Weather Forecast Humid with high near 98. Fair tonight Guide for Readers with low about 76. Tomorrow, mostly Page Page sunny and continued hot. (Full report on Amusements _-A-30 Lost and Found. A-3 Page A-2.) Classified ...C-4-11 Obituary A-26 Midnight, 77 6 a.m. ___74 11 a.m. ___9l Comics A-34-35 Radio-TV A-33 2 a.m. 76 8 a.m. 80 Noon 93 Editorial A-12 Sports C-l-4 4 a.m. 75 10 a.m. ...89 1 p.m. ...94 Edit’l Articles--A-13 Woman’s Financial A-29 Section ...B-l-18 New Morkets, V S J timingV V WITH SUNDAY MORNING EDITION Lote York Poqe A-29. V-/ An Associated Press Newspaper 100th Year. No. ** 177. Phone ST. 5000 W\t Delivers, Monthly Rates: and Sunday, $1.76: C WASHINGTON, D. C., Home Eventna PFMTQ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1952—SEVENTY-TWO PAGES. Evening only, $1.30; Sunday only, 46c: Night Final. 10c Additional. AO Immigration Measure Vetoed; Japanese Police Use of Taft Act Bill's Shortcomings Outweigh Put Down Riots In Steel Strike Its Benefits, Truman Declares By Communists Asked by House Criticizes Quota Koreans Use Bamboo Motion to 'Direct' And National Origin False Tip on Lattimore Included Spears and Throw Truman to Invoke Acid on U. S. Setup as Outdated Full Details on General It Is Defeated Moscow Flight iy th« Prill Asiociatvd BULLETIN By Joseph A. Fox Grand Jury to Report TOKYO. June 25.—One Probe Fabricated thous- The House today voted. 190 to President Truman today and steel-helmeted Japanese po- i vetoed Made by Seattle Travel Agency Official 133, to "request" President Tru- the controversial McCarran- lice tonight broke up a mob of Walter immigration man to use the Taft-Hartley bill with the The phonjr report that caused 1 this month to ask the Customs 2,500 Korean and Japanese Com- declaration that its benefits were the State Department to bar Owen Bureau to prevent Mr. Act in an effort to end the steel outweighed by i Lattimore munists hurling firebombs and its shortcomings. Lattimore from leaving the coun- - from leaving the country in vio- strike. This action came as a The measure, which had been try included flat clubs in crowded Shinjuku Station j a statement that t lation of passport restrictions ! tentative amendment to a bill denounced by liberals in Con- he actually had acquired airplane against in a brisk half-hour ; travel by any Americans battle. to price, wage tickets for a trip to Moscow, The behind continue and of Truman i the iron curtain. Rioting in the huge suburban Partial Text Veto Message. learned today, ! other economic controls. Ear- Page A-8: [Star The Central Intelligence Agency station followed by several hours i The Government now is de- • informed the State Department in | lier, the House defeated a pro- termined to prosecute the in- a special press, codifies all laws relating to false ¦ report on May 26 that General Hurt in * posal to “direct” the President formant to the limit if any basis It had Osaka Riot Well Known immigration, naturalization and i i received from one of its Here. Page A-3 to invoke the law. nationality but it also retains the ican1 be found for an indictment. contacts the information that Mr. The informant, identified as an Lattimore would leave national origin system of immi-! for Moscow bitter anti-American rioting in By Robert K. Walsh gration quotas. It was this fea- official of a travel agency in i on June 21. Seattle, has the crowded Osaka A Republican-sponsored move ture on which the President hit admitted to the Fed- After preliminary inquiries area in South- in a 3,500-word eral Bureau of Investigation that through sources ern Japan. to “direct” instead of merely re- hardest veto his ¦ other tended to message to the House. detailed report to the Central substantiate this report, the At least 34 police an 30 rioters quest President Truman to Intelligence Agency on Mr. Balti- State use “This quota system always Department asked Customs to put were hurt and 102 demonstrators the Taft-Hartley Act in the more's purported travel plans was stop jailed steel based upon assumptions at vari- 1 the order on Mr. Lattlmore’s were in the Osaka area. An strike added fight' a complete fabrication. travel American general fire to a House ance with our American ideals—- on June 6. was burned today on whether to continue is long since out of date and more Jury Probe Scheduled. Then on June 10 CIA informed slightly. price and wage controls. , the department that than ever unrealistic in the face A Federal grand jury in Seattle its contact The Reds were observing the debate has ! reported Mr. Lattimore can- The became so heated of present world conditions,” the been called into special ses- had second anniversary of the Korean and prolonged that President sion Friday morning celed his planned trip to Russia war with sched- it almost said. to investi- demonstrations ended hopes of that the gate the whole affair. because of the unfavorable pub- uled in many large Japanese leaders Pooling cities. House could take final action Plan Failed. It was learned that J. hcity it would entail. od Charles i Police Waiting for Them. Can He Blow Them Out? the bill late today. Opponents of the measure had Dennis, United States District At- Admits Fabricating Story. sought unsuccessfully to get: The Tokyo riot at the of Meeting two hours earlier than torney in Seattle, has instructions FBI on scene through provision The then reported Mon- bloody May Day and May 30 fights usual, the House began consid- a for pooling; to seek to determine whether any day that the ClA’s the unused visas allotted to plot to informant flared after a four-hour meeting eration of a proposed amendment coun-i deliberately embarrass the the story Senator Longer Charges tries with large quotas for admitted that whole was of Reds. Renominated Attlee U. S. by Representative Smith, distri- !' Government was involved as well! complete Demo- lands a fabrication which he crat, of Virginia, to bution in with small quotas! as to seek an indictment against had made up The Communists marched on request the and where the demand for false to enhance his pres- President to invoke the Taft- visas! ithe informant. tige with the CIA. the station waving red flags and By North Dakota Republicans was greater than the supply. ! New information came to light! brandishing fire bombs. The Imperils Korea Truce Hartley Act in an effort to halt The initial CIA report in the sta- The measure was one of the today on police quarters Re-election Viewed as the steel strike. The Senate al- the detailed nature of matter went to the State Depart- tion were set afire Virtually Sure; most hotly debated of the 82d the purported evidence on which but the blaze was quickly Representative By Yalu Raids ready has adopted such a pro- Congress, now drawing to a close, j the State Department acted early l-1 (See LATTIMORE, Page A-4.) quenched. Aandahl Concedes Power posal. Its defenders said it clarified laws The police, experts at riot tac- By the Associated Prill is serving his first term in Con- Brown Sponsors Proposal. that date back to 1798 and safe- tics, had been waiting at the teem- Laborite Says Britain FARGO, N. Dak., June 25. gress. Regarded as a conservative Representative Brown, guarded the American way of life. ing station, six miles from down- Republi- Prepares[ Senator Langer yesterday won re- Republican, he was able to carry Should Have Been Asked can, of Ohio, a substitute Its foes said it was immoral and Eisenhower Taft Says Eisenhower town Tokyo, for the Reds. offered followed the Nazi line of racial nomination in North Dakota’s city precincts by only small mar- Bombings amendment that would replace The Osaka mob carried banners gins. If Were 'Wise' the word superiority. bitterly fought Republican pri- Senator Langer, 65 and also “request” by “direct.” Major Speech proclaiming “Smash Itami Air a former Governor, rolled up big By the Associated Press It was immediately denounced by The measure runs 302 pages and Final Agrees 'in Principle' mary election. Base,” “No War” and “Independ- leads in rural areas while pressing LONDON, administration Democrats as un- was co-sponsored by Senator Mc- ence!” June 25.—Clement R. Carran, Democrat, of Nevada and This means Senator Langer is Aandahl in the cities. Attlee today accused the United constitutional. Representative Walter, Democrat, Before Convention On Foreign Policy Japanese police, using clubs and virtually certain of re-election Linked to Administration. States of imperiling Korean truce Majority Leader McCormack of Pennsylvania. tear gas, broke up the mob before to his third Senate term next Mr. talks and risking war with Red described it as showing “how it got within 7 miles of the since have Aandahl conducted most of The House, which will vote first Hears Louisiana Group's big fall Democrats seldom his campaign on the China. He said Britain should drunk with power the coalition is.” Cites General's Attitude American near any in this traditionally grounds that on whether the veto is to be air base Osaka. luck Re- Langer closely have an opportunity beforehand He apparently referred to Repub- over- of publican State. Senator is associ- ruled or sustained, passed the Charge 'Steamroller' On 'SO G. O. P. Declaration Because of the incident all ated with the Truman administra- to say whether it was “wise” to licans and Southern Democrats who have combined measure, 203 to 53.
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