THE LOYOLA NEWS Loyola High School’s Official Student Newspaper Is green one of Loyola’s colors? Volume V, Issue I October 10, 2007 Live Earth, An Incon- venient Truth, the Kyoto Proto- col, and life around us is focus- Special points of interest: sing more and more on the environment and how we can • Library transformed! p. 2 reduce our impact on Global Warming. Groups on Face- • Warriors Read project, p. 2 book such as “Flick Off” have • Irish Gaelic League, p. 3 gained outstanding support. Is our school doing enough to • Athlete of the Month, p. 4 combat this problem? In my opinion, the answer is no. • Battle of the Bands, p. 8 Loyola currently has • Once Upon a Time in Stratford, p. 9 can and paper recycling pro- grams. Let’s take a look at our • Feng Shui, p. 11 neighbour, one of the greenest universities in North America. • What’s Happening in Montreal, p. 11 Concordia has taken up the Loyola shares a campus with Concordia University (above), one • Artists Wanted, p. 14 green initiative and has many of the more eco-friendly educational institutions in Canada programs to reduce their im- pact on global warming. The and are turned into rich com- Change Sustainability Festival university currently has a pro- post to help green the planet 2007,” and a sustainable busi- gram in place to dispose prop- rather than be added to a land- ness conference. erly of batteries, cell phones, fill. In 2005, Concordia computers, ink cartridges, In March 2007, Con- students voted to pay five Inside this issue: CDs, and DVDs. An advanced cordia organized a youth sum- cents per credit to the 24-tonne-per-year worm com- mit, “Less Talk, More Action: A “Sustainable Concordia Stu- Current News 1-3 posting system has been put in Youth Summit on Climate dent Group.” This money goes place. Rather than toss organic Change,” which featured Al towards paying four students waste from the cafeteria into Gore and David Suzuki as to work 15 hours a week to aid New Teacher Feature 3 the garbage, these wastes are speakers. The university also in the School’s green pro- treated right on the campus organized the “Blueprints for (Continued on page 17) Sports and Clubs 4 Loyola without prejudice? Arts and Entertainment 6 I’m fairly certain that On a given day in Oh, that’s just SUPER GAY! everyone in Loyola has heard Loyola, you can probably hear Which is really weird, because Bob and Bill comic 10 it all. We’ve heard things the word “gay” used to de- gay people should not have to that are nothing short of bril- scribe life’s less pleasant take responsibility for home- liant, and things so insanely things about, oh, a couple work, meet the clocks or lack Games 12-13 ignorant, you’d think it was the dozen times. Math homework? of cookies. 19th century. But of course, Gay. Did the cafeteria run out Though that may be a there’s always something of macadamia nut cookies? little harsh. People who say 20 someone can say that goes That’s gay too. Did you get things like this aren’t bad Loyola News Staff beyond your precedent. Meet the Clock? (Continued on page 19) information Page 2 THE LOYOLA NEWS Drastic transformation to Loyola’s library Full speed ahead! The newly renovated the library. library is open! Many drastic changes have Regularly you would enter been made to further improve Loyola’s Loyola’s library, see that there was no library. Since the beginning of last June, room on the shelf for your school bag and Loyola’s library has been under construc- put it on the floor, eventually flooding the tion, undergoing many new changes. whole entrance to the library. Now a new The library has a whole new lay- room has been added where you can put out which is truly much more practical. A your school bags which has easy access much bigger conference room has been both outside and inside the library. built where the librarians’ offices used to The work area in the library has be situated. This will provide much more pretty much stayed the same with the same space for the faculty at Loyola during their table and chairs, but hopefully by next BEFORE meetings. year the whole library will be newly fur- A video viewing room has also nished. However, computers are no longer will not distract from the quite library be- been added for the students. If a student is covering every inch of wall space in the cause it will have it’s own contained room. absent and misses a special presentation in library. The former yearbook room has Students who wish to work on their own class, they can book the video viewing been made much larger and is now a com- will use the ten computers that will be put room and catch up on what they missed. puter room with twelve desktops-each in the middle of the library. This room can also be used by clubs, such computer to one large table. This will allow But it doesn’t stop there! New flat as the cinema club. This resource is open for more group work to go on. Though this (Continued on page 18) to anyone and truly is a terrific new asset to room will have a more noise pollution, it Warriors Read Project This fall the Library, in partner- for the entire Loyola community. The crite- March Break. During the spring there will ship with the English Department, is offi- ria for a book to be considered for Warri- be a publicity campaign letting everybody cially kicking off Loyola’s first ever One ors Read are: (1) appeals to and is appro- know about the chosen book and its au- Community – One Book project, which we priate for readers from age 12 to adult; (2) thor. are calling Warriors Read. sparks discussion across disciplines and The entire school community will The purpose of this project, apart interests, in and out of class; (3)is under have the summer to read the book so that from creating a gigantic book club, is to 250 pages and has NOT been made into a when we come back to school next August bring our entire community (students, movie; (4) is available in paperback; and, we will have that one thing in common that teachers, support staff, administrators, (5) if possible, is written by a Canadian we can all talk about, as well as be ready to parents and alumni) together by encourag- author who could be invited to the school participate in discussion groups, complete ing all of us to read the same book – at the to discuss the book with our community. English assignments on the novel and, same time. The deadline for getting your hopefully, attend a meet the author event. Letters have already gone out to suggestion in is January 31, 2008. If you are interested in being a your parents asking them to submit their Please give or e-mail your sug- member of the selection committee, please suggestions for our common read novel. gestion to ([email protected]), or your give your name to your English teacher, or We are now asking you, Loyola students; English teacher. The student committee see me, Ms. Landry, in the library. to come up with suggestions for a book that will be evaluating all the suggestions, nar- you think would make interesting reading rowing them down to the winning title after Loyola’s first annual book fair is coming! In a little over a month, the Loyola get a birthday gift or do some early Christ- Library and Paragraph Books will be host- mas shopping then remember the follow- ing its 1st annual giant book fair. There will ing dates: Wednesday, October 31 and be books of all kinds, for all ages, on sale Thursday, November 1 in the Bishops during this two day event. So, if you are Atrium. A percentage from all sales will looking for a good book to read, if you go to the library. want to get a head start on the personal reading you have to do for your English Ms. Landry classes after the holidays, if you need to Volume V, Issue I Page 3 New Teacher Feature: Shawn A. Moore, s.j. Favorite movies: The Matrix (series) contacting the Jesuits and learning more Favorite music: techno/dance about their way of life and their aposto- Favorite hobbies: flying lates, I knew that this was the type of life I wanted to live. How has your childhood upbringing molded your character? Can you briefly explain the process in I remember I was quite young the formation of a Jesuit priest and what when my mother was disappointed with stage you are in currently? the way one person treated another. My Jesuits begin their new lives with mother wasn’t angry, but she was hurt. She a two-year period called novitiate. The looked at me and said, “We should never Jesuit novice spends these two years learn- treat another person like that.” I often ing what it means to be Jesuit and learning think of that to this day. It was a good les- how to live the life. At the end of his noviti- son; I learned how others’ actions can have ate, the novice pronounces simple perpet- unintended yet harmful repercussions. It ual vows of poverty, chastity and obedi- often causes me to reflect to this day.
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