February 1990 The newspaper of the Anti-Apartheid Movement / 30p Tell Mrs Thatehe 7 h.Wmf of% us ;f mmsufawil be dlyse to sUbU!WikgpftWITb Repression in Walvis Bay page 3 worldtat 11tolda Is Isolted.Bkflt Deathmsads tttflmpeoplewdInse cover-up froeenweavs I Al s page 4 Jay Naidoo speaks , , l lu 2 M-APRT1D lS1S 0 FEBRUARY10 ACTION 0 FOR SANCTIONS South Africa: Lobby will Freedom Now! confront MPs In the t w we oildlcalete th Independnceof South Africa: Freedom Now! The boycott campaign of The campaign to force a to all racesand the proposed bmlis uner Swpgenment, sdthereleas ofNo is the message of the Anti 1989 was tremendously su changeinlBritishgovernment scrapping of the Separate Mu la.Theseffmosv-ctories -odthey mar UTa Apartheid Movement in 1990 cesshlsanctionsareworking. policyonSouthAfricareaches AnmeniiesAct somecommen Isto sY, theyam theruttofthe longStrggle aganst -amesage of hope, focusing Financial sanctions in particu acriticalpointon27February, tatomrsreferred to this as all efforts on the task of des larare withtheSouthemAficaCoali- apatheld bythe peoples of Snthuni Africaand by the biting deeply. removing one of the pillars of troyingapartheidandcreaaing It is evident from the tion(SAC) lobbyof parliament apartheid, butthese have lRteneetarmUlti-partbold movemnt. been a united, non-racial and statements of the apartheid (see Campaign Diary). cosmetic changes and those Thiswill net stopDo lak tramtrying to turn thouseenot to democratic South Africa. regieitselfthatsunctionsare TheColition~wbichbrings pilors remain intacL' hiscan smniage, or MrsThatcher fram claiming that the We need to intensify, not having a direct effect on its togetherover90 orgaisations Hesaidthat the Coalition's vindicateheranUtl-s eitspolicy.Togeauthey amseeking relax, the external pressures policies. representing millions of main aim is to make the to haltand revire SouthAfrca'sIternationalIlation. The ontheapartheidregime during Tht clear message is to people, is challeoging govermentawarethat'ahuge algmnnt ofa rtis overnmeewith the rulinglatiml Party the critical period ahead. continue topress the British Margaret Thatcher's antid- numberofpeoplearewatching The message to Mrs government for further sanctions stance. SACexect- aregoingto In SoothAfrica ha naverbeen clos sincethe Batsfirst them and keep up Thatcher is a strong one measures, whilst the active tive chair, the Revd Michael the pressure for change'. Introducedapartheid backIn 1948. STOPSUPOIrLNG.APART boycott by consumers of fruit,Taylor ofChristianAid, iscall- The Coalition met the Rt BeBlank and Thatcher e desperatto slowdw and HEID. vegetables, coal and other ing for a sirge Ofsupport for Hon Douglas Hard MP on10 centrathe proesef chane tIs movingthegund under Iis to our shame tat the produce of SouthAfrica needs the February weekof action. Jas.ur. They wereassured theirmey feel. Forthey fear that It Isbloaig toaethepoua British government acqui to e intensified. Michael Taylor told Anti- that Mrs Thatcher had no resoltoe-ne thtill beconstructSmithAfria a uniled, esces it the mantehosce of T1hisis a time of hope and Apartheid News: 'SAC was present plans to visit South nn-re ntamacy. aparthid repreosion. real chalenge. The AMi is formed because too many of Afrcaandthattherewouldbe Anti-Apartheid Movement confident thattheSothAfrica: us had allowed the govern- Nes o Modla Receptin Comnltts ale bng setup In no relaxation of British supporters will be receiving a Freedom Now! campaign will ment to win the argument sanctions, Mr Hurd said that ritainand elswher, to sao that Mondale'srelease is leaflet asking you to send this capture the imnaginationof the about sanctions. both would depend on seizednsa galde epportonityto Increase the presrea he message to Thtatcher, and we 'le argutment used to be profound and irreversible aprtheldregime. toi1 ownn teee ot thatsanionswouldnotwork; changes in South Africa. Thee etn is changes. Saen pessum hasbroughtmsm to thejdmntainirfl but -emly that argu-ment Followingthe meeting, the change. Mee presure wllbring more change. Teline thatthe pol frtiwat has swung scound... Rt Revd Simon Barrington peanuaat this pointwould h anhiatoric andstratel 'Me other main claim is WardBishopofCoventryand Thousands of people will to contribute to securing thatsanctionsharinthepoor- mistake, atragedy for our coomy,' said SouthAfrica's most chair of the Coalition, said, 'I gather in Trafalgar Square on freedom for the people of thisisasensitiveissue.Butwe was most concerned that eminent cnhu andbade uton lenderslast Botlcm. 25 March to tell FW de olerk South Africa; and to help say overall wehould do what although thescretaryof state Theirmessage wa simplifiedby the historic Conferencefor that the British people want to ensure that all the people in our friendsinSouthAfricatell and Foreign Office officials a Dlmeao e iratloIn lceer. Som 4,M deisgates see freedom now. In his first the region can live is peace. us to do.The government acknowledged iheimpact of repruntlag 2,138 rgab on calleda the lunam itl 100 days he has made no claims that things are really financial pessures. they did con w y 'tointensify thesliln of theSoath African attempt to remove the pillars An attractive SouthA(ciro: getting better in South Africa,not daw t conclu regimeuadtohapoe roupreheadvesand mandattneysactions'. of apartheid. as clearlv illus Freedom Now! campaign onwe should layoft ad give i f sanc TheSoutlhen Afrcaoalition's lonbbyof p w etda27 brochurewillbe availablesoon, the regime a chance.When Binl d have a Badges,posters and leafletsa the news came through about o fram 28 to hasten Februmy,the Week of Action 21 to February,theBaisop aleadyavailable. the opening up of the beaches the end aarid.' Araoe BeevesTnst's Inomatetloneter InFeblrary, and the AM's nationaldemonstration enSunday 25March provide Opportuntattlocahl andnational level to Involvegritish peopleaInins"ete ithe prossue- euakieon to dismntle eunpntotthe apywastoonti~meenhuirs~hetchnto abandonher effects to dimantle soutum andto change Wetmost taefulldvntage oftheeopprtutesado. f WORLD the celebratoarundtM- ln's rene ,wheneer It imppem,topusk fterd dnhclly Intothe het pauseof the CAMPAIM fig gld apaed *AGAINST MLITAU&NUCLEAR COLLABORATION WITH SOUTH AFRICA] ANTI-APARTHEID NEWS thenfremmew oftho AaMi-Aath iovmenat EMnenUiee 13Moad*f Strt ina eM usWTel0 e-387 7Me EM't Mis Broks SMSSTOMTWRflnOyOelOi AR KaonUsfitnen AMW-- W .ATIM ananeNEe hoduWflUK - C11.5;Eap- 13.50; The Kohl government has out such a determination, and outsie Ere frme-l- 8.50;outsel Europe (air)El3.50 consistently tried to cover up early in January he acted French engines via Israel ht esttlsU - Ei0e;F pe- U; this case, and in August it swiftlybyconfiscatiogthefiles outnidEnere (nrtaaen -1 E2.50; nutddestepe (all -h-20 refused permission for the held by the companies con DespiteameetingwithFrench 4 Write to the French state prosemitortoinvestigate ceraedand announcedthathe officialsin Parisin December Embassy, 58 Knightsbridge, BinAccont No 513004 whether there was a breach of was investigating the matter tie World Campaign has still London SWIX 75T,demand the agreement with India Duringthe United Nations not received any officialreply ing that ANI-APeINEWS isalso met toall atlasl membsof the govensent does the OAail (since the Indian submarine General Assembly session, a about French Snerms Atar not orimon back deliver these engines. ApartheidMoeannet -m enjaurolp pagetr details plans were copied without special resolution on military engines beings ld to lsmaelfor iwia byRoge IlddinSrtworar, permission).Itmaintained that collaboration specifically possible use by the South Tmpesebliy rubn~, the illegality involved was not mentioned the FRG as having African Air FOT significant and any allowed two ofitscorportions In the last issue of Anti World Campaign against investigation or prosecution to provide South Africa with AparfheidNews, itwas reported Military and Nuclear PnMM I EatEnd treetLtd, Emision Stroit, ew, Bunly-y- could damage the reputation blueprintsforthemanufacture that President Mitterand had Colabratos with Loms 3LT South It of the FG'sarmsa tiy, of submarines and other ordered an investigation into Acinca, PO Box 2, Lindeoe ONHn0o.5B According to FRG regula- relatedimaterial this case. It should have stated Gard,Nl007Oslo 10,Norway tions, the state prsecutor can As soon asit was published thathehasbeenaskedtoorder Tel (02) 301345; Tele; 72314 also investigate the case if it on 9 November, the Bonn such an investigation. AAM N Fux (02) 303381 ANT,-APMUTKEIDEW jm eo 3 NEWS 0 FROM SOUTHERN AFRICA Conference unites State aims to silence press 'Don't marginalise apartheid' even mark the for democracy is the call from Zwelakhe beginning of anew Sisulu, the restricted editor of wave of repression NewNation~theanti-apartheid What this countay The Conference for a Demo weeldy paper threatened with needs at this cratic Future held in Johan closure any day'. momentous phase nesburg over the weekend of Mc Sisalu, whose restric- in our history is a 910 December represented tions prevent him from work- free and unfettered the culmination of many ing as a journalist, visited press that will months of work on the part of London recentOyas part of a facilitate the the Mass Democratic Move Eurepean visit io mohilise process of mont (MDM) and other anti support for the New Natio, transformation to a apartheid forces in South which included talks with the new South Africa Africa. EC in Bruaseil. that so many, Some 2,138 organisations Heeprs
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