29221. 6669 THIRD SUPPLEMENT TO Of TUESDAY, the 6tk of JULY, 1915. The Gazette is registered at the General Post OJpce for transmission by Inland Post as a newspaper. The postage rate to places within the Umted Kingdom is one. halfpenny for each copy. Far places abroad the rate is a Jialfpenny for every 2 ounces, except in the case of Canada, to which ffo Canadian Magazine Postage rate applies. WEDNESDAY, 7 JULY, 1915. Won- Office, Brigade Commanders— 1th July, 1915. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel L. G. F. M., REGULAR FORCES. Lord Brooke, C.M.G., M.V.O., Territorial Force Reserve, and to be temporary Briga- COMMANDS AND STAFF. dier-General whilst so employed. Dated 25th June, 1915. The undermentioned appointments are made: — Lieutenant - Colonel Arthur Parker, C.M.G., 5th (Royal Irish) Lancers, and to GENERAL STAFF. be temporary Brigadier-General whilst so General Staff Officer. employed, vice Colonel (temporary Briga- 3rd Grade— dier-General) Sir H. G. Dixon, K.C.B., re- tired pay. Dated 2nd'July, 1915. Captain George M. Lee, Reserve of Officers, vice Major C. B. Levita, M.V.O., Brigade Major— retired pay. Dated 25th June, 1915. Temporary Captain S. R. Wybranta, Re- ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S AND QUARTERMASTER- serve of Officers, vice Captain E. H. C. Bald, GENERAL'S STAFF. Reserve of Officers. Dated 27th June, 1915. Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General— Staiff Captains— Major Claude H. Stuart-French, Reserve of Officers. Dated 27th June, 1915. Lieutenant W. F. Bolton,~4th Battalion (Queen's Edinburgh Rifles), The Royal Scots: (Lothian Regiment), Territorial Force. ATTACHED TO HEADQUARTER UNITS. Dated 28th May, 1915. Chief Engineer— Lieutenant J. W. W. Shepherd, 4th (City Colonel George H. Sim, C.B., retired pay, of Dundee) Battalion, The Black Watch .vice Colonel G. H. Harrison. Dated 30th (Royal Highlanders), Territorial Force. June, 1915. Dated 27th June, 1915. 6670 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 7 JULY, 1915. Captain L. W. Kentish, 5th (Reserve) The Right Honourable Marmaduke, Lord Battalion, The Royal Fusiliers (City of Lon- Furness, to be a temporary District Remount don Regiment), and to be seconded. Dated Officer, and to be temporary Captain. Dated 28th June, 1915. 21st June, 1915. SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS. ROYAL REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Captain.) Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery, Lieutenant-Colonel (Honorary Colonel) Second Lieutenant Henry Hamilton Gar- C. E. Weston, late 3rd Battalion, The diner, from Special Reserve, to be Second King's (Liverpool Regiment). Dated 25th Lieutenant. Dated 15th February, 1915. March, 1915. (Graded for purposes of pay as a The undermentioned temporary Lieu- Staff Lieutenant, 2nd Class.) tenants to be temporary Captains: — Temporary Second Lieutenant Eric A. Dated 8th July, 1915. Hill, 14th' (Service) Battalion, The Prince of Robert A. Wilson. Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regiment), H. Wilkins. and to be transferred to the General List. Dated 27th June, 1915. Second Lieutenant Henry T. Collison to be temporary Lieutenant. Dated 12th April, HEADQUARTERS OP ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 1915. AND DEPARTMENTS. Railway fransport Officer— The undermentioned to be temporary Second Lieutenants: — (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Lieutenant, 1st Class.) Dated 4th June, 1915. Forbes Le Blount Croke, and to be tem- Cyril Warner Weekes. porary Lieutenant.. Dated 1st June, 1915. Leonard Vestey. Train Conducting Officer— Dated 10th June, 1915. (Graded for purposes of pay as a Anthony Warton Henley. Staff Captain.) Douglas Stuart. Second Lieutenant (temporary Captain in Army) R. W. Clarke, 5th Battalion, The Dated 28th June, 1915. York and Lancaster Regiment, Territorial Reginald Or ford Brudenell Walpole. Force. .Dated 23rd March, 1915. Leslie Stuart Edmonds. Herbert George Garland. ARMY CHAPLAINS DEPARTMENT. Stanley Edward Cecil Lamb. Stephen Ignatius Quin. The Reverend Arthur V. C. Hordern to be Cecil Halford Heath. Principal Chaplain to the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, and is granted relative Dated 29th, June, 1915. precedence as Brigadier-General whilst so Julien Arthur Edward Trenchard. employed. Dated 2nd April, 1915. Harry Collieon. Henry William Radford. Arthur Edward Slatter. Royal Garrison Artillery, James Hamilton Baker to be temporary Lieutenant. Dated The undermentioned temporary appoint- 8th July, 1915. ment is made: — Commander— CORPS OF ROYAL ENGINEERS. Honorary Brigadier-General William F. H. Stafford, C.B., retired pay, and to be1 Major .Gerard A. F. Sanders to be tem- temporary Brigadier-General, vice Colonel porary Lieutenant-Colonel. Dated 8th July, (temporary Brigadier-General) C. Hill. 1915. Dated 6th June, 1915. The appointment of temporary Captain and Honorary Major A. R. Galsworthy, which appeared in the Gazette of 27th April, CAVALRY. 1915, is ante-dated to 5th December, 1914. 21st (Empress- of India's) Lancers, Captain Geoffrey E. D. Learoyd to be Adjutant, vice Captain C. C. Lister. Dated 15th May, The undermentioned temporary Lieu- 1915. tenants to be temporary Captains: — W. R. Sanguinetti, Dated 25th May, REMOUNT SERVICE. 1915. Colonel John A; R. Purvis, Reserve of Dated 1st June, 1915. Officers, to be a temporary Deputy Assistant C. T. W. Finch; - . • Director of Remounts. Dated 16th Decem- A. R. Davies. ber, 1914. .. C. Maitland to be a temporary Assistant ' , Captain J. H. W. Gill, Ceylon Engineer Superintendent, and to be temporary Lieu- Volunteers j to be temporary Captain. Dated tenant. Dated 1st July, 1915. 21st June, 1915. • • : SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE. 7 JU^Y, 1915. 6671 Lieutenant Stanley Coles, from 5th Bat- Dated 31st May, 191,5, talion, The Norfolk Regiment, to be tem- Arthur Maxwell Fisher, M.D.. porary Lieutenant. Dated 23rd January, Shenton Sjtanley King, M.jj. 1915. (Substituted for the notification Clarence Dickinson Hamilton, M.D. which appeared in the Gazette of 22nd Janu- William James Grant, M.D. ary, 1915.) George Aldon Greaves, M.D. John Staneley Harper to be temporary William Cecil XJowdey, M.P. Lieutenant. Dated 17th May, 1915. Henri Lasnier, M.B. Second Lieutenant T. A. M. Hill, Royal Samuel Cunard West'Morris, M.D. Engineers, Special Reserve, to be Adjutant, Arthur John Lomas, M.D. and is granted the temporary rank of Lieu- Thomas Joseph Costello, M.D. tenant. Dated 8th July, 1915. Dated 4th. June, 1915. The undermentioned to be temporary Captain Stephen Reginald Johnston, M.D. Second Lieutenants: — Lieutenants—- Walter Sibbald Laidlaw. Dated 16th June, 1915. Weldon-Wood Fatten, M.D. Temporary Second Lieutenant Edwin John .James Thomson, M.B.. Brindley Jory, from 18th (Service) Batta- William Forbes MacDonald, M.D. .lion (1st Glamorgan), The Welsjb Regiment. Frederic James Brodie, M.D., F.R.C.S. Dated 8th July, 1915. Edin. William Patrick MaoKasey, M.D. George W. Whitman, M.D: INFANTRY* Hugh. Stewart Moore, M.D. The Leicestershire Regiment, Lieutenant Benjamin Edward Lang', M.D. Charles Hearn Oscar Dudley Burrell, from Andrew Rutherford Thomson, M.B. 3rd Battalion, to be Second Lieutenant. James Stanley Chisholm, M.D. Dated 20th June, 1915. J.ames iGordon Freeman Heal, M.D. Harry Munn Godfrey, M.D. The Worcestershire Regiment, Second Lieu- Nathaniel MacDonald, M.D. tenant Shirley A. H. Granville is removed Robert Edmund Johnston, M.B. from the Service for absence without leave. Dated ;26th May, 1915. The undermentioned Non-commissioned The Dorsetshire Regiment, Quartermaster- Officers and Man of the Canadian Army Serjeant Arthur Corrall to be Second Lieu- Medical Corps to be temporary Lieu- tenant. Dated 8th July, 1915. tenants : — The Manchester Regiment, Lieutenant Gerald P;a,tesd l?.-th June, 1915. Armstrong Boyle, from Special Reserve, to Serjeant-Major :Clar,ence Butler Kidd, be Second Lieutenant. Dated 22nd June, M.D. 1915. Serjeant Peter Malcolm MacLachlan, M.D.' Princess Victoria's (Royal Irish Fttsiliers), Serjeant Robert Whiteman McQuay, Lieutenant William Ernest Henry, from 5th M.P.' Battalion, The Royal Dublin Fusiliers, to be' Corporal James Waiter Coulter, M.B. Second Lieutenant. Dated 15th February, 1915. Private Michael Charles Burke, M.D. Dated 18th June, 1915. The Royal Munster Fusiliers. Major (temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) Arthur Duncan Forbes, M.B., to be tem- Verelst T. Worship, D.S.O., to be Lieu- porary Lieutenant. Date.d 14th May, 1915. tenant-Colonel. Dated 16th June, 1915. Second Lieutenant Anthony J. MacGilly- cuddy resigns his commission on account of The undermentioned to be temporary ill-health. Dated 8th July, 1915. honorary Lieutenants: — Septimus Alexander Forbes. Dated 8th THE ARMY SERVICE CORPS. June, 1915. Major Jamesi H. S. Tee, Army Service Harry Arnold Ash. Dated 23rd June, .Corps, -Territorial Force, to be temporary 1915. Major. Dated 2nd June, 1915. Charles Grayson to be temporary Quarter- master, with the honorary rank of Lieu- ARMY MEDICAL SERVICE. tenant whilst employed at the Stoke-upon- Royal Army Medical Corps. Trent War Hospital. Dated 26th May, Temporary Lieutenant Gerald W. Maw 1915. relinquishes his commission. Dated 31st March, 1915. QUEEN ALEXANDRA'S IMPERIAL MILITARY NURSING SERVICE. The undermentioned Officers of the Cana- dian Army Medical Corps to be temporary The undermentioned ladies to be .Staff Nurses:— Lieutenants: — o Miss Gladys Frances Parkinson. Dated Lieutenants— 16th June, 1914. Charles William Green, M.D. Dated 29th Miss .Gladys Lilian Stevens. Dated 4th May, 1915. November, 1914. 6672 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 7 JULY, 1915. ARMY ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. 1915, but not to carry pay or allowances Major Christopher C. Barnes, Royal prior to the dates specified against their Artillery, to be temporary Ordnance Officer, names: — 4th Class. Dated 18th June, 1915. Reginald Mills Morley. 4th June, 1915. The appointment of temporary Lieutenant Harold Charles Pemberton. 15th June, Stanley Charles Weston, which 'appeared in 1915. the Gazette of 24th June, 1915, is antedated Geoffrey Walter Hodgkinson. 21st May, to 14th June, 1915. 1915. Bernard Harold Hartley. 4th June, 1915. INFANTRY. Service Battalions. The undermentioned to be temporary The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). Second Lieutenants: — 8th Battalion— . Raymond Cressy. Dated 20th May, 1915. Temporary Lieutenant Lionel C.
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