INTERFERENCE ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED WPIX, NEW YORK, NY, FACILITY (CHANNEL 11) tvstudy v2.2.5 (4uoc83) Database: localhost, Study: wpix003 #5145, Model: Longley-Rice Study build station data: LMS TV 2020-11-20 Proposal: WPIX003 D11 DT APP NEW YORK, NY File number: wpix003 Facility ID: 73881 Station data: User record Record ID: 4438 Country: U.S. Zone: I Search options: Baseline record excluded if station has CP All APP records excluded Stations potentially affected by proposal: IX Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Yes WTNH D10 DT LIC NEW HAVEN, CT BLANK0000056790 114.6 km No WHTM-TV D10 DT LIC HARRISBURG, PA BLANK0000034336 255.0 No WHTM-TV D10 DT CP HARRISBURG, PA BLANK0000035787 255.0 Yes WWLP D11 DT LIC SPRINGFIELD, MA BLANK0000125118 183.0 Yes WJZ-TV D11 DT LIC BALTIMORE, MD BLANK0000119745 275.8 Yes WENH-TV D11 DT LIC DURHAM, NH BLEDT20090817ABS 354.3 Yes WBRE-TV D11 DT LIC WILKES-BARRE, PA BLCDT20051123AJX 165.6 No WBAL-TV D12 DT LIC BALTIMORE, MD BLANK0000120167 275.8 Yes WNET D12 DT LIC NEWARK, NJ BLANK0000117719 4.6 No WNYT D12 DT LIC ALBANY, NY BLANK0000004731 208.6 No WYOU D12 DT LIC SCRANTON, PA BLANK0000116962 165.6 No WNAC-TV D12 DT LIC PROVIDENCE, RI BLCDT20090612AFT 258.2 No non-directional AM stations found within 0.8 km No directional AM stations found within 3.2 km Record parameters as studied: Channel: D11 Latitude: 40 44 54.00 N (NAD83) Longitude: 73 59 9.00 W Height AMSL: 418.5 m HAAT: 405.0 m Peak ERP: 26.0 kW Antenna: Omnidirectional Elev Pattrn: Generic Elec Tilt: 3.00 36.0 dBu contour: Azimuth ERP HAAT Distance 0.0 deg 26.0 kW 382.9 m 106.3 km 45.0 26.0 408.6 108.4 90.0 26.0 406.5 108.2 135.0 26.0 408.6 108.4 180.0 26.0 402.2 107.8 225.0 26.0 417.9 109.2 270.0 26.0 409.1 108.4 315.0 26.0 407.7 108.3 ERP exceeds maximum ERP: 26.0 kW ERP maximum: 11.6 kW (Proposal meets largest station in the market criterion. See Technical Summary) Distance to Canadian border: 395.2 km Distance to Mexican border: 2674.8 km Conditions at FCC monitoring station: Laurel MD Bearing: 234.8 degrees Distance: 298.8 km Proposal is not within the West Virginia quiet zone area Conditions at Table Mountain receiving zone: Bearing: 278.9 degrees Distance: 2629.1 km INTERFERENCE ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED WPIX, NEW YORK, NY, FACILITY (CHANNEL 11) Study cell size: 2.00 km Profile point spacing: 0.10 km (Higher resolution terrain profile point spacing is requested.) Maximum new IX to full-service and Class A: 0.50% Maximum new IX to LPTV: 2.00% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interference to BLANK0000056790 LIC scenario 1 **IX: 5.15% interference caused Interference consent agreement to be arranged with the licensee of WTNH. Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Desired: WTNH D10 DT LIC NEW HAVEN, CT BLANK0000056790 Undesireds: WPIX D11 DT BL NEW YORK, NY DTVBL73881 118.9 km WPIX003 D11 DT APP NEW YORK, NY wpix003 114.6 WEDN D9 DT LIC NORWICH, CT BLEDT20090618ACB 66.2 WWDP D10 DT LIC NORWELL, MA BLANK0000059580 171.2 WCBB D10 DT LIC AUGUSTA, ME BLANK0000068517 386.9 WHTM-TV D10 DT LIC HARRISBURG, PA BLANK0000034336 357.9 WVER D10 DD LIC RUTLAND, VT BLANK0000123122 248.8 WWLP D11 DT LIC SPRINGFIELD, MA BLANK0000125118 76.4 Service area Terrain-limited IX-free, before IX-free, after Percent New IX 29879.7 7,845,782 27814.0 7,320,278 26437.4 6,512,362 26150.1 6,177,006 1.09 5.15 Undesired Total IX Unique IX, before Unique IX, after WPIX D11 DT BL 183.6 485,025 151.6 409,405 WPIX003 D11 DT APP 470.8 820,381 438.8 744,761 WEDN D9 DT LIC 371.0 48,581 318.6 42,482 318.6 42,482 WWDP D10 DT LIC 338.3 123,970 237.9 39,369 237.9 39,369 WCBB D10 DT LIC 4.0 222 4.0 222 4.0 222 WVER D10 DD LIC 72.3 10,327 56.3 8,627 56.3 8,627 WWLP D11 DT LIC 512.0 224,964 504.0 222,638 504.0 222,638 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interference to BLANK0000125118 LIC scenario 1 **IX: 0.86% interference caused Interference consent agreement to be arranged with the licensee of WWLP. Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Desired: WWLP D11 DT LIC SPRINGFIELD, MA BLANK0000125118 Undesireds: WPIX D11 DT BL NEW YORK, NY DTVBL73881 187.6 km WPIX003 D11 DT APP NEW YORK, NY wpix003 183.0 WTNH D10 DT LIC NEW HAVEN, CT BLANK0000056790 76.4 WENH-TV D11 DT LIC DURHAM, NH BLEDT20090817ABS 172.2 WBRE-TV D11 DT LIC WILKES-BARRE, PA BLCDT20051123AJX 281.8 WNYT D12 DT LIC ALBANY, NY BLANK0000004731 123.0 WNAC-TV D12 DT LIC PROVIDENCE, RI BLCDT20090612AFT 119.7 Service area Terrain-limited IX-free, before IX-free, after Percent New IX 23667.7 3,838,272 20174.8 3,219,611 19136.2 2,992,834 18798.7 2,967,008 1.76 0.86 Undesired Total IX Unique IX, before Unique IX, after WPIX D11 DT BL 374.9 53,022 140.9 7,918 WPIX003 D11 DT APP 857.0 110,847 478.4 33,744 WTNH D10 DT LIC 383.8 167,406 238.3 127,449 218.1 120,095 WENH-TV D11 DT LIC 550.5 59,937 305.0 26,508 212.6 13,608 WBRE-TV D11 DT LIC 64.5 3,290 12.0 445 12.0 445 WNYT D12 DT LIC 8.0 135 4.0 80 4.0 80 WNAC-TV D12 DT LIC 68.1 14,952 4.0 394 0.0 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interference to BLANK0000119745 LIC scenario 1 Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Desired: WJZ-TV D11 DT LIC BALTIMORE, MD BLANK0000119745 INTERFERENCE ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED WPIX, NEW YORK, NY, FACILITY (CHANNEL 11) Undesireds: WPIX D11 DT BL NEW YORK, NY DTVBL73881 271.7 km WPIX003 D11 DT APP NEW YORK, NY wpix003 275.8 WHTM-TV D10 DT LIC HARRISBURG, PA BLANK0000034336 112.0 WBRE-TV D11 DT LIC WILKES-BARRE, PA BLCDT20051123AJX 215.7 WVEC D11 DT LIC HAMPTON, VA BLANK0000113317 280.3 Service area Terrain-limited IX-free, before IX-free, after Percent New IX 32737.1 9,743,335 30738.3 9,356,668 29629.7 8,979,663 29593.5 8,969,328 0.12 0.12 Undesired Total IX Unique IX, before Unique IX, after WPIX D11 DT BL 12.0 9,874 8.1 4,970 WPIX003 D11 DT APP 332.7 132,254 44.3 15,305 WHTM-TV D10 DT LIC 68.5 10,676 16.1 1,884 12.1 1,405 WBRE-TV D11 DT LIC 855.2 329,462 774.9 314,636 514.7 208,596 WVEC D11 DT LIC 253.2 41,819 229.2 40,689 229.2 40,689 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interference to BLEDT20090817ABS LIC scenario 1 Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Desired: WENH-TV D11 DT LIC DURHAM, NH BLEDT20090817ABS Undesireds: WPIX D11 DT BL NEW YORK, NY DTVBL73881 358.8 km WPIX003 D11 DT APP NEW YORK, NY wpix003 354.3 WCBB D10 DT LIC AUGUSTA, ME BLANK0000068517 145.3 WWLP D11 DT LIC SPRINGFIELD, MA BLANK0000125118 172.2 WNAC-TV D12 DT LIC PROVIDENCE, RI BLCDT20090612AFT 144.5 Service area Terrain-limited IX-free, before IX-free, after Percent New IX 31050.2 4,500,498 28567.8 4,288,108 28439.5 4,248,641 28435.5 4,248,084 0.01 0.01 Undesired Total IX Unique IX, before Unique IX, after WPIX D11 DT BL 0.0 0 0.0 0 WPIX003 D11 DT APP 12.0 1,881 4.0 557 WCBB D10 DT LIC 16.1 1,661 16.1 1,661 16.1 1,661 WWLP D11 DT LIC 108.1 35,704 108.1 35,704 100.1 34,380 WNAC-TV D12 DT LIC 4.0 2,102 4.0 2,102 4.0 2,102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interference to BLCDT20051123AJX LIC scenario 1 **IX: 2.26% interference caused Interference consent agreement to be arranged with the licensee of WBRE-TV. Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Desired: WBRE-TV D11 DT LIC WILKES-BARRE, PA BLCDT20051123AJX Undesireds: WPIX D11 DT BL NEW YORK, NY DTVBL73881 164.7 km WPIX003 D11 DT APP NEW YORK, NY wpix003 165.6 WHTM-TV D10 DT LIC HARRISBURG, PA BLANK0000034336 132.3 WWLP D11 DT LIC SPRINGFIELD, MA BLANK0000125118 281.8 WJZ-TV D11 DT LIC BALTIMORE, MD BLANK0000119745 215.7 WVTT-CD D11 DC CP OLEAN, NY BLANK0000033365 280.3 WPCW D11 DT LIC JEANNETTE, PA BLCDT20090626AAT 356.9 Service area Terrain-limited IX-free, before IX-free, after Percent New IX 41052.9 3,553,761 35479.5 2,862,446 34517.8 2,711,959 34036.2 2,650,597 1.40 2.26 Undesired Total IX Unique IX, before Unique IX, after WPIX D11 DT BL 641.2 105,820 372.8 56,791 WPIX003 D11 DT APP 1186.8 178,127 854.3 118,153 WHTM-TV D10 DT LIC 8.0 1,209 4.0 1,209 4.0 1,209 WWLP D11 DT LIC 16.0 1,091 0.0 0 0.0 0 WJZ-TV D11 DT LIC 584.9 92,487 312.5 43,458 248.5 32,513 WVTT-CD D11 DC CP 4.0 49 0.0 0 0.0 0 WPCW D11 DT LIC 12.1 54 0.0 0 0.0 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interference to BLANK0000117719 LIC scenario 1 Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Desired: WNET D12 DT LIC NEWARK, NJ BLANK0000117719 INTERFERENCE ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED WPIX, NEW YORK, NY, FACILITY (CHANNEL 11) Undesireds: WPIX D11 DT BL NEW YORK, NY DTVBL73881 0.0 km WPIX003 D11 DT APP NEW YORK, NY wpix003 4.6 WBAL-TV D12 DT LIC BALTIMORE, MD BLANK0000120167 271.8 WNYT D12 DT LIC ALBANY, NY BLANK0000004731 212.6 WYOU D12 DT LIC SCRANTON, PA BLANK0000116962 164.7 WNAC-TV D12 DT LIC PROVIDENCE, RI BLCDT20090612AFT 262.2 WHYY-TV D13 DT LIC WILMINGTON, DE BLANK0000124776 127.8 Service area Terrain-limited IX-free, before IX-free, after Percent New IX 33797.9 21,275,871 31495.6 20,741,000 29775.3 20,305,545 29771.3 20,305,545 0.01 0.00 Undesired Total IX Unique IX, before Unique IX, after WPIX D11 DT BL 0.0 0 0.0 0 WPIX003 D11 DT APP 4.0 0 4.0 0 WBAL-TV D12 DT LIC 478.4 110,420 76.1 4,754 76.1 4,754 WNYT D12 DT LIC 329.9 46,089 133.4 22,775 133.4 22,775 WYOU D12 DT LIC 1184.5 222,215 545.8 82,415 545.8 82,415 WNAC-TV D12 DT LIC 164.0 28,188 20.2
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