South Carolina Native Plant Society THE UPSTATE NATIVE NURSERY SPRING 2021 SALE PLANT PRICING & OPENING INVENTORY as of 26Mar21 Scientific Name Common Name Size Price CARNIVOROUS PLANTS Size Price Dionaca muscipula Venus Flytrap 3” 10.00 Drosera binata Sundew 4” 12.00 Mixed variety plants Mixed variety in Large PlanterLgPot 50.00 Premixed soil for carnivorous plants Premixed soil (Gallon Bag) 1g 3.00 Sarracenia flava Yellow Pitcher Plant 4” 25.00 Sarracenia flava rugeli Yellow Pitcher Plant 4” 20.00 Sarracenia ‘Judith Hindle’ Pitcher Plant ‘Judith Hindle’ 4” 20.00 Sarracenia leucophylla White Pitcher Plant 4” 25.00 Sarracenia leucophylla tarnok White Pitcher Plant 4” 25.00 Sarracenia minor Hooded Pitcher Plant 4” 18.00 Sarracenia oreophila Green Pitcher Plant 4” 18.00 Sarracenia purpurea Purple Pitcher Plant 4” 10.00 Sarracenia purpurea Montana Purple Pitcher Plant 4” 15.00 Sarracenia rubra Sweet Pitcher Plant 3” 12.00 Sarracenia rubra Sweet Pitcher Plant 4” 12.00 Sarracenia rubra in Planter Sweet Pitcher Plant in Planter 6” 20.00 FERNS SizePrice Adiantum pedatum Fern, Northern Maidenhair Fern 3” 4.00 Asplenium platyneuron Fern, Ebony Spleenwort 1g 10.00 Athyrium filix-femina v. Asplenoides Fern, Southern Lady Fern 3” 4.00 Athyrium filix-femina v. Asplenoides Fern, Southern Lady Fern 1g 10.00 Diplazium pycnocarpon Fern, Narrow Leaf Glade Fern 1g 10.00 Dryopteris celsa Fern, Log Fern 3” 4.00 Dryopteris celsa Fern, Log Fern 1g 10.00 Dryopteris celsa Fern, Log Fern 3g 20.00 Dryopteris goldiana Fern, Goldies Giant Wood Fern 3” 4.00 Dryopteris goldiana Fern, Goldies Giant Wood Fern 1g 10.00 Onoclea sensibilis Fern, Sensitive Fern 1g 10.00 Osmunda spectabilis Fern, Royal Fern 1g 10.00 Osmunda spectabilis Fern, Royal Fern 3g 20.00 Osmundastrum cinnamomeam Fern, Cinnamon Fern 3” 4.00 Osmundastrum cinnamomeam Fern, Cinnamon Fern 1g 10.00 Osmundastrum cinnamomeam Fern, Cinnamon Fern 3g 20.00 Polystichum acrostichoides Fern, Christmas Fern 1g 10.00 1 Scientific Name Common Name Size Price Polystichum acrostichoides Fern, Christmas Fern 3g 18.00 Thelypteris confluens Fern, Marsh Fern 1g 10.00 Thelypteris kunthi Fern, Southern River Fern 3” 4.00 Woodwardia areolate Fern, Netted Chain Fern 1g 10.00 GRASSES & SEDGES SizePrice Andropogon gerardii Bluestem, Big 1g 8.00 Andropogon glomeratus Bluestem, Bushy 1g 8.00 Andropogon ternarius Bluestem, Splitbeard 1g 8.00 Arundinaria gigantea Cane, River 1g 8.00 Carex appalachica Sedge, Appalachian 4Tall 6.00 Carex cherokeensis Sedge, Cherokee 1g 8.00 Carex flaccasperma Sedge, Blue Wood 1g 8.00 Carex laxiculmis Sedge, Creeping 1g 8.00 Chasmanthium latifolium Sea Oats, Inland 4” 4.00 Chasmanthium latifolium Sea Oats, Inland 1g 8.00 Chasmanthium laxum Woodoats, Slender 1g 8.00 Eragrostis elliottii Lovegrass, Elliott’s 1g 8.00 Juncus effusus Rush, Common 1g 8.00 Muhlenbergia capillaris Muhly Grass, Pink 1g 8.00 Panicum virgatum Switchgrass 1g 8.00 Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' Switchgrass ‘Shenandoah' 1g 10.00 Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' Switchgrass ‘Shenandoah' 2g 15.00 Saccharum alapecuroides Plumegrass, Silver 1g 8.00 Schizachyrium scoparium Little Bluestem, Little 1g 8.00 Sorghastrum elliottii Indiangrass, Slender 1g 8.00 Sorghastrum nutans Indiangrass, Yellow 1g 8.00 Tripsacum dactyloides Eastern Gamagrass 1g 8.00 HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS Size Price Agastache foeniculum Hyssop, Anise 1g 8.00 Agastache scrophularlifolia Hyssop, Purple Giant 1g 8.00 Allium cernuum Nodding Onion 1g 8.00 Amsonia hubrichtii Bluestar, Threadleaf 1g 8.00 Amsonia tabernaemontana Bluestar, Eastern 1g 8.00 Amsonia tabernaemontana v. Salicifolia Bluestar, Willowleaf v. Salicifolia 1g 8.00 Anemone virginiana Thimble Weed 1g 8.00 Antennaria solitaria Pussytoes 1g 8.00 Aquilegia canadensis Columbine 1g 8.00 Arisaema dracontium Jack-in-the Pulpit, Green Dragon 1g 10.00 2 Scientific Name Common Name Size Price Arisaema quinatum Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Five-leaved 1g 10.00 Arisaema triphyllum Jack-in-the-Pulpit 4” 8.00 Aroncus dioicus Goats Beard 1g 12.00 Asclepias incarnata Milkweed, Swamp Milkweed 1g 8.00 Asclepias tuberosa Milkweed, Butterfly Milkweed 1g 8.00 Asclepias verticillata Milkweed, Whorled Milkweed 1g 8.00 Baptisia alba Indigo, White False Indigo 1g 15.00 Baptisia australis Indigo, Blue False Indigo 1g 15.00 Chelone (spp? Turtlehead, White Turtlehead 1g 8.00 Chrysopsis mariana Goldenaster, Maryland 1g 8.00 Clayton virginica Spring Beauty 1g 10.00 Conoclinium coelestinum Blue Mistflower 1g 8.00 Coreopsis auriculata Coreopsis, Mouse-ear 4” 5.00 Coreopsis auriculata Coreopsis, Mouse-ear 1g 8.00 Coreopsis grandiflora Tickseed, Large Flower 1g 8.00 Coreopsis integrifolia Tickseed, Fringeleaf 1g 8.00 Coreopsis major Tickseed, Greater 1g 8.00 Coreopsis tripteris Tickseed, Tall 1g 8.00 Echinacea pallida Coneflower, Pale Coneflower 1g 8.00 Echinacea purpurea Coneflower, Purple Coneflower 1g 8.00 Elephantopus tomentosus Elephant’s Foot 1g 8.00 Erigeron pulchellus Robin’s Plantain 4” 4.00 Eryngium yuccifolium Rattlesnake Master 1g 15.00 Erythronium umbilicatum Trout Lily, Dimpled 4” 8.00 Eupatorium hyssopifolium Thoroughwort, Hyssop-leaved 1g 8.00 Eupatorium rotundifolium Thoroughwort, Roundleaf 1g 8.00 Eupatorium serotinum Thoroughwort, Late Blooming 1g 8.00 Eupatorium serotinum Thoroughwort, Late Blooming 2g 12.00 Eurybia divaricata Aster, White Wood Aster 1g 8.00 Eutrochium dubium 'Little Joe' Joe Pye Weed, Dwarf 1g 12.00 Eutrochium fistulosum Joe Pye Weed, Hollow 1g 18.00 Geranium maculatum Geranium, Spotted Wild 1g 8.00 Helianthus angustifolius Sunflower, Swamp Narrowleaf 1g 8.00 Helianthus atrorubens Sunflower, Purpledisc 1g 8.00 Helianthus giganteus Sunflower, Tall 1g 8.00 Helianthus glaucopyllus Sunflower, White Leaf 1g 8.00 Helianthus tuberosus Sunflower, Jerusalem Artichoke 1g 8.00 Hibiscus coccineus Rose Malow, Scarlet 3g 15.00 Hibiscus moscheutos Rose Mallow, Swamp 1g 10.00 Hibiscus moscheutos Rose Mallow, Swamp 3g 15.00 3 Scientific Name Common Name Size Price Hypoxia hirsuta Yellow Star Grass 4”Tall 6.00 Iris cristata Iris, Dwarf Crested 4” 4.00 Iris cristata Iris, Dwarf Crested 1g 10.00 Liatris spicata ‘Kobold' Gayfeather, 'Kobold' 1g 10.00 Liatris spicata Gayfeather, Blazing Star 1g 8.00 Lilium michauxii Lily, Carolina 3+ years 1g 15.00 Lilium michauxii Lily, Carolina 4+ years 1g 20.00 Lilium michauxii Lily, Carolina 5+ years 4”Tall 20.00 Lilium superbum Lily, Turk’s Cap 6+ Years 4”Tall 20.00 Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal Flower 1g 8.00 Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal Flower 4” 4.00 Lobelia siphilitica Lobelia, Great Blue 1g 8.00 Maianthemum racemosum Solomon's Plume 1g 10.00 Mertensia virginica Virginia Bluebells 1g 12.00 Mitchella repens Partridge Berry 4” 6.00 Mitchella repens Partridge Berry 1g 10.00 Monarda braburiana Beebalm, Eastern 1g 8.00 Monarda didyma ‘Jacob Cline’ Beebalm, 'Jacob Cline' 4” 4.00 Monarda didyma ‘Jacob Cline’ Beebalm, 'Jacob Cline' 1g 10.00 Monarda fistulosa Beebalm, Wild Bergamot 1g 8.00 Monarda punctata Beebalm, Spotted 1g 8.00 Oenothera fruticosa Sundrops 1g 8.00 Parthenium integrifolium Wild Quinine 1g 8.00 Penstemon digitalis X Beardtongue, Smooth 1g 8.00 Penstemon digitalis X Beardtongue, Smooth 4” 4.00 Penstemon smallii Beardtongue, Small’s 1g 8.00 Phlox divaricata Phlox, Woodland 1g 8.00 Physostegia virginiana Obedient Plant 1g 8.00 Pityopsis graminifolia Goldenaster, Silk Grass 1g 8.00 Polygonatum biflorum Solomon's Seal 1g 10.00 Polygonatum biflorum Solomon's Seal 4” 6.00 Pycnanthemum incanum Mountain Mint, Hoary 4” 4.00 Pycnanthemum incanum Mountain Mint, Hoary 1g 8.00 Pycnanthemum muticum Mountain Mint, Short Tooth 1g 8.00 Pycnanthemum pycnanthemoides Mountain Mint, Southern 1g 8.00 Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Mountain Mint, Narrowleaf 1g 8.00 Pycnanthemum verticillium v. pilosum Mountain Mint, Whorled 1g 8.00 Pycnanthemum virginianum Mountain Mint, American 1g 8.00 Rudbeckia fulgida v. fulgida Coneflower, Orange v. Fulgida 1g 8.00 Rudbeckia fulgida v.Goldsturm Coneflower, Black-eyed Susan 1g 8.00 4 Scientific Name Common Name Size Price Rudbeckia heliopsidis Coneflower, Sunfacing 1g 8.00 Rudbeckia hirta Coneflower, Black-eyed Susan 1g 8.00 Rudbeckia maxima Coneflower, Giant 1g 8.00 Rudbeckia subtomentosa ‘Henry Eiler’s’ Coneflower, Sweet ‘Henry Eiler’s’ 4” 5.00 Rudbeckia triloba Coneflower Brown-eyed Susan 1g 8.00 Ruellia caroliniensis Carolina Petunia 1g 8.00 Salvia lyrata Lyreleaf Sage, Cancer Weed 1g 8.00 Sanguinaria canadensis Bloodroot 1g 12.00 Sedum ternatum Woodland Stonecrop 1g 8.00 Shortia galacifolia Oconee Bells 4” 26.00 Silene ovata Catchfly, Blue Ridge 1g 8.00 Silphium terebinthinaceum Prairie Dock 2g 10.00 Sisyrinchium angustifolium Blue-Eyed Grass 1g 8.00 Solidago erecta Goldenrod, Slender 1g 8.00 Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks' Goldenrod, Rough 'Fireworks' 1g 8.00 Solidago speciosa Goldenrod, Showy 1g 8.00 Spigelia marilandica Indian Pink 1g 12.00 Stokesia laevis Aster, Stokes 4” 4.00 Stokesia laevis Aster, Stokes 1g 8.00 Symphyotrichum elliottii Aster, Elliott’s 1g 8.00 Symphyotrichum georgianum Aster, Georgia 1g 8.00 Symphyotrichum novae-angliae Aster, New England 1g 8.00 Symphyotrichum novi-belgii Aster, New York 1g 8.00 Symphyotrichum oblongifolium Aster, Aromatic 1g 8.00 Symphyotrichum oblongifolium ‘Raydon’s Favorite’ Aster, Aromatic ‘Raydon’s Favorite’ 1g 10.00 Symphyotrichum oolentangiensis Aster, Blue Sky 1g 8.00 Tephrosia spicata Spiked Hoarypea 1g 8.00 Tephrosia virginiana Goat’s Rue 1g 8.00 Tiarella cordifolia Foamflower 1g 10.00 Tradescantia virginiana Spiderwort 1g 8.00 Trillium cuneatum Trillium, Sweet Betsy 4” 8.00 Trillium grandiflora Trillium, Great White
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