PlantPlant Delights Delights 20162016 Nursery Nursery, Inc, Inc. SpringSpring Sales Sales Catalog Catalog at Juniperat Juniper Level Level Botanic Botanic Garden Garden CATALOGCATALOG PRICE: PRICE: 10 STAMPS 10 STAMPS OR A OR BOX A BOXOF CHOCOLATES OF CHOCOLATES SinceSince 1988, 1988, Plant Plant Delights Delights Nursery Nursery is THEis THE Source Source for for unique, unique, rare rare and and native native perennial perennial plants. plants. Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. l 2016 Spring Sales Catalog 2016 bbWelcomeWelcome to to Plant Plant Delights Delights Nursery! Nursery! b b SENY NORISINGH SENY NORISINGH It’s Alive…It’s Alive… research.research. You’ll You’ll be hard- be hard- the theSoil Soil is Alive! is Alive! pressedpressed to tond anynd anyperennial perennial nurserynursery or botanic or botanic garden garden For Forthose those who who have have worldwideworldwide with with a similar a similar focus focus visitedvisited us at us Juniper at Juniper Level Level of trialing,of trialing, propagating, propagating, and and BotanicBotanic Garden, Garden, (JLBG) (JLBG) ex-situex-situ conservation conservation through through you’reyou’re probably probably aware aware sharing.sharing. PrimulaPrimula vulgaris vulgaris ‘Belarina ‘Belarina Amethyst Amethyst Ice’ Ice’ of howof how important important good good soil soilis for is growingfor growing healthy, healthy, It’s alwaysIt’s always hard hard to know to know where where to to stress-freestress-free plants. plants. We Wewant want TonyTony and and Anita Anita startstart for 2016,for 2016, but butJohn John Cho’s Cho’s new new to remindto remind you youthat that there there is is ColocasiaColocasia ‘Tropical ‘Tropical Storm’ Storm’ gets getsthe the literallyliterally an entire an entire city’s city’s worth worth of critters of critters in every in every nod…thenod…the rst elephant rst elephant ear toear combine to combine purple purple teaspoonteaspoon of healthy of healthy soil soilworking working to keep to keep your your leavesleaves with with a contrasting a contrasting white white center, center, beautiful! beautiful! plantsplants healthy healthy and andthriving, thriving, so please so please encourage encourage Also,Also, don’t don’t miss miss the newthe new Amsonia Amsonia ‘Storm ‘Storm themthem by using by using non-toxic, non-toxic, sustainable sustainable gardening gardening Clouds’…trulyClouds’…truly the bestthe best amsonia amsonia on the on market.the market. practices.practices. We Wehope hope you’ll you’ll visit visit the gardensthe gardens in in SpigeliaSpigelia ‘Ragin ‘Ragin Cajun’ Cajun’ is our is ournew new pinkroot pinkroot 20162016 and andask usask about us about soil soilhealth health and andattend attend selectionselection with with a much a much more more orange orange ower ower than than Tony’sTony’s soils soils class class in the in fall.the fall. what’swhat’s currently currently available. available. We Wealso alsowant want to to mentionmention the incrediblethe incredible tree treepeony, peony, Paeonia Paeonia ostii ostii SpeakingSpeaking of classes, of classes, JLBG JLBG is now is now o ering o ering ‘Feng‘Feng Dan Dan Bai’, Bai’, each each clump clump of which of which sports sports classesclasses and andretreats retreats for thosefor those exploring exploring a shift a shift in in overover 100 100 owers owers when when mature. mature. awarenessawareness by asking by asking the deeperthe deeper questions questions about about truthtruth and andreality. reality. e gardens e gardens are aare tranquil a tranquil AgavesAgaves have have long long been been a passion, a passion, so no so surprise no surprise retreatretreat setting setting as they as they re ect re theect inethe ineable, able, we’vewe’ve added added some some new new gems. gems. Agave Agave ‘Bluebell ‘Bluebell invisibleinvisible presence presence or reality or reality that that every every spiritual spiritual Giants’Giants’ is a crossis a cross we madewe made in 2014 in 2014 that that traditiontradition calls calls the Absolute.the Absolute. Anita Anita will willbe be promisespromises to be to one be oneof the of hardiestthe hardiest of the of largerthe larger facilitatingfacilitating these these intimate intimate and andheart-centered heart-centered centurycentury plants. plants. If you’re If you’re a variegated a variegated plant plant fan, fan, gatheringsgatherings to discuss to discuss perception, perception, awareness, awareness, we’vewe’ve added added six new six new variegated variegated agaves agaves that that are are and andconsciousness. consciousness. idealideal for containerfor container gardening gardening in colder in colder regions. regions. AndAnd that’s that’s not notall…we’re all…we’re thrilled thrilled to o to er o er Plant-wise,Plant-wise, the newthe new catalog catalog is again is again lled lledwith with threethree new new xMangaves…hybrids xMangaves…hybrids from from our our MangaveMangave ‘Kaleidoscope’ ‘Kaleidoscope’ treasures…overtreasures…over 90 new 90 new o erings o erings for Springfor Spring friendfriend Hans Hans Hansen, Hansen, including including xMangave xMangave 2016,2016, with with more more to be to o be ered o ered online online later later in in ‘Moonglow’,‘Moonglow’, xMangave xMangave ‘Pineapple ‘Pineapple Express’, Express’, EchinaceaEchinacea ‘Leilani’ ‘Leilani’ the year.the year. Each Each year year we owe er o between er between 150 150and and and andthe killerthe killer variegated variegated xMangave xMangave 250 250new new plants, plants, selected selected from from over over 22,000 22,000 taxa taxa ‘Kaleidoscope’.‘Kaleidoscope’. we grow.we grow. Almost Almost all of all these of these new new plants, plants, many many introducedintroduced by PDN by PDN for thefor the rst time, rst time, are runare run If you’reIf you’re into into dryland, dryland, southwest-style southwest-style throughthrough JLBG’s JLBG’s extensive extensive plant plant trial trial program, program, gardening,gardening, be sure be sure to check to check out outour ourtwo two so weso knowwe know rst-hand rst-hand how how they they perform. perform. newnew yuccas. yuccas. Yucca Yucca ‘Red ‘Red Rover’ Rover’ is a blue-is a blue- WithWith a full-time a full-time plant plant records records taxonomist, taxonomist, we we leavedleaved Yucca Yucca rostrata rostrata hybrid hybrid with with red red ower ower are dedicatedare dedicated to properly to properly identifying identifying plants, plants, stalks,stalks, while while Yucca Yucca ‘Desoto ‘Desoto whichwhich even even includes includes newly-discovered newly-discovered species species fromfrom our ourtravels. travels. TrilliumTrillium discolor discolor OurOur JLBG JLBG research research division division pioneers pioneers newnew propagation propagation methods, methods, keeps keeps detailed detailed performanceperformance records, records, and andconducts conducts intensive intensive studiesstudies of selected of selected plant plant genera, genera, then then actively actively sharesshares both both the bestthe best plants plants and andresults results of that of that HelleborusHelleborus niger niger ‘Tabby’ ‘Tabby’ OrostachysOrostachys ‘Crazy‘Crazy Eddie’ Eddie’ Monday-Friday Monday-Friday 8am-5pm 8am-5pm ~ phone: ~ phone: 919.772.4794 919.772.4794l ~l email: ~ email: sales [email protected]@plantdelights.com Blues’ is our nd of a blue-leaf form of the little-known, typically Agave ‘Shark Bite’ green-leafed Yucca louisianensis. As a nice textural contrast, we’ve added one of our favorite dwarf desert ferns, the little-known Bommeria hispida ‘Gila Dwarf’. In the geophyte world (bulbs, tubers, and corms), we’ve added two new, virtually unobtainable Amarcrinum hybrids, three new lycoris hybrids which are available for the rst time anywhere, two brand new native lily selections, and our new rain lily, Zephyranthes ‘Floating Clouds’. Our work with North American native plants continues with the introduction of two new baptisias from the work of our friend Hans Hansen, while Coreopsis tripteris ‘Lightning Flash’ is equally amazing with its golden foliage. A nice complement is the yellow- owered Echinacea Lilium ‘Leilani’ that’s Hosta ‘Sun Mouse’ blown us ‘Reverend Walker’ away with its performance. e purple- foliaged Packera aurea ‘Dark Shadows’ is as amazing as Croomia pauci ora is esoteric. If Hosta ‘Afterglow’ you have good soil moisture, check out Navigating our Print Catalog two new is catalog contains 500+ plants from our collection pitcher plants, of over 1,100 native and other perennial plants for sale. Sarracenia leucophylla ‘Hurricane Creek White’, and our newly named hybrid, Sarracenia x leucopurea. We continue making more trillium You may shop all of our available plants available with our rst o ering of the hard-to- nd Trillium discolor. at www.plantdelights.com 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. For shade gardens, we welcome ve new hellebores you will want for your garden, along with three new tricyrtis from Japan, three new ferns, two New to our collection incredibly durable primroses, two new variegated solomon’s seals, and two NEW! new previously undiscovered liriope species published here for the rst Tony’s Tony’s face lights up when describing these plants! time. Oh, you’re sure to love the amazing evergreen Rohdea ‘Gunjaku’… FAVORITE! one of our favorite sacred lilies. PDN We’re including two of our new exceptionally vigorous miniature hosta INTRO PDN introduced these plants to the retail market hybrids for the rst time, the gold leaf dwarf, Hosta ‘Sun Mouse’, and the really oddly
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