Th e Ri g h t Tools for the Job Making sure Northwest and the Midwest, we have or the trailer hitch. Some trailers have space the equipment repeatedly been compelled to experiment for two children. And most trailers will with new equipment and techniques for tak- accommodate a child up to about the age of fits the kids for ing the children along. Cycling with chil- five or six. In contrast, child seats become dren demands constant adaptation and flexi- more and more unstable as the child's your family tour bi l i t y . Each age and stage of childhood typi- weight increases, making them extremely cally requires a new tactic, as kids outgrow dangerous for cycling long distances with equipment, and their needs and interests preschoolers beyond the age of two. change. Below are suggestions and tips on creams began to emanate from the different needs of each age group, and Pr eschoolers (ages 3-5) the back of the brand new yel- the equipment to select accordingly. Preschoolers are perhaps the most chal- low plastic-bottomed bicycle lenging group with whom to cycle. Th e s e trailer that Lorenz, my hot and Infants and toddlers (ages 0-2) kids are much more active, and tend to get Ssweaty husband, was pulling. At first, the Cycletouring with infants and toddlers is bored easily, so entertainment and motiva- cries were sporadic, irritable outbursts, perhaps both the most difficult, and yet also tion become major issues, making frequent punctuated by lapses of silence. Surprised, the simplest, age for taking the kids along. stops essential. Trailers continue to be a Saturday walkers turned their heads toward Infants and toddlers require immense good choice for preschoolers, since they the screeching in shocked disapproval as amounts of paraphernalia — such as dia- often still need naps. And the space for toys Lorenz whizzed by. Then, the shrieks began pers, bottles, blankets and baby food — and books to entertain them is now greatly to build higher and louder into one long, which rapidly fill panniers. On the other appreciated. shrill angry howl that carried for miles. hand, most infants and toddlers nap a lot Trail-a-bikes or third wheels are another Red-faced and frustrated, Lorenz pedaled (especially when rocked to sleep by the good option for older preschoolers and faster and faster. As he sped off, I was left motion of a bicycle), and are happy to go ki n d e r garteners. These extra wheels are with the rapidly disappearing image of our anywhere as long as they are warm, fed and trailed behind the adult's bicycle through an three-month-old daughter Yvonne's fists and dr y . attachment at the adult's seat post, or on legs pumping up and down angrily in the Bicycle trailers, as opposed to child seats some models, to the rear rack. The child has tr a i l e r , as Lorenz tried futilely to escape mounted on the bike, are the preferred way the option to pedal, so older kids can be a from the horrifying yowls, like a cat desper- to tour with small children. In trailers, the great help on hills; small children can just ately running away from its burning tail. child is usually covered, protected from go along for the ride. We had chosen a hot sunny July day to wind, rain and sun; the trailer’s center of In some early trail-a-bike models (pre- ride for the first time with our infant daugh- gravity is low, which makes it very stable 1997), the attachment of the hitch to the ter in a heat-reflecting, plastic-bottomed and easy to tow; trailers have space for toys adult's seat post was not always well- bicycle trailer without a sun shade. It was a and books to entertain the child; and a num- designed, tending to wear and create a dan- hard, if not humorous, early lesson on the ber of trailers provide extra space for gear gerous wobble. Although most manufactur- challenges of selecting and using appropri- and grocery storage. ers have corrected these problems in more ate equipment for touring with children. Depending on the model of trailer, pan- recent versions, the hitch should be checked In the ten-plus years, and 5000 miles, we niers can be attached on a rack below the carefully before purchasing — especially in have toured with our daughters Anya and trailer arm (models that connect the hitch to used models. Yvonne through Alaska, Canada, the Pacific the rear wheel axle, unfortunately, do not Panniers can usually be loaded under- work with rear panniers). Sleeping bags, or neath the hitch arm of the third wheel onto a tent, can often also be stacked on the rack, the adult's bicycle. And if a rack is added to By Paula Holmes-Eber Adventure Cyclist • April 2001 raise the height of the child's pedals. An have gained from touring with their parents, FAMILY adjustable child stoker stem can also be whether in trailers, on trail-a-bikes or installed behind the captain's saddle and fit- tandems, will begin to pay off. And one ted appropriately to the length of the child's wonderful day, you will discover that this cycling torso. As the child grows, the stoker bars time you are cycling behind your son or and child crank can be shortened, although da u g h t e r , laughing as you chat back and simply raising the child's seat can often forth about the great muffins at the last bak- make complex readjustments unnecessary. er y , the seals you glimpsed around the the trail-a-bike, another set of panniers or Tandems are far more efficient bicycles curve, and the exhilarating downhill ahead. tents and sleeping bags can be stacked than trail-a-bikes, where the child's contri- And you will know that all the years of behind the child. Many third wheels do bution is often negligible. They do, howev- hauling trailers up hills, the hundreds of have weight restrictions, however, which er , require that the child keep up with the potty stops, and the constant gear changes should be kept in mind when loading gear. captain's pace, which can sometimes be tir- and readjustments were just the beginning Front panniers are not recommended when ing for younger children. Tandems also of many miles of dreams together. riding with a third wheel; they tend to make have the added advantage of being able to There are two main types of child trail- the bicycle combination very unstable. accommodate either panniers or a trailer. ers: those with solid bottoms (usually plas- Most trail-a-bikes are also a great choice tic) and those constructed completely from as children grow into the next age level: Late grade school (9-12 year ol d s ) waterproof fabric. Solid-bottomed trailers grade school. The late grade school years are an awk- are generally heavier, and do not pack down ward time. Preteens are usually too large for as well as all-fabric trailers. However, per- Early grade school (ages 5-8) all child equipment except tandems, yet sonally I prefer them for long-distance tour- Early grade school is a great age: chil- they are often not strong enough to cycle ing, since they are far more durable (fabric- dren are now some- long distances by bottomed trailers often suffer from abrasion what self-suffi c i e n t themselves. Th e y holes), do not get moldy when wet for long (they can feed, clothe, are also becoming periods of time, and provide more protec- and bathe them- more independent tion against flying rocks and other debris in selves); they have and focused on of f-road conditions. great imaginations, their peers. Tri p s Here are some features to look for in and can entertain with other families buying a child trailer: fully waterproof cov- themselves for hours with children are ering; ability of the canopy to open up, with a bunch or rocks an excellent way allowing cool breezes and views on hot or sea shells. Best of to motivate and days; size when packed down for transport; all, they have begun encourage this age attachment to the bicycle (while lower to develop enough gr o u p . attachments to the rear wheel axle are typi- strength to actually Tandems are cally more stable and easily maneuverable help with the cycling. clearly the pre- than attachments to the seat post, they do They still, however, ferred option at not allow room for panniers). need plenty of breaks this stage, Trail-a-bikes are a fairly new addition to to run around and although a strong the bicycling market; the first model, pro- pl a y , or long hours in the saddle will be met or older child can begin to successfully duced by Adams, appeared in the early with resistance. cycle on her own for shorter tours. You n g e r 1990s. Since then, there has been an amaz- Most children this age are too large to sit children may still need a child crank for the ing array of short-lived attempts by various in trailers for any length of time (with the tandem. By the time they are 10 or 11 how- companies to produce competitive models, exception, perhaps, of kindergartners). So ev e r , many can easily reach the pedals in with new versions arriving and disappearing trail-a-bikes and tandems become the best the stoker seat without additional child on the market so quickly it has been hard to options in the early grade school years.
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