Rutgers University School of Law - Camden 2003-2005 Catalog CollegeSource Visit Career Guidance Foundation at http://www.collegesource.org Copyright & Disclaimer You may: Information l print copies of the information for your own personal use, Copyright© 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Career Guidance l store the files on your own computer for per- Foundation sonal use only, or l reference this material from your own docu- CollegeSource digital catalogs are derivative ments. works owned and copyrighted by Career Guid- ance Foundation. Catalog content is owned The Career Guidance Foundation reserves the and copyrighted by the appropriate school. right to revoke such authorization at any time, and any such use shall be discontinued immedi- While the Career Guidance Foundation pro- ately upon written notice from the Career Guid- vides information as a service to the public, ance Foundation. copyright is retained on all digital catalogs. 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CONTENTS LETTER FROM THE DEAN INTRODUCTION FACULTY, STAFF, AND ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION THE JURIS DOCTOR CURRICULUM THE LAW LIBRARY ADMISSION TUITION AND FEES FINANCIAL AID STUDENT SERVICES ALUMNI COURSE LISTING ACADEMIC POLICIES AND PROCEDURES HONORS GOVERNANCE OF THE UNIVERSITY DIVISIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY Important Notices MAP Please note that only the printed version of this ACADEMIC CALENDARS catalog is the official document of Rutgers, The INDEX State University of New Jersey. While Rutgers offers its catalogs on the Internet as a convenience, the uni- versity's online catalogs are, unofficial, as is academic information offered at other Rutgers web sites. The university reserves the right for any reason to cancel or modify any course or program listed herein. In addition, individual course offerings and programs may vary from year to year as circumstances dictate. For current information, students should check the law school's web site at http://www-camlaw.rutgers.edu. SCHOOL OF LAW–CAMDEN R U T G E R S, T H E S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y O F N E W J E R S E Y ear Prospective Student: missions, and area counsel in In 1998, I chose to important public interest litiga- submit my application tion. as a candidate for The full-time faculty of 40 is Dthe position of dean of this assisted by five full-time writ- prestigious law school. I was ing faculty, approximately attracted to Rutgers’ School of 60 adjunct professors, and six Law–Camden because of the clinical faculty, bringing to the school’s national reputation classroom a wide range of expe- for excellence in scholarship rience from the judiciary, gov- and rigor in the training of ernment, and private practice. young lawyers. I therefore was Many of our full-time faculty delighted to be chosen to carry members also hold advanced on this tradition of excellence as degrees in a wide range of the law school prepared for the academic disciplines. celebration of its 75th anniver- THE STUDENTS sary in 2001. When I began my deanship Total enrollment at the law on July 1, 1998, I saw the oppor- school is typically between 720 and 750 students. About 600 tunity to build upon this distin- Our faculty is ranked among guished past to establish students attend full time and the most accomplished produc- 150 students attend part time. Rutgers’ School of Law–Camden ers of scholarly articles in emi- as one of the finest public law The student body is diverse nent journals, and the faculty’s in every respect. More than schools in the nation. Our fac- scholarship has been cited by ulty, students, staff, and more 300 undergraduate institutions numerous courts, including the and nine international institu- than 6,000 alumni welcome United States Supreme Court your interest in the school tions are represented at the and the New Jersey Supreme law school. Students are drawn and invite you to join our Court. In a recent article on fac- dynamic institution. from 45 states and Puerto Rico ulty scholarship, the author and eight foreign countries. THE FACULTY stated that Rutgers’ School of Approximately 20 percent of the Law–Camden was one of the The law school faculty is total enrollment are students of 12 most undervalued schools. It engaged in a dynamic program color and nearly 50 percent are was praised for having a highly of scholarship, teaching, and women. The law school is quite productive faculty that is pro- service to the bar and to the selective, and admitted students ducing scholarship that has a community. Rutgers law profes- possess strong academic creden- significant impact on scholarly sors are recognized internation- tials. debates. Faculty members also ally in fields as diverse as state serve as consultants and THE ACADEMIC PROGRAM constitutional law, health law, reporters for the American Bar international law, criminal law, The curriculum is varied and Association, the American Law admiralty, civil procedure, and evolving. Typically, more than Institute, federal and state com- women and family law. 150 upper-class elective courses 1 are offered. Given our favorable Many students, eager to put employment shortly after grad- faculty-student ratio, the major- their lawyering skills to practi- uation. Bar passage rates for ity of classes have fewer than cal use, participate in one of our Rutgers’ School of Law– 30 students. many clinical programs. Some Camden graduates typically The law school provides an students assist clients in our exceed state averages. extensive program of instruc- elder law clinic on matters One measure of a school’s tion in advocacy studies. Some such as Social Security and excellence is the number of its of the most prominent practic- landlord-tenant disputes. Others graduates selected by judges ing attorneys in the region teach work on pro bono bankruptcy to serve as their law clerks. courses in pretrial advocacy and or domestic violence projects. Rutgers places more than twice trial advocacy. In addition to the Students also work at the LEAP the national average and is sec- full range of traditional course Charter Academy. Our extern- ond in the nation in placing its offerings, our faculty offers ship programs afford third-year graduates in these highly desir- many courses in legal history, students the opportunity to able state and federal judicial jurisprudence, and public law work in judicial chambers, pub- clerkships. to promote our strong belief in lic agencies, and public interest Rutgers’ School of Law– commitment to the community. organizations. Students in small Camden is a place where the The school also offers an unusu- business counseling advise highest standards of legal schol- ally broad range of courses in clients on legal issues pertaining arship accompany the deepest corporate and tax counseling, to starting new businesses. commitment to law as an instru- constitutional law, criminal law, Students also may serve as ment of social justice. health law, international law, lit- mediators in the alternative dis- As a relatively new member igation and advocacy, and fam- pute resolution program of the of a community steeped in this ily and women’s rights laws. local municipal courts. tradition of excellence, I wel- The curriculum strongly come your questions about our OUR GRADUATES emphasizes writing skills. school. You may obtain admis- First-year students participate The law school’s more than sions information by contacting in a yearlong course in legal 6,000 alumni are leading mem- Camille S. Andrews, dean of research, writing, and argument bers of the bench and bar in the enrollment, or the Office of taught by full-time writing fac- public and private sectors. Admissions at 800/466-7561. ulty. Small class size ensures Distinguished alumni include that students receive individual two governors of the state of Cordially, attention from the faculty and New Jersey, a former United upper-level teaching assistants. States ambassador, members After their first year, students of Congress and state legisla- are required to complete an tures, federal and state judges, average of one course each term corporate counsel and execu- that includes a significant writ- tives at Fortune 500 companies, ing experience. The Rutgers Law and partners in outstanding Journal, Rutgers Journal of Law large and small firms through- Rayman L. Solomon and Religion, and the Rutgers out the nation. Dean, School of Law–Camden Journal of Law and Urban Policy As a direct result of the quality are edited by students. The Law of legal education at Rutgers, Journal devotes one issue each more then 95 percent of each year to the field of state consti- year’s class usually obtain tutional law. 2 S C H O O L O F L A W – C A M D E N ith a national and, along with the Newark reputation for ex- Law School, became part of the cellence, the School State University School of Law. of Law–Camden is In accordance with a resolution Wnoted for its diverse student of the Board of Governors, the body and distinguished faculty.
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