' I-I. • • ' \ . ■ -• - '-t.To sta te ' I ' l c a V 3 j*'.' Julia DavIs Dr “ 3 oc >=.= . IdahoI d a h o ■ , , . S 3 7 0 5 , V ' ' ' . = o » p . ''v \ \ ■ I / J '**• \ \ / / / 1l^ome , Weather r — PEEZg^--' ' * Angler’s Dream i W 5 ^ Final ' J . ’ , M aagic V alley’s’s H om e NewspaperI p e r VOL. 65 NO. 169 '' TWTWIN IN FALLS, IDAHO, MONDAY,M ONDAY, S E P T E M B E R '30,30. 1968__________ _____________________ T E N C EN TS Schools ^ Is: V ote F{Favors i A r m y , Open In I g Greek ^ Argutnent[it I I Reduceic e s P o wwer ( Off KI i n g [ NEW YORK (AP) — Most of I ATHENS (AP) — Completeomplele cucurb poliiical- corruption, which tolo a parliamentary systemn such conticontinue In the country, and New York City's 1.1 millionn ppub- u b - ■ ■M : returns from Sunday’s referen- ththe Papadopoulos regime2 con- as the one swept out of officerice by abouabout 2.100 leftists remain im- . lic school children returnedled to ■ ■ 3 d u m gave the military-backed-backed leilends Was rampant under elect- n hbloodless army coup Apriliril 21, prisoprisoned on two Aegean Sca Is- . classes Mondoy after a ththree- re e - ■ roregime g im i today a 92.2 perer centcenl ed Greek governments ofof the 196’1967. The next srep wouldlid bc landslands. At least 12 former depu- week strike by unionized teach-tc a c h - H f l __ m ajonly approval for Us iconsli- consli- pa past. gengeneral elections, but no) datedate ticsties ior politician^ also are still crs, but- the ^reem ent "wRichwhich ^ njH lution.tu tio n . The charter reducesices the Adoption of o-new-consLitutJonitution has been set, undeiunder house arrest, or in exile in settled the dispute was labeleda b c lc d ^ B | powerp o w e r of thc monarchy and cs-es- is just a first step loward returnrivreturnt^TartlalTlaw-and-press-conlroiconlrol rurolrural-dreas. ' . ---------------------------------- unacceptable by ths head of ththo e tablishes a powerful executive.e c u tiv e . “------------------------------------------------------------- Brooklyn school district.whichw h ic h . .' Despitei>csi whispered skepticismip tlc is m touched off the strike. ' ^ . hhere e re an(l oi»n doubts abroad The Rev. C, Herhert Oliver,D llver, , about the fairness of the refer- , , chnirman of the locQhsoveniirtgc rn iH g . U‘ ......- cildumcildum, thc regime hailed(^'sNeWJersi the ^ irsey PoundtndsRedsl board in the Ocean Hili-Drowns-ro w n s- . ’ . 1 outcome “as“ an overwhelmingh e lm in g . viJle district, said "wc cannot vvote o te of confidence from the comply with” an aRrcementmt be- »• J |M ’m-.' . Greek people.' Government tween the Board of Education ^ I B . 0 » , spokesmanspokes Byron Stamatopou- and the Teacher’s Union. ' A los called it "unreservedi sup- i With 2,71700-Poundmd Shells port of the government anda n d theth e TTie agreement he referred toto, . BI ■ ■ ordering back to Oceani HHill- ill- ^ ■H q revolution.’’rev o lu , . SAIGON (AP) — The• New 1The 56,000-lon vessel, three my positionsi from its battle sla- UIt wwas the Jirst vote permitted j( B ro w n sv ille 110 te ac h er.'; lh e irmiited Jersey, ihe first Americanin bat- timtimes as long as a football1 field, tion in the Tonkin Gulf. 2nJn Greece .since thc coup d’etat district says it doesn’t want, Cn p d etat tieslilp (0 see action sincece the turnedtur her 16-Jnch guns on>n cne-cnc- DtDuring her first mission, an ■ P j nearly 18 monihs ago. No oppo- was approved Sunday night by n e a rly lo oppo- Korean .War, entered the; Viet- my gun positions and bunkersunkers aeruaerial spotter reported that four the striking tcachers. H ||J J sitio n w a s p e rm itte d . p;,nam conflict today by bombard-■nbard- se\seven miles norlh-northwcstvest of auloautomatic weapons sites that ■ A ,iJn a Slatement today PremierPremier jngjn Ny^ih Vietnamese positions)sitions thethc U.S. outpost of Con Thien.lien. were tiring at his aircraft were Oliver did not make cleara r ththe c ■ ■ George Papadopoulos saidiaid d^e-de- the northern half of the;he do- The' battleship hurled her 2,- dostdestroyed. Tliirty yards of effect of the local board’s un- - mocracym o c ra "would bc broadened” 700-pound missiles into the\c ene-eno- Iren'trcnchllne were collapsed and a willingness to comply with theth e I adened militarized zone. 700 KfljKjll in this Atlantic Alliance1 nation. - — ■' — ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- roroad, ac was cut in two placcs as agreenient, but indicatedd theth e r ■ ■ I TThe h e constitution goes Into et- the huge projectiles, which can board might set up its own . feetfe e t immediately except for 12 penetrate 30 feet of reinforced s c h o o ls. ' , I of itsIts 138 articles. These deal .' concrete, slammed inlo the posU ' A.number of Negro teachersachcrs " <. ■- j^ H with individual freedoms,;%kViet public Leaderider Urges itio n s . and students at a„junior high j [^^2 tissenassembly ' and freedom of the A Navy spokesman said that school in the Brooklyn district I press. They are to take effect at f on her second mission of the walked out this morning. SSome o m e I R ^R ththe e government's discretion. i day. the New Jet^ey destroyed of thc students said their teach- I [T w | TheT h c constitution also tsets: up Trade- With^ith North i.an enemy artillery posilion and ers had told them to leavev e th* I unprecedented measuresr e s to three!Ih re bunkers and scattered school. ‘ ^ SAIGON (AP)—Foreignn Min- giigime. ‘ supjsu p p lie s. Within a few minules, howev- ‘'' ‘ '' ister Tran Chanh Thanhh pro- A while paper is a govern- A]Apparenlly the New Jersey’s er, the teachers and pupilss rcreen­ c n - pi1«c posed today tbat Nprlh;h nnd miment document consideredired to chicchief mission will be to try to' tered the building at the urging B RuskRl C^onferst - J . a gSouth Vietnam engage in cui- hahave greater than usual impor-jmpor- knoiknock out heavily fortified of a community governing I; tural and economic exchangesihanges tance.tai NorNorth Vietnamese gun eqiplace- board official and a number of * IT to unite the two nationss after Thanh said the white paperpapcr merments. along' the demilitarized .p a re n ts . AN IB O S O L D IE R C APTURED P T U R E D Ibyil Nigerian troops In1 BiafraBlalrtt thro?throws up his hands In anguish,Eukh ' \W w ith Thant •;pcace Is restored. al:also shows that his governmentsrnment zonazoni that have withstood coun- ilirig raged In (hat war-lorn nation,Ion, It , >* The officials said the pupils□uoils ® captors tell him hc10 will dlc‘dlc as a traitor. As fighllrtg raged h J - But he said lhat peace is con- "I:"is ready to meet Northh Viet- terttertire from the allies and aerial ut against the young soldier. (AP wire- "got scared" by thc-T>rescnce’nce of ^ determined if the10 sentencescntenco was later carried oul against thc tingent on the withdrawalwal by nanam wilh a view to discussingicussing aliaattacks. 'd^fng; photo cgblcd from London)lon)_________________________________________'________ On‘Issues’ ' •; police in thc btiilding, ad<^ing; P — hNorth Vietnam ot till Its regular ththe cessation of hostilities,ies, the TlThese cmplaccmenls, some "They’ve got thom In the boiler UNUNITED NATIONS,, N.Y. troopsti as well as its "auxiliaryiixiliary rerespect for the demarcationIon line dug deep into, hillsides, contain room and checking out thc j (AP) — Secretary of Stateale Dean forces"(i trom the South. alialong the 17th parallel, peaceful>eacerul big Sovlcl-built artillery pleccs Rusk discussed Vietnam,am, thc Thanh spoke with newsmenjwsmen cocoexistence, and culturaliral as whiwhich have been harassing al- Oliver also expressed Inio'ranger FortasJL FoeFoe Says "PolTolitics’ pproposed Big Four summit aafler releasing South Vietnam'sctnam's wiwell as economic exchangesiges be- lied camps along tho frontier, - ...... -over thc heavy concentration of conferenceconfc and other issuessues In a nninth annual while paper■ on thcthe tvtween ihe two zones oncee pcace inciincluding Con Thien, Glo LInh,- policcmen Inside and outside thc j • "lively and friendly” private Vietnam\ war. EntitledI "The Is restored.'’ and Dong Ha, headquarlers of junior high school. J talk with Secreiary-Gencralsncral U Warv In Vietnam, Liberationitlon or "It Is up lo the North and the the U.S. 3rd Marine Division "Is this Czechoslovakia?" he ForcedJ. WaWarren Tob RtResign Thants„ on Monday. /Aggression?”, the 52-pa'ge;e docu*docu- ScSouth, together. In meetings,Ings, to and a vital operational baso for c a m p . a.sked. "This Is an arm ed camp. RuskRu talked with reporters timent presents evldonce of what stsettle these points," Thanhnh said, the DMZ. We don’t need them.” [or more It says aro North Vietnam’sa’s overt "I"including .where, whenen and -W llhin mlnulea the New Jer- - : , an- WASHINGTON-(AP) - Sen. of « hers, D- Itr the offlcc of chief justice."Ico ” hrlefbriefly after meeting for more i Tho agreement was an- V - Sen. of Son George A. Smnihers, Dr liFtl hanl—the and covert operations to10 over- hihow lo organize generalal dec- sey can lay down a ninc-gun Panama Ho snid this wns due totn "cnl-"rnl- Ihnn lan hour with Thant—the a nounccd Sunday afternoonn after GpGordon Allott, R-Colo,, saidaid to- MnFla., reported hc is In Panama Hi will hold throw tho Saigon governmenternment tllions In North ond Southth Viet-Viel- brObroadside roughly equlvolenl ^ lo n o f a culated phrnfeology'’ in-^ letters ‘‘rstfirst In a series Rusk will hold I n Id-hour negotiating sessionslon at ‘i'jy Senate’s fourth day of to iattend the inauguration of a cula h foreign «nd install a Communistlist rc-re- ninam to work out unification."tion.'* ha];half Ihc bomb load 0/ o^Bs2 s resi- debate on Abe Fortas’ nomina-omina- new president and won’t’t returnrclurn exclexchnngcd by W arren andnd Pres- *he next 10 days with foreign ® Mayor John V.
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