2306 FEBRU.A:RY 9, I PETITIONS, •ETQ. 1 of the waste Jands; to the Committee on Irrigation of Arid Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid 'Lands. on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: , 3909. Also, resolutions adopted by the· Civic Improvement 'lub 3889. .:ay :Mr. AN:~ORGE: Petition of the. Harlem Board o:lr of Wendall, Id~o, urging-the enactment of legislation providing Commerce, of New York, favoring everything being . done for· fo! a more rapid development of the wa te lands; to the om­ disabled ex-service men in obtaining positions, etc., but oppos-· m1ttee on Irrigation of Arid Lands. ing any bonus; to _the Committee.·on ..Ways and :Means. 3910. Also, resolutions adopted by the Richfield Women's Club 3890. Also, petition of the ChamBer ·or. Commerce, State of· · ?f Richfield, 'Idaho, .urging the enactment of legislation provid~ New York, approving the. stand taken. bY. the Secretary of the mg for a more raprd development of the waste land ; to the Treasury with regard to the-prop<JEed_bonus·to ex-service men, Committee on l:rrigation of Arid Lands. as et for~h in h!~..... r~cen~)efter !o...a..Representati\e Fordney·; to 3911. Also, resol~tions adopted by the Elmore Development the Commrttee on Ways and Means. League, of Mountam Home, Idaho, urging the enactment of leg- 3891. Also, petition of the _.Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, islation providing for a more rapid development of the wa. te New Yor.Ii, o.QPosing '.soldiers'~bonus'bill-; to the Committee on lands; to the Committee on Irrigation of Arid Lands. Ways and Means. 3912. Also, resolution adopted by the officers and member of 3892. By 1\Ir. BURROUGHS: Petitjon of Goodwill Council, the Crescent Improvement Club, of Emmett, Idaho, urging the No. 4, Junior Order of American 1\Iechanics, by Choate E. :Me- enactment of legislation pro"Viding for a more rapid develop­ Kenzie, secretary, and 35 other members, ur-ging the passage ment of the wa te lands; to the Committee on Irrigation of Arid of tile Towner-Sterling bill;·· to the Committee on 'Education. Lands. 3893. BY. 1\Ir. CULLEN: -Resolution adopted by the Consum- 3913. By i\lr. THOMPSON : Petition of citizen of Delpho. , ers League, of the Ridgewood-Rushwick section, urging the e:x:- Ohio, for an in\estigation of the excessive cost of hard coal; to emption from taxation the income derived from mortgages upon the •Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. real estate; to the Committee on Ways and 1\Ieans. 3914. ·By Mr. Sl\IITH of ·Idaho: Resolution adopted by Elmore 3894. By 'Mr. KENNEDY: Petitions of the .'Pan-Albanian Post, No. 26, American Legion, of Mountain Home, Idaho, urging Federation of _<\merica "Vatra" '(the Hearth) (Inc.), of Lons- the enactment of the adjusted compensation legislation; to the tlale and Woonsocket, n. I., urging recognition of _t\lbanian Committee on 'Vays and Means. Government by the United States; to the Committee on For- 3915. By 1\Ir. SNELL: Resolutions adopted by Ru ell Grauge, eign Affairs. :No. 1031, at Ru sell, N. Y., urging the passage of the Voigt bill 3895. "By 1\Ir. ·KETCH.AM: Resolutions passed at the annual (H. n. ·8086) ; to the Committee on Agriculture. county farm bureau meeting on January 1.0, 1922, protesting 3916. By :Mr. SWING: Resolutions adopted by the Board of against the suspension of a large number of agricultural publi- Trade, of Fullerton, Calif., indorsing the adjusted compensation cations; to the Committee on Printing. bill for ex-service men and women; to the Committee on Ways 3896. By 1\Ir. KISSEL: Petition of the adjutant general of the an·d Means. State of New York, urging the passage of Senate bill 2307 and 3917. By Mr. TIMBERLAKE: Petition of •Fred I. Nichell House bill 7943, relative to National Guard legislation; to the and othei , of Colorado, urging the revival of the United States Committee on l\lilitary Affairs. Grain Corporation ; to the Committee on ~griculture. 3897. Also, petition of the New York State Federation of 3918. AI o, petition of ·H. Riechers and others, of Colomdo11 Labor, Utica, N. ·Y., urging the passage of the Fitzgerald bill urging the revi'val of the United States Grain Corporation; t~ J (H. It 10034) ; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. the Committee on Agriculture. 3898 . .Also, petition of Rudolf Voigt, of Brooklyn, N. Y., rela- 3919. Also, petition of John Furrer and others, of Colorauo, th·e to unemployment; to the Committee on Labor. urging the revival of the United States Grain Corporation; to 3899. By :llr. LirTHICUM: Petition of Adj. Gen. ::Uilton A. the Committee on Agliculture: · Reckord, of Baltimore, ·ud., favoring the passage of Senate bill 39-0. Also, petition of L. N. Bonicksen and others, of Colo­ :2992, providing for complete records of soldiers being fur- I'ado, urging the revival of the United States Grain Corporation; nished for future reference; to the Committee on l\Iilitary to the Committee on Agriculture. 'Affairs. 3921. Also, petition of J. W. Turner and others, of Colorado, 3900. AI. o, petition .of the Real E tate ·Board of Baltimore, urging the revival of the United State Grain Corporation; to Md., prote ·ting against passage of any form of , oldier bonus the ·Committee on Agriculture. legislation; also petition of Jo. eph L. Votta, of. Baltimo1·e, ~f<l., 3922. Also, petition of Ralph Norton, sr., and others, of Colo­ fRvoring oldier .bonus bill; to the ·Committee on Ways and rado, urging the revival of the United States Grain Corporation; Means. to the Committee on Agriculhue. 3901. Also, petition of-the ·Standard A.ccident Insurance Co., of 3923. By l\Ir. WARD of No1:th Carolina: ·Resolutions adopted Baltimore, ~Jd., faYoring passage of 'Underhill bill; to the Com- by the forestry convention held at Wilmington, N. C., January mittee on -,laims. 27, 1922, under the auspices of the North Carolina Fore. try 3902. Also . .petitiou ·of Jame L. ·wroten, of Baltimore, ~ld., Association and the -~orth Caro~na Geological and Economic favoring tile passage of the Capper bill (S. 2531) ; to the Com- Suney; ·to the Committee on Agnculture. mittee on the Judiciary. 3003. Also, 1·esolution of the 'Maryland State Board of For­ estry, F. "\V. ·Besley, ·state foreste-r, of '.Baltiniore, Md., protest- SENATE. ing against •the transfer of the United States Fo1·est Service from the Department of Agriculture to Department of the Jn­ THunsnA.Y Feo?"uary 9, 192!3. terior; to the 'Committee on Agriculture. 3904. By ~Ir. P.ADGETT: Renolutions adopted by the Dick- (Legislative day of F1·iday, February 3, ·1922.) son Chamber of Commerce, urging the acceptance of Henry The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m., on the expiration of the Ford's l\Iuscte hoals offer ; to the Committee on ·:Military Af- recess.· fairs. 3903. By ::llr. ROGERS: Petition of the Pan-Albanian Feder- EXECUTIYE AND INDEPENDE~T OlfFICEs APPBOPRIATIO~s. ation of American 'Vatra" (the Hearth) (Inc.), of Hudson, The Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, resumed the con- Mass., urging the 1·ecognition of Albania by the ·u.oited States; sideration of the bill (H. R. 9981) making appropriations for to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. the ·Executive and for sundry independent executive bureaus, 3906. J3y :\Ir. SINCLAm: Petition of J. c. Allan, ,Elling-" boards, commissions, and offices for the fiscal year ending June Pederson, and Hon. w. J. Church, on behalf of the community 30, 1923, and for other purpose . of Baker, Benson County, N. Dak., favoring the passage.of the Mr. WARREN. •I ask that the readiug of the bill be pro- • inclair bill (H. R. 9461) for the stabilization of prices of farm ceeded with. products; to tlle Committee on Agriculture. lUr. POl\IERENE. ::.Ur. President, _I . uggest the ab ence of a 3907. Also, 13 petitions of citizens of Corinth, Lefor, Deering, quorum. ,'herwood,_ Par ball, Norma, Gardena, SentineLButte, Arnegard, The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will call the roll. Flaxton, New Salem, Van Hook, Mohall, Coulee, and other places The reading clerk called the roll and the following , enators in Xorth Dakota, urging the revival of the United States Grain answered to their name : Corporation aml the enactment of legislation for the stabiliza- .. Ashurst Harris 1 elson Robin ·on Heflin Newberry Sheppard tion of prices of farm products; to ·the Committee on .A.gricul- · ~~e~~;ee Hitchcock ~orris Underwood ture. Capper .Johnson Oudie Wal h,Mont. 3008. By Mr. Sl\IITH of Idaho: Resolutions adopted by the Caraway Jon·es, ·Wash. Overman Warren LaFollette Page Watson, Ga. Glenns Ferry (Idaho) Business Men's .Association, urging the ~~~e Lodge Poindro:ter Williams enactment of legislation-...pr_oT'iding'for :rmore-rapid development Hale :aicKinley Pomerene Willis .1922. CONGR-ESSIONAL R.ECORD-SENATE. 2307 I\Ir. CuRTIS. I was requested. to announce that the Senator De)llocrat voted slavishly to dishonor his own colleague for what an u~1mpeachable majority of the people of Michigan had done when, from 'orth Dakota (l\ir. l\IcCullBER], the Senator from Utah With full .knowledge of all the facts, they freely registered their pref­ [1\Ir. ~MOoJ.·]. the Senator from Vermont [Mr. DILLINGHAM],. erence for Senator NEWBERRY. the .'enator from Connecticut [Mr. McLEAN], and the Senator· Mr. President, it can not be that the junior Senator from from _~ew York [1\fr. CAI~DER] are detained at a meeting ·of the Pennsylvania has been correctly quoted. I believe he is a man Committee on Finance. of courage. I have had opportunity within the past 8 or 10 l\Ir.
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