patntng or class pictute ot an t enpty clean and painted vall space or antrhng l1 Physic{l Arrr[gement /Over-sll Appe{rsnce of Clrscroom (Cleonhners, Ode iness & Neamess, shows color hammny, depicts calnrress in the leqnting environment atul pleosfig to lhe e)Es, hot ovefc,oided wtth unnecessary posters, piclwes, sa\tn(s oul fumilure) t2 Door lrbeysigtr BoarG Preferlbly Otre School Dt:ign (Presence of Teacher's Progon, ('.la'* Prcgan & Grade lewI & Section Ftuned, Updated, Access,hle) 13 Teacher's Trble (with platic,bcrylic shields m cubrcle Iorrn I heahh pmtection duting dtstribulion ahd rel eval of modules, wilh Classtuom1eochet's Progfln, Seol-Plan, khooltornt&2) t4 Clbinet4rivider/rh€lvB lor lli,\ (We - naintaned. Lobeled and prope y lrulexed IM's arul well armngul) l5 Lerrnitrg Resources Ar,aileble (Cu icltlunt Cruide, Teachet s Guide, MELC, DLPs. Leamng Mohtks, Lednet's Materials & lndividual t6 Rcaditrg Corner wlll only have readng Irr,A1rflals. (lM slot rcodinawill hke*tse be placed n the cabinets, shelves. Mal corpel snEII table are encoltmged, howetyr etublishrie of at lili<r//,,'| fruc7uft is not ollowerl) l1 Uniforn SegreSeted Trash Cans (rt l€rst 3) iNide the Room (preferably vnh foobpeddled co,rcr, properly lobeled os Biodegradohle, Non- bidegrodable otul Recycloble atul prory ! pbcen). l8 Functiorrl CoEfort Room-Genderized CR is option.el (Clean, prcsence ofsoop wtth dispe$er, )i!h runningwatelpail & diryed l9 Eerlth Corner nith hsndwsshing frcility inside the clsssroom @Nsence oJ nedicine kit, sup. alcohol, Mrtot narl cunet & anll l) nhng Watet) 20 Sh.red llsnd w&ebiog Facility outride the .:- .lrcaroota (prcsence of soap vt h d spewer wit h 21 Peinted C€ilint (painted wtth latienanel wh e base on the statulatd col sche e Jot Deptul Schlnl Buihling, clean and well- naintained ot imptuyised ceiling, clean atul pleastng b the e)ie) Plinted exterior wslls rnd door. (lzainted wtlh enerior heise (tot wolls) arul SR-318 temptation/turtcha ( lot doots) hase on the statulad cobt scheme for Deplil Schnl ButAthg, well- DanbitEd, cledn atul plelxinglo the ele) 23 Adequrte Ventiletiotr & Lighring f.citity (naintu inetl elcciiutl fxturcs, no sryghctti-like hongng wrres, no boaftl$t posten corering lfu 24 Armchairs/TableB/Chain Oee /ron vatulols, scrarches & hrcakage, clean/pdi nted/vamished aru! armnged according to Net Nonnal \el-up eno gh lot the leamets n the class) tf yninted color choices n st be cool oreanh colon. Plrtrts iriide the room to help clern indoor rir sod sdd beruty lMoxirruun oI 5 tualthy plaNs properly locare<1, with unilorn plant pots,hoklen ahd sale for fidents ahd teachers) 26 Class assigned srer orbid€ the room with llo],eft (qell-maintained, cleon atul lree from IltrAL El8CWm&rAfliC k;end: 61 - 78 = 3 stsr3 classroor 41 -60 = 2 rtrB classroom 21 -40 = I strr cla$room 0-20= 0strr Evaluated by: Nimc end Signrture .tl:/'. lE_, Bt[rblir of t ! prilamtueg Delrtu 6 d CDltrdior REGTON X- NORTHERN MINDANAO DIVISION OF MAUTYBAI"AY CITY Enclosurc No. 2 SCHEDULE OF DTIISION MOMTORING AI\II' EVALUATION OF STAR CLASSROOM DATE Schools to be Vilited District Schools to be Vbited Di!arict by TEAM A by TEAM B July 6,2021 Capitan Argel lS District I Busdi lS (Elem.) District l0 (Tue) Damitan IS Busdi IS (Sec.) Dalwangan NHS Caburacam[ ES Dalwangan ES Kulaman ES luly 7,2021 New Ilocos ES District I Pighatugan ES District l0 (wed) Patpat ES St. Peter ES Kalasungay NHS St. Peter NHS Kalasungay CS July 8, 2021 Baganao lS Dist ict 2 Indatasa ES District l0 (Thun) Kibalabag IS SilaeNHS Manalog lS @lem.) Z.amboanguita CS Manalog IS (Sec.) Tuburan IS July 8, 2021 Kilap-agan IS Distdct 2 Kibalabag ES District l0 (Fri) Taguilanao ES Mapulo ES Tintinaan ES PigparnulalEn ES Sumpong CS Silae ES July t3,2021 Can-ayan IS (Etem.) District 2 Miglamin NHS District 9 (Tue9 Can-ayan IS (Sec.) Miglamin ES Candiisan IS Lunokan ES Incalbog ES Langasihan ES Jr.tly 14,2021 Inbayao NHs District 3 Bagong Silang ES District 9 (wed) Imbayao ES Dumayas ES Sta.
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