Index Acadian Orogeny 236, 329, collision 315 Bellewstown Terrane 110, 206, 326, 332-334 docking 255 337 conjugate structures 234 Gondwana connection 5, 325 bentonite 328, 332, 333 end of 219 Manx Group in 19 beryl, pegmatites 18 rotation of Avalonia 93 metamorphism 289 bibliography 345-361 shear zones 195 Midland Platform 136 Bifasciculatus radiatus 41 Acanthodiacrodium spp. 31 passive margin 330 biostratigraphic control 47, 64, 65, A. angustum 27 reconstruction 85 89, 309 A. costatum 29, 32 subduction 174 biostratigraphy, acritarchs 25 A. simplex 29 Avalonia-Laurentia convergence bioturbation 58, 62, 63, 125, 127 accretionary prism model, Southern 333 turbidites 128-129 Uplands 310, 314, 319 Avalonian margin Birk Riggs Formation acritarchs 17, 19, 23-32 deformation 308 C. lundgreni Biozone 148, 185 biostratigraphy 25 extension 319 interbedded turbidites 315 Glen Rushen Formation 61 magmatic arc 208 sandstone chemistry 149, 150 Lady Port Formation 122 mass wasting 66 sandstone-rich facies 206, 208, Manx Group 28--29, 30, 302 sedimentation 19, 121 320 Niarbyl Formation 189 avulsion 197 BIRPS profiles 234 active continental margins 150, 151, Bitter Beck Formation 27, 65, 147, 173 148, 340 Aeglina 34 back-arc, Welsh Basin 137 bivariate plots 142-145 aeromagnetic anomalies 75, 76, 233, back-arc basin Black Combe Inlier 332, 334 241 Manx Group 19 Black Hut Dyke 297 aeromagnetic maps 229 Newfoundland 313 boninite 313 Aghfarrell Formation 341 Balbriggan Inlier 204, 206 Booley Bay Formation 338 Agneash Grits 13, 48, 140 Ballachulish Granite 302 borehole logs 166 sequences 12, 14, 15 Ballacorkish Vein 246 boreholes, Poortown 155, 156, 166 see also Creg Agneash Formation Ballakaighin Fault 64, 83, 122 boron agrichnia 35 Ballantrae Complex 313, 314 enrichment 114, 148 Aldrick Fault 246 Ballanyre Slump-Breccia 16, 17, 48, in seawater 117 amphibolite facies 15 124 Borrowdale Volcanic Group andalusite 110 Ballaquane Farm 193, 194, 341 batholith 333 andesite Ballastowell 34 clasts 150 photomicrograph 167 Ballure 75 continental arc 174 Poortown 167, 168 Ballycogly Mylonite Zone 228 faulting 329 andesitic rocks 16, 115 Ballyhoge Formation 338, 340 multi-element plots 173 Anglo-Welsh cuvette 219 Ballylane Formation 340, 341 subduction-related 165, 314, 319, Annot Sandstones 93 Baltic Rock 19 330 anticlinal structure 15, 259 acritarchs 27 volcanic arc 5 Appalachians 314 graptoloids 34, 177 boudinage 248, 264, 267 Araneograptus murrayi 23 Baltica 325 Bouguer anomalies 232-234, 241 Arbusculidium filamentosum 31 Barrancos Shale 41 map 233, 299 arc volcanism 4 Barrule Formation relief image 243 calc-alkaline 173 chloritoid in 7 box folds 317 Archaeohystrichosphaeridium description 59-60 Bradda Anticline 267 zalesskyi 31 fault-bounded 79 Bradda Head Vein 246 Ardennes 109, 110, 117 lithofacies 75, 83, 84 Braggan Point Fault 252 argon loss 18 lithology 59 Brathay Formation Armorican Massif 86 offset 76 deep water environment 185 Asaphus 34 Barrule Slate 13, 48 hemipelagite 148, 206, 208 Askrigg Block 230 sequences 12, 14, 15, 17 silt-carbon couplets 200, 315 Atlantic Ocean, flow rates 86 basalts, alkali 314 Bray Group 147, 148, 152, 337 augen structures 279 basin inversion 308 Browgill Formation 149, 315 augite, in intrusion 18 basin subsidence 327 Bryn-teg borehole 230 Aureotesta clathrata 29 Beckermonds Scar borehole 230 bulk chemistry 139 Austwick Formation 206 bedding orientation, Manx Group Bungalow Quarry 111,117 Avalonia 227 263, 268 burrows 35, 40-41, 53, 58 basement 235, 236 beds, internal structure 94 mottling 93, 97 364 INDEX Butter Mountain Formation 341 Southern Uplands 317 crush conglomerates 12, 18, 33, 48, Buttermere Formation 27, 65, 136, climbing ripples 196, 202 122 327, 329 Clonograptus 34 Crystallinium 31 Coldwell Formation 148, 206 Cullenstown Formation 228 collisional event 254 Cumming, J.G. 12 Cahore Group 337, 338 conglomerates 213, 314 Cymatiogalea messaoudensis 23, 31 Cairnsmore of Fleet Granite 317, Coniston Group 148 Cyrtograptus eUesae 185 318, 319 conodonts 314 C. lundgreni 178, 179, 180-181,180 calcareous nodules, garnetiferous contact metamorphism Biozone 148, 185,206, 314 110 Dhoon Granite 74 calcite 158, 167 Foxdale Granite 15 calcrete 215 continental island arcs 150, 173, D1 structures caldera faulting 329 174, 327 Manx Group 262-264, 263, Caledonian deformation 91,219, contour currents 85 266-267, 271,283, 289 254, 255, 284 contourites 86 Southern Uplands 316-317 Caledonides 17, 128, 218 Contrary Head Quarry 202 D2 structures 264, 267, 271,276, magnetic anomaly 230 convolute lamination 55, 93, 101 284 Calf of Man, fault 246 copper 251 D3 structures 264, 267-269, 271, Calf Sound 11 cordierite 294, 296, 297 284-285 carbonaceous matter 302 distribution 299 Dalby Group 4, 6, 19, 79, 89 carbonates greenschist facies 110 contact with Manx Group 31 concretions 196 in metamorphic axis 17, 290 ichnofauna 35 coticule precursors 110 in Southern Uplands 317 Niarbyl Formation in 49, 190, 209 Carboniferous 89 Cornelly, mine 18, 253, 298 Dalradian Supergroup 328 Castletown Group 247, 252 Coryphidium bohemicum 23, 24, 27, debris flows 18, 83, 93, 121-138 Causey Pike Fault 252, 326, 328, 29, 31 model 134 330, 332 C. elegans 31 debrites 121,125, 127 Cautley inlier 315 coticule 62, 109-119, 128 correlation 135-136, 136 cementation 134 analyses 113 high-matrix 131,135 Central Fells Belt 327, 328 chemistry 117 low-matrix 130-131,135 Central Valley Lineament 250-251, Ribband Group 148, 340-341 stratified 133 276 Courtown Limestone 339 deep structures, correlation 234-235 cutting imbricate belt 244, 245 Cr 142, 173 delta progradation 84 and Peel Harbour Fault 247 Cr/TiO 2 plots 144 demagnetization plots 161 transfer fault 214 Craven Inliers 206, 208, 325 Dendrograptusflexuosus 33, 178 trend 8 Creg Agneash Formation 56-57, Denhamstown Formation 206 chalcopyrite 114, 253 56 Dent Group 148, 330, 331 channel fill deposits correlation 53, 77, 83, 146 Dent inlier 315 chemistry 143 facies 93, 101-102 Derby-St Ives magnetic anomaly Keristal Member 96, 104 faulted contact 74, 75 230 Niarbyl Formation 197 lithological log 101 Derbyhaven Formation 220 Santon Formation 53, 77, 99 sandstones 89 Dhoon Anticline 51, 74, 89, 93, 261 channel structures 202 Creggan Mooar Formation 59, Dhoon Intrusion 7, 18, 50 Chasms Quartzite 54 61-62 contact metamorphism 74, 297 chevron structures 202, 251,264, carbonate in 5, 79, 115 gravity anomalies 232, 236 284 correlation 83 K-At dating 18 chlorite, Poortown dolerite 168 manganiferous ironstone 116 lineaments 253 chlorite-mica stacks 292, 299 Poortown Intrusion in 166 diagenesis 213, 223 chloritoid younging 29 Dictyodora 35 manganiferous 110 Cregneash 34 D. zimmermani 36-37, 41 porphyroblasts 17, 294, 295, 301 Cregneash Quarry 55 Dictyonema spp. 14, 18 Chondrites 14, 35 Cregneish Fold Pair 266 D. sociale 33, 178 circulation system, Avalonian crenulation cleavage 194, 264, 269, Didymograptus spp. 34 margin 85 276, 332 D. hirundo zone 24, 41 clasts Cronk ny Arrey Laa Fault 247 D. varicosus zone 24, 340 geotectonic setting 150-151 Cronk Sumark 19, 33 discrimination diagrams 151,152, Lady Port Fonnati on 131-133, Cronk Sumark Slates 171,173, 205 132 correlation 340 disrupted facies 129-130, 129 Clatterstown Formation 206 graptolites 4, 12 dolerite Clay Head 12, 253 in sequences 15, 17, 48, 64 Lhergydhoo 18 cleavage Cronkshamerk Slates 15 magnetic properties 159-160 Acadian 219 Crosby granite Dyke 297-298 photomicrograph 167 axial-planar 91, 271 Cross Fell 325, 330 pyroxene-rich 167, 169-172 Manx Group 6, 13, 167, 290 Crurmnock Water Aureole 332, 333 Douglas Bay, fault 91 INDEX 365 Douglas Head 77 flow cleavage, axial-planar 15 Gondwana Douglas Syncline 91,261 flow frequencies 93 Avalonia rifting 325 faulting 77 flow-stripping 5, 104, 105 break-up 66, 289 Santon Formation in 53, 74 flows, sorting 99 sediment source 105 shear zone 49, 80, 252 fluids, extra-formational 135 Gothograptus nassa 185 Douglas-Port Erin Tract 11 flute marks 53, 84, 93,202 Grangegeeth Terrane 314 Dowery Hill Member 165, 341 fodinichnia 35 granites Drygill Formation 315, 330 folding batholiths 232 ductile shear 158, 267, 282 Manx Group 7, 91 buried 17, 18, 299 Duncannon Group 5, 337 Peel Sandstones 214 metamorphism 111 Dundalk Bay 206 foliation, phyllitic 125 graptolites 4 dykes 18, 244, 256 fore-arc, faulting 136 Arenig 17, 48 foreland basin formation 330, 331 Niarbyl Formation 189 Foxdale Granite 6, 7 tool marks 183, 184 Eary Cushlin Unit 61, 79 contact metamorphism 15, 298 Tremadoc 19, 48 East Irish Sea Basin 221 gravity anomalies 232, 233, 236, graptoloids 33-34 elvans 18, 297 250 gravity models 234-235,234 end-member mixing 144, 145 K-Ar dating 18 gravity survey 18 Ennerdale Granite 330 metamorphic aureole 17 Greeba Lineament 76, 251 epicule 118 Foxdale Vein 253 Greeba Magnetic Low 251 epidote 168 fracture cleavage 15 greenschist facies 110, 167 erosional contacts 197 fragmentation 134 Orbs Armoricain 86, 151 erosional scouring 93, 96 Frankea hamata 24, 29 Eskdale Granite 330 E sartbernardensis 32 Eu anomalies 173 fucoids 35 Harrogate Basin 230 Eubonia Fault 80, 247 Fumess Inlier 333, 334 Hawick Group event stratigraphy 66 Furness-Norfolk feature 230 brittle faults 284 exhalation, sea-floor 117 correlation 147 Eycott Volcanic Group 150, 165, red mudstones 315 174, 329 gabbro, Oatlands Intrusion 18 sandstone composition 316 Gala Group 310, 316 SiO 2 content 149, 151 galena 253 heat flow 329 facies architecture, turbidites Galloway magnetic anomaly 227, hematite 158, 167, 217, 220 196-197 228 hemipelagite facies classification 92-93 Gander
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