F=HOW TO GET THE LEADER"- Just Fill in the Form On Page 16 And Return It to Us! - Serving the Town Since 1890 — 232-4407 FIFTV CENTS OUR in Thursday, May 4,1995 MATTER IS EXPECTED NOW TO BE APPEALED IN SUPERIOR COURT After 45 Hearings Spread Over Two Years, Planning Board Denies ShopRite Proposal for New Store on Westfield Lumber Site 5 to 1 By SUZETTE STALKER ceiver" in order to prevent vehicular No additional testimony was sup- feared large tractor trailers traveling posed to be gi ven by cither side in the W<* Writm/br Vit Wriftid UaUr ' north on Central Avenue en route to overcrowding in the loading area. The Westfield Planning Board During the board's discussion of case during last week's meeting to the supermarket would have diffi- decide the outcome. reached Its long-awaited verdicl culty makingright-hand turns if North Village Supermarkets'letter with Mr. Thursday in the controversial "It's unfortunate that this letter Avenue were restriped. came in today, but here it is, and I ShopRite case voting 5-1 to deny The Westfield Town Council re- Village Supermarkets' application don't think we should ignore it, ei- cently attempted to rezone an eight- ther," remarked Planning Board at- after more than two years of elabo- acre area, including the subject prop- Freeholders Back rate testimony, emotional public ap- torney William S. Jeremiah, 2nd. erty, currently designated as com- though he did concede that the dis- peals and legal wrangling over the mercial, which would have prevented course of 45 lengthy hearings. Legislation to Aid cussion "had gone loo far" in the establishment of a new retail opera- direction of a public hearing. Board members, each of whom tion on the site. discussed their feelings about he ap- The governing body failed to get Proposed Mall: Mayor Garland C. "Bud" Bootlie, plication prior to the vote, collec- the necessary six of nine votes, how- Jr. slated that he had "very mixed tively cited traffic and safety con- ever, after Superior Court Judge Bar- See Page 2 feelings" about the loading area rs- cerns, as well as potential negative bara Byrd Wecker ruled that First sue, explaining that while monitor- impact on the quality of life in West- Ward Councilman Norman N. Greco, ing traffic on the lot would be the field,as thcirchief reasons for oppos- whose wife's family owns a great store's responsibility, any problems ing construction of (he 58,000-square- deal of commercial property in West- which affected North Avenue would foot store on North Avenue. field, had to abstain from voting un Partial Collapse ultimately becomethc town's resrxi n- Mark C. Boyd was the sole board the proposed zone change due to a sibility. member to vote against denying the conflict of interest. OfSouthside Building He added that he w;is also con- cerned about the increase in the size application. A particular sore point among plan- Mr. Boyd favored granting the tip- Brings Firemen: ot some newermodcls of tractor trail- ning Board members and approxi- ers — from an average 55 to 6."> feel plication preliminary site plan ap- mately 50 local residents who turned proval with remediation in order to See Page 28 long — and the current trend of "just out for the verdicl was the arrival that in time" deliveries of goods lo super- address those aspects of the proposal same day of a four-page, single- which officials felt were unsatisfac- markets which could complicate spaced letter from Village Supermar- Clajslc Studio lor 7710 WostfWd Losder schedules and create traffic hazards. tory. He felt that the supermarket kets in response to recommendations MAKING HIS POINT...Frank Sauro, the General Counsel for Village Super- would have been an "appropriate use" markets, makes a statement In support of his firm's application to construct a The board's rejection of the which had been made earlier by town Sauro concerning the loading area for the five-acre site, currently occu- planner Rlais Brancheau. ShnpKitc supermarket on North Avenue during (lie Planning Board's meeting ShopRile application drew a stand- on April 27. The board rejected liic application, 5-1. and other matters, opposition attor- ing ovation from the audience, though pied by the Westfield Lumber and Mr. Brancheau told the board that Home Center and intersected by the neys William Uutler and Brian W. several openly expressed concern that although the letter arrived on short nut Street and North Avenue, which ate as much of a buffer as possible" to Fahey leapt to their feet in protest, Village Supermarkets could come Garwood border. ' notice, Village Supermarkets had He conceded, however, that he is in close proximity to several base- accommodate potential changes in arguing the llth-hour correspondence back in the near future with a revised "generally agreed" to address con- ballund basketball playing fieldsuti- parking needs which might occur in was providing ihe applicant with an proposal that might win a different would have preferred a smaller store cerns which were outlined in his own on the property and shared his col- lized by families and children par- the loading area in the future. additional opportunity to present its verdict from local officials. Mr. report "in a manner satisfactory to ticularly on weekends, when store Frank Sauro, General Counsel for case. Jeremiah responded thai while any- leagues' concern about traffic miti- the board." gation which had been proposed by traffic was expected to be highest. Village Supermarkets, responded that The action drew thunderous ap- one could present a new application The board was concerned with There was also much discussion the company demonstrates "tremen- plause from meinbcrsof the uudience to develop the subject property, the theapplicantincooperation with state potential traffic queues at North and Department, of Truntportation re>- surrounding the proposed loading dous flexibility" in coordinating its which lasted nearly a full minute, as current replication was finisherl Central Avenues,~ii£Avell Sslhe effect area forilic supermarket, wliich buurd delivery Schedules, noting that deliv' board mem bers attempted to balance It is expected the matter will now qulrements for the intersection of theproposedsupermarketwouldhave North and Central Avenues. Officials members felt could become congested cries could be scheduled in incre- the meeting without alluwing it to beappealed by ShopRite in the Supe- hadonthcinterscctionofSouthChest- by multiple tractor trailers and up- ments and monitored by a store "re- become yet another public hearing. rior Courts. proxiniulcly 40 smaller vehicles which were anticipated to inake de- liveries to the store during an eight- Planning Board Grants hour period. Board Sets Out Job Description Mr. Bruncheau reported that the applicant had proposed an "average" Four-Lot Development number of spaces in the loading area for a store Uiat size, but noted thai For Proposed Director of Technology Homes on Lawrence Avenue to Be Sold for $450,000 Each sometime!! a supermarket will have trucks parked by the bays overnight, A Salary Limit of$75,000 Is Set by Board for New Post By JEANNE WHITNEY Three of the lots will share an 18- diminishing the number of available Sptelelly Writunfbr Th,W,:ifi,U UaJrr foot wide driveway, he said. spaces in the loading area — acondi- By TUCKER TRIMBLE dents turned out for the meeting which Mark C. Smith, said Ihe position of SfH-tiotlv Wrintnjar Vir Wrjtfirld Uatftr With area residents claiming to An existing house on one of the tion the town planner advised could was held at Washington School as DirectorofTechnology was strongly have collected over 100 signatures lots will be torn down, nccording to be controlled through "self-enforce- The Westfield Board of Education part of the: board's plan to hold at least recommended by the Technology since January in a fight against a the plan. ment" by the supermarket. unanimously approved the job de- two meetings during the year at dis- Committee over two years ago, and proposed major subdivision devel- Attorney James B. Flynn of He also urged the applicant, if the scription for a new Director of Tech- trict schools. its need has been widely recognized nology on Tuesday. Almost 70 resi- opment on Lawrence Avenue near Weslfield, representing several resi- board did decide in its favor, to "cre- Superintendent of Schools, Dr. CQNJWUEDONPAGE It Barchester Way, the Westfield Plan- dents whose properties are adjacent ning Board unanimously gave condi- to the lots, appealed to the board for Arc You Registered tional approval to Eastgaie Square extraordinary limits on how close a Noise, Litter Problems From Flea Markets Limited Partnership for a minor sub- proposed house could be built to the For the Primary? division at the site Monday based on common property line. He also asked Extended periods forrcgislraliunfor a new plan that eliminates the pro- for visual screening, such as trees, to Cause Reconsideration of Laws About Them the Tuesday. June 6. Primary Election posed cul-de-sac and one of the pro- be required. have been scheduled by the Town posed five houses. Board member Robert L. Newell Clerk's office. Residents may register According to the applicant, Mark rejected the notion of requiring Limit on Number of Such Sales and Arrival Times for Vendors Urged through Monday. May 8 Fertaakos, "There was public con- screening between residential prop- The Town Clerk's office will be cern that I was building too many erties, citing the nearly 200 feet be- By PAUL J. PEYTON number of suggestions to the govern- sponsor the weekend flea markets open for registration from 4:30 to V houses on the property, so I listened tween the existing and proposed SprilnlliWrilleitJiir Hr WtitfirMUi*Ur ing body regarding the problem.
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