DOCUMENT RESUME ED 305 329 SP 030 956 AUTHOR Sarvimaki, Anneli TITLE Knowledge in Interactive Practice Disciplines. An Analysis of Knowledge in Education and Health Care. Research Bulletin 68. INSTITUTION Helsinki Univ. (Finland). Dept. of Education. REPORT NO ISBN-951-45-4787-X PUB DATE 88 NOTE 292p. PUB TYPE Reports - Research/Technical (143) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC12 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Educational Objectives; Educational Philosophy; Educational Practices; *Educational Principles; Health Promotion; *Interaction; Sociolinguistics; *Theory Practice Relationship; Values ABSTRACT This study formulates a conception of knowledge in interactive practice disciplines such as education and health care and clarifies different types of knowledge in these disciplines. Focus is on the relationship between practical and theoretical knowledge. Four theses are discussed: (1) the role of knowledge in an interactive practice is to guide practice; (2) different types of knowledge in an interactive practice consist of value-knowledge, factual knowledge and procedural knowledge, parts of which are unarticulated, parts articulated; (3) science is a way of articulating and creating knowledge that can be used as internal action determinants in the practice concerned; and (4) theories in an interactive practice can have both a theoretical and a practical purpose but the theoretical purpose is also indirectly linked to the practical. (Author/JD) "t***************************************************2****************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. * *************R***********************************R********************* Department of University of Education Helsinki U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS Office of Educahonal Research and Imprmament MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 13 This document has been reproduced as F_.1.,tar44.A211 received rom the person or organization originating IL 13 Minor changes have been int .e to Improve reproduction outlay poultsol view or op4mons stated inthiSdoctr TO THE Er. iCATIONAL RESOURCES merit do not necessarily represent offict* OERI posibon or pothly, INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." RESEARCH BULLETIN 68 Anne li Sarvimaki KNOWLEDGE IN INTERACTIVE PRACTICE DISCIPLINES An analysis of knowledge in 0: education and health care BEST COPY AVAILABLE 2 Department of Education, University of Helsinki Head: Anna -Visa Leino, Professor of Education (Swedish) Bulevardi 18, SF-00120 Helsinki, Finland RESEARCH BULLETIN 68 Anna Sarvimaki KNOWLEDGE IN INTERACTIVE PRACTICE DISCIPLINES An analysis of knowledge in education and health care Helsinki 1988 3 ISBN 951-45-4787-X !MN 0359-5749 VAPK Kampin VALTIMO Helsinki 1988 4 University of Helsinki Department of Education Research Bulletin No.68, 1988 Anneli SarvimIki KNOWLEDGE IN INTERACTIVE PRACTICE DISCIPLINES. An analysis of knowledge in education and health care. Dissertation. 276pp. ABSTRACT The aim of the study is to formulate a conception of know- ledge in interactive practice disciplines like education and'health care and to elucidate different types of know- ledge in these disciplines. Special attention is paid to the relationship between practical and theoretical know- ledge. The study is theoretical and philosophical. It is based on a pragmatistically and constructivistically orien- ted conception of knowledge, where living, acting and know- ingare the main concepts. Four theses make up the point of departure for the analysis: I. The role of knowledge in an interactive practice is to guide practice. II. Different types of knowledge in an interactive practice consist of value-knowledge, factual knowledge and procedural know- ledge, parts of which are unarticulated, parts articulated. III. Science is a way of articulating and creating know- ledge that can be used as internal action determinants in the practice concerned. IV. Theories in an interactive practice can have both a theoretical and a practical purpose but the theoretical purpose is also indirectly linked to the practical. The first two theses are argued for and explained through an inquiry in the nature of practical knowledge in the inter- active practices concerned. Practical knowledge is defined as knowledge manifested in appropriate action. Moral know- ledge is seen as part of practical knowledge. Practical know- ledge is organized in action schemata and implicit theories, which in turn organize the values, beliefs and abilities of the actor. The three epistemic styles empiricism, rationalism and metaphorism are used to describe how the beliefs are organized. Practical knowledge can also be collective. Tradition plays an important part in the mediation of practical know- ledge. The last two theses are argued for and explained through an analysis of theoretical knowledge and of scientific know- ledge as a special form of theoretical knowledge. Theoretical knowledge is characterized as a conception of the practice concerned and of how it is to be conducted. This knowledge too can be unarticulated or articulated. The aim of scien- tific activity in interactive practice disciplines is to L formulate theories of and for practice, theories that can be used as theories in practice. The relationship between prac- tical and scientific activity in the disciplines concerned is described as a common action system, the development of which can be conceived as a common learning process. Key words: educational knowledge, health car knowledge, practical disciplines, moral practice, practical knowledge, theoretical knowledge. ISBN 951-45-4787-X Available from: Department of Education C ISSN 0359-5749 University of Helsinki Bulevardi 18 SF-001.4.1 Helsinki Finland Helsingfors universitet Institutionen for pedagogik Research Bulletin No.68, 1988 Anneli Sarvimaki KUNSKAP I INTRRAKTIVA PRAKTISKA DISCIPLINER. En analys av kunskap inom edukation och hAlsovird. Doktorsavhandling. 276ss. SAMMANFATTNING Avsikten med undersakningen Ar att formulera en syn pa kun- skapens roll inom interaktiva, praktiska discipliner som edu- kation och hAlsovird samt att klarlagga olika typer av kun- st-1p som farekommer inom dylike discipliner. Speciellt av- seende fasts vid relationen mellan praktisk och teoretisk kun- skap. UndersakningenAr teoretisk-filosofisk till sin natur. Analysen basarar sig pi en pragmatistiskt-konstruktivistiskt influerad kunskapssyn, dAr grundbegreppen utgars av liv, hand- ling och kunskap. Fyra teser utgar utgangspunkt for analysen: I. Kunskapens roll i en interaktive verksamhet Ar att vAgleda verksamheten. II. De olika typerna av kunskap i en interaktiv verksamhet utgars av vArdekunskap, faktakunskap och procedur- kunskap, av vilka delar dr oartikulerade, andra artikulerade. III. Vetenskapen Ar ett Batt att artikulera och skapa kunskap som kan anvandas som inre handlingsdetermirant i den aktuella verksamheten. IV. Teorier inom en interaktiv verksamhet kan ha bade ett teoretiskt och ett praktiskt syfte men ocksa det teo- retiska Ar indirekt relaterat till det praktiska. De tva farsta teserna underbyggs genom en undersakning av den praktiska kunskapens natur inom de aktuella interaktiva verk- samheterna. Praktisk kunskap definieras som kunskap manifes- terad i lAmpliga eller adekvata handlingar. Den moraliska kun- skapen dr en del av den praktiska. Den praktiska kunskapen Ar organiserad i handlingsschemata och implicita teorier, vilka i sin tur organiserar aktorens vArden, farestAllningar och farmagor. De tre epistemiska stilarna empirism, rationalism och aetaforism anvAnds for att beskriva hur farestAlIningarna organiseras. Den praktiska kunskapen kan ocksa vara kollektiv. Traditionen spelar on viktig roll vid farmedlingen av prak- tisk kunskap. De tvA sista teserna underbyggs genom en analys av den teoretiska kunskapen och av den vetenskapliga kunskapen som en speciell form av teoretisk kunskap. Teoretisk kunskap definieras som en uppfattning om den aktuella verksamheten och om hur den bar bedrivas. OcksA denna kunskap kan vara oar- tikulerad eller artikulerad. MAlet far vetenskaplig verksamhet inom praktiska interaktiva discipliner Ar att formulera teo- rier om och far den praktiska verksamheten, vilka sedan kan anvAndas som teorier i verksamheten. Farhallandet mellan prak- tisk och vetenskaplig verksamhet /nom de aktuella discipli- nerna beskrivs som ett gemensamt handlingssystem, dAr utveck- ling kan uppfattas som en gemensam inlArningsprocess. Nyckelord: edukationskunskap, hAlsovardskunskap, praktiska discipliner, moralisk verksamhet, praktisk kun- skap, teoretisk kunskap. ISBN 951-45-4787-X ISSN 0359-5749 Kan erhallas trim: Institutionen far nedegogik Helsingfors universitet Bulevarden 18 SF-00120 Helsingfors, Finland TO MY MOTHER 7 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I hereby wish to thank those who have supported me in my work on this study. First of all, thanks are due to Professor Anna-Liisa Leino, Head of the Department of Education, for encouraging me and for facilitating my work in many ways. I also wish to thank Professor Leino for accepting my work for publication in the Department's Research Bulletin. I am also deeply greatful to Professor Ingmar Porn, who has been my philosophical counsellor for many years. He has read my manuscript and made me clarify my thoughts by asking crucial questions. He has also contributed to my definition of practical knowledge. Professor Sirkka HirsjArvi has given me good advice and has also examined my work. Ph.D. Singe Sandelin has also examined my work and she
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