•vmamfv* *W^MB«» ClltBUUTlON 51,217 tA*T *mnt*T, THE ATLANTA CONSTTTTTTT ON 49.O94 vol. ;KLVIII.—NO. a Dmttr BUT. 13 MBt» WMfetT. ATLANTA, QA.. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 23, 1915.—FOURTEEN PAGES. •» «*• w Mtawato • MBta. LAWMAKERS MEEF E WILSON.AND HIS NEfr GRANDCHILD BIG TEUTON GUNS TODAY TO BEGIN ffiKSBEDFOR CO-EDUCATIONAL VOTES TO SUSTAIN PLACED TO SHELL Anti-American Newspaper FIFMf GRIND Suspended at Berlin. SCHOOLJTRUCTURE GALIWAPITAL * ^ Count Reventlow's Attacks Advance Guard Arrived DayvBros. To Erect Four- 1 on United States Cause of Story Building on South Polke Board Claim Prepon- Both London and Petrograd Tuesday, Stormed Kimball Suspension. derance of Evidence Was Admit That Lemberg Will House Lobby and Talked Pryor Street at a. Cost of $50,000. in Favor of Chief of Detec- Soon Be Taken by the Politics Until Late at Berlin, June 22 —-(Via London )— The authorities today suspended In tives. Austro-Germans. Night. definitely the Berlin Tages ZeiUmg because it published recently an article ONLY THREE VOTES CAST bv Count Reventlow on Oernmn Amer NO ACTION TAKEN lean relations which declared interna AGAINST CONSOLIDATION RUSSIAN LINE BROKEN, GOV. SLATON'S MESSAGE tional law must be disregarded in sub- AGAINST BEAVERS mai Ine warfare ACCORDING TO VIENNA WILL BE READ TOD A The suspension is regarded here aa Indicating the go\ eminent^ Is weary 01 Business Boys and Girls t seeing its relations with America made Failed to Substantiate more strained bj journalistic utter- Be Housed Together a Believed That One of the ances of such as those of Count von Persons to Lead Senate Re* entlovi The article in question Charge That Lanford Russian Armies Will Find fallowed the well known lines of tha Big Saving to the City o Burwell and Sheppar writer who declared International laws Cursed Over Telephone Difficulty in Extricating ^ere made before submarines were in- Atlanta. Aft e r Speakership o tented and continued and Was "Dead Drunk." And one can as little employ those Itself — Hard Fighting House—Busy Session I rules in an objective common sense A contract was made by the boa way as, for instance one could bri-ng of education yesterday afternoon wit Although a majority of the police Continues in France. Forecast. the sticking to his office of an incom- Thomas J and Albert L. Day for th commissioners last night made state- petent statesman into healthful rela- erection of a four^-story building, o ments that they believed Chief of De- tion to the well being of the whole South Pryor street, between Trinit tectives Newport Lanford was guiltv of London Tune 22 —With the heavy people avenue and Mitchell street for th Krom R ti bun Gap to Tybee Light — The government s prompt action chirges recenllj preferred against him Austro-German guns trained on lum- joint use of the Girls' Commercial Hlg we 11 hear It again lief ore the session suspending The Tages Zeitung Is . but by Police Chief Beuvera that he had ber* the fall of the Galiclan capital school and the business branch of th over — they are here The Georgia leg one of many indications that respon- cursed Station Sergeant S A Roberts la looked for at any time Apparently Boys' High schoo] lalators have foregathered for the reg sible statesmen are eagerl> desirous In a telephone conversation Sunday, London and Petrograd view the pros- of finding; a common ground for The question of the co-education nlar annual session of the general is May 31. Ma\of James G \Voodward was pect with resignation sembly, which meets this morning an understanding with the United States the boys and girls in the high schoo the onlj member of the commission not More than 2 000 000 Austrian* and holds forth through fifty awelterin The Vord Deutsche Allgemeine Zei- was previously settled by the boar tung todaj publishes the following to vote to dismiss the charges against Germans have been operating along days to settle the destinies of the com adopting a resolution declaring that a In The Deutsche Tages Zeitung al- Lanford the fronts almost encircling iLenabergr monwealtli and guide the ship of state principle the board was in favor o In ones and twos the representative most daily for some time an impas- Lanford accordingly was exoner- TV 1th the Russian withdrawal behind sioned campaign h-*s been carried on co-education the Grodek lines evacuation of the city and senators began to arrive as earl ated, and the reason giv en by those •« last Saturday 'Sverv train sine In which, more or less frankly, the A resolution was adopted consollda commissioners believing that he was as a base was accomplished That hato brought more On Tuesday f am 11 la «>es of readers were to be opened to ing the Girls' Commercial High schoi complete evacuation without much re- certain dangers confronting the em- guilty was that "a preponderance of faces from south Georgia and the nil] and the Boys Business High school sistance is probable, Is indicated by of the north enlivened the stitehou&« pire because of the feeble stand of the the evidence was in Lanford s favor Then the formal motion to contrac Petrograd dispatches corridors and last night the old lin government in the matter of the differ- that Roberts had no one to testify that ences with the United States over sub- for the Day building was adopted (Latest advjces from Austrian head- of talk startled the lobbies of the Kim he (Lanford) had cursed him over tele- t>all house from a venr's slumber marine warfare The Ifce-w High School Bat Id In*. quarters describing the Russian re- phone, although he immediately re- Janitors wei^e bus> sweeping an On. one side it Is made to appear as rhe^ new school building will occup tirement assert that the two Russian dusting In the senate and house cham if official circles, for the sike ol peace the lot on which was the old home ported the incident to- hfs superior of- armies which for a long period fought , bers on Tuesday and all details are ar ith America, were considering Riv- Bishop Beckwith It will be foi ficers, and that Lanford s three wit- with an unbroken front, have be*n ^ranged for organizing this morning superiority in tbe submarine ing up stories high and will contain on th nesses (boarders in his home who ad- separated and cannot effect & junction COBVCKM at 1O A. M. Today. eapon ground floor the necessary admtnlstra mitted under a hot fire of cross-ques- The legislature will con\ ene at 1 On the other side one does not on the Galician side of the Russian o clock shrink from the foll> of the assertion tion offices for the board of education tions by Major Woodward that they PRESIDENT WILSON AND GRANDCHILD, ELLEN WILSON M'ADOO. frontier i that in creasing the number of our and on the other three floors twenty were 25 feet distant from the tele- The house will he called to order b enemies by the United States" would be President Wilson posed for a photograph with his granddaughter, Miss Russian battery commanders have Clerk John T Boifeullleti, who will pre matter of utter unimportance one class rooms In the rear of th phone when Lanford was talking to Ellen Wilson McAdoo, vho faced the lens for the first time. The, preslden been ordered to save their guns at all aide o>er the election of the speaker In Monday s issue The Deutsche main building there will be an audi Roberta from his residence) were un- held the baby while the camera man worked his machine. The accompanying costs The senate owing to the death o Tages Zeitung rises to scarcely con- disputed in their evidence" was the result. < diaries S Northen secretary will b cealed ridicule of the legal standpoint torlum 60x70 feet All the class room HARD FIGHTING »*mm,m !• Background. called to order by Assistant Secretar; set forth in the German notes to \mer- will ha\ e an outside frontage IN FRANCE. tca and to a personal attack on lead- The bulldtag will be fire-proof Chief Beavers waa In the background C. P Hansell who will preside unti ing statesmen The nten who bear the Infantry attacks north of Arras. the election of the president responsibility and whose duty It Is constructed of reinforced, concrete wit at last night's meeting, there not being For the speakershlp there are tw France ha\ e ended temporarily* *ut to weigh dangers and advantages a veneer of pressed brick, and will cos a single criticism of him made by any there has been a^n artillery action of candidates, and if the claim of vote against each other are not affected by i 4 0,000 of the commissioners It seemed to be promised to them should hold goo public criticism \ campaign of this great violence in the neighborhood of 'Lanford ni«*it " but the chief of po- TOWNS WRECKED Souchoz and Ecurie , teind against our statesmen is calcu- The clasa rooma will a&ou f ALABAMA GOVERNOR there is likely to he a warm contest lated to render difficult for the im- forty-five puplla each, making the tota lice Is promised rough sledding at next French artillerists have located and \ Representative W H Burwell. o perial government its task not only of number tp be accommodated about »45 Friday night's meeting, when the com- opened ftre with their hea^v batteries Hancock speaker of the last bouse serving the effectiveness of our on & German long range gun which, announced earlj his candidacv for th weapons, but also of preventing in- Under the contract the building is t mittee will take up the merits of the jurious reactions on the general po- had thrown twenty-nine large shells speakershlp of this bouse Representa s finished ty October, the contracto probe-report of the investigating com- BY EARTHQUAKE Into the town of Dunkirk in the naM etical situation We trust that this BOOSTS GOOD ROADS tlve J E Sheppard, of Sumter county propaganda will come to an end to forfeit $5 a day with the rental fo mittee, which declared that vice waa two daja who la backed by the prohibitionists each day thereafter, if the building; 1 scattered all over Atlanta.
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