Wednesday, September 10, 1924 THE DAILY WORKER Page Three SPANISH DICTATOR, PREPARING FOR BIG SOME SOCIETY NOTES ■ HUNGER, COAL BOUND FOR MOROCCO, I,NO PATERSON FOSTER MEETING AT BIG ROBBERS CROWDED OUT OF THE “MUM!” IS BIG I BARONS’ ALLY FACING MANY DEFEATS SILK STRIKERS . NEWARK, NEW JERSEY PLAN CORNER SUBSIDIZED PRESS WORD AT HAUNT (Special to The DAILY WORKER) (By The Federated Press) (By The Federated Press) ALGECIRAS, Spain, Sept. 9. —An- NEWARK, N. J., Sept. 9.—William SAN FRANCISCO.— For three Z. Foster, other Spanish warship left for Mor- Workers Party candidate weeks Edwin Armstrong. 19 years IN MINE ON for president, will speak at the OF WAR occo today, carrying General Primo PICKET LINE ON NEXT LAFOLLETTE WAR streets of San old, tramped the Rivera, dictator of Spain and head Labor Lyceum Sept. 11 at 8 p. m. hall at 704 Francisco, city that knows of the Spanish military directorate, The is South 14th Street, “the Desperate Conditions in who will make a desperate effort to Protest Against Injunc- Newark. Special circulars and Prepare Boycott how,” trying to find a job as book- Haven’t an Idea About dodgers of All retrieve the fortunes of the Spanish have been broadcasted by keeper, At last, his money all gone, the committee In charge West Virginia troops in the colony. tion Secured by Bosses of this Small Manufacturers poison, «yid will prob- Soviet Recognition ) meeting In order to attract as many he swallowed The peasants of Morocco, infuri- (Special to the DAILY WORKER) workers as possible to this cam- ably die. ART . By SHIELDS. ated by long years of oppression By * * * “Mum!” is the big word paign speech of the car worker and ESTHER LOWELL. that (Federated Press Staff Correspondent.) and exploitation, .have de- PATERSON, N. 9. {Federated Press Staff inflicted J., Sept. member of the 1919 Steel Strike Correspondent.) DALLAS. Tex.—Elizabeth Perry. now rules supreme at the sump- feat after Over 1,000 MORGANTOWN, W. Va., defeat on the Spanish pickets are on the Committee. NEW 18 year old high school girl arrest- tuous Morrison Hotel headquar- forces. In this they have YORK, Sept. 9.—“A1l Sept. 9.—Can hunger win? This the help picket-line in the Paterson silk ed on a charge of stealing clothes, ters of the LaFollette cam- hopes 3et for the next war!” seems to is the question the operators are of France, which to wrest strike as a protest against an in- declared in court that at the time paigners. control of the colony from the be the slogan of the Defense asking as the strike begins at junction secured by the Rosen- Test she robbed a house she was out of The most strenuous efforts hands of Spain. Morocco is one of Advisory Board, headed by job make the two big Brady-Warner stein Silk Company against YOUTH OF TOIL a and with no money to couldn’t get a single expression the richest agricultural regions in Judge Elbert H. Gary, chair- presentable during two mines at Run near here. picketing. herself the Scotts the world. man of the United States Steel been looking of opinion on the question of a watched has months she had for It is fight keenly by Primo Rivera has been A hearing been set for Corporation. work. She was bound over on a Secretary of State Hughes’ some union who selected 7iextv CELEBRATES ITS operators for the job on the strength of a Monday morning to decide Already the big munitions charge of burglary. most recent broadside on the would like to go non-union. long record of suppressing revolts whether the injunction will be manufacturers and aircraft e « * vital issue of Russian Soviet Same Brady is counting on in Spain. By consistent use of the permanent. WORLD HOLIDAY profiteers have been summoned SAN FRANCISCO.—Mrs. Antone recognition. starvation and evictions to win militia in strikes, he has succeeded Pickets March Thru Town. to plan their division of the Cadle had a little boy to care for Nelson Dumb as Ever. in nearly move- at home, to for him. Several months, ago crushing the labor The strikers' committee has in- Young Workers Prepare spoils of the war so but poverty forced her John M. Nelson, the Wisconsin com ment here. He has next that work outside and let little Remo he locked out his miners after declared the structed the pickets to avoid clashes the “fly-by-night gressman, is the campaign manager, General for New Struggles manufacturers look day declaring that ac- Confederation of Labor of with the police and .to keep right on after himself. One re- but in the campaign, as in congress, he would hot the country illegal. Then, in who,” according to Brig.-Gen. cently, after weeks of spite picketing the Rosenstein Silk Com- unemploy- reply on big problems cept the Jacksonville pact. Now of the fact International Youth Day was the oc- Guy Tripp, head of the Westing- ment, his only is, that the unions were she kissed Remo goodbye ” no pany. “Ask the ‘senator.’ By senator he he is attempting to reopen on longer supposed to exist, another | casion of a rousing mass meeting in house Electric and Manufactur- and went to seek a job in the coun- Every day the picket Chicago, means the Hon. Robert Marion La- an open shop basis and under law was passed requiring the pres- line marches Sunday evening. Northwest ing Company, “upset markets try. She returned at night, tired from the Turn Hall, Follette. the 1917 scale. ence of a government official at ev- where the strik- Hall was crowded with Chicago young and were the real profiteers dur- out, without the job—to find Remo ers meet, and gather more Campaign .Manager Nelson was n<f The miners were hungry: no one ery union meeting. recruits as workers who had gathered together on ing the late war,” will be out of j dead. He had fallen down stairs they march thru the town. At no the tenth anniversary of International lence on the question of Soviet reo* who has not seen the suffering in “Liberals” in Spain are appealing the game. in her absence and fractured his time is there any disturbance. Youth Day to hear the speakers of less emphatic in maintaining his si* coal camps where there has been no to France for help against Morocco The the Monopoly of Big Fellows. skull. oung * motorcycle officers who accompany 1 Workers’ League and the Work- * * ognition than he had been previously work for such a long time can realize on the ground that defeat of the The next war is to be a monopoly the pickets find no occasion ers Party. in refusing to commit himself on the how much they were suffering, but Spanish government in the colonies to make of the big militarists, judging from NEW YORK.— Julie Reinhardt, arrests. The speakers last night Earl once active Dawes plan, the Kit Klux Klan not a single miner entered the scab might bring a workers’ revolt at were their outlined plans for industrial an young actress and and Browder, editor, Labor Herald, J. | mo- the growing unemployment. pits. Not a single miner heeded home, and endanger the security of Strikers Out on Bail. bilization on Sept. 12. Incidentally, worker for women’s suffrage well Louis Engdahl, editor. DAILY WORK- known “The declaration of Secretary Brady’s threats to put them and their the French republic. The 107 strikers who were arrested Gary’s last, war profits were three and thruout the country, died of ER, and John Williamson, member of a alone and embittered by the State Hughes should offer you an ex- families out of the company houses, for picketing are out on bail and the half times his peace gains. Gen. J. long the Young Workers’ League National later years of neglect cellent opportunity to state the posi- the only homes they had. hearing has been set for Friday at G. Harbord, president of General Elec- which the Executive Committee. world had shown her. tion of the LaFollette campaign ot» ten o’clock. tric’s Radio Corporation of America; She was 80. Dedicate New Hall. Speak of Youth Movement. She spoke of the the question of Soviet recognition,’* ALLIED P. E. Crowley, head of monument the POWERS Appeals speakers the New’ York The Scotts Run miners had for aid for the strikers The dealt with the signi- recently Central women's party is erecting for Inez a reporter for the DAILY WORKER have so far met with good responses ficance of the arising youth railroad; S. Parker Gilbert, attended the monster mass meeting movement jr., Milholland and told had pointed out to Mr. Nelson. from the nearby in the young lawyer who has been at Brady, 15 miles away, where the co-operative stores America and how important it was worked for women’s votes even be- ' PELT NOTES AT chosen to succeed Owen No Statements Whatsoever. , United Mine of which donate bread and meat. A gen- to the Communist movement to or- D. Young as fore famous Workers America ded- reparations chief her co-worker. “I do not intend to make any state* icated the new union hall that rises eral appeal is being sent out to all ganize the working class industrial under the Dawes (plan for Europe; ments whatever during this cam- labor organizations to help youth. Samuel Mcßoberts, on the ashes of the One Sam Brady’s HELPLESS PEKING the strik- paign,” Nelson asured the DAILY president of the Metropolitan Mr.
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